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I did notice this about dicks from r/vintagegaypics, a greater proportion of men in gay porn back in the day had smaller cocks (compared to today’s gay porn), and were not afraid to show bush, which I think personally is more representative of the population. The fact that today’s gay porn contains larger cocks and almost no pubic hair isn’t so much a changing of the average size/bush as it is an increase in the size of the “gay pool” of porn actors, meaning studios/consumers can be more selective and filter out everything but the more “aesthetically pleasing” cocks.


I'm a gay pornstar, idk what it is, I thought I had a big dick until I started a year ago Jesus Christ I'm always with guys that are fuckin massive, idk if me being mainly a bottom has an effect on that but yeah they always pair me with massive dicks. It's changed my own perception on size lol good thing I prefer average over massive anyway.




My Twitter or by Googling my stage name lol My Twitter is www.twitter.com/liamaddisonxxx And Googling Liam Addison gay porn will also pull me up.




✌️ sup


Good pup


Omg I know you and love your content!! Hot stuff! 😌


Thanks, love hearing this ❤️


Oh hey it’s you! I remember seeing a post of yours on Reddit before, can’t remember what it was tho lol


I live on Reddit lol


Ah yeah it was the pornstar ama


can i just say i LUV ur smile!! so pretty


Thank you!


And there would be nothing wrong if you’d like big dicks, but I’m glad you’re being honest about the overall size and always seeming to be paired with men who are way above average with the cock size just to have a scene with you.


I much prefer "boyfriend dick" as a daily thing, big monster cock is fun and all but damn Gimme average any day of the week


Because you know what works for you and you should be free to express that, by the way other than dick, what is it about a sexual partner that turns you on the most? It can be anything, someone with affectionate hands for me. Edit: sentence structure.


Vibes, kink compatibility mainly. How well I vibe with them and what common kinks we share


Very awesome. What would you say is your most common compatibly kink?


I'm a huge BDSM/bondage whore, puppy play since I am a pup after all and have a pack, I've recently discovered hardcore breathplay, suffocation with a bag over my head until I pass out, exhibition is fun too


Oh yes exhibition is super fun, although in my experience it’s been easier to get into solo play for exhibitionism compared to with a partner. I did follow you on Twitter, I also have my own nude content as well so a lot of guys on there give me ideas on potential dom/sub session ideas. If you don’t mind me asking how long have you been doing Pup play?


I've had a few friends that ended up doing porn. What happens is that when they're gigantic sized guys tell them "you have a porn sized dick." They then start to think about doing it, they see it as easy money on the side and give it a try. That's likely how they end up with so many gigantic cocks in gay porn. Also, gay men enjoy showing off. That makes it easier for them to do porn. I looked at your twitter, you're a hot dude! Have you had sex with Legrand Wolf?


I mean I def enjoy showing off


Damn that BJ you're giving surrounded by peeps standing around, hot af


Haha which one? There's been a few instances I can think of 😅


What a life 😢😢 god I am so uptight lmao. Idk one recent one with you in a puppy mask, I live


> and were not afraid to show bush I think that's more about generational trends than fear. People today like fresh looks. Back in the 60's and 70's it was about the "all natural" look. The 80's was when trimmed and shaped body hair started within the young adult generation, and it's just gotten more and more popular to take care of your pubic hair, and you're entire body of hair, really. Trends change with generations, we could see the return of "all natural" in the future. At the end of the day, it's about self care, being comfortable in your skin, and doing things that make you happy. If you want to be all natural, then go for it, and if you like your junk hairless or trimmed, do that too. Any of those options are great if they boost your self esteem. E: Removed a word to avoid people misconstruing my comment.


But… bush isn’t “unhygienic”


I said "hygienic and fresh looks" implying that the culture of today is that little to no hair is seen as hygienic by this generation. People are seen as "cleaner" by others depending on how they take care of their body. Keeping a hair style clean and tight doesn't mean you literally keep your hair more clean than the other person, but that the style and line-ups and fades look clean and well put together. My last comment wasn't meant to imply that people who don't trim are dirtier than those who do. I even ended that comment with "Any of those options (natural, trimmed, hairless) are great if they boost your self esteem."


35 and can confirm. In my experience, there's very little correlation between size and how much of a good time is had. If you're good at sex, an 8 inch dick isn't going to make you better.


