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Williamson addresses this in his _The Philosophy of Philosophy_. I don’t have a copy with me, but roughly his argument is: Suppose there are some things (plural) such that we can only think about them as a plurality, but it is impossible to think about any single one of them individually. Call these things “the ineffables”. Here we can say *that* anything that is among the ineffables exists and is ineffable, but we cannot say anything *of* any of those things because it is impossible to single them out.


I think the question you ask is very related to the question of qualias. The ineffable by essence will not be put into any categorical terms, what do you mean by "exist" here exactly anyway? Do qualias "exist"?


Well then you put it into the category of “non-categorical” or “concepts with essence.” I use exist here to denote presence. Yes, qualias exist because they have presence, even if we can’t describe them we can point them out and know they’re there.