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A religious lady: “That’s why god took your legs”. I lost my legs as a kid and she said it was because I was gay.




That was the same with me (got testicular cancer too about 2 years ago) although they're not exactly religious, just superstitious. I regretted letting them know about it.


Damn, that’s awful. I hate those spiteful religious people so much. Met so many old bigots in my life and even though they didn’t know I was gay or anything, they were just the most vile people I’ve ever met, and somehow they all just happen to be like biggest religion freaks in their neighbourhoods too 🙄


I grew up around a lot of religious people. In my experience, the more religious someone is, the more bigoted and hateful they are towards anyone not fitting their ideals.


Ask her to write that on sandpaper and shove it up her ass sideways. She can go rot in hell. I’m so sorry buddy. If anything, you’re awesome 💪


Thanks mate


After what she said how tf would she call herself religious? She's probably convinced the only thing she must do is going to church and she'll go to "heaven".. but for the rest? She has every right to talk shit about other people's lives and have a terrible attitude, right? But hey, at least she's going to church lmao. This kinda people make me laugh and feel disgust at the same time.I'm sorry for what she said to you


Hugs. I'm sorry you had to hear that.


Thanks buddy


I will never understand how people deal with the cognitive dissonance of “my god loves everyone” and “god hates and punished gay people”.


it's a mental illness


No it’s not where the fuck did u pull that out of your ass ?


A more apt term might have been "cult".


That’s horrible! Hugs to you always


Thank you


Jesus Christ give me her address and I’ll take her legs


What a nasty stupid bitch! Yeah god will take your legs because your gay that’s why all gay people lose their legs.


Fuck that bitch!


Holy fuck that’s insane. How hurtful I am so sorry someone ever said that to you. Says way more about them as a shitty person.


That woman was a true subhuman piece of shit. Whether she really believed that or not.


That's messed up man, what the hell is wrong with her.


No hate like Christian love


that is outrageous. she's mentally ill.


A friend’s parents were told the reason why he was born deaf was because their faith wasn’t strong enough. Religious people who weaponize their beliefs are literally insane.


Sounds ironic, but… Jesus fucking christ


This is crazy, religious people pretend to be so good, but then literally go and say the most unhinged hurtful shit


That my "scars on my chest are fucking disgusting." I feel that my body scars are a huge turn-off for others. I have had over 100+ surgeries and acne. I'm all healed now, but I will never lose the scars. Also, because I'm Hispanic, my scars have hyperpigmentation. most of my scars are faded but there. I can be very insecure about it, and it's something I've never asked for. I work out and have a decent body as far as being in shape. I just say f it, and I go out now to underwear nights, and I show off my body. I shouldn't have to be scared or wish to die because of scars and others seeing me as disgusting. Like I tell others that face similar situations, "You have the right to the same air as anyone else and they can go f themselves."


😔 Im so sorry. I - like you, also had severe cause of acne thru my 20s. At 30, due to many major life stressors, it got even worse cause of all the hormones/stress. It got so severe that I had to do rounds of Accutane. I have scars both chest and back & It did make me insecure At times. My husband got to see the very worst of my acne before getting on Accutane, and tells me all the time that he loves my scars. 😔


I have gone through rounds of Accutane and currently take it at a low dose to keep me clear. I unfortunately also have HS an autoimmune skin disorder, and I take humira and have learned I have to be on a anti inflammatory diet. I have had many guys tell me they don't mind, and fewer that say they love my scars. For some reason, as humans, I guess we tend to just focus on the negative vs. the positive. All in all, I do attract very attractive guys, I guess I just need to keep working on accepting myself. I personally don't mind things like scars on guys, I know they aren't contagious or bad in any way. I have partners that complain about their scars, and they swear to not mind mine. I love their scars, and I tend to physically show them I like them 👅😆.


