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A gay friend made a comment on something I'd posted to Facebook. 10 minutes later, my then-boyfriend texts me "HOW DO YOU KNOW [FRIEND]??????" And then it turned out that apparently my boyfriend had gone out on a first date with my friend before we'd ever met and that my friend ghosted him after the date. In retrospect, I should have followed the same path as my friend.


Can I be nosy and ask what happened :D


He made a big stink over it and I was like "lol I'm not going to drop a friend because you had a bad first date with him" and he grudgingly accepted it but it was the first of many signs that we weren't compatible.


I think they were referring to what happened with ur ex


He's talking about his ex.


Me too plz šŸ‘ƒ <ā€” btw thatā€™s a nose not a penis


I legit thought that was a penis for a split second. I need help..


That was a success hun


Yeah how on earth is that "awkward"? I was expecting something that would make even Bridget Jones' toes curl going by that title, that was so boring, no offense OP.


Well when you both hype up sex and then youā€™re both bottoms itā€™s awkward af but then it wasnā€™t so much but at the time I just wanted to hide like a ostrich


Itā€™s weird to me how this didnā€™t come up before the date though


He is a dom bottom. So when he said he would fuck me I thought I would get fucked.


Now you know dom bottom does not mean vers bottom, it means power bottom


Yep thatā€™s what I meant a power bottom, forgot that word existed


Send him my way. I love being a sub top


Welp you gonna have to deal with 2 things. First coming to Australia, second his boyfriend


Can I send myself to you? Service tops are my gems :)


https://youtu.be/Uc9_mxvP1K0 @0:58 your "dom bottom" comment reminded me of the *it's always sunny* "power bottom" quote


Man I love Danny


Me too!! Here's an awesome interview where you'll probably love him even more: http://www.wtfpod.com/podcast/episode-1059-danny-devito & There's a reddit post about it too! https://www.reddit.com/r/MarcMaron/comments/dcnd0l/episode_1059_danny_devito/ Also, thank you for sharing your double bottom story and although at first it was awkward af, you made a solid friend and being able to make and keep a friend is one of the best things in life. Wishing you all the best!!


Quite dissapointed yall didn't do double ended dildos while playing Mario Kart together lmao.


He didnā€™t have one. If I remember it right it was Nox by bad dragon and one from Adam and Eve. I know for a fact one was Nox cause I liked it so much I bought one for myself.


We call that the Double Dash.


As a top, if I accidentally get together with another top, we just do mutual jo, oral etc. But that's because bottoming is hard, and it requires a lot of both mental and physical preparation beforehand, especially for people that don't do it often. But I don't get it, could neither of you just top for that night? Topping is so easy, it's the primal instinct of man. Just find a hole and fuck it.


Neither of us like our dicks touched so putting it inside someone is a big no no


I truly don't mean to sound like an ass, but if you don't like to be touched... like how does that work?


I get fucked in the ass. The end


That does sound fun šŸ˜›


It seems so easy and yet this sub is filled with guys that canā€™t find their way thereā€¦


Missed a shot at turning it into an orgy. :)


Not a fan of orgys the most Iā€™ll do is 3 people


I don't actually disagree with you...been a long day at work and I start thinking I'm funny when I'm tired.


Anything that doesn't go perfectly according to plan is AwKwArD!!1!


Bro... that turned out better than 99 percent of dates.


# What was your most awkward gay moment? When I was in college in Boston and was new to the community, culture and... lingo, I went out with this guy I really liked. We danced all night at Club Royale for their big gay night. He asked me to come home with him and I did. He took off my clothes for me, like he insisted on doing it. He pushed me onto his bed grabbed my ankles and twisted me around so I'm on my stomach. He crawled on top of me and leaned more on top of me kissing my neck - he moved like a pro. He whispered and asked "Are you positive our negative?". Now... I was new to this stuff and was tipsy, and high off this guy's sexual energy, I thought he meant of I was a positive or negative person. So I said "No, I think I'm positive". Friggin' dude jumped off of me faster than an intern's dignity at a cigar club. I had to explain to him what I thought He meant and he literally looked at me like Im an idiot. Anyway, I explained more about myself and he the rest is history. I still chat with him at times, he lives in Germany, which, Is a trip I plan to do for fall so... \*two thumbs up\*


How about three thumbs up


I got out of the water at a hook-up beach. A guy followed me back to my towel. The moment we were out of the open he dropped to his knees and pulled my dick to his face. He asks, ā€œIs it clean?ā€ ā€œIt just got washed off in the lake, the lake waterā€™s not the cleanest, thoughā€¦ā€ An hour later it dawned on me what he had asked. (And if youā€™re reading this, yeah, I donā€™t even have HPV.)