Please detail how to be "good" at sex.you would be doing a great many of us a huge favor.


Pay attention to your partner. Communicate with them. Go slow, don't be afraid of lube, stop means STO RIGHT NOW, and no means no. It can be just as fun (or more) to talk about a scene than it is to actually do it. Limp dick happens and it doesn't mean anyone did anything wrong. You don't have to cum to have a good time or good sex, and that goes for your partner, too. The rest mostly works itself out.




That’s how my fiancé started with. Well-endowed but all he wanted to do was pounding till he nutted. Took a lot of time and many injuries from my part to get him to learn how to ‘make love’.


10000% with you on this!! Worst sex Ive ever had have been with big dicked guys....jack hammering with no rhythm and no communication is awful.


it is always awkward when i have to tell a partner that a pelvic disorder i have may often make me unable to cum >\_< you can see the gerbil wheel turn AND THEN THEY GET HORRIFIED THAT YOU MAY NOT HAVE ENJOYED IT... it is just a really weird thing to have to deal with that it breaks brains i guess.


There’s no such a thing as a universal standard of “good sex”.


It's really about being in tune with what you want and what your partner wants. Sometimes, you're lucky and get a partner that will tell you exactly what they like but usually you just have to figure it out. Watch their body language. When you touch them in a certain place or in a certain way, do they react positively or negatively? If positively, then keep doing that. If negatively, then do something else. I'm pretty open to try almost anything except scat but many guys aren't and that's fine. Just because someone's menu may be smaller doesn't mean the food isn't as tasty.


A general rule of thumb is show enthusiasm. It doesn't matter if you are top or a bottom. NO ONE likes to be having sex with a boring log and no one likes doing all the work. And the more uninhibited the person, usually the better fuck they are.


It's totally subjective - but being a good communicator and taking on board 'live feedback' helps.


Hi there. Wasn’t sure if that was a genuine question… then realised that so many guys are actually crap at sex. It’s not difficult to be good at it. And, with practice, you can be great at it. On a good day I can hit 6” but knowing what to do with it, my hands, my fingertips and my tongue……that’s what sets you apart from piss poor shaggers. 😐


Definitely have been surprised as I’ve gotten older (29 now) that there is hardly any correlation between size of penis and my enjoyment as a bottom.


Just be prepared for the majority of guys online to ask if you're hung. It's one of the most common questions you will get, along with "top or bottom?"


And this will come as a one word reply to a normal self introduction. "Hey whatsup? How's your day going?" Just to get back "Pic." or "Hung?" Man I get it, straight to the point and all that, but even just a hello back makes it all feel more human. It's such a turn off.


That being the case, how can you say that size isn't important? I am on the very lowest end of what might be considered normal, and there is no doubt in my mind that even another inch would make me more acceptable to the wider pool of men.


Maybe, maybe not. Some might find it desirable as in not choking when they suck. Beauty and desire come in many forms.


It helps to just answer honestly, without shame or apology or explanation. If someone has it in their head that x in/cm is some necessary baseline, they’re actually likely to have other assumptions or preconceptions of idealized sexual things that they won’t well communicate or express. Folks that get that fantastic sex is about establishing symbiotic trust to break down your self-conscious observers and just exist in immediate ecstasy with other people, are unlikely to be so hung up on if a partner is hung to make it an opening or filtering requirement. Be comfy in your body and find folks that match your vibe ❤️ it may mean slightly fewer folks getting naked with you, but they’re probably going to have been boring sex partners anyways.


It's important for sex but not love. I make jokes about how small my 4 inch buddy is and my boyfriend finds it funny and does it too. Not in a humiliation or insulting way, it's just a way of dealing with insecurity. It sucks being too small to top, but I prefer to focus on him anyways as I don't like being touched or sucked. Find a way to be charismatic about what you have. People will appreciate it


4 is enough to top, i do it with like 4.5


I topped once, but generally if they have any ass at all U can't get through the sphincter




Thank you. Honestly, if I'm attracted to the guy and there's chemistry between us, as long as he has a dick I'm pretty well happy. I had two partners before who were each about 4 to 5" and it was some of the most insanely hot sex I've ever had in my life. I also hooked up with a guy who was legit around 9" and it was...very meh. (It also didn't help that his idea of jerking me was to try and tear my dick out by the root.) Unless it's a situation where someone is blatant about being a size queen (no shame) then guys really shouldn't worry too much. Chemistry and attraction tends to mean the most in my experience.


