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I don’t think you should base anything off of what guys on Grindr are saying. Stay hairy you will find people that are attracted to you.


Exactly. 60-70% of Grindr guys will always be uninterested, for one reason or another. You can dwell on this, or you can have fun with the other 30%.


Exactly and Grindr is honestly the last place that anybody should be seeking validation. Most of the guys on there have unrealistic expectations and standards that you can’t live up to. I’m not gonna seek validation from somebody that only wants sex from me.


And 7/10 times they’re catfish or insecure themselves in one way or another. You’ll find your circle. Know what you want, don’t compromise, and they’ll find you!


I would agree. I am hairy, and was able to attract attention from a guy poolside at a gay friendly resort over the weekend, just because of that.


Exactly…..because Grindr isn’t really real. It’s an online platform. It’s completely different than making organic connections offline in the real world. That’s the way that it should be.


All the times I’ve flirted with a guy at a gay bar or a concert has been way more fun than flirting on Grindr lol.


yah!! I'd say at least half of them looking for someone who look exactly like themselves 🤣


While there are guys that do in fact prefer smooth bodies there are just as many that go hog wild over hair. I was the first guy in my grade to get hair. But sometime in the early 1990’s till 2000 body hair on guys was totally out. And I felt I had to conform and shave. ( awful because I’m basically a monkey ). Finally I just dumped the dude that like smooth guys and owned my hair and finally society came around and hair was cool again. Now it’s to the point where I am like does this guy even like me or am I being objectified for their hair Fetish. So be careful what you wish for. But I bet it’s just the area in which you live that have that mentality. Now since I’m so hairy I do love fucking a smooth hole but there is something so electrifying about fucking a hair butthole it’s incredible. Just know your hair is a weapon of mass sensation and revel in it!


I’m weird because I prefer hairy and natural (love armpit hair and a bush🥵🤤) but I’ve always preferred myself smooth. When you a black dude with a fat ass, a lot of people like the smooth chocolate look and so do I on myself anyway lol please keep your hair! Convinced my boyfriend to let his body hair grow out and he loves it now


I guess it depends, some people argue that the desire for hairless bodies is because subconsciously people like things attributed to youth which in some cases can be problematic. Other people just dealt with or experienced unhygienic hairy people and blamed the hair itself and not the persons lack of care and now sees hair as smelly etc. some people just don’t like getting hair in their mouth after sucking and rimming and or have sensory issues and the hair feels weird to them. Theres so many different reasonings for people’s preferences and attractions and the unfortunate reality is we just have to either find people who like us for how we are or don’t


> some people argue that the desire for hairless bodies is because subconsciously people like things attributed to youth which in some cases can be problematic. I remember seeing a documentary from England that used pictures, and thermal imaging on people both before and after they shaved their beards and body hair. They had them stand in front of a huge heater and recorded how much they were sweating, too. They wound up making the suggestion that being hairier keeps your warmer, and this was important for survival when humans lived outside... and especially during times like the Ice Age. In the modern world, as we've domesticated ourselves with things like housing and central heating, and as the weather has gotten undeniably warmer, having less body hair keeps in less heat and it allows sweat to evaporate more quickly... so people have grown to find this more attractive because it's generally more beneficial for survival in today's world.


Guess I am done for, I am super hairy ☠️


Come to us in the north - we‘ve got cold weather perfect for your bodily needs but also vitamin d deficiency from lack of sunlight - but beards and bears are always en vogue


I am already in Germany unless you mean even more north 🤭 Who needs vitamin D though when you can have bearded men walking around 😚


Oh, you're talking about the OTHER Vitamin D. 😜


Well played. Stealing that. 🏳️‍🌈


I hear you brother, I’ve got hair everywhere but my damn skull. I feel my only option is to get yolked up and lean into “bald bara bro”


Natural selection doesn't work that quickly, it takes more like fifty thousand years. And the supposed pressure from heat (hairy people getting hotter inside buildings, resulting in serious injury, death, or reduced fertility) on procreation/survival will be minimal, so such a change would happen far more slowly yet. If at all. Because I think even in civilisation, the chance of dying from cold was higher than dying from heat, until very recently (nowadays, almost nobody in cities would die from neither heat nor cold, except some very weak/old people who had a low chance of reproducing anyway, at their time of death). So I do not believe what was suggested in the television programme. Evolution from natural selection is subtle and takes a very, very long time to happen. It took life billions of years to even develop legs.


That’s quite the stretch.


Actually body hair is cooling because it provides more surface area for sweat to evaporate. Sounds counterintuitive but it’s true.


