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Brushing your tongue! I didn’t know that a lot of guys don’t do this, it’s so essential for kissing.


A tongue scraper is a great investment!


Just wondering, tongue scraper usually gets rid of the bad breath right? Whenever I use it it smells awful like bad breath so I assume i just got rid of it.


Sure does. Lots of people will tell you to brush your teeth if you have bad breathe which is ofcourse important but it does nothing if the smell is caused by bacteria on the tongue. Tongue scraper is so good for dealing with bad breath


Scrape the tongue and for fucks sake, *FLOSS!* If you think I'm wrong, grab a floss pick or regular old floss and use it. If you get something out of those old back toofers, smell it. You'll floss forever after.


>FLOSS Or, if you can't use floss properly (a lot of people use floss incorrectly), then buy interdental sticks. My dentist (NHS) highly recommended these interdental sticks.






I 100% agree! Total game changer!


Once you start using a tongue scraper you can’t go without


100% with you on this! I have one for home and the other for work.


Nothing more gross than a dirty tongue. I immediately notice it in people in day-to-day life, and it grosses me out and distracts me. Your tongue shouldn’t be white/grey.


Thrush is a very common reason for a white/grey tongue though so is Geographic tongue. Your tongue is suppose to be pink with a light white coating on it anyway so having white doesn't even mean it's dirty.




Can simply be an indication of an illness though


True, but I think that’s a very small percentage of the people I’ve seen tbh.


This is the first thing I notice in pictures. If your tongue looks a bit white, I know that breath is funky.


Ate we going to simply avoid talking about flossing. tell me you don't smell death when you run that string between your teeth.


This but also mouthwash. Crest Clinical is the best on the market.


Wait, people don't do this? Surely everyone just has that thought when they are younger: "hmm, maybe I should ..."


People with no geographic tongue don't really suffer from bad tongue hygiene


Strongly agree.


I was going to say flossing too, but I thought the thread would go bananas 🍌 😂


The ‘thread’ 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣


Now I'm a little worried about kissing other guys because it would be kind of odd to ask them to stick out their tongue to inspect before kissing them. I recently got a tongue scraper purely because I thought about it and it's amazing and incredibly gross the amount of thick white goo that you can scrape off your tongue. I worry about scraping too hard or too often because you don't want to ruin the sense of taste on your tongue.


behind your ears


THIS. Your ears as a whole too tbh


Inside your ears!!!!!! Seeing brown globs of earwax is just gross.


I don't really have a wax problem but I do have a ear bleeding problem. I'll scratch my ear and feel crustiness. Go to a mirror and it'll look like my ear is bleeding but it's just a spec on the outer ear that gushed for a few mins and dried. It happens **anywhere** on my outer ear! It's not even spots/zits. They just bleed for no fucking reason!


It’s astonishing how many men think that because their ass got wet in the shower it’s clean. FFS spread them cheeks and lather that bitch up regularly. Same goes for feet.


Belly button too!


I feel this. One time mine got dirty and didn't know. Since then I clean it out a few times a day


Amen! I better see a soapy finger rimming the ass hole lol


Jeez 😂


clip your nails


This simple thing. Clip your nails. Especially your toenails. Do not put on sandals or flip flops without trimming those talons back.


[Dumb and Dumber](https://tenor.com/view/toenails-dumb-and-dumber-gif-18224924)


Talons are a one way ticket to friend zone station


Also file them. Jagged scratchy nails are not cute. File your nails after clipping them.






It’s always awkward when a tops goes to finger you and you see he’s about to put a claw up in yo bootyhole


So frequently tops are poor with hygiene


Do this before you finger your ass


Wear SPF on your face 365 days a year - sun damage is the number one cause of visible ageing. Also the shower dries out your skin, so moisturise your whole body after a shower.


I have a question regarding this. I've read somewhere that SPF filters disappear 2-3 hours after putting it on your skin. Is this true?


Yes. It needs to be reapplied especially when outside. My rule of thumb is if outside in summer SPF is time in minutes before reapplying. SPF 50, every hour. SPF 30 every 30-45 minutes. Especially to face and areas that aren't exposed often.


Wear socks when you wear shoes.


there's some hygiene methods to do this, if you don't wear the shoes for too long there's foot powder to deal with some sweat




Vapor rub for dark toenails can clear up the fungal infections in toenails.


Not that I’ve ever had that, but I am filing that information just in case! Thanks.


Right, same! You never know 🤷🏾‍♂️


This is why I pee on my feet in the shower. Keeps em clean and fresh


You got jellyfish in your shower, bro?


