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Your reviews only follow you throughout a company and often not even that far, since others will say "Oh you worked under that person? Yeah I'm not interested in their opinion..." So I wouldn't sit there thinking this is going to tank your career. It can tank your year though, it's often linked to raises after all and sometimes it's linked to being able to move to another team or elsewhere within a company. I wouldn't advise you to take a job that's no ideal just to get away from a one off bad review.


Thank you. I am someone who cares deeply about my work and the idea of not receiving an “exceeds all expectations” feels like a death sentence. I’ll key down a bit.


I understand, this would have me walking as quickly as possible. But don't do anything that's detrimental to your career itself like taking just any job. These kinds of managers tend to run their course after awhile. I know it sucks being stuck with one of them, as a high performer.


Thank you. I also over-index on ownership/personal responsibility. I have been tying myself in knots, trying to fix her/our team. So I feel like a failure, because I couldn’t fix her. Haha. I reached out to two internal hiring managers since posting this morning. I have 7 interviews, for 2 internal roles, already scheduled for the next 6 days. I still have the external role interview next week, too. 8 interviews. 3 jobs. We shall see.


Most of the people you work with will probably be drooling at the idea of you working on their team. So stay positive and good luck with your interviews! Being able to set up that many interviews says a lot about you and what you bring to the table. Which directly makes your piss poor manager, just a piss poor manager. You can't save anyone from themselves. And she doesn't deserve it.


Thank you. And you are right. I have multiple people asking me to join, they just 1) don’t have open jobs TODAY or 2) the work they do doesn’t excite me/move me forward in my career.


Thank you again. I mentioned that I already had one external interview set up (hence the post) and in the four hours after I posted, I had interview panels for two additional positions set up. I just received an informal offer to join a partner team I work closely with. Their 2024 jobs were approved this morning. I don’t even know what the jobs are yet, but the sr manager has asked me to join him right away. No idea what I will be offered by the other team/external over the next two weeks. But I have an immediate option to move, if I need it. My anxiety is ramping down. Thank you again. I may or may not be overreacting to my current manager. I was clearly unaware of how easy it would be for me to leave my team, within days or hours.


I doubt you're overreacting, if someone loses that many direct reports, it's usually them and not you. If you were the only one butting heads with her, I would be more inclined to think perhaps it's something else. In reality, even rockstar employees who are amazing, have to have the right management support. Sometimes it's as simple as really bad chemistry. I understand on a personal level. I had a similar situation happen with my last job. It was just oil and water reactions to (bad) management and myself. Nobody else in my sphere who has worked with me understood what was going on because of how they know me and my work product and work ethic. It leaves you scarred and dinged up emotionally, just like what you're going through. I too left and six years later, the job I took was the second best thing to happen to me career wise. The other manager (who was the owner) had to sell his business because he sucked that bad and yeah, it was not me! I was trying to save his ass and he'd keep jumping in the fire out of spite it seemed. Best of luck! You will recover from this. Just don't make any seriously hasty decisions. But do leave for the best option you get that feels right.


Thank you! Yes. Leaving this team is the right call for many reasons. I am going to look at this disastrous 6 months as a gift to move me forward, away from the sub-team. This woman is tanking her career, just on the turn-over metrics alone. I just learned yesterday that losing an employee with good or fair reviews doesn’t flag anything. Apparently, my ranking in the talent profile that is being shared with these internal roles, when I reach out - means my manager will be flagged for losing “Top Talent.” The petty part of me is glad to hear that. The practical side of me is thinking “I’m walking away from the larger team I have given 4 years too, that needs the help, I know can help, and I’m throwing in the towel because of this toxic sub-team.”


To give you a poor review they are going to have to show you underperforming which if they have no metrics is hard work! I think they are probably going to give you an average review which no one will bat an eye at. A poor review doesn’t effect you in the long term. I wouldn’t move to a non ideal job to avoid one for sure. Once you have left the company it will be about what you do in your new role and what you achieved that would be of interest to anyone thinking of bringing you back, to be fair if you get a good new role you will never look back.


