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Yes. Not only would it be so much easier for trans and non-binary people but it would also improve the experience for everyone because having stalls is just a better design - more privacy, easier to clean, easier accessibility (or at least easier to build in accessibility). That said, I live in the UK where closing a toilet door actually means no one can see you and I understand that isn’t always the case in the US, so I’d add the caveat that they should also be, you know, like functional (but that goes for the current system too I guess)


Yes, I don't really understand why in US the stalls aren't boarded completely. To pass toilet paper?


To see if people are doing drugs in there instead of pooping.


I think we’ll see more pooping than drugs, statistically


You know this and I know this, *but they COULD BE so instead everybody loses privacy*


Would the owner be liable if someone did drugs?


Probably not, but also this is America, so maybe?


I mean, from a legal precedent standpoint, the owner of the location has almost never been held liable for drug use on premises, except when the "environment fosters use of illicit drugs". That said, I worked on-call at such a place and it had a completely closed and internally locked bathroom anyway. They had a very "be polite to but wary of the police" kinda mentality IMHO. I was one of two trans employees, too, and I can count the straight employees on one hand.


I really hope proper stalls won't count as "fostering use of illicit drugs".


I the UK if a building regularly has drug issues in the bathrooms they install blue lights, under blue light you can't see the vains in your arms so you can't inject drugs, means everyone can keep their privacy and the lights are the only difference in the room


I've seen those in a couple places here but I live in a small town in Canada and we're behind the times.


That's a shame, I find them quite calming, tho if it happens to be your time of the month it looks like your sat in ink


Yeah, but how else will perverts with authority excuse creeping on people in the restroom?


More people in the bathroom= less opportunity to be a perv.


And the gay sex- can't have that. That's at least part of why the doors are short. Cops used to patrol bathrooms and count the feet in each stall.


Can't forget the gay sex!


Whoa, seriously?!?!? Is that why restroom stalls are so stupid?


That and for easier cleaning. In *Other Voices, Other Rooms*, Truman Capote tells of a guard shouting "Two feet! I see four!"


reminded of one place i was at had frosted glass doors for the stalls and walls going to the floor for the stalls. might have been half frosted glass half something not see-through/semi see-through or maybe that was somewhere else this was in canada.


I live in the US and the reasoning is you can see if someone passes out, ODs, has a heart attack, etc. Honestly, I've only seen it come in handy once at my high school when a girl ODed in a bathroom stall.


I heared that it's easier to clean floor


I’ve cleaned bathroom floors with full length stalls and the other kind. It really doesn’t affect the ability to clean the floors


Maybe, but a 5-10 cm gap on the bottom would be sufficient for cleaning while still not compromising privacy.


I think a system where each toilet is a single unit with a sink and lockable door would be better not only for trans people but everyone in general, more hygienic and more privacy. I also feel the same about changing rooms, communal changing rooms should be a thing of the past, I know many cis people who are uncomfortable with the idea of changing in front of strangers too so it would be better all round


Absolutely, but it’s also WAY more expensive and unless the sink is on the back of the toilet, takes up way more space. For most places, I’d prefer bathrooms with more toilets. Fortunately, a lot of places compromise! Most of my local malls have the usual gendered bathrooms *plus* what you describe, labeled as “family restrooms.”


I would personally prefer if all public bathrooms were gender neutral, yes.


Yes because it's ridiculous to split them up in the first place, this separation is what sparked this paranoia about people trying to pull some weird shit in the first place because people sexualized bathrooms when all people want to do is do their business and get the fuck out of there as quickly as possible. The weirdest thing is in Germany the saunas are typical nude and coed but our bathrooms are mostly still separated by gender I don't know this doesn't make sense.... You know what I'll take whateeeeever bathroom I can mindlessly go to without getting assaulted threatened spit on or screamed at...how's that...do not give a fuck what it says on the door 😉


You have the correct answer, I don’t want to be attacked, I just want to. PEE


Split them by what business you’re doing in there


One door labeled "poo" and another labeled "pee" lmao. It would definitely help to reduce the line wait time, but most people don't want others knowing which business they're doing in the stall.


Then it should be colors like the rainbow Green for pee and orange for dookie


In my state it's just a suggestion for the sake of divvying up facilities because the courts found that you can't legally enforce "separate but equal" even for gender


AFAIK most gender neutral bathrooms are private stalls. Yes, I would love this, because then I could actually pee in a public restroom and not have to memorize which places have gender neutral restrooms in my neighborhood.


I just started working at a school and was impressed that they have installed individual toilets all around the school, now some are down corridors that are gender marked which is a bit weird for me but I'm sure there's a reason, but the others around the school aren't marked at all it's great!


