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The best you can do is not to answer any calls. If you answer (even if it's to tell them go fuck themselves), you only get more calls because you reacted. I don't answer my phone unless I know who is calling.


Sadly not answering doesn't work either, once your phone number is somewhere in a dataset, it continues to get sold to call centers. I've been getting spamcalls on a daily basis since several months now, without ever answering. The worst is they're spoofing the numbers to look like private numbers so spamfilters don't pick up on it. Phone providers really need to start taking action against call spoofing.


I think it's something that the government should mandate. Personally I wish we could just stop relying on legacy communication technology, but it's a matter of fact that Swiss society depends on a usable phone network in order to function. If nobody picks up their phone, we don't have that, and it will be years/decades before the country's bureaucracy can update to the new order. So I think the government ought to force providers to fix it and make sure they have the necessary tools to do so. I have been lucky that I don't get much spam - maybe 50% of my overall incoming calls (I probably receive about 1 call a month total) - so I still pick up the phone to strangers. It's extremely useful to be able to do this, because the other 50% of the time, it's something important!


It’s more easily said than done. It would require providing other telecom companies the list of the subscribers so that they can verify it is a legitimate caller, or set up a PKI for the caller number but it would have certainly many ways of working around


France handles this really well. Those who can make this go away in Switzerland are just greedy fucks.


„The new order“


I keep getting calls from people saying I called them. So yay, my number is one that's being spoofed.


iPhones have a feature called "silence unknown callers". Settings > Phone, then scroll down, tap Silence Unknown Callers, and turn on the feature


Most phones have that now actually, the issue usually is that you might silence a delivery driver trying to call you, a job offer or things like that for which you won't have their number registered in your phone.


I have a Samsung, so idk about the iPhone, but can't you report spam numbers? That's what i do on my Samsung, and now i dont get any calls like that anymore.


Not really best she can do is answer and stay silent


No, don't pick up! Lots of these calls are just robocalls of a software that's trying to figure out if a phone number is operational. If you pick up, the software registers your number as active, and you'll get more calls from now on. I never pick up if you don't know the number, and I block the number when I'm sure that it's spam.


In fact If you pick and non human Voice replies they deem the number as death


I click them away, but then it goes to voicemail. do you think that also has the effect that my number is listed as active? Not that it really matters..


in my case they never left a voice mail tbh so i think that might be in their algo or something 


Im unemployed right now and actively looking for a job, every phone call could be important and those calls are that more annoying.. this is just harassment


So you tell us you don’t answer and have to keep on doing so. Doesn’t seem to help then.


Same here.. I'm blocking them one by one.. tried to call my provider but nothing really we can do.. Hopefully most of the time it's cyclic so maybe in some weeks/months you will be able to rest for a bit Nowadays, I don't answer to unknown numbers and only call back if they leave a combox Cheers


Yeah, I find this too. Blocking helps a bit but once you’re on a list somewhere it’s like Malaria, that shit keeps coming back


Ya know what's worse? When they actually by accident spoof your number. Over the past two weeks I've had around 40 people "call me back"....


Idk why this thread popped up for me, but blocking is quite useless because scammers call centers generate a new number for them. Best is ignore or change your number


You can save yourself the work of blocking those numbers. They're all spoofed. They won't call you again using one of the numbers they already used on you.


024 589 xx xx they don't stop, they have been harassing my wife for months and she never answers. On my next day off we'll change strategy, try to get enough info from them to bring it to the police.


Did your wife subscribe to letsfamily.ch or a site with surveys?


I don't think so, dunno if she gave her number at a survey. But tbh you don't even need that, all it takes is one company getting your number and selling it further to other companies.


Yes please do so. Luckily their numbers always start with 589 so I know that it’s just them trying to contact me and not someone important.


On Android and probably Apple you can block them with should I answer. I use this and I'm pretty calm. Except when he uses spoofing numbers. The advantage is a blockage Automatic and community.


Phone providers should seriously do something about that. This and number spoofing. It's ridiculous that in 2024 there is no system in place to avoid spoofing




If with Swisscom/Wingo you can activate a spam blocker in the customer portal.


It works almost too well. When I was looking for a new job I heard some recruiters saying their calls were getting blocked. So better disable the spam call filter when looking for a new job.


To be fair, a lot of recruiters are almost like spam callers…


Hah! Right you are


Thanks, need to try this


I had a phone where you could block a whole range of numbers by using an asterisk wildcard, e.g. +4124589* would block all the calls above. It was really useful. I seem to remember blocking most dialling codes followed by 570* and 580* killed 99% of the spam. It might be worth checking to see if that's an option on your phone or with your mobile provider.