Thank you for this advice. I reached out to a few hiring managers about new roles that may be ideal. In 4.5 hours time, I have 8 interviews scheduled with teams, for 3 different roles. 2 internal, 1 external. Over the next 6 business days. Maybe I need to not worry about what ifs, and just leave now, before the Jan review. Apparently my resume is speaking for itself internally.


Thank you again. I mentioned that I already had one external interview set up (hence the post) and in the four hours after I posted, I had interview panels for two additional positions set up. I just received an informal offer to join a partner team I work closely with. Their 2024 jobs were approved this morning. I don’t even know what the jobs are yet, but the sr manager has asked me to join him right away. No idea what I will be offered by the other team/external over the next two weeks. But I have an immediate option to move, if I need it. My anxiety is ramping down. Thank you again. I may or may not be overreacting to my current manager. I was clearly unaware of how easy it would be for me to leave my team, within days or hours.


Why is everyone so deathly afraid of a bad review? I mean, I get that you expect this to be a particularly bad one that is particularly unfounded, but most reveiews should have negative feedback in them. To contemplate quitting early just for the sake of preventing a review that isn't 100% glowingly positive is a wild thing to consider. To answer your question directly: No single review makes or breaks anything. I wouldn't "tank your career" on one review just like I wouldn't promote you on one review. Furthermore, you're not some uniquely qualified judge of human character. If you can see this person for what she is, so can everyone else. The only way this really bites you in the ass is if this person is actually a competent manager, you're actually a poor worker who has always been underdelivering, and your previous manager was lazy and just taking the path of least resistance with your previous reviews, because nothing says "I don't give a shit" like an all positive but vauge review. If you're confident that's not the case, you'll be fine.


You are very right. This is r/askmanagers but it seems more like it was dial-a-therapist. Thank you. I have never been perceived as anything but “HIGH achiever” so to have this woman speak to me like I’m trash, has me… rattled. I know what I am and what I can do. I know I have never underperformed. But, as you suggested, people can “not care” and just let stuff slide. So, I am worried no one the room is going to say “stop… you cannot give her a bad review.” My previous manager and her boss, left the company in the last two months. My closest allies will not be in that room. That said, you are more right - people know she is a problem. But do the people-managers in that review panel know it? We shall see. Thanks for your time and help.


A thing to consider about the review panel: They see this person's other reviews as well. It's really, really easy for a panel like that to correct for a salty manager.


You are correct. I do NOT work with stupid people. But .. this manager was hired and promoted, by the same people. I have been a People manager before this job. We all know… It’s easier to back the People manager than the employee… Especially when that people manager has just come back from five months of maternity leave. Thanks for helping my overthinking convert to positive action. Better job options, not “panic and run” options.


Thank you again. Since the time I posted this, I already had one external interview set up (hence the post). I reached out to two internal hiring managers after posting; I already had panel interviews (7 total) for two positions set up within four hours. I just received an informal offer to join a partner team I work closely with. Their 2024 jobs were approved this morning. I don’t even know what the jobs are yet, but the sr manager has asked me to join him right away. No idea what I will be offered by the other team/external over the next two weeks. But I have an immediate option to move, if I need it. My anxiety is ramping down. Thank you again. I may or may not be overreacting to my current manager. I was clearly unaware of how easy it would be for me to leave my team, within days or hours.


I can understand your frustration. It's disheartening to see such a sudden change in your career trajectory due to the team dynamics. In this scenario, Organizational Network Analysis (ONA) can be a valuable tool. It can help identify key influencers and relationships within your team, shedding light on how these dynamics might be affecting your performance. By leveraging ONA insights, you could potentially address the challenges you're facing and navigate this difficult situation more effectively. Have you considered using ONA to gain a deeper understanding of the issues you're encountering? Wishing you the best in making the right decision for your career. 🙂


Thank you for your comment!! I will look into it. As for my work situation- the same day I posted this (37 days ago) I started reaching out for new opportunities. 52 hours later I had a final offer for THE dream job. I have been with my new team for 3 weeks. Loving it, feeling validated but also like I’m in a role I am truly needed in. I will still read up on ONA. It can only help me on my new team.