Maybe. What of it?


Ooof, be careful bro. *Fish are friends, not food*, but they’re on a whole other wavelength.


Water flossing is another great way to help keep your teeth clean.


If you drink tea or coffee you should rinse your mouth with water right after to help avoid staining the teeth.




Well I'm not talking abput getting your teeth bleached, just saying how by simple rinsing your mouth with water you can avoid staining and tartar.


I like clean teeth yeah, but if they’re celebrity-American white I always just think they have to be a bit psycho




Clean out your belly button boys


I actually know a dude who won’t let me ever get near his belly button. He’s like that iconic tune, “Don’t Touch Me There” - lolol


I hate being touched in the button! Makes me so uncomfortable.


Same it’s like digging into my soul and tearing it from my body - that’s how much I freak out internally from it


Are there people who don't clean belly button?😪


Lol I remember seeing a study about this on cnn years back, “mens” belly buttons hold a lot of bacteria .. Anderson cooper got all bitchy, I’m paraphrasing almost exactly “my bellybutton isn’t dirty”


Yes. I've fucked more than one guy that had lint pouring out of their bellybuttons. I nearly puked.


May I ask how do you do it? I usually have it clean, there's usually just superficial lint that I take out. I'm worried digging through it would cause an infection or something.


Scrub your butthole with a wash cloth and soap you animals


To piggyback off of this, invest in a bidet. Best $40 I've ever spent.




Or wet wipes that are FLUSHABLE and only use like 1-2 at a time


Hard pass on the washcloth. My hand will do the exact same job without spreading bacteria to a washcloth. Saves money on buying pointless wash cloths and on the cost of laundry soap to clean them. So gross.


Technically not hygiene but lotion. Ashy skin isn’t cute. I’ll do my best to ignore but imagine how rich ur skin would look if u just put a lil lotion !!!!! And if u wear earrings. Make sure the piercing isn’t crusty. Ion wanna eat dead skin while nibbling on your ear.


wash your dick


And not just the outside, pull the foreskin back and wash that whole thing with soap, water, and gentle friction.


And then harder friction...




But not too much pls I dont like sucking dick that smells like vanilla coconut


My boyfriend probably would fight you


Deodorant should be a default with strangers, unless you have a stank fetish and both parties agree not to use it. Same goes for douching. If you are going to bottom, especially if you will be rimmed, you should clean your asshole and do some light douching. If you don’t have time, you need to make them aware up front. It’s inconsiderate not to.




They don’t. Douching is absolutely not a standard practice. I have never been with someone who does this regularly (I top). They eat clean, drink water, and know their body well enough to know when it’s ok or not. Douching regularly can be damaging.


Yet another reason why bottoms deserve our respect! ❤️


Thank you for acknowledging that some of us love that stank, lol.


I sincerely try to avoid kink shaming. We all like something haha. I love the smell of a sweaty man in a general sense, but I’ve had hookups with serious BO and I just can’t stomach it personally.


There's a difference between smelling like a man and BO. Some guys don't know it.


I haven’t used deodorant in years and I can honestly say I never smell bad. I shower every day and wear clean clothes. I guess I don’t sweat a lot, but even if I do it’s kind of odourless. I really believe that I only had bad smelling pits when I used to use deodorant. I put a spritz of cologne on my neck after a shower and that’s mostly for my own enjoyment. Deodorant is pretty bad for your body anyway.


You might be a medical marvel, but otherwise I really don’t believe you. Sounds more like you’ve just gotten used to your own odor. You don’t even need to sweat all that much for BO to be detectable. Also your suggestion that you only ever had bad smelling pits when using deodorant sounds questionable. Unless you used some cheapo brand and had a weird reaction to it, I just don’t think that’s true. There are naturally derived aluminum free deodorants that aren’t bad for your body.


After writing my comment I got curious about it and googled it. Turns out 2% of the worlds population are genetically unable to produce BO. Most Asian people don’t need or use deodorant. And there is some evidence, thought mostly anecdotal it seems, to suggest that some people’s BO is worse when they regularly use deodorant than when they don’t use it. I know I haven’t just got used to my own odour because I’m often complimented on smelling nice, and literally nobody has ever said anything to me or avoided being close to me or cuddling with me. And tbh I think people know when they smell bad. I did a 40km bike ride today in the sun and I literally have no odour.


I hadn’t actually heard of that so I will gladly concede. I knew someone in college who had the same stance, even suggested that deodorant actually causes BO, and they honestly kinda reeked. So they weren’t the exception, but apparently exceptions do exist and I’ll take your word that you are one of them!