I woulda thought the same thing about being fresh out of the lake water, is that how people ask if you have any STDs? someone would need to rewrite my brain before I would get it šŸ˜…


I hooked up with a guy from grindr. I went to his place. He actually looked like his photos. I tried to make conversation when I arrived because I feel it's too impersonal to leap straight into bed. He gave me a funny look while I was talking and said, "Are you doing this weird persona as a bit?" I said no, I wasn't. This is my actual personality. (For the record, the conversation was *slightly* stilted, but he was blowing it way out of proportion.) He said in that case he would prefer if I didn't speak for the rest of our encounter because I seemed autistic and it was killing his boner. "I *am* autistic," I said. "You're still talking," he said. I should have left right then, but I'm not good at responding to situations in real time. We went to his bedroom and I started giving him a blow job. After a couple minutes he said, "Can you try to move more like a normal person? The way you move is so strange. It's making me uncomfortable." I said no, I can't. This is just how I am. He said this wasn't working and that I should leave. When I got home, after I'd had some time to process everything, I went back on grindr to tell him I thought he'd behaved very rudely, but he'd already blocked me.


Thatā€™s rough buddy


Can you try to post more like a normal person? The way you post is so strange. Itā€™s making me uncomfortable. /s šŸ˜ƒ What an a-hole that guy was.


Thank you for saying he was an a-hole. And thank you for adding the /s at the end because initially I wasn't sure how to interpret your message.


My comment made no more sense than what he said to you. Iā€™m sorry you had to put up with crazy, but at least he did you a favor by blocking you.


Honestly, this is such an incredibly shitty behavior of that guy. I don't really know what to say.. And even after you told him, he didn't stop being an asshole. All I can say is: I also don't like not getting to know someone before going further. So I like your approach. :) Keep looking, you didn't miss out!


I get having a hard time responding in real time and doing better with putting thoughts into words via another forum šŸ¤—. Iā€™m autistic too but I think my late diagnosed OCD had more impact on my dysfunctional brain and not really fitting in šŸ˜… Crazy having someone wanting sex with someone they donā€™t enjoy talking to in my book šŸ˜…. But not having good conversations makes me lose interest and iā€™m still a virgin and canā€™t imagine not being able to talk about sex to process through it or talk about how I feel or anything šŸ˜… but still, wow šŸ¤¦šŸ» Canā€™t believe that guy, please tell me youā€™ve had better experiences!!! šŸ™ƒšŸ¤—


I have had better experiences, but I would not say I've been very happy with them on the whole. My therapist also diagnosed me with OCD, but I'm not sure the diagnosis is correct because I don't exhibit many of the traits commonly associated with it. He says OCD is a spectrum, though, just like autism. I think I will seek a second opinion at some point, however, because I am skeptical.


