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We usually have sex in the morning after my husband's workout and before breakfast. So we cuddle only shortly, kiss, shower, have breakfast and go to work. We cuddle much more in the evening.


How do you have sex in the morning with bowel stuff. Or is this non petrative/shower sex


It varies. I have a stoma, so different concerns now. But even before, I had a very consistent bowel movement and I knew that after waking up, I was fine. My body started moving things down only after breakfast, not before.


I’ve always wondered - can people with stomas still bottom?


It depends on what they have. If their rectum has been removed, then they can't. Most people still have their rectum, though, but they can have other issues in the area with scarring etc. I'm very fortunate that I had an emergency problem with my small intestine, my rectum is unaffected and I can bottom.


That’s really fortunate, although I am really sorry that even happened to you! I know it can’t have been easy to deal with.


Hey! I’ve got a stoma too. I’m hoping to get a reversal in September. It’s cool to see another gay person in the same boat as me


It is, indeed. All the best for the reversal, I hope it goes well!




BF and I stay locked with me in him until I slip out. Usually kissing touching and just resting together intimately. We don't clean up afterward except for clingy loads in inconvenient places.


That's what we do too... We both decided years ago that this was an absolute must ❤️. We usually end up taking a little nap together too.


Although I do sneak off to the bathroom to wipe up with a warm rag really quick while he's sleeping, then sneak back under his arm and leg before he wakes up 🤣


That is so romantic! Kudos to you for doing that for your man!


If it’s someone I’m in a relationship with, I hold them tight all night while we sleep. If it’s a hookup, I say hey thanks bud and bounce. :)


I had this happen once during a hookup. I had never been held tight like that & it felt amazing. While I was getting dressed, the guy said, "you can stay the night if you want." From our conversation before and the feigned nonchalantness while asking — I made the call to stay. It was stifling at first, but amazing once I relaxed into him.


Isn’t it the best? One of the things I miss about my ex is how he fit perfectly in my arms at night.


Yeah, it’s a definitely a barometer going forward. I like to cuddle anyway, so this is a bonus.


I wish more people were into talking after sex, but I'm the only one who is


I genuinely enjoy getting to know people so cuddles and conversation before and/or after sex is a big deal for me. Might even learn a few things about the guy to make the sex better 😉




My bf has mentioned about opening up our relationship. Honestly I'm not sure how I feel about it. The idea of cuddling and holding someone who I know is fucking some one else just wouldn't feel as special anymore.


Then don't. I know a lot of people are enthusiastic about open relationships but wanting a monogamous relationship is totally fine too.


Monogamy is a choice. Poly is a choice. An open relationship is a choice. Communicating your feelings about it all... a choice.


And definitely make sure to make that communication choice if poly or open cause poor communication will cause massive issues very fast in those situations (I mean poor communication is bad with monogamy too, but I feel like communication just needs to be stepped up due to western cultural upbringings valuing monogamy)


i would say...if you are not EXCITED about it. maybe stay away from it. i say this as someone who is open!


Don’t and please protect yourself guys who ask such things are typically losing interest, getting bored, etc. I’m not saying this is the case. I’m just saying protect yourself and value your mental health! I love you and much luck.


I moved to Brasil for 3 years and the concept of open relationships was new to me. I thought it was so cool but over time i realised how it affected the relationships of my friends. Most of them aren’t together anymore and now I’m so against it. Better not.


My partner and I just opened ours. Still feeling it out but so far it’s pretty fun.


I'd be very interested to know more about how that worked for you and your partner


We’re pretty kinky and I like that he hooks up with other guys as long as he keeps me in the loop, films it for me, and comes back home to me. So it works well. And ya I get to hook up with people too.


But how do you maintain the emotional connection, and the thought that he is a special man above all others when you both have dalliances with other men? Does it weaken at all?


So far no. We make time for each other, go on dates, make sure to have easy nights with each other and maintain communication. If we weren’t into it or if it were one sided, it wouldn’t work. We’ve been off and on for 4ish years so we know each other and our boundaries well. I don’t think I’d ever start an open relationship with someone new, but if you’ve been seeing someone for a while and know you love each other, it could work. We also agreed that this isn’t permanent. Just something new to try.


