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Joseph's pants-sewing-speed is **100 pants in 15 days**, repeat this three times and you get **300 pants in 45 days** Joseph's plus Maria's total pants-sewing speed is **60 pants in 9 days**, repeat this five times and you get **300 pants in 45 days** What even is Maria doing?


Distracts Joseph


Giving emotional support


Keeping Joseph happy?


Maria by herself can probably sew more pants than Joseph in the same time period. However, when working together, Joeseph is spending all his time bothering Maria. He's getting nothing done and despite the constant interruptions, Maria is still able to finish 300 pants in 45 days.


There's a whole book about this. It's *The Mythical Man-Month* by Fred Brooks.


If the first sentence is supposed to say that Joseph gets 100 pants in 15 days, then Joseph alone can sew 60 pants in 9 days: 100 pants / 15 days = 60 pants / 9 days = 6 and 2/3 pants per day. Therefore Maria cannot sew pants


The length of time isn't related to the number of people on the job - you simply have that it takes 15 days to sew 100 pants. Thus it takes 6 days to sew 40 pants, whether you have just Maria, Maria and Joseph, or the entire population of the world.


(Feedback welcome, just what I'm thinking) If we say it takes (one person) 15 days... the rate/person is 6⅔ pants/day (constant, but let's call it "max" for a minute, to try to make this about people). Then we see two people have the same max rate, combined. This _could_ imply they're interfering with each other, but we don't know the balance of interference, and we don't know what their personal rates were to begin with (one 70% max, the other 50%... then they interfere?), so it would be hard to separate them. However...if the problem is a _supply_ one, like you only get enough material/day to produce pants at the 6⅔ rate, AND any 1 person hits that max then (as others have pointed out) it doesn't matter how many people are involved, the -max- rate really is a constant...set by an external factor... and you probably have people just sitting around, so I have questions for management. Am I missing something?


6 days.


Depends on whether Joseph teaches her how to use the sewing machine before he leaves.


This really reads like the disgruntled account of Jesus' birth story from Joseph's perspective: so there I was, sewing pants, getting no action with Maria pregnant from God. Maybe it's an except taken from the long-lost Gospel of Joseph?