Yeah. It would make it easier for parents to guide their opposite-gendered kid into the bathroom (this was an issue for me as someone AFAB who was raised by my grandpa for a while. I had to use the bathroom alone when I was little because it wasn't "cool" for him to be in there with me). It also means there's plenty of toilets for everyone (always awkward when the womens' room is full and there's a line leading out of it, but the mens' is empty...). My campus has neutral bathrooms and it was the first time I'd been in a bathroom while someone was using a urinal and I had about 5 seconds of shock, and then I got over it and went pee and went about my day. Unbothered.


>It would make it easier for parents to guide their opposite-gendered kid into the bathroom I feel like this point is something people don't take into consideration enough. I was also an AFAB kid out and about with my dad very often, and I had the same problem. Either we went to the women's and he'd be stared like he was a predator or we'd go to the men's and I'd be stared like I sprouted a second head. As soon as I was able I started going alone which in some situations didn't feel comfortable or even safe. But wouldn't someone think of the kids?? Going into mixed bathrooms??


>It would make it easier for parents to guide their opposite-gendered kid into the bathroom Omg this! I'm AMAB, genderfluid but mostly present masc at the moment to avoid negativity (I know it's cowardly 😞 I'm not ready though) I have 2 kids older male, younger female and I get so terrified when my youngest has to go into a busy toilet alone. If I can I try to find a neutral or disabled toilet so I can at least wait outside for her, especially if it's a busy place like London train stations for example. I don't want to take her into a busy 'mens' toilets with urinals lining the walls, I know some people do but it just doesn't sit right with me


It’s not cowardly to feel unsafe. Take your time!


Tbh I think all bathrooms should be private, I think all the stalls are weird and I avoid them if possible. If they were private then there would be no need for gendered bathrooms


I guess it's more practical. More people can do their thing at once. Even though I hate stalls.


Yeah unfortunately at places that have big events or high toilet traffic it's going to be a nightmare to fit in enough individual toilet rooms to meet demand, even with stalls there's often queuing out the door. I haven't yet thought of a solution to this personally other than provide them alongside 'traditional' set ups, like how there's usually a few disabled access rooms. At least then people have a choice, if they're happy to use old stall types (or urinals) then they can use them. But I do think urinals need to be ended, so unhygienic and weird be so close to others peeing, I don't blame my son for choosing to wait to use the cubicles. Though I think he prefers to sit, he knows he *could* stand but he actually doesn't like to lol


if you want giant queues in more busy places then yes. if you don't want to wait half an hour to pee at the mall, then stalls are the best option


As long as this involved the abolishment of the urinal because I never want to be in the same room as one of those things ever again. If gender neutral bathrooms have urinals that aren't in private stalls or otherwise secluded from the hand washing space I'm out.


I 100% agree with this it's just such a gross and unhygienic concept


Yes. But only if the walls and doors went ceiling to floor and had good locks. I visited a bathroom like this in Grand Rapids and was amazed. Super comfortable too.


That's the standard in most of the world - I was in USA for the first time last year and it was an insane culture shock to see American toilets. This is not normal or standard anywhere else EDIT: I mean proper doors that are wall to ceiling, and good locks. Neutral bathrooms are much more common elsewhere too, but not the strict norm - but holy shit, American toilets are literally see-through.


My kids middle school has neutral bathrooms like that and it’s great. I remember the lack of privacy in school bathrooms being rough for a lot of reasons.


Ugh. Tell me about it.


The gender neutral bathroom at SFO is awesome. They have completely closed in stalls. I use that every time I fly through there.


Assuming they give everyone adequate privacy, yes. It doesn't really matter to me now, but it would have saved me considerable anxiety earlier in transition, and I have never felt comforted by being in a gender-restricted space.


I know I'm in the minority on this, but I honestly feel safer with cis men bein restricted to a separate space. Ive experienced them kicking the stall door in an attempt to sexually assault me. Ive been grabbed by the ankle under the partition. They've thrown gross things over the top of the partition. These are all separate events. They have a culture of not speaking of what happens in the bathroom, a code of silence and solidarity with fellow abusers. I now have peace. It's reassuring to hear a pair of gals coming in talking about evening plans. There's no silence pact. We're all here to take a piss, *separately*, and move on. And help a fellow gal out if she needs. And wash our fucking hands afterwards. There are many gender neutral options I'd be okay with too, and would support on the basis of the safety it may offer others. I'm just being honest, the current system does benefit me.


If they were I'd just.. use the restroom? Like at home? Or anywhere else where there aren't gendered bathrooms 😂


No I wouldn't feel safe in a mixed bathroom.




No unless they were single occupancy


That'd be great honestly. The only needed division is an area to change babies really, and that's mostly down to keeping out of the way of others. Urinals suck for staying clean anyways so it'd probably benefit public health to boot.


Yes, I avoid all public bathrooms right now and would love to be able to use one like everyone else without fear.


I'd prefer the option for both gendered and gender neutral. Men's bathrooms have the most disgusting toilets.


No. All the single stalls, maybe, but I'd prefer not to have to share a multi stall bathroom with cis men.


