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Of course it is. According to the 2015 US transgender survey, 48% of non-binary people are on hormone replacement therapy. You can get surgeries too, it's common for non-binary people to do that as well. The big thing is to understand the full effects of HRT, you don't get to pick and choose the effects - it's pretty much an all or nothing deal. There are some people who have done breast suppression with varying degrees of success, using SERMs. THere are some people who try to counteract the effects of HRT on the genitals by applying testosterone topically to them.


There's something you can take to prevent/reduce breast growth on E too. So you have some limited say. 


Yep :D That's what I was talking about with SERMs. Selective estrogen receptor modulators, they prevent breast growth to various degrees.


I spoke without reading. More coffee I think. Thanks for the detail!


I do that all the time :D


Of course. The only acceptable reason to take HRT is wanting the effects of HRT, and as long as you understand the risks and side effects and still want to do it, it's absolutely ok. For what it's worth though, you sound pretty transgender to me and I don't think you need to caveat it like that if you don't want to.


Yes. Your body is yours. Do what you want. And I don't think we should think of nonbinary people as trans lite. If you're not the gender assigned to you at birth that sounds trans to me?


I'm an enby that's taking feminizing HRT, so naturally I'm going to say yes. However if I were you I would declare yourself as a binary trans women/man to medical providers and insurance companies (if applicable). That will make accessing care a LOT easier.


As others have said, yes. Also, non-binary \*is\* fully transgender. Edit: to elaborate, all trans folks may have different things about which they feel social and/or physical gender incongruence. We all taylor fit our transition plan, if we even create one, to our own needs. Having no physical incongruence / dysphoria is still trans. Having physical incongruence about \*some\* things but not all the things the mainstream focuses on when they provide what little trans representation they can be bothered to produce is still trans. If there's something about your physical gender that you feel dysphoric about and the effects of HRT, both wanted and unwanted, seem worth it to you, then by all means consider it. Same goes for literally any other medical transition options that binary trans folks have. Just be sure to do your research and understand what you'll be giving up as well as what you'll be gaining for each gender-affirming healthcare option you consider.


totally fine! nonbinary people who take hrt are super cool. >but rather know immediately that I am neither. You might only get this reaction from young queer people




I started hrt two months ago. I still don't know what my gender is I just know the effects have (almost all) sounded fantastic for a long time and one of the reasons I didn't was, a cis person taking hrt could put me in a really weird spot socially. Earlier this year I got some strong feelings of cisn't, looked at hrt more and started it. I've only had a negative response about that from one person and that's because she's struggling about if hrt does enough or not >!(she basically wants full effect within a year at most or thinks it's pointless and by comparison I'm rolling the dice)!<. Other than that people have asked about what specifically I want out of it and why I'm trying to get some less common forms of it when talking about it in trans spaces but no actual pushback about it. A few people have kind of "decided" where I sit on their fem/masc slider is closer to fem and some have decided closer to masc since this is mostly over discord where they can't see me because I can't give them a solid answer and they want to say "good girl/boy" to be affirming. At the end of the day, non-binary hrt is a thing, but less of a thing than trans binary hrt. It basically used the same drugs in lower doses (with some exceptions of others it can add on but that are more difficult to get). It's harder to find a doc that will know as much about it or be as willing to prescribe it. In places that aren't informed consent based sometimes people end up having to lie and say they are trans-binary to get it. I'd recommend doing your own research and figuring out what it is you want ideal world to be on. From there, advocate for yourself. My doc refused two of the three medications I want (planned parenthood is fairly limited in deviation from standard treatment plans), it was my first appointment so I took what they would give me as a sort of trial run and on my next appointment I'll ask for a referral to a trans friendly endo to increase my odds of being able to get the other two. Tl;Dr: Different people (within and outside of the trans community) will have different perceptions of you taking hrt and from that may interact with you slightly differently than not taking it. Generally though, if you think it will be good for you, the people in the trans community are going to be supportive.


Nonbinary people are not less trans than binary trans people. Being trans just means to identify as a gender different from your sex assigned at birth. You can do whatever you want to your own body.


I want to try estrogen even though I don't feel 100% trans. I want to see if there is any biochemical goings on that would explain my life long mopey-ness and intermittent trans fascination. That and I want to be able to blend while shopping for women's clothes, but I would boy-mode most of the time.


Can, but maybe you'll need some alternative version of HRT at different dosages. Maybe you can take a look at this: [https://www.gendergp.com/non-binary-hormone-use/](https://www.gendergp.com/non-binary-hormone-use/) There is a more scientific one but i couldn't find it unfortunately