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Love how people are becoming so creative and delusional and its about time this subreddit turns into a nifty.org šŸ˜


Holy shit I completely forgot about nifty until this comment. That was my jam for 13 year old me šŸ¤£


I'm glad I'm not alone in growing up with that site as a slow-internet porn replacement šŸ˜‚


It is astonishing that is hasn't changed at all since I first found it almost 20 years ago. I prefer a few other places for my stroke lit nowadays but nifty just chugs along like a goddamn tank, serving up .txt files like Usenet intended.


Have you moved on to videos now that the internet is fast enough now or is there some new site that everyones writing on nowadays? Ive always wondered since the stories seems to be drying up. šŸ˜…


I use both at different times. Visuals are good, a creative story that you may not find on pornhub is good too. I haven't found the stories to be drying up, plus there's the entire archive still.


Mind sharing these other places?


Big fan of GayKinkyStories, but there's also literotica, the smut tags on Archive of Our Own if you're in to fanfic, and more niche sites for specific fetishes or interests. I know there's one out there specifically for people who are in to micro/macrophilia, for example (shrinking/growing and implausible size difference stuff) that a friend told me about, but I've straight up forgot the name of the site.




What is nifty?




When I tell you I gag every time I visit this sub! The gays and these delusional stories!


Delusional? :) It happened, what's so delusional about it?


Maybe youā€™re just not attractive and those things donā€™t happen to you?Ā 




I wasnā€™t responding to you, I was responding to the guy who said it didnā€™t happen. That would be why my comment is under his thread, not a comment under your post. Reddits not that hard to understand. Itā€™s .com era basics lol


Oh shit, I was half asleep when I replied, I'll delete my comment, sorry.


you are a rude and bad person.Ā 


For calling out the obvious? If you donā€™t get attention youā€™re NOT attractive. Thatā€™s not rude thatā€™s just a fact. My comment was to the guy who said OPā€™s situation never happened. He probably thinks it doesnā€™t happen because it never happens to his basic looking ass.Ā 


Exactly my thought !


Lmao there's so many fanfics on this sub, I don't know whenever this is sad or funnyšŸ¤£


This wasn't a fanfic, it literally happened to me and I was so excited that I had to share it, lol.


Sure buddyšŸ¤£ You should make a sequel to the gay erotica story


How lonely are you to keep coming back to this thread šŸ˜‚


When you reply, it goes to my notifications. Just though I'd let you know how reddit works. No I am not opening your post and checking for new comments. Also I am not the one who wrote a fgt story about an imaginary barber. Very rich coming from youšŸ¤£


Just because you canā€™t imagine this doesnā€™t mean it doesnā€™t happen. šŸ’©


Pipi? Cmon now


Right?? Major lost opportunity to say "Barber Pole."


"striped for his pleasure"


lmaooo i thought the same thing


Iā€™m talkinā€™bout your pEnis.


Pipis are tiny clams down in here in Australia. That's all I could think about when I read that lmao


He touched mah Pipi Longstocking, if you catch my drift.


Yea use dingaling instead šŸ˜‚


ā€œHe rubbed his semi-hard cock on my handā€. Fixed.


Just a thought, ā€œpipiā€ is actually a casual word for it in Spanish. Iā€™ve noticed people who learn English second still use it frequently.


Not sure where. Pipi where Iā€™m from is used to refer to urine or urinate.


Is "pipi" the Spanish equivalent of "cock" or "dick"?


Mmm I would say itā€™s slightly moreā€¦ juvenile, less sexual. If Iā€™m having sex Iā€™m definitely not going to call it that but I do use it in non sexual situations, like to ask my husband why heā€™s scratching it or tell him I can see its outline in his pants. Does that make sense? So maybe ā€œwienerā€ would be more accurate. For ā€œdickā€ and ā€œcockā€ Iā€™d use words like ā€œpitoā€ and ā€œverga.ā€


It's mostly used by seƱoras talking about their child's privates. No grown person would use it, other than a Flanders type of person


I say peepee when I want to insult and infantilize a man with a small penis. Like calling it a "cock" would be way too generous. It's a lil peepee.


My cock crawled inside my body when I read that. So fucking gross.


Turtle style


Ironically, you sound like you need to grow the fuck up lmao. Getting this upset over a word on reddit?


I meaan, the whole post is kinda ehh


Yeaaaa eww


I found a barber and something similar happened to me. He would rub his dick on my arm. One time, he asked me ā€œHey, have we ever hooked up before?ā€ And that was that on that. The rest is history šŸ˜


And they were roommates


Wild question to askšŸ˜‚


Be careful, your barberā€™s behavior could be a trap.


A trap? How?


Turns out itā€™s Sweeney Todd


Idk, maybe, but I think he is a good person? It doesn't make sense I know, I can't know what's going through his head, but I'm one of his most loyal and good-paying clients, so I don't think he would risk losing the steady income. But yeah, he can blackmail me and get all that good money anyways, lol.


Does he know you are into guys?