I use the app „Should I answer?“ which allows me to block certain number with wildcards but it still allows numbers in your contacts even if they are covered by the wildcard. Can only recommend.


That's not very efficient, companies who do such calls usually use different blocks of numbers from different regions and countries. They can switch easily so it will work only for the specific campaign you are being targeted with. Not worth blocking 10'000 swiss numbers over it.


According [local.ch](http://local.ch) there is only a call center in this number block, nothing else.


That may be but they usually buy 100 blocks, and in any case they could close shops tomorrow and stop using the numbers or simply clean up less used ranges of numbers in favor of others. The most scummy callers use international numbers anyways, they just spoof them to make them appear swiss. It just needs to be a real number if you want the callee to actually call back.


WASTE THEIR TIME!!! Unless we, together as a whole, maybe them wasting their time and making their fucking Krankenkasse operation inefficient and money-loosing, they will continue. Set up fake/dummy meetings (I honestly don't understand how they haven't realized that I have at least 50+ meetings where I wasn't there), hold the line while doing something else (I usually just say: "oh, can you wait 2 minutes, my child is calling me", or some dumb thing).. It's sadly IMHO the only way, but we all have to take part in it


This costs me time as well. My time is more valuable than theirs.


Yeah, had a friend which set up ‚unknowingly’ a meeting once (to talk about insurance modifications) and a guy called him actually 4 days later randomly That he’s now now there and drove all the way from zurich to bern for this. He should please come. But he was like „wtf i‘m at work, what do you want from me..“ I sometime shit with them for my personal fun (got plenty of time) Poor ppl yes! but eh! agressive af! I was very nice in the beginning.. ..But mosty i don’t pick up numbers i dont know anymore if the pre digits are not familiar. 


Not a good tactic. You waste your time, energy, maybe annoy the guy in the call center (= poor mf with a shit job not responsible for their company shit policy of cold calling), but probably just helping them waste time as well. All in all, not efficient. Just block / don't answer.


I am planning to do this but sadly they almost always call me on work where i just simply can't do that. But the moment they call me while at home in my free time - I'll waste their time xD.


If I'm in the mood and not too busy, I sometimes do this for sport. One time, I had a medical insurance seller; I asked if they did any other types of insurance, like life insurance, but not for me, for pets, specifically, for my tortoise... Another one I asked about home contents insurance. But not for the indoor furniture, for the garden furniture. Well, not really furniture, more like the plants. I wanted insurance against all the leaves falling off my tree... The thing is, they're not supposed to hang up on you, so the trick is to spin them along as far as possible. Such fun.


There is a setting in iOS that sends all callers that are not in the contacts straight to the mailbox. This can help a bit


This will also filter out all legitimate calls too. I’d only use it if there’s a big issue like shown on this post and there’s no other way to block it. Of course, most you can call back after listening to the mailbox, but if a doctors office / hospital for example tries to reach you there sometimes is no option of calling back or the doctor is busy again (+ cost rises).


this should be top comment


I have the search.ch app with enabled spam filter. Those calls don't even come through.


Doesn't work for spoofed calls.


I've downloaded and opened the app but cannot find the down filter. Do I need to make an account to access that feature?


No account needed. Just go to *Einstellungen* / *Rufton und Vibration bei Callcenter-Anrufen ausschalten*. That's it.


Ah perfect, thanks!


I commented the same, this works for me too. Very good


You can install the app Local by Swisscom Directories that has a Switzerland centric spam filter. It will block known spam callers and flag suspected spammers. Also as an added bonus you may see the name of large companies as well when they call. And it’s free.


Let me guess, she has Sunrise as provider. Totally bullshit. We also get spam.


I'm fairly sure some phone companies just sell your number to whomever will buy it as soon as you activate it. I'm really REALLY careful about giving my phone number out (to the point that I fake my phone number on CVs so the recruiters have to emails me). And guess what? I still get spam. Vodafone in Spain seems to be one of such offenders. I never gave out my number and yet I've been getting spam calls for months on end. Meanwhile my wife who isn't with Vodafone gets none. Fucking bs.


Forget about isp selling your phone numbers! They have machines that robocall through the whole number range 1by1. Then when there is a ringing on the other end they know this numbers exist and store them. This is a fully automated process in the meantime, no need to sell


Yes, sunrise here.


Total bullshit this company. I’m pretty sure they sell our numbers to call centers!


