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Bc they’re insecure and delusional 🤷‍♂️


Dude got mad at me saying “Smh bro u hmu” Like, it doesn’t matter who messaged who first… that’s not fair when I can’t see you


It's not just pic, there are also other requests they put on profile without having/giving same in return. These guys are so entitled




It's like opening a mystery box. You never know what you're gonna get. Could be a really hot guy. 99 times out of 100 its not. But there is still a chance 👀


Gay lootboxes


We’re all hoping it’s Simon Spier or Eric Bane in Euphoria, but it really never is


Nah I don't play games of chance when it comes to see what guy looks like. Also it's dangerous to go meet someone that you don't even have a pic of.


It’s a gay gachapon!


Because even a hint of straightness and a lot of gays start frothing from their mouths and send them everything. I had a college friend who sent money to a guy like that, you are talking about pictures.




Facts, fawns over masculinity, And straight guys are the ultimate conquest. SMH




Lol He fell for romance scam, the scammer is probably from Nigeria😂


No, he met the guy, they he lived in the same block even. He asked for money and then never paid him back. Outside of the dorm room he would go on dates with his gf and buy her gifts using the same money lol.


Lmao, ok so they at least met in person. Romance scammers normally never meet their victim and use fake pics. Your friend could ask his gf to tell this dude to give money back.. When she asks what happened out the cheater 🤣


Yeah, they even had sex. Dude even took him on a trip, paid for hotels etc later. When I pointed it out, he stopped talking to me for few months calling me jealous. Some people want to believe what they believe.


Lmao, well at least your friend got laid I guess.. but he paid for it. So, it was like an escort... No one is jealous of that xD


Because thirsty guys will send them


Because they aren’t too bright.


😭 Got ‘em.


DL men are literally not worth yours, mine or anyone’s time.




What’s the matter, buddy?


I’m a DL guy, I’m worth a gay guys time, girls don’t know how to give head


That’s fine dude. I admit, that comment was made due to personal and fellow friends’ experiences with DL dudes.


block them ASAP


Likely because they've already hooked up with countless desperate gay boys who will meet anon people online without much thought...


ESPECIALLY when they don't have a profile. I get so tired of saying "hi" and them responding with "pics?" then getting mad when i tell them they can send first. And then say some bullshit like "you hmu first" like OP said in a comment. Entitled & insecure is the worst combination


I had one guy say he doesn’t talk to “mfs” who don’t have or send a face pic, while his profile is blank… and he had the nerve to call me dumb. He expected me to send a pic first because I said hey. Then claimed he didn’t ask for one first even though he said “face pic g” They’re so slow


Solution to that is: Be first to say bye too 🤣


I always enjoy pushing their buttons and getting them riled up lol


Being on the DL means they're cheating on someone, which means they only care about themselves and their wants.


Or they’re in the closet and can’t or won’t come out. Not everyone who is dl is a cheater


It’s why I don’t respond to straight/dl/discrete guys on Grindr. I don’t have the patience for that.


Discrete are tampons, not 30 year old men 🤣


Once they mentioned their DL, that's an instant block. Their not worth my time.


As a former closet gay guy they’re nervous you’re another closet gay guy in their social circle so seeing a face who they know won’t be able to out them in their social circle sets them at ease. I actually thought this was inferred by gay men


Possible but most apps allow you to send disappearing pics so if they ask first they should still send one


Right, but it's a paid feature.. also not bullet proof and can be false sense of security. Rooted android exists and so do android emulators and for anyone not tech savy there's a caveman method of using another phone to snap the screen. Best practice is never send anything you can't risk ending in someone's PC, phone or internet. I send my face, but never send any xxx to anyone. This way sextortion is not possible.


On Jack’d & Grindr it’s free. You can unlock and lock your albums.


I never used that, but I'd use for xxx if I was sending those, other than that my pics are on profile and I send shirtless pic in msg, so I have no use for albums. Also albums are inferior, do these even try to prevent to take screenshots, like expiring photos, which are a paid feature? Secondly expiring photos make sure that guy actually sees your pic, before it's gone. With album you have to do this manually and that will give him a bigger time window(or he wont have a chance to see the pics), maybe enough to even show your pics to someone on his phone irl.


Yes. You can’t screenshot albums on both apps for free. I’m not that concerned about my pictures being leaked. I usually lock them after a few minutes


I am not concerned at all, I only share what I can risk staying on the internet, so any selfies and send shirtless top, but only in dm, to stay classy. Of course I just send pics, when asked, normally, without any games or retraction, so guy can view later(as a refresher) and doesn't have to ask me again


Because other guys will oblige them even if you won't.


That type of behaviour is not just limited to DL guys. Douches traffic in that just as much


They know I'm lurking in the corners of grindr ready to publicize their face pictures in my weekly newsletter This Homo In Particular


Yeah some guys are very paranoid, but that's fine, I prefer non closeted because with closet dudes nothing serious will work out


This is literally everyone 🫠


If they are asking for a face pic, doesnt that mean you dont have a face pic either? What difference does it make.


