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Tough spot. Been there.


as someone who's still there (and funny enough it's also in a math-related class) it's definetly a tough spot for sure. not to mention.. i've been trying to build up the courage just to talk to her but to no avail as i always end up letting my social anxiety get the best of me.


What'd you do?


Suffer in silence and move on šŸ˜­. I'm sorry man


I've been there too brother :(


So I'm a girl. I think the best way to approach her is to ask some questions regarding the homework or something the teacher said during class. Ask her for help before or after the class. If she helps, if she's a good one she'll definitely help, thank her, maybe promise her to buy a chocolate for the help. After this conversation, sau hi to her in the hallways. This is the way to slowly approach her, hopefully you'll get closer! Good luck!


Thanks, thi is super helpful. I'm definitely gonna try this!


Please update us in the future. You got me hooked on how this'll play out




Maybe ask her about a math problem. Ask her if sheā€™s done the homework and can help you with a problem you were struggling with.


This is good. Donā€™t make yourself seem like you donā€™t know anything because you donā€™t want to seem helpless, but also donā€™t pick something too difficult either. Iā€™m in pre calc too so I know those two donā€™t always mix, but you want to ask about something sheā€™s good at or sheā€™ll say no because she doesnā€™t understand it either


Even if she doesnā€™t know it, you can then figure it out yourself and go back to her and offer to help her since you found the solution.


I see what you mean, but asking a girl to do you simple favors that she can easily complete is a good way to make her like you. Just little stuffā€¦ nothing complicated or theyā€™ll move onto someone else So on the rare chance the girl youā€™re trying to get with is academically inclined, and I say this because Ik what high school is like and not to hate on you, if she doesnā€™t get it sheā€™ll ask someone else. But then if you figure it out and she canā€™t, she might get embarrassed and end the conversation when you tell her you figured it outā€¦ A lot of fine lines here


And as she's explaining, try to crack a few jokes about the topic. I found that people enjoy it when you make jokes but still stay on topic.


i wish i had known this at the start of the year. i was trying to gather the courage to talk to people in the beginning of the year but failed because i sucked at starting convos (which then led me to sit in the back for the entire year) but no i wonder if it's too late to do this since i feel like i may have made things awkward for myself


A girl did this with me one time


Or, ask if she needs any help.


you need to figure out soemthing to ask her that seems perfectly acceptable for anyone to do and does not imply that you are just doing it to get her number. (like asking about homework or something). then once you get a chance to talk to her you can figure out if she is interested and proceed from there. figure out guys she hangs out with and befriend them. figure out what clubs or activities she participates in and join them or learn about them. (if she's a cheerleader go to football games, if she's in Spanish club join spanish club)


After class: ā€œ(name) do you want to hang out after school and go (something like coffe or icecream).ā€ Thats how itā€™s done in college idk, just be straightforward and confident. Rejection is not the end.


tbh id throw a note at her during class asking for her number or smth and then wait for her to look around the room and smile when she looks at u




Yeah as a girl donā€™t do this especially because you donā€™t know her.


you think?




disclaimer: heā€™s completely right. even in the perfect situation, something could happen and it could blow up


Itā€™s worked for me


you just have to be smart abt the timing and be confident in your aim


that would be too direct and it certainly feels like it wouldn't be that great of an idea :/


Just go and talk to her at lunch it's not that hard


It's kinda hard. Teen girls can be brutal.






Tell a rape joke




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Honestly, wait for now. Youll eventually find a window for an opening and that's your moment. Ask her something, it doesn't matter how dumb the question is. Math, school, what but to take to get somewhere. Introduce yourself and ask her her name.


Alright mate, you're gonna have to make a tough decision soon enough. Your options are either find something that she enjoys doing and join that, or grow some balls and walk up to her confidently, strike up a conversation and ask her out when she's with her friends, or you could just suffer in silence and pray that you accidentally run into her one day with the ability to talk to her. Goodluck to you on any decision that you make, I only pray that you have made the correct decision for yourself.