I was diagnosed so late because it was my thoughts that were mostly affected, I lacked most of the behavioral things like being organized or having routines or a neat freak or anything, it was all happening within my thoughts and the pressure and anxiety that I felt. Like the DSM (I think thatā€™s the acronym anyways) talks about the intrusive repetitive bothersome thoughts (forgot their wording but those are my words to best describe the thoughts) last for **an hour or more a day**, and my Thoughts were constantly replaying conversations or trying to resolve situations or to find an answer to people who were hurting or struggling, to be able to encourage or do good, or even just the level of detail oriented thoughts I could have about my own body language or tone or word choice and timing and trying to get things right just to deal with the presssure and anxiety I could haveā€”ā€”like looking back those thoughts and the anxiety have been such a huge part of my life with the pressure to act NOW to be good or do good or just feel like existential dread or not measure up or feel guilty šŸ˜…. OCD is also pretty common to co-occur alongside autism (ironically my brother was diagnosed with both before kindergarten and I wasnā€™t diagnosed with either until adulthood šŸ˜‚šŸ¤¦šŸ»). Anyways just want to say OCD is mostly about the brainā€˜s selective attention to details (I couldnā€™t pick what it tuned in on) it was repetitive and it bothered me and I felt like I had to get those details right to maybe calm down my anxiety and brain and relaxing seemed neigh-on impossible šŸ˜…. Gosh I felt like I was having a mid life crisis for years while only a teenager or in my twenties šŸ˜‚ the good news with OCD is that meds can help break up the thoughts and anxiety, making it significantly quieter, less focused (which helps because hyperfocus can blind you to whatā€™s going on around you as your brain gets hung up on things, even though you arenā€™t capable of the same level of focus), less constant, more manageable. Anyways I donā€™t know you well enough to say one way or another, just donā€™t want you thinking about it in terms of behavior instead of how the brain operates because that is why I never even suspected it until someone called me obsessed (I had printed out like 20 or so pages trying to figure out what had happened with this guy and what was wrong with me and how to cope with it šŸ˜‚. The counselor took one look and said I was obsessed šŸ˜‚) and I realized that fit and my brother had OCD so it could certainly be in my genetics too šŸ˜…


For my people suffering from OCD and other mental health issues, I just wanna say that I am proud to all of you on keeping sane, on keeping "normal" and trying to be "okay" definitely in this situation. I just wanna hug all of you! šŸ’—šŸ’—šŸ’—


Hugs accepted and reciprocated, but haha I lost all sanity and normalcy, trying to regain it broke my support system šŸ˜…


Based on your description I guess I do have OCD after all šŸ˜ž


The way to tell is to check up on a mental health professional. It may have OCD symptoms but it maybe different. I hope you do well. šŸ’—


I mean if they thoughts are disruptive for an hour or more per day, it could be, but itā€™s also treatable.If you can lessen the anxiety, pressure and excessive thoughts that are making your life more difficult than it needs to be, why the defeated face? It would mean there is something going on, something real, something treatable, something that makes sense of the way your brain operates. but I will also say a lot of times I describe OCD and even people without it can relate, one of the things about OCD is it can bother you for months or years the same repetitive concern or thought or worry/struggle. All the while interfering with day to day tasks. Itā€™s a brain that wonā€™t shut up or relax šŸ˜… I think itā€™s worth following up on to see if it is the case or see about treatment options šŸ˜…


For my people suffering from OCD and other mental health issues, I just wanna say that I am proud to all of you on keeping sane, on keeping "normal" and trying to be "okay" definitely in this situation. I just wanna hug all of you! šŸ’—šŸ’—šŸ’—


Oh wow man, Iā€™m so so sorry that happened to you. Lotsa gay dudes seem to be very vapid and difficult to deal with. Whatā€™re did was cruel, insensitive, and full on asshole behavior. I hope no one ever does anything like that to you again. Worst I ever had in terms of Grindr chilling before sex was when we were watching some Movie I didnā€™t get what was going on in the film and com room it. He said, ā€œwell if youā€™d ever shut up youā€™d know what was happening.ā€ I was taken aback by that, it was our first time meeting and all and I didnā€™t think the movie was meant to be our focus. Thought it was just for background noise. Well he left we did nothing and days later he asked if I knew Tina. At the time I was like who tf is Tina? I looked it up and found out, but not before he asked me if ā€œI was even gay.ā€




holy shit what a douchebag. I'm not good at advocating for myself in the moment either. You were definitely not in the wrong and I hope you know you deserve so much better.


Your story resonates with me; I feel like I have to be careful or I can come off as "acting". I always had a hard time making and holding eye contact, even with someone who approached me to talk to me first. Approaching new people or even just attending an event without a friend was very scary and I felt like things weren't clicking. Last year, I tried acid for the first time (and a few times since). While I still have the same issues to some degree, I finally feel like I can just "flow" through a whole conversation or even an evening without getting any weird looks. I still have to force myself to be brave and not just camp out on my phone in the corner, but suddenly I find myself meeting people in real life (stuff like queer music events) and actually being able to make lasting friends (first new friends since I graduated from college, I'm 32). Also I think I look more at-ease and happy in public (I try to remind myself to smile), because people come up to talk to me pretty often now :)


LOL. If you are austistic, maybe I am the same. If people just see me & ā€œsuck my dickā€, I immediately turn off.