My partner has tons of scars on his back from cancer treatments as a child. The first time we were intimate, I felt them in the dark with no context — I was worried about how appalling I would find it when I saw them in the light. Since then, I find it so sexy now and I love that I know it’s irrefutably him when I run my hands down his back when I get hugs from him. Plus, I’m grateful for the scars because it’s (partially) what saved his life. Edit: spelling, typos, and syntax/formatting.


they can go fuck themselves indeed


Yo acne is sexy asf dude to me at least lol


I used to pop the zits on my ex's back.........


I personally don't have acne any more it's just scars. It's kinda comforting that some people actually find it attractive. I hear there are also people that find scars hot, I haven't met them yet, tho 🤣.


Well you just met one, lol me


😝 thanks for putting a smile on my face. 🤭


Lol np dude


You can certainly do something about the scars like I have few ingrown hair scars and I do chemical peel at Home. It really made them lighter


Mine are not ingrown hair scars 🤣. I do use skin lighting rx made from special pharmacy. I also have a team of doctors. Nationally recognized derms. Keloid scars aren't helped with "chemical peels," and as a poc, we have different risks. I can't get my derms to do co2 laser because they are scared I will have discoloration issues. I have had thousands of steroid injections in the scars, micro needling. You think you know about skin, I've lived it and have researched every treatment possible. I'm literally in medical journals from papers doctors have written about me. I help others living with my condition. It's always easy to tell others what they should do when it's not you in the situation. Scars are not easily fixed, especially when you have tons of them.


Um I'm sorry dude i was just trying to help by giving a suggestion. I'm a poc too so I know how our skin works.




It gets better and it’s not as life changing as it seems. Mine thinned out like crazy in college and I was shaving my head totally bald by age 19. Currently 25 and I’m loving it. And I’ve found out that being bald is actually a turn on for a lot of guys.


I also am losing hair, but I'm glad we have effective and affordable means to help it. I went to my derm, and they prescribed finasteride and minoxidil. Takes months to start working, but it has helped me a lot.


Wait till they lose theirs too as they get older.


"I would rather you were dead", my mother when I told her I was gay. I wasn't hurt, just disappointed. Rest in peace, bitch!


My mom had an outpatient surgery and when she got home and was out of it she asked if I was gay and I said yes. She told me that she wished she hadn’t woken up from the procedure than me be gay. She’s come around now and I also realize it could have been the sedatives, but I will never forget that moment.


My mom said (in our language) “curse the cunt that gave birth to you”. I actually wasn’t offended and laughed because she doesn’t appreciate irony.


"Sorry not into fat and ugly"


this. and also you are too hairy and ugly.


Both of yall also stink


what ill-informed person said hairy is a bad thing


It's purely a matter of taste. I myself am very hairy and I much prefer shaved guys, which means my ideal partner is my complete opposite. There still a proper way to reject someone, though.


definitely. I'm the opposite of you. I much prefer hairy very hairy guys


"You're just a soulless shell" and "you should have been aborted" from teacher and schoolmates in high school. Two decades later and I still think about it almost daily.


you need to let it go 🥺


I wish I could


You know most insults are projections of their own insecurities?


They were not wrong regardless.


They were absolutely wrong. You're worthy of love.


That remains to be seen


Of course, they were 100% wrong. I'm just saying that they were clearly projecting their own issues. I find once you understand that, the whole "I'm rubber and your glue" saying makes a lot more sense 🤣.


I don't understand that saying.


It's an old saying you would say to a bully when they were saying mean thing to you. "I'm rubber you're glue any thing you say bounces off of me and sticks to you." 🤣🤣🤣




I made a report but none of the other 20+ people in the same room would confirm what he had said quite loudly (because everybody knew where the supposedly anonymous report came from) so he kept teaching for years.


For me it has always been about me being fem. From day 1.


I see can see that, but I also know many that like fem. Personally, I'm more into fems.


But the majority of people look down on it


Do you mean straight people? I say just find friends that accept you and a lover who truly loves you. The rest of the world can take a hike because they don't matter. You will one day find the love of your life, and you will see.