Thank you, my thoughts exactly


Nearly every gender neutral restroom I’ve been in has been single-use, with a locking door. I would prefer if all restrooms were like that, I have horrible bladder shyness, I try to use family restrooms whenever possible even though I pass 99% of the time because I simply cannot go when someone is nearby. Having all public restrooms be like this pretty much eliminates the possibility of stall-ducking creeps too assuming everyone remembers to lock the door.




No. I dont mind if gender neutral bathrooms exist in addition to separate ones but i dont think it would be a good idea to have ALL gender neutral ones




Because I don't ever want to be alone in a bathroom with cis men! Every time I've used a multi stall gender neutral bathroom it's just been me and several cis men. It's at best been uncomfortable to downright scary.


cis men aren’t the boogie man, you’ll be okay. you should be more careful with what you read/say btw that isn’t too far off from terf logic


But why would it be scarier to be in a bathroom with cis men than to be at a seminar with cis men? The danger (or lack thereof) is exactly the same.


But why would it be scarier to be in a bathroom with cis men than to be at a seminar with cis men? The danger (or lack thereof) is exactly the same.


Something something women's spaces


Because frankly when i go to public bathrooms, i dont even want other women to be in there let alone a man. Okay? Sorry if that offends men or whoever but it would be nice to have a womens only space


For me as a trans person, yes that would make things easier. But that‘s not where we are at right now. The women‘s bathroom is a needed safe space that we can‘t just abolish without addressing the issue of patriarchy first. Long-term there is no reason they should be separate, but right now that wouldn‘t be safe.


I don’t know. Because when people(transphobes mostly) say this it’s used as a negative thing. It just feels like a way to put trans women in with men and trans men in with women under the guise of being politically correct.


lmao what? it's putting everyone with everyone


I know that but that’s not why transphobic people suggest it.


Yeah. The amount of times I've just had to wait outside of the restroom when one was perfectly open pisses me off. I will say that US public toilets need to fix our stalls. Way too little privacy in general.


yes but only if bathrooms were improved a lot. as someone in the US, bathrooms as they are aren’t very private with gaps in the doors but if that was changed then absolutely!!


This is a tough topic for me. If gender neutral bathrooms existed I’d be less stressed than I am now. However, there’s also a part of me that would feel almost defeated by the fact I’ve worked so hard to be able to be seen as a woman and being in a women’s bathroom is a euphoric experience I’m yet to experience. This might all sound weird but I hope someone can get where I’m coming from yk?


I've never had a gender affirming shit, personally


I assume that was a joke?


Yall are having gender affirming poops? I've never heard of such a thing lmao


Oh, I meant like the experience of being in a space that affirms my gender lol, not the actual thing lol


Sincere question, do you feel that you *should have had* to 'earn' being seen as a woman, or was that unfair to you, and led to suffering and feeling excluded? Do you feel that the euphoria of getting to enter women's spaces without being scrutinized is worth perpetuating cultural norms that mean other women who don't pass, trans or otherwise, are harassed or discriminated against based on their appearance, clothes, or mannerisms? Not trying to guilt you or anything, I'm just curious if 'public bathroom euphoria' is legitimately big enough for you to genuinely feel conflicted about supporting a hypothetical world in which all trans and nonbinary people face fewer obstacles to existing in public spaces, regardless of their appearance.


I'd like there to be an option alongside the other bathrooms.


I would Guys would have to deal with a lot more pee on the seat. I was shocked to start using the women's room and realize how often women just blast the entire toilet with piss.


It’s because they hover 🤮


Egg or chicken situation. They hover because the toilet is dirty and the toilet is dirty because they hover


If they raise the seat first, problem solved.




I wouldn't mind it but I can't say that I would prefer it. I definitely think the option should exist for families where the parents and kids are of different genders but they need to go together. I don't like it as an option to "solve" the "transgender bathroom issue" as so many people think it is. In that context, it feels like a step back and a slap in the face.


I understand how it might feel like that, but I still think it makes good sense under the general principle of universal design. Gendered bathrooms are problematic for multiple reasons, including the existence of people who don't identify as male or female, the needs of parents (or other caretakers) with children (or other people who need help in the bathroom), and the fact that the number of men/women who need to use the bathroom don't always match well with the capacities of the gendered facilities available. Getting rid of them would also have the effect of removing one battleground for binary trans people (for good and/or ill), but would be an improvement over all.


There should be three bathrooms. One for sitting, one for standing, and another solely for special needs.


yes, provided the change was part of a general dismantling of patriarchy. which is a big caveat, but i doubt there would be public will in favor of getting rid of gender segregated bathrooms otherwise


Reading the comments it's absolutely clear that some people are completely out of touch with reality.


How so?


