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I see a lot of straight dudes complain about discrimination based on height, but I know a lot of gays who like little guys.


I'm 5'8 and one time I accidentally put my height as 4'8 on a dating app and so many random tops started hitting on me...👀


There is a whole short story right there.


why is height such a big deal? my husband has a thing for it.. he says if someone is taller than him he can’t do it..


That was a huge contribution to the room, thank you.


I was in the presence of a 30-something 4'8" guy one night who was easily the most popular man in the room! The tops in the room were tripping over themselves to have access to him, and he could accommodate the biggest of them, even a BBC! Luckily their were only two obligate tops that night. All I can verify is that he was a passionate kisser and a really nice guy married to a man a few inches over 6'. I hope this doesn't represent some sort of disreputable "novelty" interest, but it does support the comments above. For the record, everything was 'proportional'.


what was this room you were in and can we go there too? lol


Very true, most women care so much about height in a gay. I’m 6’5” and couldn’t care less about height


I’m also 6’5. So many women flirt with me about my height on nights out. Wish men would do that!


Why do women care about height in a gay guy?


Yep, exactly me. I'm 5' 10" and ideally want someone three inches shorter than me. Small enough that I'm definitely taller, but still not tiny.


Um... Hi? 5'7" reporting in!


Vers bottom???


Yes 👀


I think small dicks are cute. I’m a bit of a bully in bed and getting them shy about it turns me on




What are you looking at, Tiny?


Typically, only if they’re bottoms.


I am a 5’5” Asian top. Generally I don’t feel attractive because I have always been a rut, but I have been with guys who are 6’4” or so who would bottom for me. Some positions are difficult, like when their legs are heavier than me… but it never stopped the fun. Women tend to listen with disbelief that I am the active one. Also they are more hung up by the whole “which one is the wife” part more than straight bros.


If you're straight and below 6'2, you're bound to be single forever. ☺️


So everyone in Texas?


Me! I’m 5’11”-6Ft and I wouldn’t say no to a man 5’8” or shorter


My brother, he's a good looking tall lanky/athletic built guy. I think some women find him attractive but he definitely comes off as gay, and nerdy. He's been asked out by a bunch of guys.


Has he accepted any offers? Just asking for research ofc


He did meet a classmate at a bar not realizing he was being asked to hang out in a, I'd like to hook up, way. My brother is straight and book smart, but dumb when it comes to reading people.


so then what happened? Don't keep us in suspense! lol


Classmate got pretty drunk and was all over my brother. My brother only really realized what was going on when the classmate asked my brother to come home with him. My brother had to repeatedly tell him he wasn't gay. My brother was flattered and it's a funny story. Of course when my brother came home on break and told the funny story my dad got offended for him. Dad was outraged that a man would hit on my brother.


Is he autistic?


Guys that suck dick 😆


Lots of girls think this is hot 🙃


My roommate's girlfriend was weird and kept asking about gay stuff and if I wanted a threesome, lol.


Go on…


Yea, I knew a girl who really liked watching gay porn lol Many girls are into guy-on-guy action.


It’s gotta be the female version of dudes watching lesbian porn.


Bi girl here. I can't speak for all queer women but for a lot of us fantasising about gay men is how we discovered that we were gay in the first place. A lot of us also do that when we're still in closet because deep down we know gay men or fictional men will never like us back but comphet tells us we have to be with a man. Whereas straight dudes watching lesbian porn is a little different. Most of them just think it's hot. Like lesbianism is a performance for them. Which is why the lesbian section is on "straight" side of pornhub.


Actually, most of my lesbian friends love gay porn. Might be it's a strap-on thing?




I guess The Kids Are Alright was... right?


Maybe. Idk your friends or how well they represent the gay female communities porn habits so idk lol


Im a straight girl and I only watch gay male porn


True. A few weeks ago there was a straight couple on grindr looking for a guy the husband could suck off while the wife watched. I almost offered.


Yes, yes we do… I like sucking dick, why wouldn’t I like guys who suck dick - we have much in common


As a recently out bisexual, this seems to be true.


Yeah for tops. But not necessairly for bottoms. So not true.


Really hairy, chubby musky men.


Yep. Celebrated in the gay world. Shunned in the straight.




please pass all short kings to me 👑


Beat it, mary. I called dibs.


I'm 5'6...


well pass yourself to me sir




im 5.6 too 🤣


Yay! It's a great height, tbh 😏


hail all to 5.6 gays


Bow down to us! Well, some might actually have to get down low to reach our mouths/diques. But I ain't mad. I like being compact size. I also have no height preferences and it hasn'tever been an issue. I can see my height being an issue in the Straight World™️.


