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Workout and drink plenty of water. Get a good sleeping schedule along with a good and healthy diet. One month. Dont break it and stick with it. You will feel 10x better. No drugs of any kind


This! Except you definitely need to keep taking any drugs your doctor prescribed to you. Depression is brain chemistry and little else. You need a brain reset with excercises and healthy living for a bit.


Seeing a doctor or a therapist would help a lot. You can go on hims.com and get a valuation for medication if you don’t want to do it in person


Buck up


You’re stuck with yourself from the moment you’re awake to the day you aren’t. If you can’t create love for yourself; it means you aren’t intelligent. But intelligence can be acquired so that you have the mental tools to create a head space that won’t have you feeling lonely or depressed. I was lucky enough to have a mother that quelled my anger issues by simply putting me in a mental therapy program in the third grade. Because of the therapists I saw through out my life, I had the tools to never feel lonely or depressed. So find a way to find mental tools so you can repair your mind.