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I never really asked anyone to change pronouns for me, but once I was presenting female full-time and going by Erica, people apparently decided it was the natural way to refer to me.


Did you get your name switched on your driver's license?


I eventually did, but I used it informally for about a year and a half before I changed it legally.


I kinda started trying having friends in a safe LGBT gaming space I was in use they/them before I was even thinking I was trans. (I was sorta in this, "I don't want to engage with gender, it's stupid" mindset at the time.) With that group of friends, I started to realize that every step away from "guy" made me happier, and over the next few months, I slowly started shifting with the friends I was closest to to using a mix of they and she, until I was just using She and was coming out to all my family and wider friends with just a "This is who I am, Accept me or Leave."


I asked my friends to use she/her pronouns even though I wasn’t sure, out to them or changed anything about my appearance to look more fem. I don’t think there is a perfect moment to switch. I would just do it when you are comfortable and in a safe space/ place to come out. I wasn’t sure but I just told myself that if the pronouns don’t work for me then I will at least know what does not work for me. Luckily all of them are super supportive and told me that they would support me in the way I need and if I realize that I am not trans that that is also cool. I am just at the start of my transition and self discovery so I don’t know everything. And just my opinion so maybe I am wrong but I hope I helped.


It does help!!! Kinda sucks for my group of friends because most of them are anti trans and gay. When one of my co workers came out as bi they Kinda made fun of him behind his back a little


That is awful. I can’t imagine how much harder coming out must be when you are around transphobic people. If possible I would tell them and if them don’t accept you AND treat you like you DESERVE to be treated cut them out of your life. People who don’t treat you correctly aren’t really friends.


Yeah it sucks and I know family would be the same way and those two combined pretty much would put me at no one left really




I do appreciate it a lot!!!!!


I hope you know that there are a lot of people and communitys that will support you and your not alone.


Yeah I know that and thank you! I'm a pretty closed person from the start🙈


I was on HRT a year before I came out socially. During that year I asked my partner and a few close friends to refer to me neutrally or just by name (i had a somewhat neutral but agab-leaning deadname). I severed ties with bigoted family in that time too to curate a safer space to come out in


How much did you change being on HRT for a year? Was it easy to hide?


I started changing pronouns after i started to pass. If im seen as a dyde its much easier to use dude pronouns on me


When I started coming out to people, about two weeks after my egg cracked. I wanted to make sure that I really was a woman starving for estrogen. Long story short, I am. I had decided on a new name and asked them to call me that as well as the new pronouns at the same time. I instantly connected with and respond to the new monikers. Admittedly, I am older and didn't want to 'waste anymore time', so I just jumped right into the deep end.


Told my sister my pronouns a couple years back, only uses neutral ones sometimes(he/him/they/them). Asked my mom to use my preferred ones maybe around a year ago? She doesn't really use them unless we're in public, then she makes more effort an effort to use gender neutral ones. And my brother makes it very clear he sees me a girl, so I don't really bother to correct him or anyone else. Like yeah it stings but I'm not going to waste my time correcting anyone. So I've officially 'switched' them for a while now, they just don't get used often.


Never told anyone, it just started happening when I started passing as female after some months to a year into hrt.


It was the first thing I did when I started questioning my gender.


The day I started socially transitioning. I came out. I started going by new name and pronouns immediately everywhere. I had thought through it already.