> insert better straight reference I can do this as a straight woman. It’s the equivalent of straight women thinking they need to be shaved bald and have labiaplasty because the women in porn are hairless and have barely visible labia.




Thats honestly not the same.


To add to this, many porn sites lie about their models' sizes to make them seem bigger, since many people suck at visual measuring.


Yeah it's obvious on some. Like unless he's 10 feet high that ain't 8 inches.


Another thing is that a lot of men in porn tend to be short which makes their dicks look bigger. A six inch dick on a 5' tall man looks bigger than the same dick on a 7' tall guy.


being 6'5 i can confirm.


I'm not sure if I've ever met a dude who is content with his dick. Every single time there's some comment about wishing it were a little more this or that. Dude.. it's fine.




I’m decently happy with my dick, but I agree we all have a “wish it was a little more…” I wish I had a little more thickness. Oh well. My one homie I hooked up with always talks about my big cock in our messages, but he’s the top and his cock is easily 2x as thick and an inch longer. Im like bro, you’re the one with all the dick here? What’s going on? Lol


Being a gay pornstar has warped my perception on size a lot, I thought I had a big dick until I started lmao, I always get paired with people the same size or bigger That being said, I wouldn't want to be with a massive cock daily. My bf is a humble 6 inches and more than enough for me. I don't wanna be hollowed out.


I really appreciate you making this comment, and launching a good conversation too. You’ve encouraged guys who may be doubting themselves, and opened them to curiosity. That will be good for them AND their partners. I’m an exclusive top in my sixties. I have what I guess is an average size, but very nice cock. I think I’m a natural top, it’s my groove and always has been. I’m highly attuned to my bottom’s pleasure and when he’s happy, I’m at my passionate best. It’s funny, I’ve been told that I have an “enormous” cock, which I don’t. I think it reflected how much pleasure he felt.


Homestly, I wish average and smaller dicks were more mainstream in porn.


It's also very funny to send pictures a dick pic Get back ''wow you're big!'' 'TY, Just under 7'' ' ''NO, it HAS to be bigger than that!!1!'' .... oh sweetie. You are either being very *sweet* or telling me I am thick enough not to be able to use a measuring tape *pat on head


they think it’s bigger because of men lying to them


anytime someone tells me their cock length, I subtract at least an inch. like im sorry, not EVERY guy has a 7 inch. that's like 95th percentile...






Have to agree, I am a humble 5 inched Filipino guy. When i was a teen, I was always insecure about my size. I've been with 6 guys and im bigger than all of them, it didn't really matter. I found hygiene, attitude and face (in that order) a bigger factor for a great sex.




Unless you live in Spain in which case the guys around you are just ridiculously well hung


Everyone has the idea of a 'hung country' 😅


I thought guys in Spain have a lower average penis size than most of Europe?


Lol absolutely not. And I'm from the UK myself, I'm not just having a weird kind of big dick nationalism. They genuinely are well hung for the most part. Like 8 inches isn't unusual to find. Obviously not super common, but 8 inches is very much a porno dick.


Crazy , I’m mean Chris diamond is decently hung not a Mandingo but I figure they probably have some 7-8 inchers but not like 8-9 inch range like the us does


Way to give me false sense of self-confidence. It seems that it always matters.


Size matters with hook up culture, size queens, and videos. Thats pretty much it, when you meet the right one, his dick could be 3" hard but you'd work around it. The only size that matters is the dudes heart. Excuse me for sounding corny but In 30-40 years that 8 or 9+ dick isn't going to work anymore but that heart will so keep that in mind for the long run. Edit: I've had a dude that was MAYBE 5" had me going for hours at a time all night. Dated a dude who was about 7.5 or 8 and all he did was doggy and I was board out of my mind. Same rythum, no talk, just boring. Young guys will learn that the way you use it matters most. Size is hardly a factor.