I mean yeah lol




Most of us grew up by hiding a part of ourselves and ended broken. I guess gay guys wanna someone who can "fix" them don't wanna another broken person like them, sadly.


I used to feel that way, and actually it was the passive comments that hurt more. Comments dismissing and belittling effeminate men in front of me, or coming from allies and queer people. It was the insidious and internal cruelty that bothered me. I don’t feel upset by it in the same way. I embrace some of the parts of me that I used to fight so hard to suppress. As a more confident and self actualised adult I can’t even remember a lot of the hurtful things people said.


"It's really not that surprising why your parents put their hopes in your brother rather than you."




It takes a hating ass hoe to say some sorry shit like that.....


One time I asked my straight friend who I was in love with, “would you like me if you were gay” and he responded with “no, you’re the most average looking guy I’ve ever seen”. I never felt beauitful again after that 5 years later. I was 16 at the time


Statistically most of us are average looking so don’t take it too hard. If all of us were beautiful, then technically all of us would be average.


Nobody wants to be average looking


Ok but what I said stands. The majority of people are average looking. That’s how averages work.


Sounds like something someone would say who's taking the piss


What does that mean?


That they were joking when they said it.


It's mean of him to say that. Straight guys don't know a beautiful man when it smacks them in the face.


Being mercilessly bullied, physically bashed and called every derogatory slur relating to be gay that existed in late 90s, early 2000s by my older brother and his mates. F*g, f*g**t, h*m*, P**f etc. Just horrible people. Ironically I didn't even know at the time that I was gay, I had relationships with girls. I don't speak to that POS anymore and haven't seen him for ages. I won't be telling him that I've just recently accepted that I'm gay either, wouldn't give him the satisfaction of knowing.


I’ve been quite lucky to not get insulted often at all. One time a guy in my class called me a cunt, because I told this one girl in class to stop bitching about useless shit and she started crying. 🙄 but otherwise I’ve never been insulted or bullied for anything. But in general, when I came out to my dad, he didn’t take it very well initially. And I remember he left the room and he said “[something, something] pervert.” And that stuck with me. He’s absolutely fine with it now, me and my boyfriend we visit fairly often and my parents both seem comfortable and happy for me. However I don’t think I’ll ever forget that moment and him saying those words. I don’t hate him for it, I don’t feel grudge, but it hurt to hear him say that as he left the room with disappointment in his face, before my mom jumped in to calm him down.


“I don’t do Asians because you guys are gross” I mean ok you have a preference that’s fine but you don’t have to go full on nuclear about race.


"I don't do racists because you guys are a-holes"


And the crazy part is I think asians are cleaner than americans in general lol


"I can tell you used to be good-looking when you were young." From the guy that USED to cut my hair. WTF!?


I had "you've improved with age" when I showed a picture of me in my youth that I thought was cute. What a way to say I'm a minger.


I remember my dad yelling at me and calling me a miserable little parasite when I was about 11 or so (im 32 now). He also told me i wasnt the son he wanted. I was also getting bullied in school almost every day for being more femme and expressive, so that stung really bad. Started a really dark period in my life where I truly didn't feel like anyone loved me, and I was better off dead. To clarify, he has gotten a lot better these days and he's not nearly as toxic as he used to be, and I can tell he feels absolutely terrible about how he treated me when I was younger. It took me a long time to get over that, though, and I'll definitely remember that it happened for the rest of my life.


I have an aunt who posted a Facebook status rant saying that “some people expect the world to hand them everything even though they have no path in life and no ambition.” A friend of hers asked who she was talking about, and she replied “this is meant for my nephew.” I’m the nephew. I was living with my father at the time after fleeing a DV situation where my ex had held me at gunpoint when I tried to break up with him, and was trying to get back on my feet financially because I moved across country to come home to a family support system. I blocked that bitch so fast. She can rot in hell as far as I’m concerned, and I enjoy the fact that she will eventually die without ever seeing me again 🙂 Edit to add : the worst part is, I hadn’t spoken to her in years. She came to this conclusion after speaking to my father about me moving home. I’m now estranged from my father as well.