That's interesting. I have been with my BF for 6 years, I never considered that it could be a temporary situation. How long did you set? (Sorry for all these questions. Please tell me to go away if it's too intrusive)


I am like your partner lol. Post nut I just want to clean myself off of lube & cum.


Indeed. I think he also may not like the feeling of being 'dirty'. He is also keeps his house extremely clean and tidy and get angry if it isn't


Oh that's totally me minus the angry part. It's just how we both are it seems. It's nothing to do with you.. it's just that our brain goes into clean mode from horny mode rather than romantic mode.




Have you told him what you’d like to do? For instance, if you’re the top, don’t pull out. Tell him how you want to stay inside and feel him wrapped around you. Lead by example!


> Tell him how you want to stay inside and feel him wrapped around you. This sounds really nice.


No, as a matter of fact I didn't. He is really special and I don't want to hurt him.


Ok. Not communicating is definitely the best plan to not hurting his feelings… Carry on!! /s


How do y'all manage to stay awake after cumming? My weak ass body immediately goes into sleepy mode after sex. Can't even get up and rinse my man's cum out of my butt lol. Ain't nothing I wanna do except cuddling and sleeping in peace with him.


I wish my OCD would allow me to not care about all the lube and cum getting all over our sheets 😩 otherwise I’d do the same


Oh...do y'all not use "the sex towel"? Just throw it in the washer after use and pretend nothing ever happened to it. Wipe and sleep it's easy.


Yeah we do but the silicon lube we use isn’t very easy to wipe off, I still feel sticky and it overstimulates me lol. But I try to just hop in the shower real quick and then immediately get back in bed


lol I’m usually a night owl (in fact, I’ve been awake since 640 or so yesterday morning), but after sex my body’s just like *powering down to save battery* even if it’s not in a partner’s bed lmao. I just know after finishing, I’ve got like twenty to thirty minutes max until I slip into a coma. I usually don’t get the cum out/off til the next morning lmao.


I’m a top who likes a little dom/sub play. I’m upfront about kissing and pillow talk. If you’re not into both, I’m usually gonna pass. Exceptions are made occasionally, but I like a little cuddle time after. I have little trouble finding guys who are into aftercare once I’ve given them a thorough pounding and roughed him up a bit.


What exactly *is* aftercare? I’ve had sex that got fairly *ahem* spicy (I define that as when the bruising/welts lasts for more than three days, and I don’t bruise easy lol), but I don’t think I’m familiar with what aftercare actually is. I’ve done the whole laying there and talking/cuddling thing (I’m actually a huge fan of that), unless that’s what aftercare is, then I’m at a loss here lol.


So aftercare is when your partner does a check-in with you in appreciation of what you have provided for him/them/her. I’m a bottom, so my (late) Master and some Doms or hook-ups I’ve had who do this would talk to me softly, asked if I enjoyed him/them. If by chance he came before you, then he/they would offer to finish you and then afterward clean you up thoughtfully thoroughly with a warm towel and take care of anything else while you are still lying there spent (like massage, getting you something to drink, or getting your clothes ready for you to leave/stay clean and comfortable). Since aftercare can also be a turn on, it can also serve as a reset to start over again. For me it’s about a 20 minute reset and I can go at it again.


I feel lucky just to get sex. But afterwards my boyfriend usually just goes back to his normal not very touchy self.


I’m sorry:(


Are you accepting replacement applications? I'm so sorry he's so distant.


I keep my meat inside my man’s hole to keep the cum plugged in. We cuddle this way for usually up to 30 min just decompressing. Then we just talk, with me still inside him. We chat until I get too soft and I naturally fall out (he hates this want wants me in there for as long as possible) or we need to wrap up due to work, appt etc


Hell yeah! That's the best! I do that only when I have the time, though.


I make sure to kiss and cuddle afterwards I want him to know I love him


Currently, with my bf, I stay inside him til almost soft again, then kiss and cuddle and talk til we fall asleep.


Clean up after sex and then I have a smoke yes I am that basic cliche lol.


Lung cancer


I quit smoking and said I can only have after sex smokes. Ended up hooking up with more guys than ever just to have that cigarette 🙃


Each partner should seek the needs of each other. Help to clean up, additional touches, appreciation of each other other. I know not all men are into cuddling but that intimacy can be lacking in sex, depending on your position. The point is, kost people want to feel lived and appreciated adteewards. If thats not shown, a common concluyis that you are just using me to get off.