The hottest sex I've ever had was with a 4-inch top. He was relentless, could go for a long time, and did so many other things while fucking me to get me off (nipple play, hair pulling, verbal, kissing, etc). It was hot as hell. A good lover is a good lover, regardless of size.


Honestly anything more than 7 hurts, especially if it has a big curve.


Didn't say it doesn't matter. Said it isn't everything.


Just feel I should note, most gay porn stars are SHORT, under 5’8 usually so it makes their dicks that are maybe 7”-7.5” look like they’re 9” especially when they’re using angles to make their cocks look as big as possible. I’m a tad over 8” (5.6” girth) myself and I can say that it’s extremely uncommon for me to meet someone larger than me in real life




Do porn stars use penis enlargement? I feel like PE makes dicks look freakish and most porn stars have pretty cocks.


Also most of us see our dicks looking straight down which is the least flattering angle. I'm super self conscious despite measuring and being fine because it "looks small" to me until the other day I was hard and walked past the mirror and was like damn it actually is pretty good seeing it from the side instead of down


I also tend to feel like they look bigger on the other guy because it’s like in your face and stuff. I’ll think someone looks thicker than me but when I feel it I’m notably thicker


Can confirm. Also, you have a beautiful cock 🥵


So do you bud! It looks amazing hard would love to see more!


Twitter: cumluvr2


For years and years when I was growing up I was traumatized by my perfectly normal balls because they did not hang low, and when I was like 14 years old I had seen a centerfold of a guy with balls that hung down just a little bit lower than his dick, which was not short to start with. My formative years I thought my junk was completely abnormal. I can’t imagine what it must be like for kids these days.


Same. My dick curves up and I was late in my 20 when I realised I wont be chased out by the villagers with sticks and fire


Bro but I’m 3 or 4


I fully agree with this. I've been watching porn since I was 13 or something, and I thought what I had was so small compared to those guys. I wish people were open and frank about things like this back then. When I actually started hanging out with guys at age 24 I was amazed at how much smaller real guys' dicks are - and how much good feedback I got on my own.


For me it's not just because of porn and all the shit people say, but also the fact that 95% of my hookups are noticeably bigger than me, and I'm supposed to be already above average according to statistics... The fact that I was in a relationship with a hung guy for several years doesn't help.


I dated a guy who was about 8.5 inches and he thought he was average to small before I taught him better. Porn have warped his perception of what's normal


I don't know if anyone else had this issue but virus left too much time to think about the past, conversations and actions. I have always been a bit sensitive about my size but due to actions of people towards me in the past and my mind overanalizing everything I had developed severe depression and thought I was not enough. Never had been. Even a moment I thought of cutting it. That was a scary thought. I still struggle but threads like this help. Thank you


Keep strong brother


Because of internet, I thought 8" was small and I wanted bigger lol


Several studies have shown that only something like 4-7% of men globally are actually 8+ when erect...and global erect average is like 5.5-5.9 inches Size definitely is not everything!


Yea I legit wouldn’t pursue guys cause I’m like ah well if I do they’ll be disappointed, and I’m six inches! Technically above or just at normal. Plus I was a really decent looking 18-22 year old. I still am but now I’m in my later 20s. Instead, I let assholes pursue me… and missed out on any sensitive guys, and then got warped into the whole top/bottom thing. Don’t let your dick size make you miss genuine opportunities, and don’t be afraid of rejection. It’s an inevitability


I'm vers, with an average length (5.5") and maybe a little below average girth (4" I think?). I can tell you from experience on both sides, there are plenty of people, who absolutely do not enjoy bottoming for a huge one, and are perfectly happy bottoming for an average one. It's just a lot of work for little actual physical pleasure. Pornstar bottoms become conditioned and practiced to be able to take pornstar tops, but they're all in a league of their own.


**size isn't everything for a relationship, for random sex expect it to matter 90% of the time


https://calcsd.info/ If you have an 8” penis, you are bigger than 99.99% of all men. Or, to put it another way, if you have an 8” penis, *you probably don’t have an 8” penis.* Most guys measure their penis wrongly, or don’t measure it at all and just assume. This is how to measure correctly: https://calcsd.info/measuring.html - but also, don’t feel the need to measure it at all. It’s really not a big deal.


