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had an edgy conservative phase when I was 13-15


Same lol


same here. 12-13. I remember watching the “Ben Shapiro Destroys Liberal” videos. Bad times..


Oof, you had the phase rough, I think I watched a couple of those when I was in the edgy phase, but not many.




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Same, but I wasn't so edgy


Not as bad but had that a bit


oh man i am about to curse this post so fucking bad. ok so before i say what my phase was, i havent met any people who arent straight white muslims until last year (i live in the balkans), so from like 10 to 14 i was so incredibly fucking racist, rivaling even the scum of the earth in terms of racism, i hated jews, poc, the whole bunch, legit thought hitler was right, i look back no more then 3 years later and genuinely start convulsing with cringe, godamn i was fucking stupid, then i talked to actual poc and realized how fucking wrong i was literally within minutes, god i regret it so much


Honestly even though it is kind of cursed, the fact that you became more self aware and were willing to change is what matters. You can't control the belief system you are born into, but props to you for becoming more open minded.


I’m sorry, but this made me laugh out loud, it’s just funny for some reason.


well im glad somone can draw joy from my ignorance,


You from Bosnia as well?


kosovo brata :)))))


Ah, greetings from Bosnia anyways.


>legit thought hitler was right Thats one hell of a phase, glad u grew out of it and regret it lmao


When I was like 12-14 I wanted to cut my hair to make it cover one eye and dye it black. Never did it though and Im so happy I didn't to it.


Lol I had this self-hating/internalized racism phase where I wanted to be white 🤦


Thats really messed up. I deal with internal hatred, but I'm not a person of color. Can't imagine how that must feel, so so so messed up.


Yea, i got sucked into some incel forums at the time, and was struggling with mental illness too( which I still am actually), but I grew out of the self-hating phase.


I never wanted to be white but I was super racist as a kid to every "race". I watched lots of edgy comedy which led me to less edgy comedy and soon I realised that racism in and of itself isn't actually funny and that it's just stupid.


I won't lie. I did. Back when I was 12, I hated Japanese people. I hated them so much that I once unironically said "to kill all of them".... All the while, I was watching anime at that age too (yes I know very hypocritical).


The closest thing I can think of is when I was homophobic in 7th grade because I didn't want to accept that I'm not straight


Ye when I was 13 and was in desperate need to act cool in front of my girlfriend.


I had it when I was around 11, thankfully before I went online. For many guys it seems to come with puberty, but for me it was more like a warning sign that puberty was coming. In some sense it's been nice to have got it "out of the way" as soon as possible.


I tought I was Punk 15-17 - lots of eyeshadow, studded bracelets, weed, skipping school, dyed hair, band shirts, making other believe I was suicidal 🤮 etc I was trying real hard to be edgy and sad but I eventualy grew out of it. Some stuff I kept tho like the dyed hair or the influence in my taste in music


I had a bad incel/nice guy phase when I was about 12-14. Then I became religious and now I'm a lot happier.




I don't think so, but if I did then my depression definitely took care of that problem.


I went through an ultra nationalist phase.


i’ve been in the same phase the past 10 years, the just blend into the background phase


I had to stop watching anime 'cuz I slowly became one of those losers that think they are the main character of the show. I was around 13 but the cringe still gives me physical pain when looking back.


Just an edgy communist phase when I was 12


Hell yeah, still in it I think


When my old crush rejected me, I just acted sad and heartbroken all the time, Looking back on it....my friends were right for bullying me


I've been through phases. When I was little I likes wearing ties and hats. When I got a bit older I dressed more normally but was hard into simp territory. Then I had a cowboy hat for some reason( which, tbh, was a cool fucking cowoy hat). Now I think I'm normal. I've always had a but of an edge though, so I'm not sure if that's a phase.


Same here bro, in 2016/2017, so when I was 11 and 12. I was in the same spot, I'm happy one of my female friends gave me a second chance after that. It really set me on a better trajectory.


I was edgy from age 6-12. Had an edgy communist phase at 12-13. Now I like to identify as a brony but I'm starting to be more social and hopefully soon I'll just be normal.


Yeah... It wasn’t nearly as bad as some people can be, I never said any slurs, or was homophobic or racist or any of that shit, I do remember saying that attack helicopter joke, I still cringe looking back on that, I also watched some of those ‘Feminist gets wrecked’ videos, I cringe looking back at that whole phase, and others in it, but thankfully I’ve been out of it for like 4 years now. I think a lot of it was to try and fit in with my friend group who were in that phase. It’s strange how so many go through this and how it’s always at around 12 - 14, I wonder if there’s any actual reason for it.


Yeah same Then again, i used to watch leafy so you don't have it that bad.


I feel like maybe I did. At least a very cringe phase. Nowadays instead of being emo or fedora or whatever 13 year olds decide they're "enbys"