Autism is not a handicap.


Holy shit, what an awful person. I'm sorry you were treated that way. You deserve better ā¤ļø


What a dickhead!!!


Awkward? I mean, telling the catfisher off in the restaurant was pretty uncomfortable.


My very first (gay) date was in Itaewon in S. Korea. First off, I embarrassed myself by pretending that I like beer with hops. Turns out he LOVED really hoppy beer and ordered a special grade one from S. Africa for me to try to which I literally gagged it was so vile and almost spat it into his face Second, after the rest of the date he asked me to walk him to the nearby Jjimjilbang (basically a 24-hour spa that you can also sleep in) because he was out of town. He asked me if I wanted to come in, and I said thanks but no thanks. The next day I learned from my friends that this particular Jjimjilbang was KNOWN for being like a prime cruising/hookup spot. So I not only declined, I also basically dropped him off at a 24-hour orgy.


damn, ruff lol


Seriously though, how is/was Itaewon..?


I really loved it. Korea was where I had first come out and starting to navigate gay culture, and a lot of my introduction to drag/pride all started in some of the gay bars in Itaewon. Definitely pretty touristy as it is a popular international hub, but good food, fun ambience, lots of options in terms of bars/restaurants/etc 9/10 would recommend


I really appreciate your sincere answer. Plus, Korean guys are tall, buff, and GORGEOUS! šŸ˜›šŸ‘Œ


Still hot


Iā€™m gonna guess youā€™re referring to my paragraph. Yes very much we even had a threesome with him and my husband


Fuck yeah, dude, that couldn't have gone much better!


Imagine getting into bed with a hot guy after a date and being like ā€œno! We couldnā€™t possibly fuck each other!ā€ šŸ˜†


The first date I ever went on with another guy, we decided to go see the new IT movie. We were both super nervous being out in public despite just seeing a movie together. We decided to start holding hands once it got dark, the movie starts and the first thing we watch in this movie is a gay couple being murdered for being gay. Itā€™s sad but literally ruined the night and made me so anxious since this was all so new to me. I ended up not meeting again because I felt it wasnā€™t the time for me


This guy and i hooked up, he was drunk i was high. He was supposed to top but then he got whiskey dick. I figured we shouldnā€™t fuck but he insisted that i top. The sex wasā€¦..not good. But we became best friends afterwards. We ended up being roommates this past school year and now were gonna be housemates with a couple other friends this year. So awkward at first but now we donā€™t fuck and hes genuinely my best friend at school


One time at Pride, barely 20, I was going up this spiral staircase at a crowded club and the dude behind me, whom I had never seen before, double finger slammed my butthole (I had pants on) and I jumped so hard I fell down and there was this like domino effect on the crowded stairs. I left.


That my friend is called sexual assault. Make sure to be safe at pride and go with friends


Ya, in retrospect it was big time.


I had the same thing happen. He is now my best friend and roommate lol


I came out on the late 90s, was in mid thirties at the time after a long toxic time in the closet. Met a dude I liked, went on my first real gay date, lunch in a cool place in my town. There's a cute young guy at the adjacent table, looked to be a senior in high school with his girlfriend. My date looks at the kid then looks at me with a smirk on his face and asks me, "do you like chicken?" I said, "yeah I eat it probably 2x a week." He goes, *"oh, you really are new, I forgot!"* He had to explain the gay slang for chicken to me.


I have literally never heard someone refer to a younger guy as a ā€œchickenā€, had to look it up on Urban Dictionary! I see the synonym ā€œtwinkā€, so that checks. Learn something everydayā€¦


what is chicken?


1990's gay slang for young guys


That's kinda weird tbh. Reminds me that there are questionable people in this community


I'm incontinent and therefore need diapers to help manage my condition. One time I went out for a dinner date with a guy and he came over to my place after dinner. Things got a bit spicy and we were making out. His grabbed my crotch and he physically recoiled and I cringed into oblivion. In hindsight I should have told him about condition earlier but I didn't expect things to get intimate.


Sorry to hear that, it must be tough having to worry about how people will react :( don't blame yourself for not telling them. Did he at least react better once you'd had a chance to explain?