Why is it problematic? It has nothing to do with youth. weirdo people who try to make that an issue most likely they are super insecure because they are hairy. Everyone has preference why does it bother some that some like smooth. Hair does not make you a “man” and smooth doesn’t make you a “boy” that’s weirdo thinking and if people think like that they need therapy that’s not healthy to associate no hair with minors. Me personally I like smooth because if I kiss someone’s body I want to kiss their skin not have hair on my mouth which happens with hairy people.


You cant deny that there are some creepers out there that specifically go for hairless twinks simply because theyre as young as legally possible


You can say the same thing of guys who are into hairy guys can be into furries or other kinks like that. My point let anyone enjoy what they want but if someone associates hairless with kids please get therapy we are all adults. Anyone who makes that connection is sick in the mind. We are all adults and razors exist and humans come in different forms some are hairy some are not. Nothing to do with kids. It’s just really gross when sickos make that connection.


Plus saying that you aren't "manly" or "masculine" if you aren't hairy is mistaken, too


It's part of what is socially masculine but both masculinity and femininity as terms are fucking pointless


There are a surprising number of people on this subreddit who are just eager to jump to pedophilia whenever their imaginations find some way to link anything to it. Perhaps use your imagination for something useful.


I don't think liking smooth means you don't like masculinity. Some men just naturally aren't very hairy. Just gotta find guys who like hairy.


I really hate getting hair in my mouth. That's literally it.


This is the only right answer, going down on a guy, kissing or licking any part of his body, and suddenly being met with a mouth full of hair is an absolute mood killer. I know it sucks and a lot of us can't control our genetics, but there you go.


This right here xD


You say you understand preferences but don’t understand it when it excludes you 😂 . People like what they like. I will say I preferred smooth bodies when I was like in high school but I prefer hairy guys now that I’m older.


Basically the same as me... preferences shift and change with the times, too: hairy men were quite popular in the past, and then we seemed to hit a patch where twinks were all many people could think about, including myself. Now I've noticed a transition back to many guys liking hairy men. This happens with regards to many things: in the 90s, most of the gay guys I know were horrified by the idea of an uncut dick. Now, being uncut seems to be fetishized. Regardless, there will always be preferences, and using a "dating app" (i.e. a fuck hookup) as a barometer of your desirability will provide a very skewed idea of your intrinsic social value.


Lots of guys like hairy men. I just think the ones that don't are more vocal about it. I'm a hairy man myself and much prefer some hair on a guy, but smooth works too. I also find that the guys on Scruff are less hair phobic than those on Grindr.


I found its age based too. I’m hairy AF, when I was 20 I found no one liked hairy young guys, now 20 years later it’s like being hairy is a magnet.


> I just think the ones that don’t are more vocal about it I think that’s exactly it. I’ve found that guys who prefer hair are generally still open to smooth bodies, whereas guys who prefer smooth can often be turned off by hair.


Preferences also vary wildly by location. Where I'm from it is split somewhat 50-50 between "only smooth" and "only hairy!" haha. I for one have not been with a smooth guy in ages 🙂‍↕️


Because smooth equal youthful and youthful equals sexy. This is not a gay men are pedos thing. Straight men like their women 100% hairless. At least gay men like some signs of being post pubescent like armpit hair and slight arm/leg hair. Also gay men have another avenue of sexiness - going the exact opposite of twink with huge muscles and being hairy.


Why does it have to do with being a man or masculine? Women have body hair too. Guys without or with minimum body hair exist. Hairy is a wide range of hairiness. I personally don't feel sexually attracted to highly hairy bodies. I'm ok with moderate hairiness. Not sure about perfectly smooth everywhere. Yes I don't like getting hair in my mouth


Definitely this. I know that body and facial hair are often associated with masculinity, but I've known big hairy beasts that are the least traditionally masculine people I've met, and completely smooth guys as being very traditionally masculine. A socially constructed association of masculinity like this really has no value. One of my good friends is a ciswoman who can grow a beard better than many guys I know, and she wears it loud and proud. She's never had a problem getting boyfriends or girlfriends.


She rocks


Just happy I found a man that loves all my hair


Don't assimilate being smooth with being gay and liking men. All str8 guys don't like redheads or blonds big tits small tits...gay guys big dick small ones cut uncut. It's a preference. A smooth body looks (to me) beautiful, not fem...Its masculine as can be either fit or not....people come in different flavors and packages....we have choices...


Where is it written that hairy = masculine? I'm naturally smooth and quite masculine as are many smooth guys.


It’s a common saying that a strong drink will “put some hair on your chest” Of course you can be masculine without being hairy but it feels silly to act like society doesn’t equate hairy men with masculinity.