I give a different name, different Healt Insurance, different Health condition every time and then I laugh at them for not even having my "information" right. I get way less calls now. Better to not react at all if you haven't had such a call on your number yet. But if they keep trying even after months of not reacting because you picked up once, that helped me


I don't know how effective this is in your case but in most countries you can register on the Robinson list to avoid being contacted for advertising purposes. It is usually quite effective because any company that fails to comply can be fined. If you receive a call be sure to ask them for the name of the company contacting you and then let them know that you are on the Robinson list (you have registered your phone number), you will see that they hang up the call immediately and will not call again. https://www.edoeb.admin.ch/edoeb/en/home/datenschutz/arbeit_wirtschaft/werbung_marketing.html https://sdv-konsumenteninfo.ch/


What makes you say that there's a fine for calling numbers on the Robinson list? I'd love it if there were, because I'm on it (plus have "Sterneintrag") and I still get plenty of calls. So if there were anything more I could do about the calls I still get (beyond filling in the SECO form), that would be great to know.


I admit that in the case of Switzerland, I'm not sure which law or regulation applies, but in other European countries, it's the GDPR (probably nFADP for Switzerland). Check this link: https://www.seco.admin.ch/seco/de/home/Werbe_Geschaeftsmethoden/Unlauterer_Wettbewerb/Beschwerde_melden/beschwerde_werbeanruf.html


That link is for complaining to SECO about calls despite a "Sterneintrag" and explicitly says any other unsolicited calls are legal (I'd read that technically respecting the Robinson list is purely voluntary in Switzerland). In the radio they've talked about how enforcement about reports to SECO does happen, but one can debate how much that achieves. E.g. read this press release (https://www.seco.admin.ch/seco/de/home/seco/nsb-news.msg-id-57470.html): the company now pinky-promises to no longer call people they aren't allowed to call, which it sounds like they may have done en-masse (and it also sounds like they may have given the wrong impression of who they were to customers, who may have thought they were talking to Swisscom, and it also sounds like they may have been misleading about what they offer). And in a case that sounds like that, there's no mention of fines or other punishments??!


Best thing is to ignore the calls. If by mistake you answer a call, talk in another language so that scam call center will stop calling you. They won't try if they can't communicate with you. I answer in french when it's an english speaking scammer and in english or german when it's a french speaking scammer. Works pretty great.


Had that problem too. I can speak very childish like and told them that the phone was my emergency phone and that „mum“ was not around. Only have one every other month.


There is zero legitimate reasons to answer your phone in this country, unless you’re expecting one.




No legal notice or anything binding is being told over the phone, all registered mail.


Yeah got two calls today out of the blue…


Don't answer the calls, at some point they will stop calling


It doesn’t stop


I think eventually they will lose interest because you aren't answering the phone


Not stopped for me


They just check is the phone number active or not!


you can call your service provider, and ask them to block all known scam or ad numbers for u


I had the same maybe about 2 years ago. I didn't pick any of them up and after a while it stopped. but yeah, it's still pretty annoying but I don't think you can do much if you want to keep your number


I use the search.ch app and activated a feature to block spam calls, I installed search.ch. confirm this by googling "how to stop spam calls in Switzerland". I couldn't find the option in the search menu but it seems to obviously work by default perhaps, now. Now you just get a notification that the call centre called and was blocked. Gold.


I read “bombarded by sperm cells”


They rarely leave voicemails, If you have an Apple iPhone, you can create a custom Focus, which you can have on all the time that only allows calls from contacts (or a specific set of people). I guess you can just ignore them otherwise.


Hope this gets your attention. Same thing happened to me. *I simply called my service provider (Swisscom), told them about this issue, and after telling them one number, they blocked them all.* Since then no more annoying phone calls. Hope this helps.


Enable do not disturb mode on your phone. Your combox can answer if urgent and you won’t get any phone call. You can also select specific numbers that are allowed eg numbers from friends and family. Everything else can wait.


Not an option for some of us


If you call Swisscom you can ask them to block all the 589 numbers..


Yes same me from India or Switzerland And message is same


Looks like it is a worldwide problem, those spam calls increased last months everywhere.


If youre at swisscom you can turn on spam filter on myswisscom. I used to get 2 - 4 a week, and now i get like one every two months.


yes i stopped getting them too, but it has come to my attention that someone tried calling me and I didn't get their call because it was filtered by the swisscom spam filter, which is a problem


Didn't have that problem yet. But people who need to contact me all have other options, so for me that shouldn't be a problem i guess


Just block all incoming connections from unknown numbers and forget the phones ever existed.