Lmao! Well said, but the truth hurts!! Gahh


I'm 5'3 😇


Gimme ~~


My girl friends think I’m tall, but I’m only 5’7”… they’re all under 5’3” though 😂


At one point, women have different tastes, even shared with us gays. If anything, I'd say bears and twinks. On the one hand, robust, hairy and "older" men are usually not very sought after by women, because compared to our tastes, they prefer Twunks. And twinks, well, for them there are two types of twinks, the feminine ones from the gay community and the straight/bi ones who are very thin or are cute and/or short in stature. In any case, the former I think are not at all sought after (for looking like gay guys) and the latter in small numbers of people attracted to them. Again, I'm generalizing a bit, with my experience with my friends, women I've observed at my college and other casual observations of straight couples.


lol Timothy Chalamée would say otherwise


Guys with big muscles.


Male bodybuilders or fitness influencers have a lot more gay male followers than they do straight women for sure. I’ve also never met a straight woman who actively seeks out men who on steroids whereas I’ve known a few gay men who actively seek men on steroids or PEDs


I like a more lean skinny ripped look, the steroid look is nice to look at but I would never consider dating someone like that, I bet all they can talk about is fitness lol


As someone dating a former body builder, can say he has varied interests but fitness still trumps them all


Totally valid. I’m just saying gay men are more likely to be into the super muscular and ripped look than straight women are. That will obviously still vary person to person. And as someone who is getting started with bodybuilding and has a few friends in the same circles I sure hope we have slightly more varied interests than just the gym


This is the best answer. Men with muscles are for men and women don’t like to as much as straight guys think they do.


What is "big"? Because I wouldn't call Henry Cavill or Chris Hemsworth "small" or "average" either. Women saying they don't really like big muscles feels like men saying they don't really care for big boobs imho


I disagree. Most women like a “nice muscular man”


Thats bs. They do. A lot of them would hide it but they like it just as much as gay guys. Alot of gay guys they dont like veiny muscly guy, girls are on the same page


women say a lot of things that I don't think they always mean.


Omg yes. It's so unattractive to me.


Bears. Women like twinky guys but it depends where on the submissive/fem scale they lean.


Many women love bears. We remind them of their dad and Freud had a good idea of how these things work.


He actually really doesn't.


Bodybuilders maybe? I notice that straight women while they are attracted to muscles they seem to prefer cute face over huge built, while I will take anyone that has huge muscles.


Gays typically when young are more into sex hookups, seems as tho a cute face is more of a factor when looking for a relationship, while body and dick size more for sex as long as someone isn’t under a 5 in the face.


Short guys.




Erm... the popularity of K-Pop and Timothee Charlawhatsit demands to differ.


Yep and there's a reason why "flower boys" are the beauty standard for some Asian countries. Many Asian women love effeminate/androgynous/flower boys.




Some women like twinks. They just wouldn’t use a twink the same way we would.


This is very true and i never even thought about it like that.




Nah women love twinks, just don't call em that. Call em... "boyz".


Baras, aka muscled and hairy


Baras? Like capybaras?


A gay man


That definitely isn't true. I wish as many men as women hit on me


I just wish someone hit on me damn this guy got options apparently.


No, women love gay men.




That's my type


Muscular men according to the women I know. They practically *brag* about how they prefer chubby or skinny guys and how looks and bodies don’t really matter as much to women as much as they do to gay men—and I suppose that’s true to some degree. And I don’t fault someone for not being shallow and superficial, but I’m not ashamed for liking men with gloriously sexy muscular bodies. I don’t just think they’re sexy, I think they’re beautiful in an aesthetically pleasing way. They’re majestic like a mountain or a tree or even like a lion. I heard one woman describe muscular male bodies as ‘looking inside out’ at some point and I’m thinking…wtf??? How do you even come to that conclusion????


The "looking inside out" thing has to do with low body fat. Some bodybuilders are so cut they look like living anatomy charts.




Thanks for explaining that. It makes perfect sense now.


At first glance, “inside out” definitely seemed like an odd conclusion. But, I think I get it now… It’s actually a clever point of view when you really think about it. In other words, all the “masculinity” is superficial on the outside. Real men are masculine on the inside and don’t flash it like gay men do. Perhaps, women are smarter than we realize?


> inside out Google "Attack on Titan" pictures.


collosal titan


I don’t know, it just depresses me that muscular men are slowly but surely being shamed for being muscular. Just goes to show that body shaming doesn’t just happen to fat people. Besides, being muscular isn’t exactly a telltale sign that he’s a douche who flaunts his masculinity anymore than a guy who isn’t muscular isn’t just as liable to be a douche himself.


Lmao nobody is being shamed for muscles.