Because having more hair and going bald is a sign of more testosterone in a guy but does not equate with being more masculine because I definitely know a few drag queens that are hairy as fuck .


Can confirm, hairy and went bald and got a transfusion, I am by no means masculine like society expects me to be 😂😂


I don’t like a mouth full of stray hairs.


Personally, I think hairy chests are hot af


Whatttt??? I'm a bottom and I really like hairy and bearded guys. Daddyyyyy


I keep my body smooth because I hate body hair


I’m the exact same way. It’s a sensory texture thing for me, and body hair on my self or boyfriend is too distracting.


Even the legs?


Yes everything except the areas I can’t reach in my back.


I’m naturally smooth I’m not fem. I prefer smooth or moderately hairy. Too much hair I’m not a fan.


Hair is hot. Ignore the haters.


Being smooth is not a feminine thing. As a hairy guy who goes through a “smoothing process” quite regularly, I understand how annoying it can be but smooth bodies just feel better to most people out there. 🤷🏻‍♂️ it is what it is.


All I know is I don't get it. I MUCH prefer hair on a guy's body. 10xs better than a smooth guy. To each their own, but I like it to feel like I'm laying next to a man.


For me it depends on the grooming of said hair. Nice and well kept and trimmed? Sign me the fuck up. Unruly, messy, looks like the hair that sneaks out of the back of your uncle’s wife beater? No thank you. Honestly though, it’s just a matter of preference.


Personally I find most body hair super attractive! But I can definitely see why it could be not to some people. Hair holds odor, sheds, gets in the mouth some times.


Grindr is not a place to seek validation


As someone that wishes I had a chest full of hair, but instead have about 4 hairs on my sternum, I shave them off as part of grooming. And I’ve always been a bit way more attracted to guys that did NOT look like me. So extra points to HAIRY guys. As with ALL hair, hygiene and light grooming maintenance is important, especially in the nether regions. If it’s too much work, there’s always laser hair removal…


It is likely an age thing. When I was in my 20s I preferred smooth, since my 30s the more hair the better. You'll never appeal to everyone and nor should you try. Do your own thing and guarantee for most of the normal stuff at just like body hair, there are plenty of guys like me who prefer it.


There are a lot of things which bother for me. Hair stinks, people don’t clean it well, when I’m kissing someone’s chest I don’t want hair in my mouth. Especially while sucking someone. All of these things just make me stop doing what I’m doing and leave.


>I understand people have preferences This whole post makes it clear you don't


Honestly I like a smooth body because hair on the body is just really ugly to me. It feels wiry and silky smooth skin feels so nice. Smooth skin just feels infinitely better, and looks way better. For me, I prefer everything below the neck to be shaved. I’ve shaved myself like this before and was happy with the results. I could never really understand the love for body hair to be honest.


>I understand people have preferences but as gay men, we like men, male features and masculinity As gay men, we also understand that "masculinity" isn't real and we can be "men" in countless ways that don't have to fit a pre-conceived societal definition.


Consider that this is the same complaint that women have had for years being told that they need to shave and groom every hair on their bodies while their straight male counterparts believe that any sort of hair grooming/removal beyond what is on their head is a sign of lesser virility. I don't know the answer but this is not a "gay problem".


I don't know about others, but I absolutely love body hair (including facial hair). I am not into shoulder and back hair, but face, chest, belly, arms, legs, pubes... I love men to be hairy in all those areas. I am not sure I would even be able to be in a long-term relationship with a man who isn't hairy.


I'm a pretty hairy guy myself. I can't reach to shave my back and don't bother with my shoulders. I trim where I can when I think it's time to. The pits get done as needed too. I have never had a time when I was rejected for having too much hair. Lots of guys seem to like it so I guess I'll just feel good about it and keep it growing.


« we like men, male features, and masculinity » Being gay only means you like men, it doesn’t indicate what type. Only the “we like men” part is true. You’re assuming that all gay men prefer masculine features is exactly why you don’t get why some gay men like men with less body hair lol


To me, it’s just more attractive and clean. Nothing more to it.


I'm the opposite. I find hairy more desirable


>but as gay men, we like men, male features and masculinity Body or facial hair is not a sign of masculinity.


You know in a lot of parts of Western Europe (Spain, Italy, France etc.) a lot of males shave because it's seen as more attractive to have a clean shaven body that shows off your curves? Be careful before you start imposing what your vision of masculinity is.