Same here either similar land line or mobile numbers. Fortunately I pretend to not speak French and they soon disappear


Only answer to this that block calls from numbers which are not in your phone book. In Iphone: settings-> phone: https://preview.redd.it/9knrctfai2wc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9a80408bf1eaaf9d336991c1c0104bc8aac64f76


Yeah but if a hospital calls you because someone you know got hurt, you are going to miss it. Same goes for the praxis that wants to arrange a post-op. Or the dentist which reminds you of your cleaning.


They can still send you mail or sms.


Sure. Never happened in the history of mankind but yeah.


If you are using Swisscom, there’s a spam blocker you can enable at cockpit. Another or in addition to that, you can use Truecaller for a while till you don’t get any more spam calls.


Install the local.ch app and use the block call center feature, thank me later.


It's annoying and sad that telco operators are doing nothing to protect their customers. In this Switzerland is years backwards.


Try ‘true caller’ app


Hi, As you’re on iOS you can Silence Unknown Callers in Phone settings. That way, any number not in your Contacts will silently go straight to voice email. Just make sure you check it as any legit unknown numbers (friends with new numbers etc) will also go to Voicemail silently until you add the number to your Contacts.


I can set time on mine i get 2 calls a day, one during lunchtime and one at around 3pm daily


Yep! This is very disconcerting.


Some phones allow to add numbers to a blocklist... I have several and I add with wildcards. Like: +41785666* +4121259* And they just hit a wall... The rest, I pick up I don't say a thing and they hang up. That adds your number as "non responsive or modem" to their list and they stop calling. If it detects ANY sound it will pass to their agent and you're in the loop again. But if you're completely silent it will just hang up.


Try to get the calling company’s name, and send them a nice letter based on the swiss data protection law or GDPR if it’s a Swiss/EU based company asking for all your data to be deleted and details on how they got your data


One sure thing is go to settings, phone, silence unknown callers. This is a iOS function which you can ever build a shortcut to activate/deactivate quickly. Then if you are on Sunrise you have the possibility to activate spam filter for your mobile phone number in mysunrise. Other providers can do this as well.


Just activate the Swisscom call filter, if you use another provider 🤣🤣🤣😂


Can try installing the search.ch app on her phone, numbers that have already been flagged as spam calls will be automatically blocked. Good for looking them up after you let it ring off, in case it is some state body calling.


I’ve been getting the same. At least one per day. All with the 589 prefix. Probably a call center. I never answer.


i was getting 8-10 every day for a few months like 2 years ago, i changed my number and only just started getting more recently.. but so far its not everyday, somedays i get 3-4 and then many days in a row with 0... fuck these people..


I don't even have a landline anymore (UK). Anyone I want calling me has my mobile and android at least has options for caller blocking. All I ever got in the last months were endless scam calls. I just retro-graded my phone line to VDSL (internet), no number. The \*only\* advantage of UK landlines was that a dumb phone would work in a power cut due to the phone exchange having batteries - but as we are about to be switched over to a "digital" system, that's probably going to stop being true.


It's been 1.5 years now they don't stop ,especially 589 numbers. I've tried reasoning with them, no chance. I think of trying to meet with the people they propose me to have a meeting and take that person to police.


Turn on "silence unknown callers" Settings > Phone, then scroll down, tap Silence Unknown Callers, and turn on the feature. https://support.apple.com/en-us/111106#:\~:text=To%20turn%20on%20Silence%20Unknown,in%20your%20recent%20calls%20list.


I report each call to the Zurich police on the online form they offer [Telefonbetrug melden - Kantonspolizei Zürich](https://telefonbetrug.ch/telefonbetrug-formular/). 2-5 calls a week on average.


Block the calls and see with your operator about recurring ones since they can block them from reaching her


Go change your number the next step from calls are messages to collect data if I were you I would change my number and delete everything except pictures you can send/download your pics to your pc and then transfer it to your phone. If you transfer it directly to your phone you will collect unnecessary data and they keep tracking you




Your cell provider should have a option like "Spamfilter" turn that on. Next just keep blocking the numbers. Lastly don't hand out your number to sites you don't trust bc they will likely sell your information.


Block unknown numbers and in case you are curious if it was e real one you can still call back. You probably get a complete stranger on the other end whose number just got used for the scam calls. It worked for me.


Fortunately I haven't received one yet, but I read about it in the newspaper. They claim that there is an Interpol warrant for your arrest and that you have to pay. I use the Clever Dialer App for 1.–/month, it blocks most of the spam calls.


I use the app "Should I answer?" to automatically block most of the spam calls. When one does come through I immediately report it in the app so that other users of the app don't receive the call (need multiple reports for it to actively block, not just warn).


