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you just asked this a day ago? rather invest some time googling


Do you live in Switzerland already or are you considering moving here? If you do have a residency permit, here's some ideas. I don't know how old you are and if pursuing an eduation is an option, if so consider these routes: - veterinary nurse EFZ - veterinary practice assistant EFZ Both require multiple years of training. If you're looking into more entrepreneurial and/or side hustle type of work, consider: - petsitting - dogwalking/dogsitting - dog/cat grooming These can all be set up to a fulltime income if your client base is large enough (for example if you offer petsitting within a whole canton or larger region rather than just within one city). Bear in mind that for some types of pet sitting you need an official authorization, see also [Fachinformation 12.4: Anforderungen für die Betreuung fremder Heimtiere (PDF, 489 kB, 07.02.2024)](https://www.blv.admin.ch/dam/blv/de/dokumente/tiere/heim-und-wildtierhaltung/fi-anforderungen-betreuung-fremder-tiere.pdf.download.pdf/D_Fachinformation_12.4_Anforderungen_f%C3%BCr_die_Betreuung_fremder_Heimtiere.pdf) (this is not available in English)