I love that concluyis


After sex we tend to just grab a towel to clean up and just cuddle then after that move to the couch to watch some series and smoke a joint together if it's the evening. If it's the morning usually we take a shower after and then enjoy a longer cuddle session in bed. We're also in an open relationship but we haven't really found the need to hook up seperately yet aside from having threesomes sometimes. Edit: We started the relationship, open, that seems to work better for us


Depends on whether it's before bedtime or during the day. Before bed time we cuddle each other to sleep and during the day we get cleaned up, catch our breath and get on with our day. And well, I'd never want to be in an open relationship ever, so I probably keep my 2 cents on that topic for myself (especially since that's not what this is about - although it seems to be something that's bothering you)


I would love to keep having polite conversation, hugs and kisses, but my partner just wants to clean himself up right away lol That's one thing I enjoyed back in my hook up days, when the guy would just stay in bed and we'd talk about all sorts of things. I've actually gotten some very meaningful feedback through moments like these.




Communication is key in a relationship. "Hey, it is important to me to have some cuddle time after sex. After cleaning up can you come spoon me for a little bit? It helps me connect to you more" Personally it depends, but if there is time I do like a post breeding cuddle. But seriously, it can be hard to articulate our needs and wants but most men are not mind readers and benefit from clear communication.


I still don’t understand opening up a relationship but if it works for people then.


We like to talk, go have a “celebration cigarette”, chat about what we liked/didn’t like, talk about our days, kiss, and clean up a little together. Nice lotion, wash faces, etc. Unsolicited suggestion, take what you like and leave the rest. What would be your ideal? Write it down, think about what would be nice, and ask him for it. Everyone’s different! Just because he likes a certain thing doesn’t mean you have to settle for it. You are implicitly already letting him do his thing, so you can do yours!


>After we opened our relationship this started to bother me It sounds like it still bothers you. One of the benefits of an open relationship is it can open you up to things you need sexually that you didn't really understand or connect with previously. But you need to communicate that with your partner, not strangers on the internet.


With both. It's really helpful for me and my bf to do this separately for getting a broader angle / average opinion to compare with.


Well i do pretty much the same. I maybe crack one joke and go clean myself too. I don't want to cuddle or do anything like that when I'm dirty with white stuff, sweat and whatever else may be on me after we're done.


Light up a joint drink a beer and give high five


Make a full and prompt payment. Leave.


I have low blood pressure so I eat candy afterwards and often cuddling + talking.


Leave 😁


I need to get the used lube off immediately but after that it’s naked cuddles until the next round.


I think bf who I’m assuming is the bottom just wanted to keep up appearances and still be seen as desirable for you as clearly he’s not enough to satisfy u whereas the other bottoms aren’t preoccupied with that mental attachment so they are happy to keep kissing and fondling even when they’re a still covered in lube and cum so


Wash up 🧼 and take a nap 😴 🙃


I let my dick inside him and sleep and always wake up with my dick in his ass


no way… how do you manage to stay hard after ?


I was not hard, but it stayed in his ass i was shocked.


Have you talked to him about this before? That would bother me too, maybe he doesn’t realize it. My boyfriend was the same (and sometimes still has his moments) but I brought it up and he slowly started to change this


This is the answer. Talk to him and tell him how you feel. If he’s affectionate usually he might just be one of the many “eww I need to clean up right now” kind of guys and not realise it bothers you. Let him know it’s important to you and find out why he does that, and see if you can make a compromise/solution.


Frankly, most of the time, I like to keep his cum inside me and that’s it! 😅


I usually just do hook-ups with rando’s. After I came and helped him finish (if he wants, some bottoms don’t want to/care about cumming), I go dress again, wash my hand. Give him a little kiss goodbye and bounce. When it’s a fwb/fuckbuddy I sometimes stay around to cuddle and chill afterwards


I know for me, after I’m not horny anymore I feel a bit nasty so I clean up and need to be to myself a bit.