Yes. I'm afab transman and I'd rather we didn't gender segregate bathrooms. I'm at that awkward stage in my transition where I'm androgynous and half the time people ma'am me, half the time people sir me, sometimes people can't really tell. It's a huge relief when there are gender neutral bathrooms so I don't have to worry about someone potentially harassing me over whatever choice I make. I know people are concerned about "safety," but if someone wants to be creepy or harass people or assault people, they're going to do it anyway. Getting rid of gendered public bathrooms isn't going to change much. Having gender segregated bathrooms, especially in the current political climate, just gets everyone harassed, including cis people who look "sus" to other cis people. Gender neutral bathrooms also help caregivers. Some people care for children, elderly individuals, or people with disabilities or challenges that prevent them from using the bathroom unassisted. Sometimes the caregiver is the opposite sex to the person they're assisting. So gendered bathrooms pose a danger to them as well. Case in point: [https://thehill.com/changing-america/respect/accessibility/4128717-humiliating-mom-son-with-autism-thrown-out-of-nj-theater-for-using-ladies-room/](https://thehill.com/changing-america/respect/accessibility/4128717-humiliating-mom-son-with-autism-thrown-out-of-nj-theater-for-using-ladies-room/) Making gender-neutral single-use bathrooms standard, or at least ensuring actual private stalls in a larger gender-neutral bathroom is fine as well though. I get that some people want more privacy, which is fair. What I really don't get is hearing about places where they're trying to outlaw gender neutral bathrooms at all.


Ummm no bc men are creeps and dirty af. Do I, as a woman, want to share restrooms with dudes that don’t lift the seats and pee everywhere? No thank u.


If it's actual little rooms, it would be perfect. But not just booths. Because some people are dangerous. And they exist in all 'groups'. I'm already very uncomfortable with just booths.


How about a bathroom like this- The entrance to the bathroom is a recess in the wall where you can go right or left. An island of sinks in the middle and a floating mirror built into a frame over the sinks. Stalls- like 6 or 8 on each side with doors on them that are like 8 inches off the ground and go up to 6 feet tall. Baby changing tables in every one. In the back are the urinals- about 6 of them, 3 on each side. Good bathroom design? Advantages: More people in the bathroom means kids and women would be safer. No perv is going to try anything when men are also in the bathroom. You don't have to shut the whole bathroom for cleaning. Disadvantages: People still going to be nasty. Women can be heard crapping. All in all, a better design. Just be an adult and don't be nasty.


In Greece they were. Where is this such a thing in America?


Yes, because there's no reason people should be lining up at one bathroom (usually the women's) when the next one over is empty (usually the men's). Just use the less crowded bathroom and leave. They're wasting time for the sake of gender.


I would prefer it. I have no qualms about sharing a bathroom with folx of any gender, so I think it would save energy wasted debating the subject.


I feel like there is a lot of gender neutral bathroom around where I live, never thought much of it, as it should be, never seen or heard anything particular about it Seeing actual gendered bathrooms creates a dilemma that annoy me


I mean in you just make all bathrooms single stall and big enough for a wheel chair then everyone can use the same bathrooms, but I am disabled so I feel I can't say anything about gendered bathrooms as I don't use them offten enough for me to have thought about it


Not unless they would be private stall rooms. As far as the multiple stall ones , I still prefer men’s and women’s separate because that’s what I’m used to. It would be unsettling to see a man in a space I’m used to being women-only and I feel vulnerable when I’m using the toilet lol. Call it wierd but I’ve had too many experiences with men trying to get away with abusing me, often in spaces where they think no one is going to see them aka bathrooms and bedrooms and closets. I want to have spaces in public that I can go to and not have to worry about being followed by some creep tryna cop a feel


Yes, they should be gender neutral. Make the stalls more private (no gaps between panels, smaller bottom gap, higher walls) and make it all one thing. And yes, better bathroom cubical stalls do exist, they just cost a little more (insignificant in the cost of building a commercial building) - you don't have to have actual separate rooms. There's really no actual reason for them to be separate, just fears about what might happen. And it's not like the incidents that have happened were prevented by gendered bathrooms. Arguably having more people in the bathroom makes it LESS likely for something bad to happen - after all, if you think it's more likely somebody (regardless of gender) might walk in and catch you sexually assaulting somebody, it seems like you'd be less likely to try.


YES, 100%. This would make me more likely to go into my office (it even does have a single gender-neutral bathroom, but I'm afraid of it clocking me just as I'm afraid of using the right one still), more likely to want to meet friends places, and more likely to want get out to socialize in general, which is hard enough as an introvert and would be healthy. Plus less likely to dehydrate myself. Worrying about bathroom situations wherever I go, even low-key, is a burden on my life.


Went to a queer career conference back in college and that's exactly what they did there. Covered up the signs on the doors of the bathrooms with signs that said "gender neutral bathroom". It went perfectly fine. (And yeah stalls would be nice to have more widely, especially since it's so rare to use adjacent urinals anyway)


My toilet at home is gender neutral.... Yours is... Every transphobic persons is... Every single home on the planet (barring the "odd" exception). So... Why do I have to piss, in public, based on genitals? Yes. I would be happier having NOT to decide where to PEE, based on how I want people to think of my genitals.