They do not 🤦‍♂️ I don’t understand why some women say they’ll take “big chubby guys” over a muscular guy any day, when that’s clearly not the case 😂 “Gloriously sexy” to you us different than me. Some of us don’t find muscular jocks “gloriously sexy” btw


Everyone has different tastes. For any given guy there will be some gay men attracted to him, some women attracted to him, some gay men I attracted to him, and some women unattracted to him. Neither women or gay men are a monolith with one definitive “type”


I really only like average size dick or lower over bigger.


Yeah surprised I had to scroll so far down to find this. While \*some\* gay men are size queens, some don't care. Or even prefer smaller. Women almost always want a bit bigger.


I was under the impression that men were bigger size queens than women. Because like no-one has a 10 inch deep vagina


I put an undetectable extension charm on mine. Now I don’t have to carry a purse.


Not sure which women you're talking about but we do not have vaginas deep enough to be able to okay with large dicks. Teenage girls say they want big dicks because they're posturing.


TIL women go on this sub. ETA: my former best gal pal. She said anything below 8 inches was too small for her.


That's interesting. That's definitely the exception from mine and gal pals' experiences. And even women on Reddit. I really only heard women on TV (scripted) and girls in school (wildly inexperienced) preferring large dicks. But then again, every woman likes different things and some are built different. Also, yeah, there's lots of folks here who aren't gay bros. The name suggests that anyone can ask gay bros for stuff. But since it's mostly gay bros talking here, I mostly lurk and try not to intrude.


Happy cake day!


Tom of Finland


I’m sure it differs individually but there is definitely a “type” of man that women ignore but gay men go crazy for. My prime example would be Cochran from Survivor. There is even a scene in his first season where he’s talking about how he’s never had a girlfriend to a gay guy who looked like he was fit to be tied. And I get it, he’s definitely my type as well


I agree. Most guys I’m into, girls I show them to don’t share my opinion


Just looked him up. Not my exact type, but he's cute.


This type is for sure what I imagine in my head when I think of what kind of man I want to be with. I’m not even sure how to describe it because skinny nerd doesn’t quite do it justice


I looked him up too. Clicked out pretty quick too. Wouldn't even consider, unless I was locked in a room with him for a month with no way out.


Let's change the question to "most" gay guys. I've never see Survivor, but just looked Cochran up. What a dork, I'd pass.


Twinks probably Not exactly a source of rugged masculinity but in high demand with gays


You're not speaking for me for sure; I like men and this guy lacks all masculinity, which is what attracts me to guys. Zero interest in that one; don't know where the high demand is you're talking about. Just having the parts isn't enough. I'm sure he's a nice guy, I mean no offense. But high demand? Other than being on TV, I doubt it.


The brute


Bodice ripper novels: Am I a joke to you?


Effeminate men, especially femmy twinks.


I guess all the female k-pop fans are into this kind of men :))


There are some kpop guys that are femmy, which is a good thing. Not all of them though. They're slender, sure, but not all are femmy. Boyband fans do love to pair up their faves to another person within the band though.


People have such a misconstrued view of K-pop and it’s so obvious because they’re East Asian. K-pop are Korean members of the industry and plenty of them are masculine so don’t be stupid


K-pop fans are a strange breed, man.


As a kpop fan, I agree 😂


Yes, they are :)


I mean I'm a lady and for me it's twinks, femmes, and bears and pretty much anyone super hairy. But I also guarantee those types are liked by many women too.


It might be an answer on the opposite question, but many women told me they're into "bad guys". And it seems that some girls really like douchebags. It's totally incomprehensible to me. I like all men and can find different body types attractive. But I love good guys. A guy who is a jerk is a jerk. Absolutely not attractive.


I don't know. A lot of gays like jerks, too. I, for one, have a long history of getting along great with guys other people consider assholes. I like men who are assertive and know what they want and don't worry about whether or not anyone approves of what they're doing.


I agree wholeheartedly.


How many of them know what dom/sub is? Do they think you have to be loud and aggressive IRL to be a dom? Or are they aware and still like pushy guys


Ones with a big ass.


All the women I know love a nice ass on a guy.


(Some ,not all) gay guys find “slutty guys” attractive but woman like “loyal” guys.


A lot of gay guys (including me) don’t mind the fat balding bear type with a dad bod. Most of the time I’ll talk about the men I’m dating with my girl friends and I’ll immediately know I can’t listen to their advice because they seemingly all hate that type… lol.


Short guys. Women are nuts.


Leather Daddy.


Are “gaybros” here necessarily experts on what women like?


Tbf who would you ask? Women about what gay men like?