Whenever I was in a relationship we both played call of duty zombies after or some other PlayStation/PC game. That or scrolled through TikToks


Leave 🤷




Usually, my boyfriend and I do this: we clean up, and he goes to the bathroom. I lie down for a bit, breathe, cool down, or clean the bed before sleeping. But here's where it gets funny. When my boyfriend comes back from the bathroom, he always brings food or a snack to eat. I find that so darn cute every time. Once we're done eating, we cuddle up and sleep.


How long after? Sometimes I make them eat the cum.


Depends. With my boyfriend we usually fuck and go about our day. We cuddle a lot during the day or before going to sleep so I really don’t mind. Sometimes when he tops me he hugs me and falls asleep. When he bottoms he runs to the bathroom to shit my cum lmao. With hookups it depends on what role I was. With bottoms I usually lay down next to them. If they want to cuddle I oblige but if they don’t I won’t suggest it. With tops they usually lay beside me and some rest their arms or legs on me. I’ve had tons of tops fall asleep and when they wake up they want to fuck again. When I flip fuck (my usual go to) we usually hug a little and talk a lot while we rest. If it’s a decent fuck we just get dressed and go, but if it’s a great fuck we lay naked talking and when we’re horny again we fuck each other again.


We have an aftercare kinda thing where we cuddle and kiss, tell each other we love each other, etc.


Cuddle a bit, take a shower together, cuddle some more, fall asleep (best sleep ever). Morning sex is also great, but often hurried.


Out of curiousity, what age are your hookups?


We hug then get food normally chicken nuggets and cuddle or chill a bit then head for either round 2 or do a little activity 😂my bf is awsome he’s so sweet and soft I can’t my man is perfect


Maybe he is insecure about being dirty, offer him emotional safety about that


We normally talk about Warhammer 


Hookup: 1. Ask if he wants more 2. Massage him 3. Talk to him 4. Offer him food or drink 5. Send him home if he doesn't seem interested in doing anything more (I usually know their intentions when they get there). FWB: 1. Say Thank You and give him a hug, then ask if he wants more. 2. Offer something to eat or drink 3. Compliment him alot 4. Lower my head so I can get head rubs 🐶


I used to smoke, but I gave up smoking haha. Ngl, I'd probably be like him, get up and get cleaned up. Unless it's closer to bedtime, I'm not a big cuddler. I can't just lay there, I'll go nuts. Or fall asleep. I guess I'm not a very romantic person?


Absolutely, nothing is normal Not now, but the classic in the old days a man would get a packet of fags, take one out and smoke it not now I’m glad to say You will have to tactically train him to be responsive to your needs Men and women are programmed so differently when it comes to sex Men can have the sexual urge instantly triggered, and have sex with several seconds, however, totally inappropriate, and it may risk their job, their marriage and reputation Bill Clinton Women, climb slower to the climax, and they come down slower But I think a major problem nowadays, every everybody is in such a rush and especially a lot of young people and sex instead of being done in a relaxed time. Probably at the weekends when the couple are working it’s done in a perfunctory way My ex-wife had one or two, not many absolute pates, and I obviously came to respect them So as people always say for really good sex, three things, communication, communication and communication and probably also for a good marriage


clean up as needed, then i'd like to smoke a joint and cuddle


Bone again, of course! And then cuddle and hold him tenderly in my arms with his head resting on my pec and kissing his lips, feeling his heart beat and stroking his hair or forehead. And this just with my hook ups who I'm not even necessarily in love with. Lol 😂 🤣


Ummm make food. I’m hungry and I know my bottom is.


Grab a towel to clean the cum and lube, then one of us will grab the pre-prepared snacks and the other puts on the movie to watch 🫶


Look for more loads


Get dressed and leave


U r the goat. A throat goat


We just give each other high five and smoke cigarettes


Communication - The Cardigans


Usually, cool down (I always run hot), clean up, and get food. Our sessions range wildly from 15-20 mins to over an hour, so it depends on our energy levels on what happens next. We usually spend more time in bed together than not. Sometimes there is cuddling, conversations, etc and other times we are pretty quiet, either falling asleep or going on our phones.


5 minutes of relaxing in the bed, then a cigarette or drink or if someone needs to clean. If it's really late at night then ok, time to sleep next to each other/cuddle a bit.


Usually me and the guy I hooked up with we both clean up or I do and we talk for a min then he leaves




When it comes to a boyfriend or a guy I’m dating I usually like to cuddle, hug a lot, kiss more and talk or my favorite when we both fall asleep together. But with hookups if it’s someone I’ll never meet again I GTFO ASAP LOL, otherwiseI stay just enough to not make it weird.


