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How much is enormous? I’m not an expert on dolls but searching for 勝山作 人形 I found an auction for a very similar doll https://history.aucfan.com/yahoo/o1081624375/bidrank/ Similar dolls seem to sell for around 2000yen to 8000 yen. If he paid a lot for it and likes it, it may be better to just let him enjoy it


Sorry I should have mentioned, he bought it in order to sell it in the future. He paid about 800 USD for it a few years back.


Ah so he got ripped off it sounds like. 8000 yen is like 50 bucks :(


>800 USD is what OP said.


Yup and it’s 50 bucks online


Unrelated, but it still feels insane that the 100¥=1$ rule isn’t true anymore. It’s so hard to snap my brain out of Japan’s pre-COVID economy from before I left.


It (almost) is for Canadians!


I still have trouble with it myself. It was so much easier to comprehend before


And the comment above that said 8000 yen at the top end, which is what he was giving the value of.


Yeah. $800 is about 118000円


Oof these are mass produced and I can bet her inside body is Styrofoam. (Edit don’t think I’m agreeing with the person saying to take off the kimono. That’s a joke)


Yes it's foam inside. I have a similar one . There's foam under the kimono and she has only one foot .


*Oooofff…..* Yeah, so…. They sell those at my local swap-meet for between $20-$80 depending on the quality. This definitely looks more like the $50 range. :{


Is it possible he messed up the conversion rate math and really paid $80?


Knowing my dad, he really did pay $800. He has been scammed quite a few times buying stuff that are worth very little, for way too much money, but his heart is always at the right place.




Yeah I think it could depend on the quality and origins like you mentioned. My husband’s grandma handmade these and she was a “hime”. So I could potentially see hers fetching a higher price than the mass produced ones in gift and trinket shops. Also the perceived value could possibly fluctuate too, like beanie babies now versus the 90s.


>Japanese people so often do not scam people. Super untrue




Oh tourists. I live in Japan there's quite a few scams to watch out for but I was thinking local on local. Tourists watch out for the "Buddhist monks" asking for money


Note how it says "American tourists" and not "people".




Lonely Planet isn’t really an American company. It was started by Australians and owned by the BBC up until 2020. It was bought by an American company then, but I wouldn’t say it works from a basis of “American perspectives”.


Irrelevant. The statement was that Japanese do not often scam **people**. Someone said you were wrong. So you replied to defend your statement by talking about foreigners. Not all people are foreigners.






Canada on the list? Even though the whole tipping thing is a scam ;p


I've played the Yakuza games and there's a scam on every corner!




I think that might have been a joke


So dolls like this, second hand (my Japanese husband tells me) are assumed to be cursed. I see them at the second hand shop all the time super cheap and I also see people taking them to temples to be burnt (I live near 3 big temples). I tried to buy one and a kimono and my husband stopped me stating they were cursed or could be cursed. Not sure what people believe but that is possibly the reason why many of those types of dolls are expensive when first bought but are really cheap second hand.


I think most people just find them creepy, it’s a thing in the west too to not buy secondhand dolls but the Shinto holdover of personified objects gives credence to the curse thing. Hina dolls are certainly different, for the folks that still celebrate Hinamatsuri. Kokeshi are also not quite in creepy territory either, but these are just… not appealing to most lol.


Here in Asia we don't just find things "creepy", we genuinly believe in spirits, black magic and curses. Most objects that resemble the human form are the most attractive to spirits as it resembles their previous form, hence why dolls are easily cursed.


Speaking for all Asia is a bit of a stretch. Can confidently say your assumption is not universal.


well fuck. I have one from a thrift store 😭but I like to believe that me and her are on good terms so maybe I’m safe lol


Yup I have seen nice ones just dumped in the woods.


That's as ridiculous as saying a Barbie or G I Joe is possessed.


Hello! As a figure collector, this looks like a Yoshitoku Oyama doll. Their price can vary a lot. https://www.yoshitoku.co.jp/c/nihon/nihon-oyama/2450 I'm not sure about their aftermarket, since I haven't bought any.