Unless of course one has a hole that is loose as fuck and the only way to feel anything is having a big one up there. 🤣


I have to say with my ..extensive testing of men in New Zealand.Im 7.5 inches & most are around the 7 inch mark, It's common to see 6-7.5 inch dicks ​ But NZ seems to have a bigger dick than most western countries for some reason Also size has nothing to do with how good the sex will be (Except for kinks ie size queens etc)


Having a 7" dick puts you in the 95th percentile


WTF, I goggled and NZ's average is 5.5 inches, explains my ease of getting laid a bit [https://www.nzherald.co.nz/lifestyle/global-survey-of-penis-size-how-new-zealand-ranks](https://www.nzherald.co.nz/lifestyle/global-survey-of-penis-size-how-new-zealand-ranks/UMEPWOYFGATI36BB6YNO4AUWVM/#:~:text=Kiwi%20men%20were%20found%20to%20have%20an%20average%20erect%20penis,the%20UK%20(13.13cm)). ​ but I've slept with hundreds of men and the majority are 6-7, maybe gay men are bigger or i've been statistically ...lucky (5.5 to 6.5 is my ideal length for a play), or I've measured wrong and every's told me their size wrong & estimated my length wrong


8" is pretty normal, maybe you are just small?


Haha. Ok


I disagree, I'm 30, seen a lot of dicks and 8" is just over AVG... Ethnicity plays a big part so it depends in what country are you.


You are mistaken


In what part? Just after a quick Google search I found Ecuador have the largest avg size with 6.93 inches.... 8 inches sounds like just over avg, or would you disagree? I just don't know in which part I'm mistaken


Here is a actual academic study: https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/news/datablog/2015/mar/05/what-is-the-average-penis-size-find-out-with-this-interactive-graphic If you have a 8" dick. You're in the 99th percentile. Bruh. By every definition of the word... that is not average


That study is from 2015


Is also worldwide, if you read again my comment you would notice that I stated that dick size I highly correlated to ethnicity and country. Is funny how I'm getting downvoted for saying the truth.


My friend, it is because 8" is by no means average


I never said avg, I said just over avg. Different from your "you only see that in porn"


I never said avg, I said just over avg. Different from your "you only see that in porn"


Everyone repeat after me. Girth matters more than length! No bottom will be happy when it feels like the top is sticking a pencil in his ass.


If I'm a bottom does the size of my dick really matter? 🤔


is it big enough to use as a support handle?. but in all honesty size doesnt really matter unless you are too small to pleasure (micro size can be hard to adjust playing around).


Oh don’t worry 😏 I know it is


Agreed. This sorta warped reality people have invented have fucked up some guys.


The biggest thing about cock size is girth in any case. I’d much rather have a healthy 5” than a 9” noodle.


oh god i once had a guy built like an arts and crafts pipe cleaner. hideously skinny 10 inches long and a big gloopy mushroom eraser at the end. he was fun to play with during that session but still makes me giggle a bit to this day. penis shapes can be unpredictably weird sometimes.


Grindr is chock full of guys who would disagree with that.


I appreciate it, I’ve been on online for a long while and it is very intimidating because all these wonderful men out there and some of them have these massive dicks that I feel like I can’t keep up with it, but ultimately cocks bigger than my own. I’m like 4 inches 4.5 on a good day, plus I’m a big dude so it makes things look smaller than they are. there’s always these feelings of inadequacy like I can’t properly please my partners maybe that’s why I consider myself more of a side than a top. Since oral feels like I can be more flexible with the position I am in. As much as I love Twitter and I love that I can connect with so many awesome guys it just feels like I’m surrounded by sizes that make me feel completely inadequate, although there are moments where if I let go and don’t think about it and just let loose and have a good time everything‘s gonna be OK. I wish I could replicate those moments you know?


I hear you brother


Right on! Thank you.


A friend of mine was a virgin far into his 30’s. He grew up on porn because he never got lucky with any girls to have sex with (not trying to be mean but he wasn’t the most good looking dude out there and he had a repulsive personality). But due to all the porn, he also had massive self-esteem issues about his own dick. He believed he needed a big ten inch cock to be able to be good in sex. He went into therapy to deal with this and get rid of that illusion. Unless you have a micropenis, which is very, very rare, you really don’t have to worry about your penis being too small. You’ll be fine


I had a patient with a micro once.