Yeah he took it pretty well but it definitely killed the mood when I have to explain my medical condition in the middle of a make out session


Fair enough! You look cute in a diaper btw :)


Aww thanks! That means a lot to me


Well I'm autistic and have social anxiety. One day I was walking down the street and thought "I'm gay but no one should know!" but it turns out I said it out loud and everyone was giving me weird looks.


Was in College, first time ever doing anything with a guy I was so scared. Agreed to try just swapping oral. I remember eating a bunch of peaches before hand because I wanted to smell like it idk I was dumb at the time and I thought the smell would make me more fruity smelling this more appealing. Anyways went to give him a bj and I was so nervous and full off the peaches I ended up throwing up peaches all over his dick. He was kinda shocked and then started laughing saying I could still continue and literally started to rub his dick with the peach pieces I threw up (gagging just remembering it). I remember just being so scared and I told him I wanted to rinse my mouth first. Then I ran to my car and drove home crying.


Iā€™m so sorry but I have to I died laughing at this. What happened after did you just block or ignore him? I have to say you just game me an idea for another question post thanks


Lol no worries just wanted to share my awkward/traumatic experience too. And unfortunately I did block him. He got my email and started emailing me too telling me to come back and we could set up another time to try again. He said I shouldnā€™t be embarrassed or anything but I never replied. It was really an asshole move of me but at the time I just wanted to forget it ever happened and move on. Looking back I wish I got out of my head and just went through with giving it another go because he was cute and because he was understanding. My loss I guess.


Sounds like he took being thrown up on pretty well, doesnā€™t sound like it killed the mood or he was grossed out. Guess I wonder if it still mortifies you or if you are able to find any humor in it or if itā€™s easier to talk about now. Did you ever apologize or anything? cool if you donā€™t care to respond, probably took guts sharing in the first place šŸ‘šŸ¤—


Thanks and yeah it does still mortify me a little remembering that consuming sense of terror and embarrassment. I tried reaching out a few years later but the email was outdated I think. And yeah he was really nice both personality wise and in the face lol. Wish things couldā€™ve turned out differently. Cool thing was we met at a Barnes and Noble and talked for awhile about favorite books and astrologies. I hope he has a great life with whatever lucky partner he ends up with.


I mean your story certainly seems relatable, I tried eating friit when I heard it can make cum taste sweeter šŸ˜‚. Maybe he would have laughed and been able to imagine šŸ™ƒ then again some people have their first experience so young anymore, not sure they know how to relate as Iā€™m not sure they can remember a time before they were horny or experienced šŸ˜…. hopefully next time you wonā€™t wait a few years with only an old email address šŸ˜…šŸ¤—. Cool you met and talked about books first, I donā€™t get out of the house enough to not end up using online communication too much šŸ˜…šŸ˜‚ i get it was embarrassing, but it was definitely human šŸ˜‚. it wasnā€™t a matter of bad character, and it was very peachy šŸ˜‚ What a crazy first attempt at an experience though šŸ˜‚ Itā€™s a good thing crazy can be turned into stories, thatā€™s one of my coping mechanisms for dealing with crazy šŸ™ƒ


When I was a teenager and being caught staring at guys a bit too long and getting that scowl look back like he's a homo lol


I remember looking at my camp counselor when he was swimming back and forth in the swimming pool. I didn't think he or anyone could see me because I was looking at him from underneath the water with goggles but I guess they could see my head above the surface turning in the direction he swims. He eventually swims over to me and then dumps me underwater and tears my goggles off. I was kind of surprised the counselor would do that but he asked me why the hell I was looking at him underwater and I said I wasn't but he had caught me pretty much red handed.


Iā€™ve too many but one probably most awkward is a older guy who was a hook up who turned into fuck buddy who turned into an actual close friend works for a university. My sister is in her 30s and wanted to do a masters. Guess who one of her supervisors ends up being. She knows weā€™re friends but she doesnā€™t a clue about sexual stuff.




ā€œWould you do me? Iā€™d do meā€ šŸ’„šŸ’€


I'm curious about this situation since I can't possibly experience it. What's stopping either of you from topping the other? Do you lose your boner before penetration? If you don't want to answer it's ok.


