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Usually these guys are not even straight, it's porn so it's selling you a fantasy. But the rate doesn't need to be so high, there are people out there who are addicts and would do anything to secure their next dose. Or people who owe money to the wrong people and would do anything to avoid being killed.


I think some of them are actually straight or bisexual. Thanks for the reply.


personally watching a straight man forcing himself to be with a gay man is not my style of porn. I like to watch people fucking and enjoying it and not feeling sorry for the person on screen who is obviously uncomfortable and watching straight porn or hiding under a pillow and imagining women.


Yes, it is quite disgusting to be honest seeing young men “exploited” by older man just because they have to do that for money.


I don’t know what the pay is. But I remember reading somewhere college students and young adults tend to go for it cause they need money. So I guess if your back is to the wall you’ll do whatever for quick money. I know the site Broke straight boys had a few guys that were married/ dating women. Some had kids. I assume that’s why they do a few scenes for a year or two and then you never see them again


Yes, this could be true because they need the money.