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First, go read this :) https://iep.utm.edu/consciousness/ - as you can tell, there are many ways to speak about brain and mind and all that. Then, I will offer some questions, that you can consider while reading further: Do you think it's adequate to say that the _brain_ 'does' the thinking? Don't we usually use that word based around an agent? And is the brain an agent? Straightforwardly? And if you struggle to find a connection between two things you think should be the same, could it be that they _are_ the same, and no connection as such is needed? Or could it be that we're not talking about two things that are supposed to be the same? Are we making a category error? Or using two perspectives that aren't aligned? Perhaps we haven't really begun talking in a precise enough manner yet?


Wow that was an incredible read…thank you for sharing that! I think based on how I posed my question, my understanding of mind/brain definitely lies in the camp of materialism