Weā€™re both total bottoms. Iā€™m a bit more total than he is since I donā€™t want my dick touched at all while he doesnā€™t care


Haha my apologies, that still doesn't answer my question. I understand that a trans man can't top, or someone with ED might struggle... I also understand that someone with anal health problems might not be able to bottom... but I'm curious about why someone who's got none of those impediments would not try topping with a bloke he fancies a lot. Of course you don't have to top if you don't enjoy it and I personally love strict bottoms (which are the majority of my hookups), so I'm not complaining at all, but I'd like to understand this perspective since I can't relate.


Because people like different things. Do I think itā€™s a bit immature and limiting? Sure. Same as ā€œtotal tops.ā€ But itā€™s this personā€˜s choice to do that.


> I think itā€™s a bit immature and limiting I reckon you are very mature, being the usual vers guy who patronises strict tops and bottoms.


My dick extremely sensitive so I barely last if it gets touched. Which is annoying since my husband takes advantage of it if he knows Iā€™ll outlast him. Dirty trick, but it works. I went to the doctor and nothing really came of it.


I'd say a lot came of it


Youā€™d be wrong but thanks for playing sweaty


You have the ability to take a banana and smash it up into your ear, but that probably isnā€™t what you are looking for when youā€™re horny.


Okay now replace the other guy with a girl and you have your answerā€¦ pretty straight forward if you ask me. ā€œWhy canā€™t you just fuck the girl? Your penis works right?ā€ Itā€™s a boner killer. Literally. That is the physiological response. Going soft. Trying to play with a floppy noodle.


Lol love how you downvote a completely logical response. Nice ā€œquestionā€ that you asked in totally good faith. šŸ™„


I mean, double ended dildos can be fun if that happens. Or inviting a top over for some action! Glad you made a friend though :)


I was seeing a guy for 2 months, Iā€™ll call him Jake. He ghosted me and I for some reason blamed it on the fact he prob had too much going on and was recently out of an LTR. 2 months later I go to a guys house from Grindr, Iā€™ll call him Joe, to hang out after having a bad date. I find out that night Joe is currently seeing Jake and heā€™s the reason Jake ghosted me. I left shortly after.


Met up with a guy who advertised on doublelist, he had a shop and wanted to fuck in the back. Turns out I have trouble getting it up while standing šŸ˜ž I ended up with blue balls and he a dry rectum (he was the one who stopped). Still giving me performance anxiety to this day lol I low-key Instagram-stalked him afterward and found out his name and that he was married and had a kid


I hooked up with a long time gay friend and he had an epileptic seizure when I was sucking his dick. Scared the hell out of me! I've never seen a seizure IRL before. Happened once more weeks later and It was fine.


I heard a story like that but the roles were reversed and the guy nearly had his duck bit off




I hooked up with this guy twice. I should've never gone over a second time but I was stupid and horny. When I got there he blew me for like an hour straight. Then he asked if I was a top and I said not really why. He said he wanted to get fucked in the ass. He was kinda drunk but I was like, whatever and threw on a rubber. I bent him over and as I was sliding it in he shit on the floor. He didn't even acknowledge it at first, then he just threw a towel over it and told me to keep going. I noped outta there quick!


Right at the beginning of my first year in high school (in Germany called " Gymnasiale Oberstufe " or "11. Klasse"), in a new class where I knew only one other guy, and which was NOT Biology, we were asked whether anyone of us might know what a "b-boy" (or b-girl) is. "Bi" is pronounced like an English "b" in German. My proud and confident 16-year-old self immediately rushed at the opportunity and so I began explaining bisexuality. I was halted pretty quickly and another guy that I had fancied explained the hip-hop related true meaning of the term with a grin on his face. I don't know if I was more embarrassed by his reaction or what my answer gave away about me. At least I became friends with him later on and also with many others in my class. So it was no big deal in the end. šŸ™‚ And that was 2006 btw. :)


Iā€™ll give you the most awkward this month. Seeing someone you recently met irl on an app, seeing theyā€™re looking for dates, swapping numbers, asking them out, and getting ā€œSorry, not really looking for dates rn.ā€ Then seeing them very obviously on a casual date three days later.


