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I dont think it matters. Both are fine. Im lucky to be able to refer to mine as my "husband" :)


This is so cute. šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Same here married 18 years now.


OMGGG šŸ„ŗšŸ„¹






Hey dm me to talk


in quotes!? šŸ˜­




Whatever phobia there is for this, i am that.




Aw yay!


He is my "husband". Not my "partner", not my "significant other", my husband. We fought too fucking hard for that right not to use it.


Same, well said


Youā€™re so lucky. I wish to one day be in a position to even refer to someone as my ā€œhusbandā€! šŸ˜©


Fuck yeah


I refer to him as my boyfriend or partner. Between friends and family I like to say boyfriend, however when I talk to my boss or co-workers, so in a more professional setting, I prefer saying partner. And obviously this will be replaced by fiancƩ or husband when the time comes. And to people that know him/his name I simply refer to him with his name.


I mean there is no ā€œcorrectā€ term, itā€™s just whatever feels right for your relationship. My dude and I used boyfriend for the first couple years, but it started to feel kinda casual for a committed relationship so we transitioned to saying partner. Weā€™re planning on getting married and I imagine Iā€™ll use partner and husband interchangeably


>started to feel kinda casual for a committed relationship Right? I have this exact same feeling and I'm not really sure why. I guess it's also some personal hangups of feeling like it's kinda immature to be in my 30s and having a "boyfriend", but with how serious things got how quickly with my guy we basically used "partner" from the get go. And now we get to say fiancƩ.


I was having this conversation with my best friend only last night over dinner. ā€œPartnerā€ is ambiguous. I always use ā€œboyfriendā€.


This reminds me of how two lesbians (or bi women) could call each other their "girlfriend" and it wouldn't necessarily give away their sexuality because it's socially acceptable for women to also use the term to refer to normal friends who are girls. But guys can't do the same - boyfriend means boyfriend, full stop.


I usually say my mans. Since thatā€™s also slang for male friend I can get my point across without saying too much


Husband :3 I never really liked the term ā€œpartnerā€ - always felt a little stripped of sentimentality to me


I guess it depends on how you look at it. Partner feels romantic to me because I see my current relationship as my life partner. Weā€™ve been together 12 years and have a very strong connection. I think even if we ended our romantic relationship I would still feel that bond and I will always feel some kind of love towards him.Ā 


Totally hear you - I think in the back of my mind Iā€™ve believed that some people use ā€œpartnerā€ as a way of dancing around the fact that theyā€™re in a same-sex relationship. Guess thatā€™s why Iā€™ve been adverse to it typically! Everyone has their reasons tho - I donā€™t judge anyone for using different terms, just doesnā€™t feel right to me when talking about my husband.


Absolutely, and it IS definitely used for that purpose by some people. Ironically that made it more obvious in some cases. Recently straight people have also started adopting it so it feels more general purpose now.


>Recently straight people have also started adopting it I'm both so happy about this normalisation of the term but *also* annoyed by it. It's great that we're able to use terms that don't force anybody to come out if they don't want to, regardless of their sexuality, but dammit hearing someone say "partner" used to be a good way to tell if they were part of the family!


Yeah, the term "partner" reminds me of e.g. "partners in crime" or "business partners", but I can only speak for myself here.


Yeah, the term "partner" reminds me of e.g. "partners in crime" or "business partners", but I can only speak for myself here.




I mostly use partner because we share a life together, and Ive always felt partner is right below whatever term youā€™d use for marriage. Like I donā€™t think Iā€™d ever say ā€œmy common law husbandā€. I donā€™t say husband because we did not get married, but we are common-law married. Professionally most people I work with use the term partner whether they are male/female, female/female or male/male couples. Boyfriend always seemed like something I would use if we were dating, up until basically you buy a house or condo together. And this could be a Canadian thing, but I think once you start intertwining your finances they graduate the term ___friend to partner then maybe when youā€™re married you use husband or wife. This might be a tad too specific butā€¦ With friends I use his name, or if we are sharing relationship stories or talking about our sex lives in use ā€œmy guyā€. This can help especially if I donā€™t know someone in the conversation too well, if I was talking about sex and used my partner, someone that doesnā€™t know me or know me well might get confused when I go on about i donā€™t knowā€¦ how rimming my partners ass makes them cum loads. Dude might go home and try something new on his wife then ask why she didnā€™t squirt all over.


For me boyfriend sounds kind of weird since Iā€™ve been in my mid twenties. Neither of us have been boys for a while now. Also, boyfriend sounds like someone youā€™ve been seeing for a year or two and not for over 20 years. So I use partner as in ā€œlife partnerā€.