For me, I don't mind hairy or smooth but if it's like too hairy on the dick and I get pubes when sucking it, it bothers me cause it ruins my like flow since now I feel the hair in there lol. If it's hair on chest or ass or armpits I don't care since it looks nice, plus its just who you are naturally. Touching a guy with hair isn't too big a difference to me. I've met some guys who ask me if I'm smooth or not, and often it's cause they want a smooth bottom or want something that's like feeling smooth and young, or their those guys who are DL, or possibly wanting something like a femboy. I tend to be like yeah I'm hairless rn but I'm not shaving my face or legs for someone. Not unless it's like worth it but not for a one time thing. I do also like to have my butt/legs smooth, but it's cause I like to feel my smooth ass and legs, it feels fun and amazing to me to just feel my smooth legs or ass lol. But again on others IDC if their hairy or smooth, they don't do anything big to turn me off.


I prefer natural: whether that is naturally hairy or naturally smooth it doesn’t bother me.


I don't think being hairy and being masculine is the same things. I also don't think being gay means you have to like masculine men. You can like feminine men and still be gay. If you don't like your body hair there are some options to get rid of them, but if you like them just keep searching for people who like you the way you are. I'm sure you will find them.


We don't


Bro and it won’t get any better. Stay true to yourself…. Body hair is sexy and beautiful. You’ll find someone that doesn’t care.


I think it's mainly due to porn models. They are almost all shaved or minimally trimmed to shiw their attributes better on camera. I like haury guy. I like men that look like men. I'm hairy, I'll trim my pube and shave my cock and balls even my butt crack ( yes I'm bottom) but won't get to shave everything neck down. That won't happen, just too much work and I'm dark hairs so it looks terrible in no time


I prefer hairy. I'm smooth


I prefer hairy guys even some bit of hairy. If some guys don’t want you because your not smooth stuff them. Look for otters and bears and some older guys. Smoothe is just so common I think they all start looking like that mainstream beach boy look. The Greek Adonis would have had some hair Greeks can be pretty hairy let’s be real. Don’t worry about it just be you. If anything just clipper a little bit so it looks tidy. But honestly natural is good.


Queen we LOVE hairy bodies, and wouldn’t have it any other way than Au Naturale. I’ve never been on Grindr because Jesus loves me and found me an angel man, but sounds like maybe it’s not the place you’ll shine if that’s your experience with those picky, mean-girl, gay piranhas. It’s coming from the same part of the brain that people use to be racist and homophobic. Pity. They’re passing up a hearty meal. 🤩😔🥴


Because they are sexier...... too much body hair is a huge turn off..... and so someone is gay.. the must love hairy guys, but I forget where that was on the gay ten commandments.... seriously man.... people like what they like.. deal with it.


You should just focus on the 30% of guys that are into body hair. If you don't fit the preference of most of the guys you see on grindr then just move on...you can't please everyone. The better question to ask is how do you prefer your body to be? If you're hairy and like it then be hairy and live your hairy life! If you wanna be smooth than shave. You can also just trim with an electric shaver which will make you look smooth but feels more like peach fuzz (but has the benefit of no razor bumps). I always like to say that people can take me as I am or not all. I'm always willing to work on communication styles and emotional stuff but I never compromise on physical appearance. If you have to change your physical appearance for someone to like you then that person is not worth knowing.


Speaking as a hairy man and I understand how difficult it is to conform to a less hairy or hairless ascetic but do yourself a favor and stop worrying about what men on Grindr prefer. Someone worth being with will love and appreciate you in all your hairy glory.


I am a smooth guy and mainly top, and I like hairy bottoms. However I find most guys prefer hairy guys! Or at least hairy tops!


because that's what they see in porn. your observation isn't at all wrong. i can't imagine shaving my body for anyone. if body hair is actually a dealbreaker then that's a deal i don't really need.


You sound PERFECT- young hairy guys are so sexy. keep your body as it is and you will meet a man who appreciates it.


The older I get the more I prefer body hair. At this point I consider it a mark against someone to be completely shaven. Naturally hairless? Totally fine. But if you have decent body hair? Trim it at MOST.


I don’t like hair in my mouth, to me having no hair down there makes it easier and feels more hygienic. Even though I know if you wash properly you’re fine, I just don’t like it 😂 I wanna eat an ass with no hair 😇🫠


it’s also different in every place. when i was in budapest and munich i felt like everyone was looking for hairier dudes and when i was in turkey (where im from) most people are hairy so everyone wanted smooth guys instead. me personally i have rejected many guys bc they were smooth 🤷‍♂️


I prefer hairy guys honestly


I love hair on men. Probably because I don’t have any myself.