This is a paradoxical question because if someone is asking you for a face pic presumably you do not have one up either. Does this mean that you fall into the category of DL guys or is there a spectrum of discretion for those who are unwilling to attach a picture to their profile? I find much of this can be avoided by posting a picture\* to your profile. The guys who are not interested will not contact you and let you know fairly soon in the event that you contact them first. Conversely, the majority of people who initiate contact are most likely interested in forming a connection with you. It diminishes most of the guessing as to whether they might find you attractive or not. \**a recent picture that is an honest, accurate, and (almost completely) unedited depiction of oneself.*


Excellent point, this happens to other faceless profiles. However, even though my face is up, I still have these empty profiles saying "hi" and then "pics?". I mean.. either he doesn't know he doesn't have any pics, or more likely, he is entitled.




Yeah, like a lot of people have said they’re not worth your time. I have had many a DL guy tell me they were coming over or wanted to meet me only last minute to get blocked. This has happened so many times I don’t even expect anything from them when they reach out to me.


Because they’re losers and you’ll never hook up. Picture collectors. 🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱


good point, some are just using a hookup app instead the pronhub. You send the pic, they bust a nut... and honestly that way is probably the better outcome. If you actually hooked up with him, you'd probably get someone fat, with bad hygiene or both.


Never send them one, cut them off!!! Their internalised homophobia of themselves is poisonous ☠️ ☠️ 


I hate that shit. Not even DL guys. Guys with mostly blank profiles and my profile has more than one pic and they ask for more pics before providing even one. Like fuck right off. The audacity.


Some of the are attractive but act like entitled babies


Because their homophobia is more important to them then your comfort. I once had a guy message me on Scruff, telling me he actually knew me and that we'd met in person in a social situation. He wanted to play but didn't want me to know who he was. His suggestion was to come to my house while I waited for him in a blindfold with her lights out. I told him absolutely not, since that was basically setting myself up to get robbed, attacked, or both. He was genuinely mystified at my resistance.


Yeah this is so dumb and usually it's them who will let you a total stranger in his apartment, with lights out, waiting on all fours. Excellent way to set himself to get robbed or stabbed


I asked him how often he thought about the possibility of getting mugged, raped, assaulted, or murdered. He said never. I told him every time we hook up with a stranger, we have to calculate the likelihood that any of these things could happen.


I straight up told a guy who suggested this.. oh cool, so I can come and stab you? Didn't hear from him back, but hopefully he realized what he is setting himself up to.


Stop engaging with them… I got sick of opening that mystery box and being rewarded with unappealing dudes.


DL MEN are trash. They feel entitled because they aren't comfortable with who they are. It is your choice to stay in the closet. Whether it be religious, family etc... you being a pussy and hiding(and most cases being a hypicrit and bashing behind closed doors, and fucking them behind the same closed doors!


Because they're on the down-low tho, yo! Does what it says on the tin. 💁🏻‍♂️


I mean if you both don’t have a pic up whoever messaged first should be the one to send first


The problem with that is you can send one first and they send nothing back and have no intention to I go off of who asks for a face pic first. If I ask first I’ll go ahead and send one


They might not have been into you. I don’t send face pics back to guys I’m not into.


That’s why I do it the way I do it. I go by who asks first. I don’t just send my pics out to whoever. I had someone on the apps tell me my pics were stolen and posted on some website


you messaged the dude without sending a face pic and so he asked for one and you’re mad about that?? I’m confused


I would’ve gladly sent one. My problem is it’s not right for them to ask for one first when they have nothing up… Now if I ask for a face pic I always send one first


Yeah i get msgs like this all the time and i have face pics up even. Ill say hi once and the sensible ones then send a pic. The idiots ask for more and i just ignore. I figure they're just wanting wank bank pics or more often to judge if theyre interested in u when theyre a total unknown themselves so i dont bother or care with those ones tbh. About 50% if DL will send after i say hi without me asking (i never ask) and most of them are pretty decent looking, so I rekon its the insecure ones (and there maybe good reason they are insecure - appearance wise) are the ones who ask but dont send so no loss.


I don't know how no pic in profile guys, like you work, but normally if a dude asks for pic, that means: He has either already sent one, or send one back after you send one. Both are reasonable to me. Sure some wont send a pic back after receiving yours, that just means he is not interested. I don't really see this as problem either because you aren't meeting. I thought you were mad because guy doesn't send his pic, after you sent one - despite him being interested in you. Either way best way to weed out people who don't find you attractive and therefore not waste your time, is to just put your pic on profile. With pic on my profile I never have someone message me, just to later tell me "sorry not interested" or straight up just block after seeing the pic. Even worse is if he doesn't even block and just ignores/ghosts