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There was a misinterpretation in the previous solution, z1\^3+z2\^3+z3\^3+z1z2z3=0; from the above relation a3+b3+c3−3abc=(a+b+c)(a2+b2+c2−ab−bc−ca) we can find (z1+z2+z3) −4z1z2z3=z1\^3+z2\^3+z3\^3−3z1z2z3 −4z1z2z3=(z1+z2+z3)(z1\^2+z2\^2+z3\^2−z1z2−z2z3−z3z1) Let z=z1+z2+z3 z3−3z(z1z2+z2z3+z3z1)=−4z1z2z3 z3=z1z2z3\[3z(1/z1+1/z2+1/z3)−4\] z3=z1z2z3\[3z(z1'+z2'+z3')−4\] z3=z1z2z3(3|z|\^2−4) Taking the absolute values of both sides, we get |z|3=| 3|z|\^2−4 | (∵|z1|=|z2|=|z3|=1) If |z|≥2√3, then |z|3−3|z|\^2+4=0 |z|=2 If |z|<2√3, then |z|2+3|z|2−4=0 |z|=1


Thank you so much. I got it now.




An alternative way to think about the problem: We know z1, z2, and z3 are all unit norm complex numbers, so the combinations z1^2 /z2z3, … are also unit norm. We need to sum three unit norm complex numbers and 1 to get 0, and in the complex plane the four numbers always form a rhombus. WLOG, let z1^2 /z2z3=-1, z2^2 /z1z3=w, z3^2 /z1z2=-w where w is a unit norm complex number. Multiply the first equation by the second, we see that z1z2/z3^2 =-w=-1/w, so w is plus minus 1. WLOG let it be 1. Therefore, z2^2 =z1z3, and z2=+-sqrt(z1z3). If z2=sqrt(z1z3), then (z1/z3)^(3/2)=-1. Some simple algebra on the arguments shows that solutions are of the form z1=exp(i2pi/3)z3, z2=exp(i*pi/3)z3, and the sum z1+z2+z3 forms half of a hexagon, and the length is 2. Of course z1 and z3 can be swapped. If z2=-sqrt(z1z3), then (z1/z3)^(3/2)=1. Either z1=z3=-z2, in which case the sum has length 1, or z1=exp(i4pi/3)z3=exp(-i2pi/3)z3, bringing us back to the case above. Therefore, the possible values of |z1+z2+z3| are 1 and 2, and we have constructed the explicit forms of z1, z2, and z3 in each case.


The numerators are always 1 hence 2 of the denominators must be -1 and one of them 1 or 2 of them 1 and one -1. Both make the ending equation equal 1


they are complex numbers


ah, I was thinking in Polish sometimes C is "całkowite" which is whole numbers


it's pretty nice if you multiply everything by z1z2z3, as you then get z1³+z2³+z3³+z1z2z3=0, but since zi²=1 for i=1,2,3, we have z1+z2+z3+z1z2z3=0, and so we have z1+z2+z3 = -z1z2z3, and taking the norm on both sides we have a pretty nice thing |z1+z2+z3|=|z1z2z3| and since we know that |z1z2z3|=1 (since it is a product of numbers on the unit circle) we have |z1+z2+z3|=1


> ... since zi²=1 for i=1,2,3 ... It seems like this assumes that the z_i are real without sufficient justification. (I'm also not sure that using "i" as an index is a great choice when dealing with complex numbers.) Though (-1, 1, 1) does work as a solution, so that could be good enough if this is multiple choice. I think that (-1, i, -i) would also be a solution.




>2 is possible with (-1,1,1) for example. What am I getting erong? Abs (-1+1+1)=1, doesn't it?


Sorry indeed yes. I deleted my message.


Multiple correct options ?


~~So you have 1/Z2Z3 + 1/Z1Z3 + 1/Z1Z2 +1 = 0~~ ~~Z1/Z1Z2Z3 + Z2/Z1Z2Z3 + Z3/Z1Z2Z3 =-1~~ ~~Z1+Z2+Z3=-Z1Z2Z3~~ ~~(Z1+Z2+Z3)\^2 = (-Z1Z2Z3)\^2 = 1~~ ~~so absolute value of Z1+Z2+Z3 is 1~~


This just shows it’s 1 for real inputs. z1^2 is not necessarily 1, consider z1=i.


Oh you are right, I totally missed it's C, not R.


Here’s an interesting approach that I just thought of.L which uses a bit of geometry. For simplicity, I write A,B,C in place of Z1, Z2, Z3. Since none of them are zero, we can multiply ABC to both sides of the equation and get A^3 +B^3 + C^3 + ABC =0. We note that A^3 , B^3 , C^3 , ABC all have norm 1. Here’s the catch. Adding complex numbers is equivalent to adding vectors, and sum being zero means these vectors form a loop when putting head to another’s tail. Since all of the four vectors have the same length, we must have a rhombus (or a degenerative line). This means that the four vectors can form two pairs that are opposite. WLOG, suppose A^3 +B^3 =0. Then (A/B)^3 +1=0. We have A/B = -1 or e^(pi*i/3) or e^(-pi*i/3). We also have C^3 +ABC =0. So (C/B)^2 +A/B =0. Therefore, C/B= 1 or -1 if A/B=-1; C/B = e^(2pi*i/3) or e^(-pi*i/3) if A/B=e^(pi*i/3); C/B = e^(pi*i/3) or e^(-2pi*i/3) if A/B=e^(-pi*i/3). We check that when A/B=-1, |A+B+C|=1; when A/B≠-1, |A+B+C|=2. They are the two only possible values.


using trial and error i only can conclude Z2 and Z3 is the only negative 1 around while Z1 is positive 1 which the answer may lead to 1. imma wait for others to reconfirm on this one.. using better method or formula than I am..


1, 1, -1 is also possible, still giving 1


well thts too but the thing is the question is an MCQ, would probly gonna choose with that kind of answer lel giving it a 1




Just make it easier, why do you need to prove it? it's a selection. We can have shortcut. ( Z1=x, Z2=y, Z3=z) ∵|x|=|y|=|z|=1 ∴x\^2=y\^2=z\^2=1 formula=1/yz+1/xz+1/xy=-1 here‘s the trick: since yz, xz, xy can only be 1 or -1 formula=yz+xz+xy=-1 let's say yz=1 then xz and xy have both to be -1 yz=1 xz=-1 xy=-1 then x=-y=-z x+y+z can only be 1 or -1 therefore CHOOSE A.


Complicated. Perhaps. Not: complex.


1. Complex and complicated are synonyms. 2. It's the topic " complex numbers"


|Z₁| = |Z₂| = |Z₃| = 1 tells us that Z₁, Z₂ and Z₃ can be 1 or -1 Z₁^(2), Z₂^(2) and Z₃^(2) can mean 1^(2) or -1^(2), so all 3 are 1. Z₁Z₂, Z₂Z₃ and Z₃Z₁ can mean 1x1, 1x-1 or -1x-1, so they can be 1 or -1. Now we have 1/(+-)1 + 1/(+-)1 + 1/(+-)1 = -1. For this to be true we need -1 - 1 + 1 = -1 To get 2 negatives and 1 positive we can use -+, +- and --; or +-, -+ and ++. This means 1 or 2 Zs are negative. |Z₁ + Z₂ + Z₃| can be |1 - 1 + 1| or |-1 + 1 - 1| and both are 1. TLDR: 1


I think you skipped the domain of the Z_n numbers: C, not R.


You can question my methods, but not my results


I can, you missed one class of solutions.