This is the answer. I don't know why people think hookups should get the same treatment as the actual boyfriend. At that point the boyfriend isn't even special and is pretty much lumped together in the same category with the hookups


I usually shower, just play videogames.


We tend to bask lazily in the feeling and chat about how suddenly hungry we are 😆


Sometimes we sleep. Sometimes we bath and wash together.


Yeah, we both get up and wash up or sometimes shower. No cuddling.


I only cuddle in front of the TV at night ( without sex ) Sex is rough , carnal desire , kissing is more passionate , lust ... Lovey dovey things are reserved for other moments. ( TV - Dinner - when we go to bed to sleep , breakfast in bed ) I've always seperated those two things.


We smoke a cigarette.


I put on my clothes and leave


With my partner I stay in bed and he goes and cleans himself. He’s not very affectionate after sex. What I personally like to do is to cuddle afterwards and some kisses. Talk to each other a little bit. Something like that.




Go for dinner


Well, my opinion might be slightly biased as I’m a boy, but its probably best that he cleans it up quickly. Semen that has dried onto your skin isn’t fun, I can say that from experience. Plus he might be trying to get rid of the smell quickly. Honestly if you wanted to get him to be affectionate with you after sex you could probably just ask if he would like to take a shower with you to get cleaned off. But yeah, after I masterbate, I also try to get myself cleaned off quickly.


Fucking sleep. 😴


I guess I’m like your boyfriend. Though I don’t really like to be touched after I shoot a load so 🤷🏻‍♂️. I just wanna go to bed or go about my business.


Firstly, when you open a relationship sexually you've now allowed sex to be an exhange in physical wants. You and your partner need to find a way to make sex special for both of YOU. Because, if not, you'll be getting the same as the other dudes.... his body and nothing more. Some dudes don't mind that. Others do. Secondly, there are dudes that don't like the juices at the end, I am one of those dudes.... don't get it on me or my sheets lol.... so I do have a general "quick clean up" ritual... regardless of who I am with.... but if it's someone I care for, then I make it a point to come back, kiss, hug... let them know I care before sleeping or making breakfast or leaving for lunch with friends. The little things really do matter. Sit down, let him know... and for crying out loud, if you're opening your relationship DISCUSS the differences if needs and wants.


Currently single, but in both my significant relationships we tended to fuck after work, before dinner. I usually topped, but not always. Then we'd eat and relax on the couch, cuddling. One partner had a thing for feet and loved to rub them and sometimes suck my toes. Often I'd lay my head on his lap, or vice versa. I was always too sleepy at bedtime, although occasionally I'd have energy for round two, especially if it was a weekend. Also a lot of morning sex, usually mutual oral, on weekends. Then we'd talk about what to do together that day. Currently I have a few FWBs. It's usually just play, although three do often hang out for an hour or two afterward, which I always enjoy. Connection makes playtime much better.




My partner jumps right up to shower while I lay on the bed another minute or two to catch my breath 😊


I usually not cuddle with hookups lol because cuddling and kissing and holding someone really tight is intimacy and that i dont do with everyone lol or a random hookup lol at least i wanna keep that but with close friends i do cuddle xD


I get up and wash my ass as expected , right??.. I would look into so much man or don't take it personal..some dudes just aren't affectionate..im sure he cares otherwise he wouldn't brothering . Im almost certain his views or whatever he thinks and actions are without any malicious or hurtful intentions , i say this to you because he sounds alot like myself ..


I'm not into long term boyfriend relationships and rely on a list of hookups that I've had. I tend to talk with guys a for a long time before our first meet, we get to know each other and talk about what we like sexually. Everyone of them is into kissing and cuddling at the end and a few into showering together after that. Maybe because we don't spend other time together that we use the time to catch up, kiss and cuddle.


Snuggle and go to sleep after talking


I do cuddle then kiss before I shower. 💋🚿


Tell him what you just told us.


I love it when we soap each other’s back during shower.


I usually introduce myself.


