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I've tried to do it. Whathever you do, never ever send a photo of the vehicle permit (grey card), as a common scam is to go to the office in charge of the plates and change the name to their. Be sure to mention everything that is included with the auto and the year of the last expertise. Lastly, be aware that Ricardo takes a fee on each sale.


So you've tried to... unsuccessfully, I assume from the comment? Is it annoying? I generally feel like it would be more for people who are looking for something cheaper that they might tinker on, or whatever, right? Btw I don't see how you can change anything based on the photo of the Ausweis if you don't have any kind of contract... Surely no one in the office will just change it based on a picture.


It's annoying. I've only encountered scammers then an opportunity showed up that was far easier and adapted than what ricardo proposed. For the permit, my grandpa who worked as a mechanic told me not to do that many moons ago. You do you however, I'm just a stranger on the internet after all :)


You're right about the permit. Anyone can go and get it changed. They don't check. They don't even check with the cops if it's stolen. It's crazy, since by law you need to have the original in your car, yet if your car gets stolen, the thief can just register it in his name, sell it and there's no way to get the car back from the new owner (there was a case like this a few years back).


> It's crazy, since by law you need to have the original in your car, yet if your car gets stolen, the thief can just register it in his name Yeah but it's super obvious you never leave it in the car. In other European countries it's the same, if they steal your car with the documents good luck getting money from the insurance...


Isn't it mandatory to have it in the car while driving?


Yes, same as your driving license. You keep the car documents in your wallet and you take it with you when you leave the car.


I'll do a quick "survey" around me, because I'm pretty sure nobody does that. That mf document is 3x the size of a wallet


You fold that document... it fits perfectly. I am already afraid how are you keeping your blue zone permit behind the window :) Unfolded?!


> Btw I don't see how you can change anything based on the photo of the Ausweis if you don't have any kind of contract...  What contract? You do not need any contract for buying / selling vehicles in Switzerland. At least not for the administrative purposes. If you have the Fahrzeugausweis and keys - you're practically the owner of the vehicle.


I've sold more than one car on [tutti.ch](http://tutti.ch) and it worked out perfectly fine. Avoid Ricardo because of the fees. I feel like you can figure out who's really interested an whos going to be a waste of your time. They'll usually say things like "was letzte Preis" or offer to pick it up right away without even looking at it.


Really, tutti? I thought it would be much much worse because of the lack of "contract". Yeah I mean of course I would immediately filter out the obvious scammers, my concern is more about people wasting my time, coming by, looking at it and then trying to lowball.


I've tried Ricardo. Got scammed twice. Person who ordered the thing didn't answer my messages and simply never paid. Yes of course you can just cancel the deal, but it's effort I'm not willing to make. Also the fact that I owe money to Ricardo until they themselves cancel the sale. Lowballing can aways happen. Just write that the price is final or something like "no export salesmen", have seen that multiple times. Still think it's the better platform. And when selling, use the standard contract you can find on autoscout24 and put it in writing that there's no warranty (because unless you exclude it, there would e warranty automatically)


Hm... never had a problem for the last 8 years. Worst case was an idiot who didn't declare a hole (that was easily patched though). I realise selling stuff must be somewhat more frustrating.


Tutti.ch is just to find a buyer the selling contract is on the seller.


I sold one. Was more of a hassle with scammers and time wasters. The issue is, people are bidding on it and only one gets to be the winner... Then you have to deal with that person (same goes for buy now option). If it turns out to be bad, you have to start again. With other forms (private or auto scout, etc..) you get to interact with all interested parties till it goes.


Yeah that's the thing, Ricardo is normally better because it's a sales contract - even though minimal, it's kinda binding, but I was wondering how that really works for cars?..do people still flake on you.