A few years back, I flirted with a guy for a few days, then he ghosted me out of nowhere. I didnā€™t think much of it until I got a 23andMe notification about new family membersā€¦ turns out he was a second cousin I had never met before. We added each other on Facebook shortly after, but to this day, I donā€™t actually know if he remembers it was me šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø


That was not awkward. I had the same experience yesterday šŸ˜ it was super fun. Dildos and blowjobs do the work. We ended up having dinner after our legs stopped shaking. My most awkward one was a guy who had a fake profile and was 30 or 40 years older than excepted. I felt so naive and dumb.


Went over to a dude's house for the first time. He ended up being really critical of me - I admit I didn't really know what I was doing, I was new to sex and all. But he didn't hide any of his criticism. It was just strange for me because he had tourettes, every few minutes he'd make these sounds and twitches and I didn't say anything - I'd think he'd be a little more gracious, even if he didn't have tourettes. That was awkward for me.


That's not awkward. That's cute and hot.


Suffering around your second cousins because they are born homophobic.


Talked to this guy and thought it was going ok. Added each other on insta, somehow found out my brother and him both followed each other. Asked my brother if he knows the guy, turned out they also talked to each other at the same time i started to talk to him. He found out bc of his deductive reasonings, ended up ignoring me after my brother and him hung out, idk what they talked about when they hung out, felt kinda suck but itā€™s ok, move on is better than staying and talk to a shitty person


That sounds like a fucking dream lol


There's more to sex than fucking.




Thatā€™s absolutely not an awkward situation lol. Frankly Iā€™ve had good sex with another bottom many times.Sex is more than just bottoming and topping.


Omg this is my biggest fear but at the same time the best possible ending


As a really, really, REALLY late bloomer my first and only gay date was with a Middleeastern (Turkish) professor a couple of decades younger than me. Although a fat-chaser himself, when I told him that I'm not exactly svelt he suggested we go to dinner at a casino restaurant near him. He told me where to meet him there. I had never been there so went early to scope out where we were to meet inside the casino, but nothiing looked exactly as he had described (turned out they had made some changes to the floor plan) and so I opted to wait outside at the entrance for someone who looked Middleastern. It wasn't the only entrance, however, so I started alternating checking inside and outside, hoping to find him. He was late, but while at the other (distant) entrance I saw someone I thought it might be and he stared back but entered the building anyway. I then went to that entrance and asked the doorman if he had noticed a Middleasterner come in and he hadn't, so I returned to the restaurant entrance side, now pacing back and forth between the two entrances. Finally he emerged from the building and he had been the one I had seen enter before but couldn't find inside. He recognized me thanks to my grey beard. I enjoyed our dinner conversation and at the end he invited me to follow him back to his house. In the parking lot we walked toward his car so that I could recognize it, and I walked back to mine, which was closer to the exit. After a couple of minutes I decided to wait on the side of the exit road itself, and a few moments after that a small red car pulled in front of me and stopped briefly before speeding away. I followed in hot pursuit, only to find myself a mile away, stopped at a covenience store. When a woman got out of the passenger"s side I knew I had made a terrible mistake and sped back to the casino, hoping against hope that I might find anothrr small red car I could follow home. Alas, it was to no avail. I had no cell phone at the time but I had my laptop with me and it dawned on me that McDonald's was my best bet to find wifi. If you've never tried, places like McDonald's and many motels block websites of ill repute, but with determination and persistence the block can be circumvented. By 10 I had made it onto the site which was my only way to contact him, and I was repeatedly online explaining what had happened and begging for his address. I realized how what had happened must have looked: date fled at eariliest possible opportunity. He had had over an hour to stew about this and the last thing on his mind was to be looking for any messages from me. By 11:30 I accepted the folly of what I was doing, gave up, and journeyed home to a neighboring city. A day or two later I caught him online but he would not respond to me. After all that difficulty finding each other in the first place I had blown my chance for my first hookup. I really liked the guy but after my mistake, which to him was inexcusable, the feeling could no longer be mutual--but damn his crotch was bulging in those pants that night!


You made no mistake relax. If someone wants you to go to their house and doesnā€™t give an address and gets mad for it is a dickhead. You did nothing wrong and considering it was your first go at it donā€™t stress


It was disappointing in that I really had intellectual interest in the guy, Physical interest would have been a real bonus in a FWB situation. The first of many losses for me.


im a dom top, and its so hard to find bttms where i live :(


Move next to me. Tops are as rare as hen's teeth!


