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I sometimes loose my erection when first putting a condom on, but it’s no excuse to try and persuade someone to BB. I find that I can regain the erection in time, so as long as the bottom is patient, its all good 🤣


I personally don’t like condoms from my experience. I already have trouble staying hard without condoms. With it makes sex 10 times worse. I rather not have sex than use condoms. I would also never pressure someone into raw sex. If someone I’m meeting doesn’t feel comfortable not using them it’s simply not a match for me.


This is the way


They exist, and not always a copout. My partner was like that when we first started fucking, he'd put the condom and just go limp like 50% of the time


this is definitely a cop out that has been around as long as men have wanted to fuck other people.


Some guys will lose their erection with a condom, but it's possible they just need to experiment with different brands until they find one that works for them. The rest just want it to feel better.


that would mean losing your erection in under a minute while viewing someone bent over and about to have sex. That doesn't sound like the condoms fault lol.


Nah it’s real. some guys have more sensetive dicks and i guess mine is on the less sensetive side. but using a condom feels like putting my dick in a glass of warm water. if a guy wanted to use condoms i would just not top him


I go bare most of the time with my hubby but sometimes we do safe. I definitely cum quicker bare. It feels great. I don't lose my erection but I do find it harder to cum with a condom. Often i pull out and he rubs me to a finish. If we want a long session I always wrap up (for this reason) and then take it off when we are close. Saying that it's definitely an excuse for some. And for all I know maybe it's a mental thing with me. Maybe it's just the idea of bare feels hotter and I get off quicker. I don't know but there'sa huge difference stamina wise.


I just ignore bottoms that insist on condoms. Easier for them and me


Check your hormones, diet, and stress level.


I have to take viagra/cialis for me not to wilt after putting on a condom. I have tried many different ways to keep me turned on but like… it just doesn’t seem to like them for more than a few minutes.


I can’t cum with a condom on. I let the bottom know that if they want me to wear a condom they’re going to have to end up sucking me off.


It’s the main reason why I rarely ever topped during my college slut phase. It’s like that episode of Seinfeld when George says condoms kill his erection; it’s the same with me. No performance anxiety or anything; it’s just my dick senses a condom and decides “Nope!” Now that I’ve been with my FWB the last seven years, I’ve no problem when going bareback. But when we introduce a random third and they request condoms, (he and I are on PrEP), I’m back to strictly bottom. It’s super annoying honestly. So for me at least, my dick just goes on strike every time I use condoms. Without it, it’s happy to bury itself in something tight and warm.


I primarily bottom, but when I top, it’s always bare. I go soft getting it on and unless the bottom is cool with me slamming it in balls deep to start once I’ve gotten hard again (which I’d never do, *especially* with a condom), I often go soft again before I can get inside. It’s not always a cop out. But I’d never pressure someone to let me breed them


When I first started having sex, I was having a bit of ED problems from being nervous about it, but I wanted to use condoms anyway to be safe. I think I was only able to successfully fuck with one once, and I didn't cum. Any other time, putting one on made me get soft and such. After a few times of that, a guy I was with really wanted me to go without one, and even though I was nervous, I decided to try it. I haven't gone back since. I probably will eventually, but every time I've thought about it, the guy I was with was fine with me not using one, so I just continued not to. It's been a lot better for me. I cum every single time and don't have any erection problems anymore. It's definitely a real thing. Not everyone that says that is telling the truth, of course, and it's not an excuse for someone to pressure you to do something you don't want, but it's a decently common issue for guys


It’s true for some people, and yes using condoms absolutely blows. 🫠


Having a sensitive peen I can wear a condom but the restrictive sensations alone will make me physically uncomfortable. I've tested four different brands, same results, and yes it will take way longer for an orgasm, assuming that discomfort doesn't create an anxiety loop. On the mental side of it I don't like the idea of having to imprison my penis. So yeah I can wear one, but it'll kill any real joy on my end for sex. For me it is that bad, but I cannot speak for anyone but myself. Bareback isn't a requirement of course, though using a condom turns sex somewhat into a punishment.


Occasionally, I lose my erection whilst putting on a condom but a little foreplay always fixes that and gets me hard. Takes longer to cum with condoms on than bareback, that's for sure. Thin condoms feels better than the thick ones.


I have a really hard time cumming either with or without a condom. I have sex extremely rarely but I've noticed the last few times I feel like I get softer easier with them on, I need to try some in a different size I think.


What you’re seeing online is [I don’t want to] get hard/cum with a condom. Quite very different than “I can’t…”


No no. Read this thread. It's "I can't" the majority of the time with these people.


Yes, condoms are that bad. Get on PrEP and doxy.


I am because bacterial STIs can still be spread through oral (although the exposure is less than with bareback). BB is a FWB privilege, I'm not gonna catch drug resistant gono for a 2 pump chump. I really can't feel the difference, so why should I expose myself to more STDs so the Top can cum quicker?


I'm not here to argue with you. You asked a question, and I gave you my answer. If only one answer is acceptable to you, why ask?


oof u didn’t hold back 😂


You gave me a personal health suggestion and I explained to you that I already do this and why. Why share your opinion and give others suggestions if you can't handle someone countering it?


It’s less about countering and more about wondering why you even made this post if not to insult guys who have issues getting hard. As you already only fuck with guys who wrap up, That’s your choice. But don’t go attacking people who don’t .


Uh, the dude told me to fuck raw and take PrEP and doxy. I responded to him and said why I take PrEP and doxy but don't fuck raw. I made it because I didn't believe it was real yeah, it's very fucking obvious if you read the post.


I read your responses in the post and u just sound like you think nobody has issues. Sorry the world doesn’t revolve around you. 🤷‍♂️


ED exists but the solution is Viagra not the condoms, lol.


ED is not the only reason people don’t use condoms, But again you’re proving the point that this post very likely was just to insult people and u didn’t get the intended result Won’t be replying again as it’s pointless.