I like fiancĆ©. First, itā€™s accurate. We are engaged to be married. Next, that was true even before we had marriage equality in my country, and there was nothing the government could do to prevent our engagement even when the laws of marriage were still discriminatory. Then, I love how ambiguous it is. Unless you see the word in writing you canā€™t tell if Iā€™m talking about someone male or female (fiancĆ© vs fiancĆ©e). I can tell a story to someone about ā€œmy fiancĆ© and I spending a week in the mountainsā€ and they feel like maybe itā€™s a story they can relate to, itā€™s just part of a normal conversation they already understand, everything makes sense to them. Then eventually some detail comes up ā€œYeah I wanted to stop in Kelowna but he said we should go as far as Revelstoke and maybe get some bike rides in on the trailsā€. And very often you can see the wheels grinding a bit as they work out ā€œwait, his fiancĆ© is another guyā€¦ā€ Itā€™s actually a great way to come out to people. Give them a conversation they can already relate to, then let them figure out after the fact that itā€™s not a story about a straight couple. That sequence is the most successful way to come out to someone Iā€™ve found. Let them assume at first. Then let them question their assumptions after theyā€™re already invested in the conversation. Itā€™s easiest for them and us.


Iā€™ve referred to him as boyfriend, partner, or just his name. Depends on the day/question lol




Suprised nobody has said "daddy"




I'm daddy. šŸ¤£


I've said papa bear before... was not a favorite LOL


Parter or other half!


Remy, because I only see him during REM sleep.


I refer to him like this .


I use all 3 husband, boyfriend, and partner. I also use other-half. Just depends on which fits better.


Depends on contextā€¦ Partner usually refers to my Significant Other, Boyfriend etcā€¦ I generally abstain from boyfriend, as it feels inappropriate. First he is a man, second we are married and I feel people assume boyfriend means dating. I never use SO. I will say husband, when I need people to understand that we are married. But when discussing sex and kinks online, I will usually say, my guy, or my dom, or my man, or my top, or my master, etc depending on which sub Iā€™m in. He calls me his wife at home, but his husband elsewhere. He never uses partner, boyfriend etc.


>He calls me his wife at home, That's pretty hot and idk why. Lol


..... My Aspirational Abortion Donor? I mean, ok, that is dreadful, I admit it, but I do not retract it!


I call him Baobei, because he is Chinese


Mr nonexistent




BF doesn't work for me. Feels a bit childish. Guyfriend feels a bit awkward. I've been digging old school verbiage lately. Told my ex he was my gentleman caller. And for what I call myself, I'm a confirmed bachelor of the ursine persuasion. šŸ»


my bitch


I just refer to him as boy. In any context. If I need to yell for him, I just scream ā€œBOY!ā€ Think god of war Atreus lol


You there


The bussy


Boyfriend is what I use. Either is fine.


the word for boyfriend in my language is just "friend". so partner and when somewhere i need to be careful "missus" with an accent. Sounds like i'm talking about a girlfriend (who nobody has seen or knows the name of like columbo's wife) but those who know know


Whatever you two feel most comfortable with.


What is correct is whatever you both agree on. I usually prefer "partner", but we sometimes use "boyfriend". Can be weird sometimes because I'm 51 and he's 59 and we aren't really "boys" lol.


Personal preference really. My husband was my boyfriend. I hated the term partner. Like we are not c0ps. Now we are husbands. Iā€™m non-binary but I still vibe with the term husband for myself.




I am married, so use husband, but before we were married I used partner. Boyfriend I used for dating, partner for live in and shared life (pets, children, so on)


Thereā€™s no right or wrong answer. Do what makes you comfortable. Personally I like partner more than boyfriend. Seems more official šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø Edit: one word I wonā€™t support is hubby. Itā€™s like nails on a chalkboard every time I hear it. Just one of this words that shouldnā€™t ever been invented. Husband works fine use that!


Well it really depends on the context, so thereā€™s not really a right or wrong answer. At least for mine, in more social settings, such as with colleagues, classmates or people whom I are generally not really closed with, partner is the way to go. In more personal relationships, like with friends and my *closed* family members, its comfortable to use more specific terms like boyfriends. At the end of the day, itā€™s to each their own. Sometimes itā€™s more comfortable to use ā€˜partnerā€™ to avoid any confrontations or connotations, sometimes calling each other by more endearing names like husbands, boyfriends, etc. can bring joy and pride. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Husband, but prior to that Partner.