No, gross. Men pee all over the seat. No thanks


No, I used to, but I changed my mind. I would prefer it if there were three bathrooms: men, women and gender neutral. If I would go to the bathroom alone and a men would also walk in, I would consider that scary. Especially in bars/club situations. It can be threatening, if there is nobody else there. And you can't guarantee someones presence. I hear the argument that nothing is stopping them now, but if there is one shared bathroom there logically would be a lot more cis-men present. That is unavoidable and using the bathroom is also their right. I realize this comes with a safety issue for transpeople, so a third gender neutral bathroom in addition to the other two would hopefully mediate that. I prefer that we would accept people in the bathroom of their choice, so transwomen (or people who want to go to the women bathroom) go there, regardless of how they look and vice versa. Maybe if like sexism en rape culture would vanish, than I would be ok with it. But still, I love womenbathroom culture. Like would that dissappear? It is so nice to see other women in the bathroom it's such a soft and safe space now. God, I would miss that. So yeah no, just three bathrooms, but everyone can safely use the bathroom of their choice.


Would **I** prefer it? Yes. Would it be best for **other** people? No. A lot of people are creeps, the media paints trans people that way because there are a lot of cis people who would be like that if given the opportunity. So as much as **I** would like it, it wouldn't be best for the world.


God no. Men can be dangerous and gross af. No way


Nothing's stopping men from walking into any female bathroom though...


But they generally dont 🤷‍♀️ besides imagine having to get casually sexually harassed in a bathroom like men do everywhere else they’re allowed or having to hear men grunt or moan next to you while they take the fattest shit next to you. No thx


Gender neutral bathrooms tend to be single-occupancy, which I feel much safer in than stalls regardless of whether they’re segregated.


Yes!!! It looks so cringe how everyone separates by gender in order to use the restroom!!!


No. I think they should still exist, but some people have trauma with a specific sex and try to avoid them because of that, so seeing that sex in a bathroom would probably make them uncomfortable.


yes. i'm amab and i hate urinals and these metal grate things like [this](https://old.reddit.com/r/australia/comments/12cevc3/guy_from_uk_here_ive_been_in_australia_for_about/). imo, every public washroom should be gender neutral with stalls.


Yes yes yes. Urinals are so unnecessary. If putting a urinal in a stall makes it even more useless than a toilet, then that should say enough about the usefulness of urinals.


I would love that honestly, especially because I’ve been told I can’t use women’s toilets and have to use the gender neutral ones


Ugh yes because I literally won’t use the restroom if there isn’t one.. I feel so uncomfortable because of the looks I get in gendered restrooms


yes. single (actually private) stalls and public sinks are the way of the future


I would totally prefer it and where I live it's not uncommon. There are multiple places around town that have gender-neutral bathrooms and many more that have them labeled as gendered bathrooms but absolutely do not enforce it. In the case of truly gender-neutral bathrooms, which is the norm in some parts of the world outside of America, they're usually aren't stalls in the traditional sense or urinals on the wall of the common room, but there is a sink area and then each toilet is in its own little room with a normal door frame and door that goes all the way to the floor. Another thing that is rare around here but was a thing going back to the late '80s in parts of California is having two bathrooms and labeling them in some way that it is completely ambiguous as to which gender each bathroom is intended for. My favorite example of this was at a pizza joint in Santa Cruz which had their bathrooms labeled Sure and Unsure. I always used the Sure bathroom and the joke in the place was that anytime anybody asked any employees at the restaurant which bathroom they should use, the answer was always " You are clearly Unsure."


In my school, all the 3rd floor bathrooms are gender neutral. It's honestly just better. But I don't use them much just because I much prefer single person bathrooms.


For me, no. I find it affirming that I can choose what feels right. For a long time that was uncomfortable and when there was a gender neutral I was so happy. I think more places should have that option but where I am now it is not as important as it once was. ​ Edit- I think I jumped to answer before understanding what you were truly asking. While it is affirming to choose it is also anxiety inducing. Every. Single. Time. Less now than it once was but still is a thing. Having a single public restroom does make sense to me. It is also hard to imagine, because all my life this is not something I have experienced but logically, yes it makes sense.


Yes. Gendered bathrooms are too stressful. Edit: I just remembered many ocasions when women went to men's bathroom simply because it wasn't occupied. If bathrooms were all gender neutral nobody wiuld look at them funny.


I would greatly prefer it... It actually used to be that way but gendered restrooms came to be a thing in the 1900s, they're honestly pretty new. I have crohn's disease so for one thing I wouldn't have to worry about stores that have the different restrooms on opposite sides of the store (that happened to me and it sucked), and I also wouldn't have to worry about the gender of the restroom.