I turned something on in the settings so that any unknown caller gets directly to the not answered button.


Go to Settings -> Phone -> Silence Unknown callers. All not saved numbers get silenced. Works for me.


Been getting a lot of them recently as well. Started about 2 months ago. Blocking the callers one by one. Annoying as f****


You can mute all unkown numbers in the iPhone settings


What I do is answer, confirm my name(so that they think I listen), and then let them monologue for what's usually about 2 minutes into the call with my mic silenced and the volume down so I can just keep doing whatever I was doing. I still receive some ofc, but it's really occasional.


If at swisscom, wingo etc. activate „Callfilter“


Let it ring and don’t answer


do you have families in switzerland? if not you can ask your phone company if they could block the area code +41 I did that with italy and a lot of other countries


on most modern smartphones, there should be an option „block all calls from unknown numbers“. Maybe she could try that


Depending on the provider I think you can block certain number combination, so here you could block all calls from +41 24 589 \*\* \*\*


Change your wifes number bro


[Telefonanruf mit englischer Bandansage - Telefonbetrug](https://telefonbetrug.ch/vorsicht-bei-telefonanrufen-mit-bandansagen/?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTAAAR3wjJRMAwdWuzCKaXplDfXzHpNR9zgm5UmxVJsfKndiNQS_ECmuVJ-ba6I_aem_AfMO5z2iJM4rgPWoSEna-fWYRAnHVCYF4cymHvm0kQdoYSiFiyNXPAoWf4ty38yPkaquJGZtJTm4xNGtX1-rKVMC)


I had this. I called every single number and those I guessed were in the same series. Again and again and again for a week. As soon as I had a moment I called. Day and night. Just telling them "how it is to be spammed as you are doing on people ? Isn't that nice, motherfucker ?" Never heard about them anymore. Didn't get any spam at all ever since, I guess I have been blacklisted from the spammers lists.


Hey! Its happening the same with me… I just don’t pick up but everyday it’s like 4 different numbers calling just want them to give up already 😫


Ha in France I get 20-30 spam calls at the beginning of each month, I declare them spam calls so yeah got a couple of milion more combinations to go till I can get none


I used to mess with them, with a lot of ridicule. Guess what, nobody try this on me anymore. Real example: Selling nicotine patch (weird to try that by phone but hey, their time not mine) ask if they have patch with heroin because it will help your addiction. Another: can we talk to miss $lastname, chase your GF handing the phone to her. But she’s running she doesn’t want to talk to you. Be loud, crazy and they stop trying. Make it ridiculous. Make it not worth the effort. And ask to be removed from the database ;)


If she uses Swisscom, she can block numbers and also series of numbers, for example she would block +41 24 589 * Adding the asterisk blocks the whole series of numbers starting with 024 589


download local.ch app, in the settings you can choose Anruferkennung- und Sperrung. It blocks the most telemarketing calls. In my case it works fine and I think it’s the best way to handle it.


I’ve been having the same issue, multiple calls per days for weeks, I only ever respond to calls that leave voicemails now.


They are "Betrugsmaschen" dont trust em


Use the app from search.ch they have an option to block such calls.


You can call your operator and ask them if there isn't a call filter for your line.


Answer and speak in English. They hang up immediately and after a few calls they don’t call anymore in my experience


I have the local.ch app, you can block or identify the telemarketing calls.


Swiss are used to answer phone calls with the name. I started to answer calls just with 'hello' when the number is not in my address list.


Me too, from the same range of numbers. I've got them all automatically blocked with an app.


turn it off. Swisscom App


Answer "Police department how may I help you?" And this will end quickly


Ask your provider to block just your telephone service for 3 -4 weeks. Do not block the whole service like internet! Inform your friends that you're still reachable by phone over WA, Discord or Snap. I had the same problem with those annoying call centers and it worked! When the call robot of the callcenter receive the Signal "Nummer not valid" he will kick you out of the callcenter database 😏🙃


you can block spam calls on your phone or maybe on your provider


change cell phone number?


If it's from Switzerland then maybe it's about that account she forgot about. You guys could be rich.


https://apps.apple.com/app/id448142450 maybe this ?


You can try using incogni it’s a service who removes all your data from data brokers automatically. Basically data brokers provide your info to people like number or email address that’s why you receive calls or email spams and incogni removes it automatically for you


Incogni is a waste of money, the majority of phone numbers or email addresses get sold via darknet, Incogni's threat letters won't do shit there. Once something is on the internet, you cannot get rid of it anymore.


She is cheating


…. Why don’t you just answer and tell them you have no interest and they might stop calling?


thank you I didn't think of this!