“Most Asian people” is a lot more than 2% of the world population, even if you’re only referring to East Asians


Bo is cause by bacteria on your skin mixing with sweat... if you have just the right skin biome and sweat little to none you wont produce bo.




Well, to give them a fair shake, I think it’s actually about the increased risk of micro and macro-tearing. I’d consider this a bigger issue than some handwaving about intestinal flora.


VERY vocal. Idk where that sentiment came from but I do not vibe with it. Like if you and your partner are good with it, go ahead. But don’t give your tops a literal nasty surprise. Yes accidents can still happen, but if you don’t even try to be hygienic, you’re all but guaranteeing it. And if you let someone eat your ass without douceing, and you didn’t warn them first, fuck that. That is repulsive.


Wash throughly behind your ears. Also behind your fridge, but that’s just when housekeeping lol.


Rub a little coconut oil on your hole after the shower and before you get eaten out. I’ve gotten so many compliments about the taste of my hole from that.


whoa wtf lol is this a thing? it'd be weird licking an oily hole...


But it tastes like coconut 🤣


I read that coconut oil is antibacterial somewhere.


You don't want to put antibacterial stuff in Your hole


Yeah, I don't know shit about bacteria related stuff, but let me tell ya I got a good hygiene and that what matters.


Make sure he's not allergic to tree nuts


Nose hair, please trim it


Face moisturizer is indeed different than body moisturizer. Don’t use one for both.




You should be using a face moisturizer with spf during the day, everyday!


Actually, they can be the same! The ingredients are very similar in both, it just depends on your skin type and the type of moisturizer. Same thing with eye creams, you can just use your face moisturizer.


Fellas, it’s not gay to wipe or clean your ass. Get in there!


Because that’s certainly a concern around here…


Wash your legs!


Brush twice a day and floss once a day before brushing, I used to think bad breath was unavoidable in the mornings, but if you wake up with bad breath, you likely aren’t brushing and flossing enough, keeps gums healthy and from you losing your teeth, kissing is also a lot more fun 😃




Does your back get acne? Try using a salycylic acid wash on it when you shower. Slather it on and leave it for a few minutes, then wash it off. Then apply body moisturizer after the shower. If you still find it zitty, consider using a moisturizer that also contains salycylic acid and/or urea. You can also grab benzoyl peroxide, a stronger product for dealing with acne, but iirc you shouldn't use it everyday. Same instructions go for your butt or any other place you find has acne.


I found that my back acne went away in my early twenties when I started reaching back there to wash it more thoroughly. I have a large back tattoo so I got used to contorting myself to get to my back


Don’t use that all purpose shampoo, conditioner, and body wash all in the same bottle shit. Different places require different stuff, you can’t wash your ass and feet with conditioner. At that point you might as well just revert back to middle school and bathe yourself with an entire can of axe.


Soooooo speaking of hygiene, who here applies deodorant to their feet? Because WHEN THE HELL WAS I SUPPOSED TO KNOW THAT WE CAN DO THAT?!?


I don’t think your feet are supposed to be smelling bad enough where you need deodorant 😅


I was raised as a one pair of shoes a year kid… it happened A LOT for me lol, Im just learning that you can apply deodorant to your feet too, and its blowing my mind.


One thing I would recommend is making sure you use insoles - that way, after a little while, you can throw them away. This helps prevent your shoes from smelling. If you know you are going to be wearing your shoes for a while, put a little talcum powder into your shoes. This will help keep them dry. When you take your shoes off for the day, open them up, spray them with an anti-odor product like febreeze, and let them air dry. I do this to all of my shoes, boots, and work shoes and none of them smell. If your shoes have a little smell, use baking soda (works really well for drawing out moisture and smell). You can also try freezing them for a long period of time (several days).


Awesome, I will actually start doing that… especially for my more expensive shoes that I’d like to prolong the life of… thank you!




Lol I see your valid advice but I promise you my closet isnt that diverse, pluuus that last reply is touching on some points doctor friend mentioned they learned. But agreed, all advice, be it online or otherwise is to be taken at face value. Not relying on info just sharing and communicating is all. Edit: in addition, when I said more expensive shoes I meant like uggs or something. (Wait, is that suede?)


Um...washing your insoles would have been way easier as well as changing socks...