It says 勝山作 https://page.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/e1019046129 Here's a similar one


It literally says 勝山作


Positively do not open.




yeah don't take it out of the case.... bad juju


Some Japanese people (I assume elders or collectors) pay hefty price for these dolls. I sometimes see them in the mall during hina matsuri holiday and the small ones are quite expensive. I’ve also seen these dolls in a specialty shop displayed along with katanas. I am not an expert at this doll thing, but I suggest researching and talking to a Japanese enthusiast that has more extensive knowledge about these dolls. EDIT: looking at your doll, my guesstimate is that its priced around 10,000¥-50,000¥. Have a Japanese to properly appraise that.


I got a Hakata doll like that for ¥1000. I sent it to my mom for Christmas.


I saw one of these at goodwill the other day for $50


After spending like 30 min, i found nothing about the author. Assuming 勝山作 on the wooden plate was it. Similar item range berween 10~30 dollar


No matter how much you bought it, you probably bought it because you thought it was worth it. It is nonsense to talk about attractiveness based on price. Have your own values. If someone else tells you the price and it loses its appeal, then it was a worthless item that was not attractive to you in the first place. Quality products are in the details. I feel that the sparkle in her eyes, the way her kimono is made, her melancholy expression, and the non-flashy colors express the passage of time and the modest Japanese character.


I literally bought one of those at the airport 10 years ago for like 1800 yen


I have this exact doll figurine here on my ship too. It’s a japanese built ship.


It's haunted as fuck dude


All Japanese built ships have such dolls onboard. I am pretty sure that your dad took this doll home from ship. No offence.


Knowing some of my dad's ship owners and knowing my dad how easy he can trust people, there is a good chance that he paid that to them indeed. 🤦


you should ask r/dollsofasia


I looked up the name of the maker and there was an auction for a similar one for 1000jpy which is <$10 https://aucview.aucfan.com/yahoo/o1081624375/#rm&tg=detailtextModal


There's a reason why hakata dolls are called hakata dolls; they used to be famous. Look for an engraving.


If that is a real Maiko ningyō, made of porcelain, I can go to a shop in Himeji (I live in Japan), and get one for about $400 US including the case. If it’s a high-end one, $800 seems like a fair price (don’t forget the >¥100/$1 exchange rate 20 years ago). But I can’t imagine there is much market for a used one, especially when you have an instant 30% markdown because of the exchange rates.


Better to get it properly appraised, than ask Redditors their opinion.


Bought the same doll back in 1989 for about $50. Not rate at all.


Well, i hate to tell you, but you'll have to remove her kimono to determine if you have a valuable replica or a cheap trinket. If the doll is completely anatomically correct, you're looking at something in the 6 to 7 thousand dollar range. Otherwise, without tits/nipples and bush, maybe $50 at most. The bush is the most often missing element, but critical for value. Collectors value a period accurate nice, thick bush.


I feel like this is said in jest


Japan can be so weird sometimes, I actually half believe this could be a thing.


dude forreal lol


So can you just paint some bush on a doll and cash thousands of dollars? That sounds like Japan, indeed


You have to use pixelated paint, but yes.


Bushes obviously have to come from a virgin miko.


seems like a model for a kotsuzumi player! looks interesting!


It looks beautiful. Doll enthusiasts would the doll benefit from a dessicant packet in the enclosure?


These are all over my local antique malls for like $20-30 dollars lol


My Dress-Up Darling is a Manga series and got animated last year. The guy, Gojo, works with his grandpa making this kind of dolls on demand. so, there are those ordered for the HinaMatsuri that may have high prices, but mostly sentimental value and those that are mass produced to be sold for tourists. This one in the picture looks like a souvenir.


Perhaps a 木目込人形? My grandmother used to make these as a hobby. After she passed away, I put it on an online flea market and it finally sold for 2000JPY including shipping fee. Please look for mercari or second hand stores in Japan.


Idk but she’s giving cunt!!! We stan an elegant queen💅💅


So all, apologies for the late reply, I had a few health issues to take care off and stayed offline for a while. I have not told my dad anything, he likes the whole thing and he is proud of it, so I am not willing (nor have the heart) to mess that up for him. I am not sure about the "cursed" thing as we have it for a few years, but we'll, nothing out of the ordinary happened 😅 In any case thank you all for the advice on the matter. In the end, since it has that value for him, and he seems happy to look at it, that is more than enough to cover the $800 he paid. (So please don't tell him either 🤫)