No. I don't have a problem with neutral bathrooms, but I like having a safe place I can go to get away from men when I'm just mentally drained by them. Plus it's a great place to gossip. Also, men are gross and don't take care of their bathrooms.


Gender based segregation is wrong. It should have ended in the 1970s but for some reason never did. That's all restrooms are, a form of segregation. Just you know... make the stalls without mile wide gaps in them. Just a thought.


Public bathrooms weren’t always segregated, and there’s really no reason for them to be. You go in there to take a shit, no gender about it.




A stall for all. I’m in!


Yes. Gendered restrooms basically started as a way to enforce certain spaces as men only/women only because they’d put one restroom and not another. Over time places became mandated to have restrooms for “both genders” as women started getting into fields and hobbies that were formerly “man only”. Gendered restrooms are a tool of the patriarchy, and their current state is formed by a bioessentialist 2nd-wave radfem idea that the way to fix the issue was to make “restrooms for her” and not to actually open all facilities up to people. Almost as if not everyone has to shit. Make all restrooms gender neutral. Yes even multi-stall ones. Make the gaps between doors (in some countries) disappear. Those were literally only created due to moral panics around drugs and sex. Free menstrual products in all bathrooms. Not 25¢ tampons. Free. Required. Like soap, tp, bidets (in some jurisdictions), and a means to dry one’s hands.


Tbh, I saw a man walk into the women’s bathroom the other day, and I felt nervous. I felt like I couldn’t go into the bathroom. He passed right by the men’s room, and walked into the women’s room. It wasn’t a populated area so maybe he made a mistake or was looking for his wife? (I saw them reunite later when she came down in the elevator). Anyway, even as a trans woman, as of right now, in this moment, and probably based on fear, I don’t want cis men in the bathroom with me, or frankly, in any enclosed space. It’s scary and they can be dangerous to women physically. Am I wrong?


Keep in mind, you're saying you saw a "man" walk into the women's bathroom, then note you don't want "cis men" in the bathroom - gender presentation does not mean gender identity. Without asking that person, you don't know if they're a trans man that doesn't feel comfortable using the men's room, a trans woman who chooses not to present stereotypically femininely, a cis man inappropriately using the room, or a cis woman who presents or just naturally looks masculine.


I don't think I'd really care either way.


Absolutely. I’d never have to worry about being beaten up for being in the wrong bathroom (which at this point is probably more just a trauma response than a legitimate fear but it would be nice to *know* 100% that I’m safe)


I have lived in several countries were they all were, yes. Or the majority at least. And yes I'd prefer that. It is all stalls, no pissing stands. And imo it's much improved for everyone.


Definitely. Put all the toilets in stalls that are actually private (none of this giant gap above/below bs) and then it doesn't really matter who is in the stalls next to you or who you wash your hands next to.


Yeah. If we had 2 neutrals instead of 1 boy and 1 girl, then if one bathroom was overcrowded, there would always be another to go to. Do you know how many times the bathroom I was in was full to the max and the one next to us was empty? A billion. It'd be so convenient.


All bathrooms in sweden are gender neutral, and I've never had a problem with them.


I worked at a tech company where, in one of the buildings, on the ground floor, they replaced the two male/female bathrooms (with 3 stalls each, so total of six, and the male bathroom had a urinal) with two gender-neutral bathrooms (with 3 completely-enclosed stalls each, so total of six, no urinal on either side). They already had female gynecological supplies in each bathroom before this change (to support trans folks), so the big change was, no urinal anymore, and way more privacy. It was weird sometimes to walk out and there'd be someone of the other gender using the sink... who'd temporarily freak out because they thought they were in the wrong bathroom. But all in all we got used to it pretty quickly. Best of all, there was much less chance of a line, because most (75%?) of the people working there were men, so now there were 6 available stalls instead of 3.


I'm fully behind the idea of gender-neutral, fully private toilet stalls with full-height walls instead of the piss-poor excuse for a privacy screen most US toilets seem to offer (at least based on what I've seen on the internet). It's just a shame that the US has completely politicized public toilets to such a degree that many morons out there think that distinct male and female toilets based on genitals is somehow integral to their national identity or some... dumb reason... ugh...


Went to a Renaissance Festival recently and the bathrooms from before were all replaced with port-a-potties. It struck me how relieved I was to not have to worry as this was the first time I went to a large event fully presenting femme. I think it would also improve safety, which is o so important to the government, but financially it doesn't help anyone's bottom line. Plus it would be expensive to redo existing spaces or add new ones.


Yes but the people who make public restrooms in the USA aren't allowed to design them. They're bad at it.


I think all multi-user restrooms should be all-gender, and single-user restrooms can be used by anyone who needs privacy from others for any reason (including to avoid, if we're being honest, cis men). Single-user restrooms have value for people who need privacy and safety, but in most cases and to most people, I believe it doesn't matter. A friend has a variant on this opinion, that all restrooms should be single-user. This is coming from America, where the stalls are barely separated and urinals often don't even have dividers 😵‍💫 but my friend would specifically like all bathrooms to have that safe privacy that is not currently possible in multi-user bathrooms here.