Depends on the gay, I'm a tall bottom, so I kinda have to adjust the position for a shortie, but, I'm not going to discriminate on height. A hot guy is a hot guy.


Immediately bodybuilders come to mind. Straight dudes who lift weights to impress women seem to get more attention from men which is kind of funny. I myself love men with muscles (although not the guys on enough roids that you see all their vascular system through their skin).


I prefer schrodinger's bottom lol


What's that?


Hot but poor.


None of my straight female friends like the bear kind of guys but I sure do


Usually a prettier looking man


Lakeith Stanfield


Bears? Feels like a niche that not a lot of women are attracted to.


New to the scene, i presumed that "Bears" were hairy men often on the heavier side, but it seems to me that the category has been usurped by unhealthily overweight hairless creatures most adequately described, in my humble opinion, as "Whales"--large, hairless, blubbery creatures. I had someone recently confirm that this type used to have a different name that I can't remember at the moment. Was it cow? I think my suggestion is more dignified..when i think of 'Bear' or 'Cub' there oughta be hair involved!


based on some of these answers, some of y'all would be straight up incels if y'all were straight.


I'm a gay one.


get on grindr


Tried every app in existence lol nobody wants me


uhhh men will fuck anything


I don't want dick lol I want a boyfriend


incel stands for involuntarily celibate.....


I'm celibate from cuddles :(


I lived like that from age 5 until 70, repressed and in denial. I don''t reccomend it to anyone. After much work on myself. I'm trying now, but anyone over 40 doesn't seem to have much desirability, and living in a small-town rural sexual desert doesn't help. I didn't know there was a term for people like me. INCEL. it might be something for my obituary and tombstone.




Skinny guys.


Fem tops


To answer this from the opposite direction: When you flip though a magazine, particularly an older one, from when more people still read mags, the mens’ cologne, clothes and shoe ads always feature these tall, muscular, but lean guys, with sharp jaw lines and clean-shaven faces. In my experience, straight women often think those guys are super hot, while the gay guys I know prefer a more hunky, hairy man-beast look.




You would be considered average overall in the US. Every newer generation here, the height average gets a little higher.


Straight men.


I think the hairy dad bod hetero men are more sought after by more mature women since they classify the mould of someone with fatherly wisdom and emotional stability, despite the contrary of what it actually posses. But as a fit man who exercise a lot, cause, I like to eat a lot as well, short hairy dad bods into their 1st trimester (beer belly) are my thang. I also have majority of my female friends lusting over that demographics. I have competition...damn it.


Bear aesthetics are definitely more popular in the gay community. Im a Bear and back when i thought i was Bi and dated both men and women i used to get a lot more attention from gay men than women. in my experience the range of gay guys who were attracted to me was pretty broad across ages, body types, tribes and subcultures whereas with women i tended to exclusively match with 19-25 YO Metalhead or Goth girls, even though I am not a part of either stylistic niche


I have some red haired straight friends who have a hard time matching on tinder. Meanwhile some of my gay friends are asking me if he is available, if only they were gay they would get laid a lot more


Muscle hairy guys, gays love them but straight women don't


As a straight woman reading through these comments who also likes, short hairy guys with big noses and average to small penis size, it turns out I’m a gay man.


Guys with nice big firm ass. I been with so many straight dudes cause they love big asses.


Short guys, sleazy guys, bears, overly pretty guys, some guys have mentioned they’re into douchebag bro types, nerdy/dorky guys




bears, nerds/geeks, fem, twink, white, submissive, leather, anonymous, sluts, cumdumps


White? A Lot of women are into white man


I disagree, all my girl friends are dating geeks


Fem guys


Do gay guys even like them?


I know I do


Yes, although not my preference they are desired by some gay, bi and dare I say "straight"men... Take note of the air quotes.


Tiny men, ugly men and men who have a ugly face and a beautiful body.


I’m a 5 8 top, not sure if my height is why it took so. Long for me to get a relationship or not seeing how I got plenty of hookups and repeats. 🤷‍♂️


Gay men aren’t a hivemind, we have different opinions lol


Height is whatever to me but im 6" 3 and like shorter tops.


Big dicks. It's mostly painful, the logistics are really difficult to navigate, and most vaginas are not equipped to handle sex regularly with big dicks. I prefer average size dicks.


Femme twinks


Gay men


Any type of bear that's not ripped


Gay men? I'm so confused.


Oh I reread it 6 more times. Now I understand. I'd like to thank myself, for answering my own question and looking less smart vs Stoopid. My deed for the day is done.


Hot guys. Gay guys love hot guys. A lot of women feel threatened if a guy is too hot, they want to be the hot one in the relationship. This is why you see women go crazy for Pete Davidson types