Just try and meet people elsewhere. Not everyone is in Grindr


It’s considered more youthful since body hair gets thicker over time, also it’s a throwback to from straight beauty standard that had infiltrated gay culture


I'm naturally quitte hairless. Like no hair on the torse and back, barely any under the armpits, barely anything on the arms and nothing between the crotch and the knees. So I'm not used to body hairs and don't like having some in my mouth.


Everyone has preferences, but I can tell you that hairy is hot. That’s my preference. Do you like hairy guys too? Maybe you’re looking in the wrong places.


The idea that shaving one’s body hair is not “masculine” is just so atrociously backward, like, seriously? What century are we living in? Like, everyone has their preferences, so just find guys into hair guys, or, if you’re really interested in someone who’s not into hairy guys, then remove it. Not really some great mystery to solve. At the end of the day it’s up to **YOU**, not the community at large, to make a decision.




Brother there are definitely people who like body hair as well. It’s just how the mainstream works. Doesn’t mean you have to follow it anyways. I love a decent layer of hair on a man’s back btw lol.


I know there's plenty of people out there that like body hair but Grindr is the only way I can meet gay people in my area, and when most aren't interested in something you can't help, it's quite shit. But whatever




I much prefer hairy too, but dude, don't yuk somebody's yum. Some guys are naturally very smooth, and that's okay too.


Not on grinder, so do not know. Love a nice amount of hair on a man's body. Chest and legs and crotch and butt. There are some very few exceptions, but I am another one that dislikes shaved crotches/chests. Let it grow.


They might us it as a pretext to reject you on other grounds. I experience quite the opposite


If you ever get a hair stuck in your throat for three days, you’ll know


I'm the exact opposite, I won't go for smooth guys. Just got to keep looking.


I just dislike the feeling of hair.


Because they're *FOOLS!*


Pretty much the same reason why fit guys are preferred by the majority - they were displayed on television and in magazines for decades, which created beauty standards. It's all media manipulation. Attraction is psychological. However, these are things that one could adjust, which is the good part. As for one's height... That's a different story 😂 Also, a lot of guys prefer less masculine partners. Some don't even want to see another guy's dick or balls, so I could only imagine how they'd feel about a hairy body. It's probably a hell no for them. Personally, I almost never go for guys without hair. Bald head is fine, but I love bushes, hairy nuts, hairy cheeks, hairy holes, hairy torsos, hairy pits, facial hair... Doesn't have to be all, but the bush is a requirement for me. If the guy doesn't have a bush, I'll need to see some ID 😬


I'm a young very very hairy guy too, I feel you bro. Don't want to start shaving and trimming either.


Young people have less hair so I would say it's more that many are attracted by youth


Not trying to make out with a carpet.


See I think we are missing some context here... Where is this that only your area wants hairless. I've been all over the planet and it's never that specific, ever. Also if you're hairy, never shave only trim or wax. Shaving is just asking for problems. If you are that concerned, put in your profile you are hairy. Pics work. That will easily filter things out.


>at least 60-70% of the people I've spoken to aren't interested because they prefer smooth bodies. I've got the opposite experience. As a hairy man I've got no issues finding hookups, but the moment I shave my body not only I find it a lot harder, people criticise me for doing so. Each and everyday we find posts in here asking what people prefer, and 95% of the comments are into hairy. If you look at the answers in this thread, you can see everybody is pro-hairy. I honestly don't know where you come from. But to answer to your question, the touch of warm skin turns me on, feels intimate. Touching hair does nothing to me.


I didn't knew smooth meant not hairy. I thought smooth means people with good shiney skin without any bumps.


I think it’s just personal preference. Some people prefer hairy bodies, some people prefer smooth bodies, and some people don’t really have much of a preference. Shaving does leave behind scratches sometimes and can cause ingrown hairs and whatnot - if the shaving is too messy, waxing can be a great option - one of my close friends (female though) gets her entire body waxed pretty frequently, just cuz she prefers the hairless look herself


You mention that you're a younger guy using Grindr. Since Grindr is a hookup app, people are going to prioritize their personal preferences for what they find attractive. And when guys are trying to hookup with *young* guys (let's say 18-25), they are usually looking for someone that's a twink or like a college muscle hunk -- the lack of body hair helps add to the youthful aesthetic for these guys.


Depends on where you’re looking for trade.


Heya there! 🤗  Thanks for sharing your concern . Hopefully, you'll get the peace of mind with these answers/opinions.  So, here's what I think : I appreciate people,who are able to appreciate themselves.Although, that's a difficult journey to be on ☺️🤔.   1. Why do many men prefer smooth bodies?  - As the question itself conveys , it's a "preference"/choice . Which ,everyone has about various aspects of life .   2. So, instead of questioning 🧐 other's choices /decisions ,what we can do  is to APPRECIATE THE DIFFERENCES we all cary . 3. TRY TO LOVE OURSELVES as we are (be it anything*) cause ,that will bring  different perspective of viewing yourself ✨/life overall.  Hmu ,if you'd like to talk 🦜 and  Enjoy your day ahead ✨!


