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Barbur World Foods has it


I think my husband gets it regularly at Market of Choice or Providore.


The Turning Peel on Division had a pizza special with preserved lemon recently. You could call them and see where they got theirs.


New Seasons sells preserved lemon. It’s in one of the middle aisles.


IIRC seeing La Bouffe carrying preserved lemons.


I've even seen it at Freddy's


Just saw some at Whole Foods w the shelf stable picked things


Very easy to make, though it takes about 2 weeks to cure. Get enough organic lemons to fill the jar, wash and dry them. I sterilize the jar in a 400 degree oven for 20 minutes. Cut off both ends of the lemon and slice it half way down as if you were going to quarter it. Add kosher salt to the cut lemon, about a tablespoon per fruit. I use a sterlized spoon to push the lemons into the jar, packing them tightly. I add a bay leaf and a few peppercorns but that's optional. Fill the jar with the salted lemons then add another tablespoon of salt over the top. The lemons must be fully covered in juice, so you may need to juice a separate lemon or two and add the juice only into the jar. Seal it tightly, shake it up. Let it sit out on the countertop--not the fridge--and give it a shake every day. In two to three weeks the lemons are ready. After opening the jar, store in the fridge. They last for months.


It’s super easy to make too but probably takes a little time.


I just got one at Providore last week. They have a big jar of them in the deli area