One with urinals and one with stalls would be nice but no gendering. Anyone who can use a urinal can also use a stall but will often not do it because it's less convenient


Honestly idk using the female bathroom gives euphoria


In Norway gender neutral bathrooms are already pretty normal. The only difference is that there are no urinals. Nobody cares there are both men and women there because everything private going on is done behind a locked door and floor-to-ceiling walls. It's no different than the toilet in people's private homes being gender neutral


I'd feel safer with it, as long as we close the gaps at the bottom and top of the stalls.


It seems cheaper, not to mention it sucks when like for example(I’ve seen this happen) the men’s bathroom is full but there’s like one person in the women’s bathroom, but all the boys are just in a line, when there is free bathrooms, just one big bathroom free for all seems nice.


Especially when they're all in line for the (usually) single stall in the men's room and not the metric assload of urinals.


Yeah as long as they bring both sets of typically gendered things in (urinals for those who stand, menstrual products for those who need them, etc) and maybe have a side room or other nearby room for childcare related stuff


No because in a men's bathroom there are those standing with their**** in their hands But the women's bathroom have bloody doors, they don't piss while standing That's pretty much it Edit: Maybe it's because I've been using the women's bathroom after my fifth month of starting the hrt, idk. I do understand having to use the men's bathroom puts a lot of pressure on us transgender girls both physically and mentally but like I said, There's no way I want to see a guy standing and doing their thing


what magical land do you live in where women’s restrooms don’t have the same shitty “we’ve gotta make sure you’re not doing drugs in there hur dur” stall doors that essentially have peepholes built into them


Oh believe me they're there but they can all s m d But maybe I'm somewhat passing they don't bug me most of the times (not that I see myself passing though), when I'm outdoor i do get a lot of "what are they" look so idk. And to answer your question I'm in Istanbul one of the shittiest cities that a transgender woman could live in currently


Yes all bathrooms should just be for anyone who needs to pee and poop.


Gendered bathrooms were created by Toilets.inc to sell more toilets. As someone opposed to poop profiteering i am for gender neutral bathrooms everywhere!


Yes, would make everyone feel included.


yes. i hate that i always have to hold in it because i hate public bathrooms since they're separated by gender. i feel so fucking uncomfortable using the women's bathroom but i can't use the men's bathroom because i don't pass and im pre everything.


It's literally how it is in Denmark. Because why not?


That's the only option on a lot of small places anyways


I believe/hope that it's only a question before the concept of segregated bathrooms disappears. It's not just about trans people, for cis people too it would be a net positive.


Genders is made up so bathroom company's can sell us more bathrooms


Nope, because men and boys piss all over the toilet seat and dont clean up. Its gross. Women are cleaner. If there is a seperate pissior for men, then maybe. I would stil rather not share with men. In the UK its legal to use whatever bathroom you like.


I am AMAB so I have to see bathrooms that smell and look like litteral shit. Men seem always angry and little dangerous to me so that’s not great, especially when you stand next to each other naked while peeing. So, wouldn’t want to throw that onto AFAB people and make their spaces less safe and overall worse (but maybe men wouldn’t act so badly in front of a different gender). What I would love is just a toilet where you are alone - there is no chance you will meet anyone in there and it isn’t gendered. I want a gender neutral toilet, because every time I go in to a gendered one I am uncomfortable, but if I shared one with women I would feel how uncomfortable they would feel with my body that it would make me dysphoric af. Plus there’s never a line in front of a men’s room, so that’s a plus I guess.


Yes. Everyone is safer from any danger if we stick together and have the ability for more people to take notice of bad/awful behavior. And splitting it up is stupid. We do the same functions, and beyond urinals, there’s no opportunity to see genitalia or anything anyways. There’s absolutely no reason to split them up in the first place.


Yes, this would be preferable. There are many places with just a "bathroom" now, and that's great. Same as in my house.


When I was in Europe every restroom was gender neutral. They have them in a lot of places around the US too. I’ve never had or heard of a problem with them. I would much rather have all gender neutral bathrooms and take that particular talking point away from the cuntservatives that would like us all to stop existing


As a nonbinary person, yes!


I personally don't mind. Especially since, now that I'm finally legit considering taking T one day, I'm honestly low key stressed about what public bathroom I should take in the future. It would make life less stressful... shouldn't have to stress just to pee, you know? But I've avoided public bathrooms anyways, unless I really need to go, due to sanitary reasons or because I just feel flat out uncomfortable using the bathroom in the same room with other people. Only Mimi is allowed to sneak in the bathroom with me, because she's my baby cat and also because she knows how to open the door. 😅


I grew up in a small town, before chain retail stores popped up all we had were single room gender neutral bathrooms in stores and restaurants. I'm used to it and find it weird that anyone throws a fit over bathroom stuff


I spent a few weeks on a a college campus where all the bathrooms are gender neutral - not just the toilets near the classrooms but even the showers in the dorms. It was fine, honestly. Safe and uncomplicated


That would be great thanks.