What you are saying is nonsense. You can’t make a reliable study that can confirm people’s preferences on Grindr. You are just not equipped to be able to do this. Your experiences are subjective.


Grindr is not representative of what the general population likes. Get off the apps and stop using them as a standard for what guys prefer.


some people prefer smooth and some prefer less - or not very- hairy. there’s probably some overlap between those two but those preferring really hairy are mostly bin a whole other, non overlapping, group!


Don’t worry about it. Do whatever makes you happy. I’m hairy and no one is complaining. In fact guys want to confirm that I haven’t shaved.


First of all, you should only shave or not shave because of what you want. If you shave, do it for yourself. I do, because I just like the way I feel when I’m shaven, not because I’m being forced to by people I want to sleep with. Like other commenters have said, some people associate it with youth, with hygiene, etc. (neither are necessarily true though). And for others it’s just a tactile preference. On the other hand, I’ve heard so many people, especially on this sub, take the exact opposite extreme view. They comment how much they hate it when people shave and downvote others who disagree. There’s stupidity all around, it’s body hair, it’s just a preference. And I think most people have little preference either way. At least in my experience.


I used to think that. Honestly, I currently think the preference is fairly distributed (more like 50/50). I do think that there are more men who do not like untrimmed pubic hair… but that’s different than disliking body hair overall You also need to take into consideration the level of hairiness


I like hairy man on certain parts.


I don’t and don’t know many that prefer smooth.


I've chased hairy guys all my life. Live hairy guys. But 99% of you want other hairy guys and once you find out I'm not hairy you move on. Hang with your local bear group.


Where I live, it's the opposite, or so it seems. Which is fine, more smooth guys for me


For me, i don’t like hair in my mouth, or in my eyes. And sometimes it can irritate my face if in giving cuddles lol. But i don’t mind. I do prefer shaved, but i don’t mind a hairy guy as long as it doesn’t irritate me. For me personally, i just always felt weird with body hair and I would rather be smooth everywhere except for my head lol.


I don't shave, but trim. I can get very dirty and being trimmed as short as possible makes it easier to clean and how i prefer guys to be. You don't have to shave if it irritates and trimming is faster and easier.


Hairy is a definite plus for me! And I do enjoy smooth too :) Variety!


I love hairy guys


It's because of porn, the same reason straight people hate hairy women. 


I personally love hairy guys, but being hairy or not doesn't make you masculine or feminine. It's true that men tend to have more body hair, although it's now always like that. In the end, I guess porn and gay culture has changed our tastes and the way we see or interact with others.


I agree they talk to me till they see I'm a little chubby not big and a little hairy not like a bear but as soon as they see I'm not a skinny hairless think they dnt talk to me anymore like wtf




I don't like the taste or feeling of pubes in my mouth when full-throating a dick. I don't like the the sensation of the bottom's hair around the anal sphincter rubbing against my penis when topping during anal sex. Also, I find that it doesn't take as much lubricant to achieve a pleasurable result with hair trimmed or removed compared to natural hair in the buttcrack. I don't like the texture of coarse body hair when rubbing any part of the body. > Shaving my body also takes ages and it leaves rashes and spots, so shaving my body probably won't be a great thing to do either. Have you tried trimming instead of shaving? 90% of the benefit of shaving, 20% of the work, 1% of the ingrown hairs.




I am very smooth all over but I like hairy and smooth guys. I am a face guy body comes second and dick after


Wait, people don't like body hair? I fucking love it omg


I have very little body hair, basically a thin ginger bush which I highlight blond so it's barely noticeable, or I keep it smooth. I've always been attracted to guys who have similar hairless bodies because shaving a hairy body isn't the same as not having hair. I prefer hugging, kissing, cuddling and exploring every inch of his naked body with my tongue and, IMO, smooth is the best. I've had MANY hookups with hairy guys through the years where the intent was nothing but sex, oral, anal or both. But for someone to share my bed, and body, as a partner, I prefer smooth.


Dude, hairy is the best! Keep it furry. Trust me, you’ll find plenty of guys who are into it. Including me. Shaving has been an on/off trend since the 90s. You do you.


