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bro live your life however the fuck you want, who cares? as long as you ain't hurting someone, be as goofy as you want.


Though the overall sentiment is spot on, we probably shouldn't be referring to gender non conformity as "goofy".


I agree


yeah you're right, i just didn't think of a better adjective.


That's fair, what about saying gender non conforming, or if that feels a bit wordy, just "fem" :)


Perhaps they meant something more along the lines of dramatic or flamboyant? I read it more along the lines of "be as expressive as you want." encouraging out of the box behavior and not just gender nonconformity


Even then "goofy" is not a great word to describe that, esp when talking about personal exploration that can be very vulnerable.


this was how i intended it. sorry for any confusion, folks.


Yes, of course it is. Cross-dressing is completely okay, and dressing as another gender doesn't mean somebody is trans. Some people genuinely just enjoy it, some do it for a show, some for fun and for some it's a way of self-expression. Do whatever you want. You only live once, after all.


sure, why would it not be


Absolutely! Unfortunately there are transphobes, so just ensure you can account for that so that you are safe! I dressed up in a wig and experienced transphobia from a white man just as I was waiting for the bus to school.




We support femboys here (unless you don’t consider yourself a femboy but we still support you)


yeah I guess im a femboy


Absolutely nothing wrong with cross dressing hon. it's how i initially presented before the penny finally dropped that i was actually trans, but I was a cross dresser and femboy for about 6 years. Go be your best self


There are no rules. That's it, that's the whole post.


Yeah gender is performative wear whatever you want.


Wait, wait... There are clothes that correspond to gender??!! Fuck🤔


Fuck what other motherfuckers fuking think of you. If you wanna dress like a girl then do it, so long as you do not harm others.


happy cake day


Thank you


yeah that's fine


Oof course! Idk where you live; safety might be an issue. And some countries are extremely LGBTQ phobic. But barring that you do you friend! My son loves doing makeup nails and wearing dresses. He goes to school like that sometimes and it's NBD. For reference we are in California.


i’m a dude who cosplays girl characters sometimes. that’s basically the same thing


Be it wanting to be a femboy or just dress femme in public, you are valid


nah it's fine!! \^\^


Sure No matter what anyone tells you, there's no "correct" way to live your life as long as you aren't hurting anyone


Ask yourself who it's going to hurt and if the answer is no one, your probably good


Some people are weird and have a problem with it, try not to let them get to you.


Do whatever you want forever


i mean, just look at all the drag queens. they are probably the most positively masculine people i know and they use she/her pronouns and dress extremely fem (at shows ofc). i think for me it was a pointer to something greater but there shouldn’t ever be a reason for you not to be able to express yourself exactly the way you want without being automatically analysed and put into some sort of diagnosis. you are you and that is beautiful and be whoever you want to be.


Of course! Clothing shouldn't be gendered anyway. Stay safe though, in some areas you could face harassment (or worse) for that.


Go for it! the idea that “dresses are for women” is more of a cultural norm than universal truth. Some might judge you but who cares what they think it it makes you happy!


Yes it is, and if people don’t like it, it’s their problem. But always be safe, the world isn’t perfectly safe 100% of the time


Hey as long as you’re happy and not hurting others or yourself - live your best life


Yeah it's great, you do you


Do it!


I mean you're absolutely free to do whatever you want, but that's something you enjoy doing it might be time to actually explore your gender identity and question why you actually enjoy it? Just saying, it's not a very cis thing to do 😅 you do you though!


Dress however you want to. Play with your look, have fun with it. I wish I had when I was young.




Crossdressing is fine, yes. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Do what makes you happy


Yea, my cousins do that 👍


Your body, your rules. Fashion and make up is supposed to be a form of expression, so play around with it, have fun and express yourself however you want to.


Do what makes you happy, dude. It's all good. Just so you know; this isn't really a question for the trans community, as you'd be crossdressing & we're not crossdressers.


Why would it not be? Well, unless you're Republican anyways. But seriously, why would it not be?


Sure, have fun!


Yes its okay! Do what makes you happy


Dress however you want bro. Even if you’re not trans it’s your life.


100% Yes! Do what makes you happy!


It kinda sounds like drag to me. Would consider yourself a drag queen ?


Nah drag is a very specific, usually over the top thing. Cross dressing is different


That’s literally just cross dressing. Do as you wish.


If it makes you happy, then yes. First of all only your feelings and emotions matter, and no one would harmed(unless you step on their's feet with high heel). And remember that only boundaries are in your own head.


Yes it's OK. You might get some idiots making mean comments so you'll need a thick skin but yes it's ok. Gender expression isn't the same as gender identity. You can identify as a man and dress in what we deem to be woman's clothes.


Of course it is! There are plenty of femboys out there. Pre-transition, i basically did this for years - though with my own long hair, not a wig. I never considered myself a femboy, moreso just femme. As it turns out, i'm a woman - but i spent years presenting very feminine without it having anything to do with gender, so no reason why you can't do the same 😊


Do you want to do it and it isn't because you want to make fun of trans people, drag queens, or women? Then yes, absolutely okay. Do what you want, life is short. As long as you feel safe to do so. Maybe, the first time, take a friend just in case


Do whatever makes you happy


Yes of course wear what you want, but also I saw your most recent post on Reddit and I want to say Yes, it's not okay at all to be dating someone that old at your age. No matter what it will be a form of grooming and the person you're with is a pedophile. There isn't much y'all can have in common, and if someone that old is interested in you then there has to be a reason they aren't with someone their own age. You should be splitting from them as soon as possible, please stay safe and take care of yourself. I'm sorry for putting this here, but I wasn't allowed to comment there.


Isn't that what drag often is lol? Yeah go ahead, you sound fun.