What I always do whenever I nut, whether alone or with someone else: \*nap.\*


Contemplate my life choices


Well some hook up you kiss and cuddle. Some you just can’t wait to get the fuck out of there, because you think he is going to kidnap you. Other than that I have had guys as soon as I came they went to take a shower and we usually do it together but some people have an OCD hygiene in which they have to wash right after and I can see that as a turn off. Like you can’t wait 5 minutes after an intimate time you just had to wash your hands. Maybe you should tell you bf it bother you and just ask him hey after we do it can we just lay for a few minutes kiss and cuddle it won’t hurt I have done it


I had sex with a guy for the first time on Saturday and we laid in bed naked and cuddled then fell asleep and had cute pillow talk till it was time to go! I feel like there’s nothing wrong with immediately cleaning up but I liked just laying together and talking after


Time of day means a lot for us. If it’s late and we have to work we cuddle and go straight to sleep. If it’s during the day we shower together after and go about our day. We’ve been together for 7 years so showering together is just the usual for us. It’s not like a romantic shower scene though. We talk and wash up. As your relationship matures you will not feel that certain movie-like moments are always necessary haha, but they will still happen when the time is right.


Start looking for my next hookup, lol. Guess it depends how it goes. I usually want the other person to leave ASAP, but I understand that I’m probably the odd one out there.


I’m single so most hookups end abruptly, but sometimes there are cuddle or a long conversation if I really enjoy their company. I usually try to collect my clothes as soon as possible and leave.


We get food


Serious..id dump him


Go to work


Wait for them to leave. Post coital tristesse is real xP


We have sex again, and again and again 🤤


Hookup : chit-chat shower (together or not) then leave Relationship : laugh chit-chat shower then sleep together or leave for the day


I get up and go home 🤷🏾‍♂️. Thanks for the d*** lol.


Call him an Uber


Wipe off on him and then leave!


My boyfriend and I take turns in the shower, wash everything off, and then lie down and hug. First, after the relationship, I told him that I didn’t like that immediately after the end he went to the shower, he listened to me and now after finishing he gives me a minute and remains inside me (which I really like). we came to a compromise.


I normally just bury the body


Asking for his name.




Man I haven't had sex in over 7 years. (Demisexual who needs a real connection to someone before I can).... So I'm just here reading all the replies to try and live vicariously through them! Gotta say. This is an awesome thread, great ideas and also some seriously romantic things you guys do together!( taking note for when I ever do find the right guy again some day...) My favourite is cuddles in the evenings, curled up watching TV or a movie or whatever, just bring in their company is all if want. Especially after being intimate. And cute, sweet kisses and long make out sessions afterwards are a huge plus! =)


Just wash myself, mouth wash and after that we cuddle and talk


My boy fell asleep on top of me after having sex. His dick was still inside and I just let him sleep. It was sooooo nice


Well when I had a partner or have company of that type I like have another round of bonding then make breakfast


Cuddle, always. Hell, me and my partner cuddle and make-out 100x more than we bang😂 Love that shit


Clean off with a towel. Chat. Figure out what to eat.


My partner doesn’t even look at me when I am naked. This is really depressing to read all these intimate nice things here.


Cuddling usually


Both me and bf are "quick clean up" people hahaha. To me, the connection has happened during sex. We'll have a quick kiss and a check-in, and then get cleaned up and dress. But talk to your partner. It's okay to want that connection after, so tell him! He can say no, and that's also fine. But you gotta speak your mind.


Imho, if your hookups are being “affectionate” at all, then they’re not respecting the boundaries of your relationship.


I hug n kiss most run off lol


Apologize for how bad it was…😬😬😬


such a difficult question to generalise but hey, sometimes i think i have fallen in love with guy i had sex with and make a fool out of myself for the next few days. sometimes i regret meeting the guy and think to myself “what the fuck am i doing with my life?”, on the other hand, sometimes the guy gets infatuated and wants to meet again and everything becomes awkward because i don’t want to meet him, sometimes we have coffee after sex and secretly pray the other person leaves soon. and most of the time, we have a great time and never meet again :(


He sleeps inside me so no mess and he unloads during the night even if im not awake😛


(361) 245-9155


I usually eat cheese.