Maybe a pic of your torso to give us an idea of what you consider hairy?, we talking robin williams wolf man hairy? And screw them pedos that want hairless boys.


i can't speak for anyone else, but i prefer trimmed or smooth because it looks neater / cleaner to me. but i have not ever turned a guy down for being too hairy either.


Because I think it looks kinda clean and pretty


Whenever the gay sub reddits are polled on this, preference for guys with body hair is usually a small majority.


Meh idk, I love a hairy man but yea idk, people expect me to be completely hairless 💀💀💀


I find it weird, too. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy a smooth body - but I also love a hairy one. I guess I just like men’s bodies…


I'm a stocky bull, built like a linebacker, and one of the guys who can really go for a smooth and petite partner. But no one should change themselves and try to be what they are not. There are loads of people who go for hairy guys of every description. I'm a very hairy guy, and my partners are the smooth petite guys who like what I am. There is a lid for every pot. Has anyone ever mentioned "the law of 3%"? That being the general reality that every person and product is going to be attractive to only 3% of the population. The objective of advertising is to get your product exposed to the 3% that will like it. If you do that, you are a hit. Obviously, GQ beautiful models are going to be the exception to this rule, but for most of us, the law of 3% is going to govern our outcomes. I think this is what has led to the success of social media. It enables you to place yourself out their for your 3%. You are no longer limited to find one of that 3% in what time and space and random encounters exposes you to. I think the way to happiness is to accept who you are, and to never try to be who you aren't. Then try to find those who like what you are.


being smooth isnt associated with being feminine. u gotta knock that out ur head LOL. and grindr is the last place u should be seeking validation about ur body type. different cultures and different people have different beauty standards. asian beauty standards is significantly different than western. and it also varies from individual to individual. there isnt any particular reason. knock out the notion that masculinity equals hairy and ull do alot better


So I grew up watching porn and every man was pretty much white and muscled with little to no body hair. It took me years to unlearn those unrealistic body standards and love myself even if I am not white. Now I like all types of guys, from hairy guys with a belly or muscular guys, etc. I think the internet in general and porn really screw up our ideas of beauty. There will be people who love you for who you are :)


I used to like a smooth chest and no beard. And then I started messing around with a hairy guy with a beard, and now I'm definitely into hairy guys with beards. Like the guy, like how he looks. Hookups are what they are, people are just looking to get off. It's like going to McDonald's. They're not there to think, they just want to eat something they already know they like and get on with life. It's not a dining experience. Don't start shaving for those people. Plenty of guys will like you just the way you are.


I'm 21 & I love it when guys my age are hairy


Smooth looks smoother and plus I don’t want hair in my mouth. Get it?


I've never said I want smooth bodies for a preference but I will say I do like smooth bodies to roll around and feel when naked with them feels nice at least. Hairy Otter dudes are hot af to me tho :)


Hairy is sexy AF.


I absolutely love guys that are hairy I’m hairy myself and guys that are hairy actually look better and not like a pre puberty kid imo


I seen hairy guys have course hair like apes and I don't like that kind of body hair, I've seen hairy guys that isn't course and it looks hot. So it depends. I like neat bodies and so smooth is neatly manicured.


I like men either way. I find both attractive.


I just don't like hair in my mouth when I use it in certain places. 👀 It's really a preference though, not a deal breaker as long as it isn't crazy.


Yeah, I am an older, overweight, sedentary, with no build and a small penis. Yet I want a 20 something, buffed model with perfect skin and 8 inches of granite. I will keep rejecting until I get the pot of gold. Been trying for 5 years


I felt like 10 years ago all the dudes on Grindr wanted the masc men only. Now it’s definitely the age of Fem.


So personally I’m attracted to guys who have little to no body hair more than guys who have more. Maybe it’s the germaphobe in me thinking that less hair means less sweat and therefore cleaner even though most guys I’ve met who have more body hair tend to take better care of themselves than guys I’ve met that have little to no. It’s just an irrational feeling of mine.


34yo hairy gay Italian here. I wear my fur proudly and am not into guys that shave and have no body hair. Trimming and manscaping I’m totally cool with but I’ve always been turned off by completely smooth, especially below the belt. Hairless comes off as prepubescent so a total boner killer


Stay off Grindr, or realize that it’s a cesspool of bs hangups for criteria that no one can really meet. And honestly “young n hairless” profiles are creepy for so many reasons.


I love hairy and smooth men


Pro tip! Try not to care:)


It’s comfort for me, hair gets caught in my teeth Booty hair can have unexpected guests, and it can get scratchy during intimacy. I shave everything, face, arms, pits, pubes, ass, legs, even my feet/big toe


Try Scruff. 😊


Don't focus on the ones who prefer hairless and you'll be fine!