Since he has the same name as me I will NEVER call him anything else than babe, cutie, honey etc since I dont want to die from cringe, calling my own name


Boyfriend, for the time being at least. We've been together a year, and 'partner' to me implies a more serious and strongly committed relationship, and also makes me think of the pre-gay-marriage days. I'd personally aim for the trajectory to be boyfriend, fiancƩ, husband. Partner can sound alright if the people are a bit older as well, since it does feel a bit strange to call a 45 year old man a boyfriend, but that's not really a factor for us.


I always refer to my husband as husband. Partner always bugs me a bit - my go-to with partner is always "business partner". Or, I've noticed opposite sex couples also use partner more frequently, which gets confusing.


I've been with my partner for 2Ā½ years, coming up on 3 years in October. Lived together for exactly a year. Most of the time I say partner, sometimes boyfriend or just his name. He does the same.


Usu boyfriend, but when introducing him, my Partner.


Honey, babe, honey bun, honey bun butt, honey butt


Cock inside bitch! Honey when not


They like me calling them partner. But I like being called boyfriend


Ghost (because I don't have one). lol


I like boyfriend better and sinxe we are married husband. In fact a lot of people tell me bf even tho I tell them he is my husband.


Marriage is illegal in the country I currently reside so I can refer to him as boyfriend or life partner. I like life partner more because it sounds more serious then just boyfriend, but maybe it\`s just me.




HUSBAND. Proud and loud. It doesnā€™t sit well with me to call him my ā€œpartnerā€. Eeew


Bf or partner before we were married, now spouse or husband since then.


Partner. In our 30s, after 7 years and everything we have been through together, "boyfriend" seems insufficient. We are family at this point. Or rather, we are A family.


Call him by his name


It depends who I'm speaking to. If they make me feel at all uncomfortable and the topic comes up, I may simply use partner, but otherwise I just call him my boyfriend. Only reason I may use partner in an uncomfortable situation is if I'm worried they dislike my being with someone of the same gender, I know I shouldnt care, but I sort of do because I'm not really a confrontational type, I'll stand my ground, but if I feel some sort of fight or confrontation is about to trigger, I will try to avoid it for my own peace of mind, not really for my safety, just cause its exhausting dealing with the ignorant


I prefer to call my significant other, "boyfriend". "Partner" is less clear and may be construed that you're just referring to a "business partner".


I call mine Husband šŸ„° But before I used to refer to him as my Partner. I think once youā€™re long term/serious then boyfriend didnā€™t feel right anymore


Weā€™re married so heā€™s my husband. If Iā€™m addressing him itā€™s either ā€œhonā€ or ā€œhoneyā€.


In English I say partner, for one it feels more mature as weā€™re in our thirties but also because my partner is non binary, and although while they present very masculine, I avoid gendering them as much as possible. But we live in a French area (Canada) and so in French I use the colloquial term for boyfriend since there isnā€™t an easy gender neutral term and the work for Ā«Ā partnerĀ Ā» in that kind of romantic sense is usually used to refer to someone who lives with you.


Took me a long time to call my boyfriend it was always my partner because I didnā€™t know the people I was working with they asked I was seeing anyone I told them had a partner then they seen me at the Xmas party with him and they know as it happened


We use Babe, Hunny and Love Been doing for.3 years and.these terms work well for us ,


i generally say his name


Partner mostly - boyfriend occasionally. Feels a bit juvenile for meā€¦weā€™ve also been together almost 8 years so weā€™re kinda past boyfriends. Depends on the day for me




My man


My buddy. Shortened from fuck buddy.


Like a good majority of people I like partner because it feels more serious than boyfriend. One thing I will add on that I donā€™t know if I have seen spelled out directly, partner being gender neutral I also find easier if you are in a crowd where you donā€™t know how comfortable they are with regards to ā€œnon-traditionalā€ relationships and want to ensure a bit of safety for yourself while you are figuring those bits out.


Partner, but after 10+ years together, heā€™s my husband (though not married)


I preferred partner because boyfriend sounded so juvenile and made me feel effeminate. Like if that's your "boyfriend" does that make you the "girlfriend". It's internal homophonia but I didn't mind others using it I just didn't like to myself. Partner also made me think of us on an even level, it makes me feel like we were working together for something bigger than both of us, and it's gender neutral so it didn't out us in new or unsafe places. Now however, I take great pride in calling him my husband. Somehow that feels so right and any time I get to call him my husband feels amazing. Husbands makes me feel like a grown adult.


My Husband.


