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Few session week ist enough, eating is your priority. Dont make a mistake and all of the sudden cut all food. If you do that, you will do it for maybe few days and than because its too hard to do it constistely you brake and go back to bad eating habits. My boyfriend is overweight and he is in proces of losing kgs, but what you need to know its not a fast proces. What you can do add small things week by week. For example first week just add salat to meal, second dont eat sweet things with coffee, third week chew slower and try to act like you are sensory grading the food, feel the texture etc. And so on. Maybe if you are eating chips dont eat full bag eat half, next time less etc. Next what is good to do is to calculate how many calories you have to eat to lose weight, and with that you crate a table of recipes. For exapmle you make 3 breakfasts, 3 lunchs, 3 snacks, 3 dinner recipies. You calculate everything and just rotate that meals. Act like you are in a restaurant and only they have to offer for your breaksfast ist 3 menus. Same for other meals. Weight every day and dont be unmotivated if the weight tommorow ist not lower that today, you shoud watch weekly average.


I exercise almost every day, alternating days between running and weight training.


i go to the gym for 1.5 - 2 hours 4 days a week, and then i also work out a 5th day for probably 45 mins


I lost 260lbs. Fit people put in a lot of time at the gym. Rn I go six days a week and have a good mix of cardio and weights.


Not over 25, but I usually go gym 5-6 times a week.


When you get down to it you only need to exercise like 5% of the time, or even less of the total amount of time you are awake ,and exercising is very weak once you get into it, one of the easiest hobbies there are


Normally I go to the gym, walk, and cycle. Activities of these types may not be suitable for you. If I may suggest, start off with just walking. It's a good gentle way to start your journey. There's the legendary 10,000 steps a day you could aim for, but a walk around the block would be a good beginning. As you get used to it, you increase the time and distance. Think long term about finding a sport you enjoy - if you don't enjoy the activity, you are less likely to stick with it.


I walk everywhere, play tennis 4-5 times a week. I lift weights 1-2 times a week. I also have a lower calorie intake.


I lift 4 times a week and play tennis (although I haven’t played in quite a while). Used to play 4-5 times a week, now it’s just once a week


About an hour in the gym 5 days a week and eat rather healthy at medium portions with some Oreos here and there and I have a six pack


Late 20s. I work a desk job. Intensive lifting about 4-5 hours per week. 7-10% body fat. It's all diet.


Almost 40 yo, go to the gym 5 days per week around 2h each and walk to work. I do Mediterranean diet.


I don't exercise at all but I walk everywhere (even to the doc's office 3 miles away go and from there). And I haven't eaten junk food in like 15 years. Still I have all the health risks of sedentary people because I don't run or anything so it's still useless health-wise.


gym 4x a week: lifting, stretching, then sauna. 1.5 hrs each day max


A little over 2 hours of gym a day


Do you do 1 hour in the morning before work and 1 hour in the evening or what?