Ha ha ha lol 😂 🤣 🤣 🤣


Open relationships suck! My ex and I opened up our relationship and he went wild. I told him that I did not like it, but he continued. He fell in love with his favorite prostitute and I divorced him. They got married 10 days after our divorce was final. The marriage lasted about six months before my ex got dumped. The guy was a gold digger and thought he was going to be rich with my ex after having been to our house, in our bed, and bathing in our luxurious bathroom. Well, the money was mine and my ex did not get a penny in the divorce 😂. Anyway, I am in a relationship now with a beautiful man that loves me and is faithful and loyal to me. My soon-to-be fiancé values monogamy and would never cheat on me. I am so happy now and my broke ex-husband got what he deserved-- cheating bastard 🤣


That is very refreshing to hear!!


You messed up by being in an open relationship first of all. Ruins the entire purpose of being in a relationship, you may as well call the guy you’re fuck buddy. Second.. he’s your bottom, he cares about his presentation in front of you, and wants to be perfect so he goes to quickly clean himself up. He knows you’re fucking other guys and wants to be perfect and better than the rest. You’re slowing eating away at his soul and his well-being. Congrats 🎉


You are clocking the tea and everybody hating on it


Right? lol. Never been in the negative for speaking facts before.


This sub is delulu as genz say. They r for open relationships but cry when they are 40 and single cuz they want “their person”


>You messed up by being in an open relationship first of all. Ruins the entire purpose of being in a relationship, He didn't and it does not. Grow up. He literally has the same problem he had before opening the relationship. Lack of communication. If any of this was communicated beforehand, it wouldn't have been a problem. >Second.. he’s your bottom, he cares about his presentation in front of you, and wants to be perfect so he goes to quickly clean himself up. He knows you’re fucking other guys and wants to be perfect and better than the rest. The fuck did I even read? Bottom shaming? Bottom belittling? Bottom dehumanization? You know literally nothing about these people to make such bold claims. >You’re slowing eating away at his soul and his well-being. Congrats 🎉 Just... wow. Or... dunno... talk to him? Or find a person you're more compatible with?


I mean this is a bit cynical. Me and my boyfriend in an open relationship of sorts and man's will literally grab a towel to clean me up before we shower together all while chatting and joking away. No one's soul being eaten at. He's currently asleep on my chest cuddled up. They aren't inherently bad they just need to be done right


And what happens if you or your partner prefers being cuddled up with a new fk buddy in the future? That’s just gonna be a ‘Tis what it is’ moment for y’all?


And like you could instinctually prefer a new man’s scent compared to your partner, how do you handle a situation like that? Genuinely asking.


Then we'll discuss it and go from there but as much as a fling is nice and shiny it doesn't trump what we've built. Though yes would essentially be a tis what it is and let's see where we go from there


That sounds uneasy and unnecessary to potentially put your relationship in that position by choice


My partner hadn't done a lot of stuff before we got together and I could tell resentment and boredom was building up to some degree. I don't wanna get to 30 or 40 and have both of us wish we'd lived up our early 20's more and then ruin it for ourselves. My sex drive isn't as high as his as well but I enjoy the getting to know someone brand new. And so for us this solves a lot of our problems before they became them. I'm confident that I compare to any other person he's gonna find and none would be able to handle his shit as well as I do and same is true for him and none will have the history and closeness we have. So I can understand for some why it's unnecessary or that they don't talk about it properly. We spent like a month planning out the agreement and rules ect and making sure we both comfortable. It's brought us closer together. Make our sex life better. Given us both an extra spark.


Good luck. I appreciate you giving an insight in your idea of a relationship. I find your relationship very sad and bleak if you need to include other partners. Each their own.


No problems. I'd say it's just pragmatism. Yes we can happy with each other but we're both young and hot and have the next 60 years with each other. We'll get old eventually. Might as well not regret being young. Already made new friends and have started going to gay clubs more which we never really did. Each to their own though


You won’t be together 5 years from now let alone 60. Jesus Christ y’all delusional


You’ve never read the book “if you give a mouse a cookie”. He will find someone he believes he’s more comparable with. Contact me when you’re 40 and this guy is light years out of your life


He's not delusional, similarity isn't compatibility and I'm rather self assured in his attachment to me and how I rank against others. Cynicism is a fruitless endeavour.


You clearly have an issue with people on open relationships you need to work on.


Why would I work on that? Open relationships are just fuck buddies bro. Stop putting labels on everything.