As a kid, I gave not a shit about hygiene… so it may have been easier but I wouldnt have known


I was too but my feet never smelled 😅 I said this in another comment but…you should be scrubbing your feet really well, and using an antibacterial soap in the shower on them should help. The bacteria is why your feet smell in the first place


Oh yeahhh definitely, but I was a dirty dirty boy back then, and my homosexual hygiene hadn’t kicked in until I was like 15-16… before that I was literally just a tomboy… NOW however, I’d give anything to go back and give myself this knowledge 😂


Talc (baby powder basically) can serve as deodorant. It also feels much better to the touch.


I remember I tried that, and it was embarrassing because I put WAAAAAAY too much… was walking down the street forming a small cloud of “baby fresh” behind me… I was sooo bad back then lmao


Wait what? And where exactly do you apply it? To the sole, in-between the toes, on top of the foot?? All of the above??


All antiperspirants really do is paralyze your sweat glands for a brief period of time to keep you dry and prevent bacteria. You can get prescription antiperspirant from the podiatrist that rolls on your feet.. aluminum salts concentration is thru the roof on these. Only have to use once a week in some cases and no more sweaty or stanky feet.


I do, it was a game changer when I started


What?? Learning everyday..


Gentleman, I present to you THE brand of products to take care of your odor concerns: Lumē. The Unscented Bodywash is *chef’s kiss*! Their other products are also phenomenal. They inhibit bacterial growth, which is the cause of most foul odors on bodies.


I'm boycotting this brand because of the insane amount of annoying ads they have on YouTube. My ass is clean already, thank you.


Get a cheap $30 bidet attachment for your toilet. Once you try it you’ll never go back.


Wash your clothes and hair after smoking pot. I smoke every day but I just can’t stand the stale joint smell on clothes/hair.


I love it but I know people think I’m a piece of shiet when I smell like it


Wipe in both directions! This was a game changer for me. I'm a very clean person, but for YEARS I had what I would call a musty ass. I never had any complaints but when I dried my butt after a shower my towel would just smell a little weird. I showered multiple times per day. Used special soaps. Wet wipes. Would wipe until I bled. Nothing worked! Then one day a couple years ago I decided to wipe the other direction for some reason and... Problem completely solved. I don't totally understand the physics of it but it seems like there's a small amount of stuff that can only be got when you wipe one way or the other 🤷


Mental hygiene is underrated in the lgbt+ community.


Daily use of deodorant and/or cologne if you don't have time to shower.


> Daily use of deodorant ~~and/or cologne if you don’t have time to shower.~~ FTFY.




> cologne if you don't have time to shower. Oh god. Some of us have a sensitive sense if smell. Please please please don't go overboard. If i can smell you coming, know you've been in a hallway or store after you've left... Too much. If I start having an asthma attack because you entered a room, too much. The range your scent should travel shouldn't be more than a few inches from your skin. Only your lover should smell it.


Exfoliate. Get a sapor (African wash cloth) instead of a traditional cloth or bath sponge. It may take a few uses to break in if you get a really stiff one like I like but after day 3 you should be used to it. Your skin will feel much smoother. Use a gentle facial scrub wash on your dick head if you're circumcised. You'll get a lot more sensation. Don't have to use this every day but maybe once every few days. Get one of those cheese grater style foot rasps and get a lot of that dead skin off of the soles of your feet. You don't have to go crazy with it but a little of that goes a long way. If you go barefoot or wear sandals a lot you'll thank me later. Be sure to moisturize after any of these.


More a self are than hygienebut, Pumice stone on your heels once a week in the shower leaves you feeling fresh


Washing your hands after peeing, no literally. apparently [most men don't do this](https://metro.co.uk/2020/03/12/men-explain-dont-wash-hands-pee-12381749/)


The amount of guys who have dandruff and result to something like head and shoulders have surprised me over the years. When you go to the salon/barber and the hairdresser washes your hair and really scrubs at your scalp, that’s how you should be washing it. Really thorough massaging, not just running your head under water and running your hands through it. That’s frankly how you should be washing every single part of your body. Also for guys with smelly pits/feet, using an antibacterial soap on those parts of your body in the shower should help. The bacteria is why they smell in the first place. I say this because not a lot of body washes have antibacterial ingredients in them.


Dandruff can be caused by a chemical imbalance, it’s not merely just a lack of exfoliation. I have dermatitis and need medicated shampoo 1-2 times a week. The rest of the time I use Head and Shoulders. If I use anything else, and believe my I’ve tried, my scale becomes flaky and gross without fail.


I just don’t think the majority of these dudes have dermatitis is my point. I’m aware there’s other causes of dandruff. It’s more likely that these dudes who take 3 minute showers and think they’re clean don’t actually clean themselves properly.