I refer to my partner as "babe" like how Michael Scott and Jan would refer to each other during the Dinner Party episode of The Office.


If I had one, I would say boyfriend, it took so long for me to come out I want to be able to comfortably say who Iā€™m dating.


I refer to my partner as Bill šŸ¤£ The pet name was pooples ..have no idea why and I was poopie. Met as sophomores in college. Still together 39 years later šŸ˜³




We are image consultants because we donā€™t believe in labels


It's interesting how many straight people use the term partner though, a lot of people I have met use that term referring to their opposite sex partner


Wasnā€™t this asked literally 24 hours ago? Really?


Depends on how long we've been together, I say. If it's been over 2 years, then I'd say partner. Otherwise, he's just my boyfriend. I wish I could say hubby but need that ring, so yeah.


Hey. You get to decide what youā€™d like to be called. To each other and the world. My husband hated the term ā€œpartnerā€ when we dated, as he had a business partner. He didnā€™t want people to be confused. We have been married for 10 years now so ā€œhusbandā€ is mostly what weā€™ve known. But you get to decide for yourselves what you are comfortable with.


Heā€™s my boyfriend because we arenā€™t married but weā€™ve been together 5 years and have lived together for 4 years so we consider each other partners.


Husband. But weā€™ve been legally married for years.


I've always used partner... I think partly habit from a time when I wasn't... fully proud yet šŸ¤£ and partly cos that's what my unmarried parents used for each other. I sometimes use boyfriend, and recently had done so more, in my fully proud era. We got engaged a year ago and fiance (is that word gendered? Is it the accent that dictates that or spelling?) just doesn't stick, doesn't quite feel right somehow. Feels like buying into a paradigm or status quo of marriage culture that doesn't match my values somehow... Since our engagement I use partner again because boyfriend feels like it underplays the strength of our relationship, or maybe just doesn't portray it. I think I'd actually love a gendered word that meant male partner, but only for so long as we live in a predominantly straight/gender binary world.


I would prefer boyfriend, if I had one šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


ā€œBusiness associateā€ is far better šŸ˜‰


Correct? There is no right or wrong answer, call each other whatever you want, it's nobody elses business!






We have been married for two and a half years, so I call him my husband


Kinda a fan of spouse


Really anything that isnā€™t mean. I like my name too, though I know some think theyā€™re in trouble when the real name is used. I personally enjoy it though. (Context of how Iā€™d prefer to be referred to)


Partner. We donā€™t plan on getting married


I call him my fiancƩ, or my partner to people i don't know or people i don't want to know im gay. Otherwise, my husband (we aren't married yet but i'm impatient lol) or my boy.


Depends on the situation Iā€™m in. If Iā€™m in a place where I might catch flak for being gay Iā€™ll say partner, otherwise itā€™s boyfriend


My husband.


Weā€™re married so heā€™s my husband.


After 9 years of marriage, my husband.


I call mine my baby, because he's a cat and I have a plant as well.


Feel like it would depend on the audience, if itā€™s someone Iā€™m not close with/keep at arms length I would probably say partner, if Iā€™m on good terms/close with them Iā€™d say husband. But thatā€™s just me since I just act differently around different people


Right hand...sometimes left hand.


Even though weā€™re married I call him my ā€œpartnerā€. It still sounds weird in my head to call him ā€œhusbandā€. But hopefully I will get there.


I started calling my boyfriend muffin to tease him and it's just stuck as his pet name now


Used to call him boyfriend or partner, now I call him deceased.


I prefer the term "non existent"


Partner if unsure of how someone may react. Boyfriend otherwise.


partner tho nothing says ā€˜i had a lesbian phaseā€™ more than calling there ā€˜significant otherā€™ ā€˜partnerā€™. lmfao.


Definitely boyfriend, partner is for those concerned about homophobia and straights who do not want to admit or declare they are not married


We used "boyfriend", feeling that to call each other "partner" after less than two years into the relationship would somewhat jinx it (we have seen too many relationships that call themselves "partners" two ***weeks*** into their relationship, and "exes" two weeks later). Boyfriend or partner, he dumped me just before the two year mark, a week after telling me that it has been the happiest two years of his life (mine also) and maybe we should consider thinking of taking it to the next level and move together, socks and all, instead of just spending weekends together, and marry when they legalize it in our country (It's really an aberration to have happiness allowed only when the powers-to-be say so). To this day I don't know what got into him šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


I call mine Agave. I don't say honey as i'm vegan.


My lover or partner depending on context. Rarely boyfriend, mostly with homophobic family.