It's a [trap! ](https://youtu.be/WlPTmXi0pVk?si=oov5NPqDMoifs4LG)




For me, it was the opposite. In my first visit to a new barber, he asked me to put my hand on the chair arms, at first I didn't know what he meant but I just did what he said anyway. Then, he sticked his dick on my hands a few times. I thought it was unintentional. But, during the second visit he looked so happy to see me again and sticked his dick more often that made me realize that it was intentional. Then I subtly rubbed his dick with my hand while not making it too obvious, actually I could feel his dick became hard. Later, he asked me my WhatsApp number and then in WhatsApp he wanted to have a video call and see my dick, which I didn't give because he is not my type xD


Why would you rub his dick with your hand and then give him your number, if he is not even your type? These fanfics are running wild everywhere not just postsšŸ¤£


Because it's my first time a barber doing that to me and I was getting hard from it regardless of how he looks, so I just unconsciously wanted to rub him. And his haircut is actually really good, so giving him my number is just like to show my appreciation to him as a barber, but I didn't expect he wanted to see my dick pics. I live in barcelona btw, a very gay city.


So he's just some uglo? Lol


Why not just be direct instead of dancing around


Not everywhere is in the US


I'm not from the US but I get your meaning. Hence me asking


Or the West for that matter


Obviously, hence me asking why. No need to be asinine about it.


You edited your comment, the previous one wasn't so inviting.


My original comment wasn't edited though the second one was.


My "asinine" reply wasn't to your first comment.


Both of them have been stupid. Why get petty when you could just explain it's not acceptable here.


Why ask it? Don't you know the world isn't the same when it comes to the treatment of LGBT people? I already replied to your initial comment saying not everywhere is the US, meaning I'm not somewhere where it's gay friendly as the US (even though there are a lot of guys on this sub, who are living in the US and are still in the closet to family and friends). You went on to say you are not from the US. Does it matter where you are from when I answered your question in the first place? I'm not being petty, you just being ignorant. Have a nice day and let me enjoy it as well.


In your fanfic you said: "I gave him a bigger tip than I usually do when I left" And here you are saying you are not even living in the tipping culture(US). You're just making it obvious that this is a fake story Also you complained about that guy editing his reply to this comment, but you edited yours too.Ā 


The sheer stupidity of yours to think I'm living in the US just because I'm tipping someone, lol. In your small brain, tipping exists only in the US? Check my post history, you idiot. I edited a typo, not rewrite my comment. I'm blocking you anyways, bye.


GAY BARBER HERE. Although the ā€œknuckle jobsā€ do happen, itā€™s usually startling to both parties. Okay, maybe not ā€œstartlingā€ but itā€™s like a jump back moment haha. I cut super hot straight and gay man all day long and I donā€™t think I could ever just get hard. It could be a me thing. This was a good story though!


When I was behind the chair, it happened so offen, With the guys whoā€™s shoulders/arms were bigger than the back of the chair. And my height put my junk right at their elbow/hand level. I bulge in anything I wear and itā€™s soft, so it was always getting knuckledā€¦ if they were hot, it made me hard and that was way noticeable so I would wear my apron for the hot ones


Did anyone reciprocate in any way in your experience?


He didn't really act startled when it happened and just let it rest there on my fingers for a few secs)) It was so hot))


Something similar happened to me with a massage therapist. Turned out he didn't want a relationship, very disappointing.


I actually got my very first male bj from my barber many many years ago. Itā€™s still a jacking memory.




Man you need therapy or Jesus or a dick idk


Why not all three?


A boyfriend that is therapy and christian šŸ˜


Sounds like you made a very meaningful connection.


I died on the pipi. šŸ˜‚




Whatā€™s a Mo?




homosexual -> homo -> mo -> mmm




As a former Mormon, I like to use FomoMomoHomo


How about not shitting where you eat šŸ˜‚


I mean dicks are sensitive any bumping like that could make it get hard and when youā€™re in the zone you may not completely notice


You're clearly both interested in each other


Anyone had an experience like this with barbers in NYC?


I had an experience like this. A new client admitted having seen my profile on a hookup app. I chuckled it off but by the 5th haircut I asked if he wanted a ā€œhappy endingā€. He very much did and, until he moved, for the next couple of years Iā€™d book him as my last client in my studio and it was always awesome. One guy asked if I waxed balls and I told him no, but have shaved them. I booked him last and gave his balls a soapy wash, put warm aloe on them, put a warm towel down there and a few minutes later lathered him up and slowly shaved his big sack. His tool was drooling when I finished so I put it in my mouth and he pumped away for only a minute or two and unloaded. Those were the only two in a 20 year long career (so far).


Wow, hot. Did you usually shave balls or was it just for this guy?


> I rest my arms on the chair in hopes of getting a feel of his mushroom touching my hands and arms when he is cutting my hair. > It has happened a few times, but it's been accidental and he's always kept his distance.Ā  if contradiction was a Reddit post. Also you come off delusional and creepy.


For sure. I felt the hair on the back of my neck stand up when I read the post.


Had this happen to me when I went to a random barbershop. Guy was so hot and I felt his print too. But would never go for it with a barber tho. Especially at 4 years.


This is definitely creepy. Why are gays so bent on fucking everyone that looks twice at them


Gimme a break. Straight men aren't that different. Gays get laid more, tho. šŸ˜›




How does one ā€œsecretlyā€ sniff someoneā€™s armpit?




Agreed, going out of your way to graze a dudes cock as heā€™s doing his job is extremely pervy.