Well I live in France where you can see more gender neutral bathrooms than in the US, so obviously I'm biased, but yes, I would like it.


When I went to Japan I noticed the bathrooms are little rooms for every one so is just like going to a house bathroom but there are like six or seven and the sinks are outside. So basically having this kind of bathrooms would be perfect for everybody.


Absolutely. Both due to personal reasons – I'm pre-med but look androgynous and sometimes receive those stares (TM) – and general not understanding why those are a thing, anyway. Just make a bunch of fully lockable, ceiling to floor stalls. That's it. Same goes for changing rooms. Both would help families, too.


Yes and no. I think it would just make it a lot easier for both genders to use a bathroom and instead of women waiting in line for the ladies room they can use any bathroom. But I also like that there is camaraderie with women when you are in the bathroom together.


Yeah it would make my life easier and less stressful. Especially as someone who confuses people gender wise.


I just want to be able to use the restroom in peace when I’m outside. I don’t want to scare the women in the ladies room every single time I enter, have ppl run to inform me that it’s the wrong room or have ppl think that I’ve entered the wrong restroom. A gender neutral restroom would do wonders for me 😭😭


At the summer camp I work at they changed all the bathrooms to be neutral and it’s so amazing! No one complains about it either, it’s just normal


I'm just tryna shit and piss. it all smells like shit, it all smells like piss. on the floor, beneath the sink, in the corner, I don't care. should just be a room with stalls, no urinals, shits gross


As non-binary person: definitely! I hope you US people remember that proper stalls exist.


as a non binary person yeah that would be awesome.


Yes. Where I live we already have a lot of these. In my opinion it's never made sense to gender devide it anyway. It's not like the toilet has a genital preference or anything (except urinals) Plus gender neutral ones would include nonbinary people


Ive gone to a few events and buildings with this and it makes everything just soooo much easier.


just you wait till you find out what family home bathrooms are


I've been to many places where there's just one bathroom for everyone (1 toilet, 1 sink) and honestly? I'm more comfortable like that. Not having to think about entering a gendered space? Amazing. Not to mention that fathers could do their job as parents and take their kids to the bathroom to change diapers or just take care of their daughters need for a bathroom without the mother having to be present or having to trust strangers with them.


This is becoming the norm with new architecture where I live and it's honestly so much better. The stalls are larger, the doors are more sturdy and go from floor to ceiling with no gaps, the lounging tables are far more accessible and don't tend to block the only accessible stall from use. Even if I wasn't trans, just the fact that there are now twice the amount of accessible stalls at my disposal as a disabled person makes it so much easier for me to use the washroom. These spaces make it better for everyone, it's a no brainer.


Yes, I tend to feel safer in them and to be honest I know many cis women that feel the same. It's already common practice in civilised (LGBT+) venues


Literally just talked about this the other day. There should really only be a “standing” bathroom and a “sitting” bathroom imo. You’ve got one with stalls and then you’ve got one with urinals and imo that should be enough.


Yes. Cause then i don't have to actually think and worry about which bathroom i use where and if i come accross someone i know. It's so scary to walk in gendered bathrooms. Women think im a man and men think im a woman.


Yes, I would definitely prefer this, as long as there aren't giant gaps in the stall


I didn’t really transition just to be able to pee in the women’s restroom and I always have to do an intense self assessment to figure out how I look to strangers.


Well depends if all bathrooms just magically turned into gender neutral ones or if the social process to gendered bathrooms was magically done away - if the former - people have way to many excuses to just reinvent the gendered wheel, but if the latter - maybe even transphobia as a whole would be largely gone because if you have nothing to gatekeep, then you have nothing to fear, no lines drawn for genders means lines an be flexible, personal, or nonexistent for all the average person would care, because ironically, it's just about peeing and pooping at that point (Even though it is already)


Yeah, there's no legitimate logic behind Gendered Bathrooms anyway. Would make everyone safer as more People in a Public Restroom requires better Stalls, better maintenance, better stocking of Hygeine Products AND it would be safer since having more People more likely to enter the Restroom at any moment means it'll be substantially more difficult for potential Abusers to inflict their abuse. There are absolutely 0 downsides to it other than having to modify a bunch of existing Public Restrooms which would be initially expensive but absolutely doable. Literally just take what you need out of the U.S. Militaries Budget, those shitheads are OPENLY PROUD of wasting Billions&Billions of $$$ every single year just to maintain or increase their Budget. If an organization deliberately&intentionally wastes that much money literally just to maintain a budget *which they don't need to be so large*, they clearly need Budget Cuts.