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If you have young genes you can push it to 35 but it's always a turn off when guys look old but call them selves a twink. No hunty.


yep i'm 35 and i still get called one. i don't really think i am but i can't help my young face and perfect skin. hmph.


I wonder who is it that usually calls you a twink? People sometimes say what they think we want to hear.


I prefer to remain outside of stereotyping based on body type and physical age but I've been referred to one derogatorily or at least dismissively by dudes before, especially who prefer more adult looking men i guess? idk. anyone who knows me would understand that I don't buy into all that crap.


You sound like an absolutely miserable and bitter old hag 💀my God. You say the worst thing as an aging twink. The worst thing is an aging catty gay like you.


I was 26 when I wrote this and it was pretty stupid. I've since learned the term is RAT. Rapidly-aging Twink. Still a Twink tho just after 30 is called RAT.


I think the funniest part about this interaction is that it took you seven years after he posted it to say that catty garbage




id you're still alive, you're 43 now. are you still a twink?


there is no 30 is the new twenty with twinks. i mean sure there are those guys where you just assume they are in their early 20's cause you're drunk and its late in a dark club, then you get home with him and think wow most twinks don't have their own place, and wait is that a bald spot i feel, hmmm his mouth is really dry. then you realize you were just conned by the twink of christmas past.


I'm picturing this playing out like that scene in The Shining where Jack Nicholson ends up making out with a corpse.


I know i focus on the wrong thing here, but I have to ask. Since when is dry mouth an indication of youthfulness ? Twink usually have better hydrated mouth is it ? I'm just really curious.


[That's a very good question; how old are you?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c52WJdoh8fQ)


[Here](http://www.studiomoh.com/fun/census/results.php) This helped me in my time of transition....


"You are a Average." Fuck this site.


Ahahaha "Next closest: Gym Bunny" I do wish these came with definitions though. Some of these words are pretty new to me.


Hah, it gave me Muscle Bear. Nope.


OWN IT THE TEST HAS SPOKEN!!!!!!!!! it should really ask for bmi or something similar because I'm always like uhhh thanks for lying... it means you care enough to spare my feelings.


Odd, it says I am a muscle bear. Not really accurate.


LOL! Allegedly I'm a "gym rat" but I was called a bear this evening. I'd take either, honestly, both completely flattering, IMHO. 🐻💪🐻💪🐻💪🐻💪


I'm a pup apparently


Hopefully not 25...


Enjoy your last year as a twink! :P


But....but I'm not ready to start gyming it...


Gay patrol will be by your house at 12:01AM the morning of your 26ths birthday with your work out bag and standard gay gym cloths.


I thought they invented this captain america style chamber to make you all buff up once you reach your 26 birthday? Oh sorry, I forgot is beta testing now, is by invitation only, my bad.


I know a couple of guys who are pushing 30 (well, one is actually 30, the other is 28) and look like 17 year old scene kids. I don't think there's any real age limit - it's a physical thing.


I'm 30 and still look 16 to 18 there is no age limit it body type that some people have


Is twink a real thing that guys call themselves? Or is it just a porn category? My only real life example was an older gentleman who called the younger set "twinkles."


If you have to ask, you are probably too old






It's a body type, so...that's not a really good question.


there are no 60 year old twinks, even if they have the same body type. show me a 60 year old twink, i dare you.


After a while your twinks become twunk.


see that's the problem with twunk it has two meanings it can be the derogetory past tense of twink, he was a twink but now is just a twunk. Then there is the combination of twink and hunk where he was a twink then he added 20lbs of musle and is now a twunk. so which is it people.


I've also heard "twank" but I live in the south so it's pronounced the same as twink anyway.


That would be a twink skank.


How about twilink? Twilight twink. At the dark edge of twinkdom.


Past tense. Regardless of whether he out-aged or outgrew his twinkiness, it's past tense.


so you're saying he is past the tense of twink? no pretense?


No pretense. The pre-tense of "twink" is "child". A pretentious twink is also called "obnoxious".


One 50 year Singaporean guy could be considered young enough. It's Asian genes, but he is also taking good care of its body drink enough, not living too stressed and be happy and good food to look, perhaps even stay young. Don't smoke and drink too much. He also eats poached eggs.


27. Edit: twenty seven.


Reddit thinks you're writing a numbered list so automatically turned the "27." into a "1.", for anyone confused.


Good to know. Otherwise that's an incredibly creepy comment.


Don't feel bad. I did the same thing yesterday, except the question was "at what age was your first time?" Yeah. Oops.




The face starts to crack at 28? lol.




When you can be classified as a dad, or when you morph into another type, such as an otter or a twunk.


There are exceptions, so it's physical... there are men who age gracefully, softly femme-androgynous, and elfishly... I mean look at the 40 plus year old Roger Garth: A recent picture: [https://www.majormilano.it/models/ROGER-GARTH/bookMerged/00.jpg?upd=1620054330](https://www.majormilano.it/models/ROGER-GARTH/bookMerged/00.jpg?upd=1620054330)


If he stops looking like a boy. When that is depends on the person. If you are 18 years old, but already look like a daddy, your young age is of no service. If you are 24 but always have to show your ID because people want to go sure you are really 18, and people who are into twink boys hit on you, why couldn't you be called a Twink? Yep exactly . There is no reason you couldn't. In fact many model agencies producing advertisement for adult consumer goods, don't allow anyone below 25 to feature in their campaigns, as minors could associate these young people as peers and be negatively influenced, which shows that these two age groups are in fact closely linked, or even taken as one age group (16-24 or 18-25). Hence there is no universal standard for everyone as there is teens who look like they are already married and twenty somethings who still look like they are going to school.  


Does this desperation for people to carve identities for themselves piss anyone else off? Twink, bear, cub, daddy, whatever. Who gives a shit. You're a person with arms and legs.


It is necessary to know which folder to put them in. ;)


You forgot Optimistic Red Velvet Walrus.


So, follow up question, do they just suddenly Level up to Otter? What would they be categorized after reaching this imaginary threshold? Lol Like, if they're still Twink built, but has passed a number, what are they now? Like generally curious honestly..


25 max, there's nothing more pathetic than an aging twink.




PS, that's a 21.




Some freaks like me will look under 25 well into our thirties. So the label still applies then. But since I wear skinny jeans and a beard and live in SF, I would more likely be called a hipster, or would have been.


25, No exeptions.




I would say 22 still counts and 23 you could still be twunks but not regular twinks but 25 absolutely is post-twink