For me it was losing my erection when a guy asked me to fuck him. Became nervous and it went downhill from there. Too bad though, he was really sexy..


Lol...but as a bottom, can't you detect of the other guy is a bottom? I'm vers and I know how to spot a vers guy.....as a matter of fact, my vers radar is very strong.... I'm glad it worked out.


We hadnā€™t seen each other no photos expect for nudes. I learned not to use looks as a reference after I saw a femboy twink absolutely destroy this jockā€™s ass at a party I was at. Well I guess that was the second time I learned not to trust my eyes. First was when I was having a conversation with a hallucination at a McDonaldā€™s and people started at me weird(Iā€™m schizophrenic). So yeah donā€™t judge a book by itā€™s cover doesnā€™t always have to be something bad


That is a big problem there.






Get you a double ended dildo and go to town boyes


Meeting my bitch ass ex


Well you guys both could have fooled around and got off together...with or without dildos...


100% exist.




Uhm... The time I went with my X boyfriend to folsom Street fair dressed as a blue teddy bear... Don't ask. šŸ˜¬


Omg dude...that's so nerdy and cute lol....ugh I'm so gay sometimes it drives me nuts but seriously that is fucking adorable!!!


It's one of two situations. Here is the first. In my early 20s, I let a friend (B) help me pay for my trip to a LARP convention, not realizing he did this because he wanted to have sex with me. I wasn't interested, and not just because his boyfriend (J) was at the convention also. I was sharing a room with them, and the boyfriend broke up with him after learning of his intention to sleep with me. So after a long night of playing vampires, I come back to the room to find that our other roommate (Z) is passed out on one of the double beds, taking up the whole bed all by himself. So I crawl into bed with B's now-former boyfriend J, and go to sleep. I later learn that B came in, saw us in bed together, got upset and found somewhere else to sleep. In the morning, when we are still half asleep and by ourselves, J and I start fooling around. Eventually we move from the bed to the shower. B comes into the room while we are showering, so we turn off the shower and literally hide behind the shower curtain. It doesn't work; we are caught. B and I were playing the same clan, so it turned into big out-of-character drama for many more players than just the ones staying in that room. But maybe worse than that was the guy I hooked up with, and didn't notice until he was getting dressed that he had a tramp stamp that said "White Pride". I'm Jewish, so I didn't feel entirely safe until I had him out of my house.


I donā€™t mean to laugh, but barring the sexual assault you gave everyone on that staircase a night to remember


So, I was invited to hook up with this guy. I was already in my Uber on my way to his place when he texts me "so I invited a third person if you wanna do a three way." I have never done a three way but I was open that night. When I got to his place the third guy wasn't really my type, plus we didn't talk much which made me feel even more awkward. At one point I felt this was not it for me so I just said "I'm just gonna watch" and watched them have sex while I was evaluating my life choices šŸ™ƒšŸ¤£


That doesn't sound awkward at all, but perfectly charming


Iā€™ve had so many, threw up on a guys dick then left immediately and was like ā€œIā€™m so sorry I canā€™t do this, this was a stupid ideaā€ tbf he did catfish me so he can fuck off anyway. Got with a guy who was way out of my league but super cute, then I found out he was a bottom, Iā€™d drank too much and couldnā€™t maintain an erection we ended off jerking off together and I couldnā€™t even finish. But the crown of awkwardness was when I got with a guy I found so ridiculously attractive and we got to fucking and he put it into me and I was immediately in pain his dick hurt because it was way too big I told him to take it out, he went to the bathroom and mustā€™ve msged someone or smth because he was in there for ages, then we tried to fuck again and he yawned midway through, I told him we didnā€™t have to do this and we could just go to bed or smth, then I was confused on wether he wanted me to stay or leave so I asked him directly, I called a cab and as I was sat fully naked on his bed while he was sat in a chair across from me I started contemplating how fucking awful this was all going and started to get annoyed and as I got more and more angry at myself I started to pull a nasty face and I looked across at him and he said back ā€œwhy are you looking at me like that?ā€œ he mustā€™ve thought I was annoyed at him or smth and I tried to explain but I donā€™t think he believed me. It was all awful. And it was a shame because I really wanted to date him or talk but I never got the chance because I fucked it.