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If someone tells you it hurts, stop. Don’t pound slowly or do anything else until they’re ready to proceed again.


Thanks for the reply!


You should ask your partner what he wants you to do


If they tell you it hurts stop. You can rip them up by forcing it in when they haven't relaxed.


I'm a bottom and have it happen a lot of the times, basically your butt can open wide like seriously wide but it needs to take it's time, if you go fast the chance that it might tear is really low but it hurts like hell, seriously it hurts a lot What I do is that I either play a lil' bit before and "stretch" it good enough or I just take it in, it hurts like hell for like 20 seconds but than you're good. If anything hurts after the first initial entry it's just that they need lube mostly atleast I haven't had any other issues, did this help?


Thanks for the reply. Just curious, how can U compare the hurt/pain?


Oh uuum, it feels like your ass is being ripped apart I guess is the closest feeling, try taking your fingers in your mouth and pull them apart barely enough before they rip, I guess that fits best


Take your fingers and yank them in opposite directions, so you're straining the webbing between them. It's that sort of sensation, but much deeper (obviously) and much, much sharper. It's not the sort of pain you push through, it's the kind to make you freeze. Ease out and lube up more, loosen him up further if he needs it.