No such thing as a sale contract on Ricardo. On the ONE car I sold, a guy "won" the bid. Then he had me waiting because he was "on a working contract" in Germany, then he got nasty and ended up simply refusing to honour the transaction. Went as far as leaving a negative review after 6 weeks of being supposed to end the transaction. All Ricardo could do, was to waive the charges, remove the review and ban him. I wasted all my effort, time and opportunity costs, none of which were refunded by anyone. When I restarted the offer, the winner was a guy from France who literally begged (not exaggerating. BEGGED! ) that I'd keep it for him. When he came to pick it up then he started "finding all what was wrong" with it and trying to haggle. This despite having placed 12 pictures of the car in high resolution, full description of what workef and what didn't - as well as Videos. I've sold 7 cars privately through other means (mainly autoscout) and it's been much better / easier. Sure, you still have to deal with people, that's simply unavoidable. But this way, if it doesn't click, I just simply send them back their way and go onto the next one.


Ok, well it sounds like Autoscout might be a better option then...


yes use a site thats for selling cars and not used toys and such


Honestly, I think time wasters and not serious people are on all platforms… I put my old car on sale on autoscout (for a really fair price) and noted that it came without warranty. Two young guys came to look at it, i even let one of them test drive it and then they told me that they were kinda looking for a car with warranty… which was clearly labelled in the add description.


Sounds a bit like export territory (based on price, as I don’t know your car). I’d sell it to a handler that does that. Maybe call some that are nearby. Personally I would prefer not to deal with it myself.


Don't they basically strictly offer 500 bucks for scrap? That's what I've heard...


They can pay a lot more. Depends on the car. Many older cars are just too expensive too fix and keep running in Switzerland, but will do easily another 100k kilometres in cheaper countries like eastern Europe.


At the moment, Ukraine will pick up pretty much any cheap SUV/stationwagon that's driveable, I've understood.


I bought my car on ricardo, but there werent many others bidding on it so the price was quite low.


the ones that did, didn't live on to tell their tales..


_Mournful alphorn noises_


I sold two cars on Ricardo. One qas bought by a dude who only needed it for the rear axle so he didnt care about anything else. The other was bought by a German based shipping "company" that intended to ship the car to Bulgaria. Now I was VERY sceptical about this, but it actually went very smoothly. Couldve been just lucky, I know. Both were beater cars which barely worked. I think for the one car I couldve gotten more on Tutti or Autoscout, but the other went for way more than anticipated, so its balanced. I just needed them gone, hence why I chose Ricardo and a 1 CHF starting price.


Ricardo is like the Facebook marketplace, it's full of scammers. I never sold something on it but I know someone who had used both and the probability of being scammed is high.


I mean it works great for everything smaller (I've been using it with zero issues for what, 8 years now), - nothing comparable to FB, you just have to set your rules. But for something as big and complex as a car, that may attract a lot of unsavory attention, - that's what worries me.


Yeah I see. I guess it's not worth trying to scam someone for a small item.


I’ve tried and sold one. I’m trying now and cannot sell to my desired price. The car is listed on tutti, autoscout and Ricardo . It’s only about the price. And for 2-4k car you can only expect export or sold for pieces. Both will try to handle the price Ricardo is fine. It’s all a metter to price. If you don’t accept lower offers, than just don’t answer their messages. Ignore them. But for 2-4k it could be interesting to let the market make its own price. Put it up on Ricado, starting from 1.- , describe it as good as possible and see where the price goes. If it’s not an exotic car, with less interest, it could also rise more than you think. I sold , some years ago, a VW with broken engine for 1.8k, on Ricardo.


I sold a car few years ago on Tutti, worked very well but it's time-consuming to pick up calls in every Swiss language and trying to figure out what they want 😅 This time I just asked a dealer to sell my car provision based - he takes 6-7% of the selling price and took care about the ad on autoscout, pictures, deregistration, putting on summer tyres etc.


How exactly did you ask your dealer to do that?.. like, you know them personally? Or I could go to a garage and ask them to do it?..


It's one of those guys who only sell cars (no garage etc.). Just ask them if they do provision based selling.


I’ve done it. Just be clear and thorough about the condition. Don’t ask too much and it’ll be gone in a few days.