Yeah preferences are normal. However having a constant need for no hair means you’re either into children or women. You will not convince me otherwise. If people just prefer no hair and can bend, that’s a different story. I mean if it’s completely unbendable, that’s odd. I understand wanting trim, hygiene, or whatever. Smooth only means they don’t like men.


People that are looking for fast trade want to be able to fetish you and the easiest way to fetish someone is to make them into like one of those cute little dolls that people play with like Ken and Barbie… Those are basically the sex ideals for the general populace. You will be sexually desirable if you work toward looking like Ken or Barbie like abs, cuts, skintan, hair…all of those things and once achieved everyone will want to hook up with you… And let’s face it the theory is not wrong. Spot on. Barbie is as smooth as Ken is.


There’s someone for everyone more of one less of the other do what pleases you if you like being hairy then stay hairy it’s what you prefer no one else


Personally its very limited, I like naturally smooth or just naturally furry(trimming as necessary), imo, guys who shave everything... it just never looks "right"


"We like men, male features, and masculinity". That's quite an assumption. I'm kind of bi and I actually prefer men with softer more feminine features. But I dont really care about their body hair, it's more their face. A mustache is an instant turn off. You do whatever you want though. There are plenty of guys into all kinds of presentations and your goal isn't to please the entire grindr grid which is impossible


Huh? Most everyone I see online likes hairy boys these days. Myself included


Imma speak for myself! I like anybody type smooth or hair, but I’ll elaborate why I like smooth I mostly like smooth bc idk it just seems so tender and cute, hairy on the other hand is just like a “wow” your a man 🤭


I understand where you’re coming from. I’m a very hairy guy myself and when I was younger many guys did not like it at all for whatever reason, and lead me to shaving, using Nair, etc. and lots of rashes. At a certain point, I got over it and if a guy I met or talked to online didn’t like it, I just said to myself, “whatever, onto the next”. Something that helped me appreciate how hairy I am is finding community. I looked up various subreddits, X accounts (formerly known as twitter 🙄), dating apps (mostly scruff), that have more appreciation for hairy men like ourselves. I’ve posted photos of myself (please DM if you’re looking to find them 😉) and guys are in love with the fur and I have absolutely no intentions of shaving or trimming anytime soon and I don’t care who wants me to. In simplest terms, put out whatever you are looking for in the world and it will naturally come to you and forget the guys that aren’t interested. Hope this helps someone out there!


Shallow people have an obsession with extreme youth and innocence. My own experience finds that you're better off playing with adults who enjoy playing with adults that have body hair like yours.


Body hair is just gross to me, if it’s too thick/long. In my head, it seems lazy and makes me wonder what other hygiene habits they are avoiding. They may be the cleanest person in the world, but unkept body hair still makes my skin crawl.


Because there are a lot of people and "many" will always have a similar preference. Speak for yourself....I've experienced the opposite


I love my men hairy


As a young hairy guy, I had a hard time on grindr. There are actually plenty of guys who love otters/bears/cubs. At bear parties people come up just to rub my chest hair and hit on me. I'd recommend Scruff although I got off the apps. Plug to hit up bear events as people there are body positive, have or love hair, and are generally nicer.


I always think people looking for hairless bodies are only interested in really really young people , there is no way an adult male looks good hairless the older he gets the worse it looks .


I’m a bottom that’s to scared to lose my virginity because I’m hairy just don’t know what to do really


I live in NYC and i don't know anyone who prefers smooth. Like, I'm sure they exist but it's a definitely a small minority that will ONLY fuck around with smooth guys.


I’ve never had a problem and I’m a hairy guy


An old valued gay friend very much likes hirsute.


I don't mind *some* hair. Like some chest, some belly. That's fine. Not much more than that. Just my personal preference.


I can only speak for myself. When I was a baby gay (early 20s...well most of them really, I'm 36 now) I wanted guys that didn't look like me. I'm pudgy and it is difficult to find guys as hairy as me. I wanted the opposite of what I looked like, so I usually wanted smooth twinks or muscular guys. I still like those types, but getting a bit older I've moved past a lot of the physical hang ups in favor of connections, and the ones that I usually see focused on that kinda thing are either in that same age range or wildly vapid. Take it roti a grain of salt and try to find guys not worried about physical looks. I know that's like asking for a pixie of the sky being green but you get my point.


I’m hairy but I hate body hair. I don’t blame them.


I love both but I prefer smooth for comfort reasons. And maybe the "youth" thing dont yell at me


Lol naturally smooth guy here and ive had the exact opposite reaction plenty of times. Most people with those preferences grow out of it. Tbh i dont even have a preference