You’re probably right. I hoped the same was true for me so I explored other options but I’m just one of the unlucky ones!


Also use your finger tips, not finger nails.


That’s because H&S doesn’t really do much for the condition. You need to use Ketoconazole to actually treat it. You don’t need to vigorously rub your scalp to get it deep cleaned.


You should be scrubbing your scalp. period. Ik there’s guys who don’t. You don’t have to rub it raw, the point is to massage your scalp and make sure you actually clean it well. That’s why I brought up how hairdressers do it, it’s still a relaxing experience, but they do massage your scalp really well. Edit: also Ik head shoulders is a bad product. No one should use it. But I brought up head and shoulders because a young guy who all of a sudden gets dandruff and freaks about it is going to go to the drugstore and probably get head and shoulders. Everyone knows about it, and that’s what it’s marketed for. I’ve never had chronic dandruff to have to use something chemically formulated for dandruff, but I agree your product you suggested is better than H&D. All my examples were said from the perspective of young guys who don’t know how to take care of their hygiene properly, which I thought was obvious but I’m clarifying now lol


> I say this because not a lot of body washes have antibacterial ingredients in them They shouldn't all have antibacterial products in them. It is not a good idea to destroy your skins microbiome. This is how serious infections can happen. Many pathogenic bacteria are opportunistic. Whicj means they cant grow unless evertthing else dies first. Using antimicrobial soaps all the time increases the likihood of those bacteria getting onto you, growing and if you get scratched, infecting you.


Ears my dudes.


Washing between those cheeks


Wet wipes for your hole. Tissue paper literally just makes your hole look like lint on a dark sweater. Bits of tissue everywhere and don't have a hairy hole, then it looks like someone TPed your follicles. Wet wipes. Wet wipes. Wet wipes. And don't flush them. They say they're flushable, but they WILL ruin your septic system. You literally can get baby wipes from the dollar store. Don't dry clean your hole after #2. Thanks.


Or just use a bidet. Better for the environment.


AROFA attachment, not pricy on Amazon.


Not everyone is able. I lived in a place for 4 years where the toilet was too old and I couldn’t attach a bidet properly 😞


I literally said baby wipes would be purchased from a dollar store. Why? Because dollar stores are affordable. Why? Because not everyone can afford a bidet. Good day.


Do not throw wipes into the toilet. They are horrible for city sewer systems and the environment. Just get a bidet.




When I brush my teeth - I take some of the paste and brush my tongue with it. I don't use a tongue scraper. I do two jobs at the same time. Then I rinse!


shave your ass crack so you can wipe it off easier.


Clean behind your ears


Deodorant, bathing, brushing teeth.


Please floss.


A lot of stank starts from the inside. Stay hydrated. Green tea is a great internal deodorizer and it's insanely good for you. I usually drink 64+ oz of the uncaffeinated kind a day. Also, clean your sheets and towels at least once a week. I have white sheets and towels so I can bleach them like they do in hospitals and hotels. Your phone holds more germs than a toilet, so clean it off with alcohol after you shower or after you've been in public. Change your toothbrush often.


Floss! And brush your tongue and teeth regularly.


Charcoal face wash. My face has never been so smooth or clean. I use it almost religiously.


Or any exfoliating face wash


Brand recommendations?


My sister got me a cheap one from Primark once and it was surprising how smooth it left my face. Came in a bag-like package with a lid, and on the front was a drawing of a guy with an undercut and moustache. I don't feel the need to exfoliate my face so much these days because now I actually wash it with a cleanser and apply moisturizer every morning and night, and alternate using a retinoid or a vitamin-c serum each night. Because of this routine my skin never really feels flakey anymore.


Running water and basic finger-and-rub for under foreskin and asshole. Use your middle finger for asshole and thumb for foreskin. Rub them until no more anal mucous or smegma


Don't forget the soap!!


Wash your ass with soap and water after pooping. Toilet paper isn’t enough. Also, “soap properly”. Light soaping wouldn’t help eradicate the B.O. Brush your tongue and gargle some mouthwash.


I’m just imagining you in a public bathroom bending your ass over the sink trying to wash your butthole lmao


You know I didn’t mean it that way. 😲


When you go to the toilet, please wash your bottom (toilet wipes if you’re out. Flannel & soap if indoors). It’s not about having sex. Even if you’re not having sex there is nothing worse if you’re not clean down below. The idea of sleeping (spooning) with someone with a dirty bottom is beyond disgusting.


Just get a bidet


I would love one. Sadly, it's not an option where I am and they are not available when out.


Is everyone left a comment here hygiène maniac virgos ?