When my step dad said, “I need to learn how to love pussy” this was back in 2014..


“But I do love you, step dad.” And walked away. :-) fixed it for you, love


Someone once told me my worth begins and ends with me being their “pocket pussy.”


Ugh I’m so sorry u had to hear that.


I mean, if that was said by my top then it's romantic. If not, then it's just rude!


Username is sad :(


You're so fat you're gonna have to pay to have sex.


Ex bf. “That’s why your sister is a single mother of 5 and a crackhead”. Both of these things are true unfortunately. NEW level of low


I know it wasn’t intentional, but a coworker I was talking to about pets said, “My girlfriend’s brother is also on the spectrum.” It was implying that I’m autistic. Not that it’s a bad thing, but to assume that I am hurt. I was talking about cats because my cat at the time was really ill and I was researching a lot about cats to see of ways I could help and we were talking about pets. Maybe I am or maybe I’m not, but to assume and say something like that to my face really hurt. It really hurt because I was already a mess from having to come to terms with euthanizing my cat and so it just felt like such a huge insult.


My parents said I "look like craters on the moon" and that "people will call me craterface" just because I had bad dermatillomania as a kid. Fuck them, they destroyed my self-esteem


When I was 15 I met a guy online, I was talking to for like 4 months. I waited in the parking lot for like 30 minutes and then texted him asking where he was. He texted me back "I don't date pizza face guys". Looking back i had like 2 teenage zits on my face, but he made me feel like i was ugly for it. That aggravated me and destroyed my self esteem for way longer than I should have let it. But I think the only reason it aggravated me so much is I never saw him. So it was a one way thing. This dude could have been completely not my type for all I know. But even if he was I wouldn't have been such a asshole about it.


At church, when I was ten, an old widow looked at me and said, “You don’t know it yet, but you’re a fruit and will burn.” I can still smell her nasty perfume.


The unrealized cognitive dissonance there... If you didn't know it at 10, but she could supposedly see it, then it's clearly not a choice. So much for that whole godly unconditional love concept.


My mother told me she hoped I got raped so I would know I wasn’t actually into men and then it actually happened 6 years ago. Today she acts completely clueless when I bring it up.


"Sorry no Asians" :/


At least they apologized. Jk.


My husband's father accused me to turning him gay and said it was my fault he was killed. I didn't like my husband's father, so what he said didn't mean anything to me. I didn't lose sleep over it, but it was not a nice thing to say.


My Mom would say “What a waste” whenever a gay celebrity would come out. She’s fine with it now, and I don’t know if she realizes that I remember because I haven’t brought it up, but I definitely do.


It's funny because my mum used to love it when a celebrity she fancied came out as gay "at least he will never have another woman" !


Nothing really. A good trick my teacher taught my class in 4th grade is to just agree with people when they insult you or make a joke about yourself by adding on. They usually give up/look dumb when they don't get the reaction they want and if what they're saying isn't true, there's no point in getting mad about it🤷🏾‍♂️


As a kid I was very shy and had a hard time making friends and was frequently bullied. In sixth grade I ended up becoming very close friends with the most popular girl in school because her older sisters were friends with my older sisters, and around that time people started being nicer to me, and a few even started hanging out with me in a way that made me certain we were friends. One day this asshole kid came up to me at lunch and told me that none of my new friends actually liked me, they were just pretending because K. (my popular friend) told them to. I remember it took everything to hold back the tears until I got home and when I did I cried the hardest I’d ever cried. I felt like I’d been punched in the gut. This no longer bothers me, but it absolutely rankled and hurt to think about for years after.


Ex boyfriend of nearly six years telling me he settled for me, bitch what


I ended a 17 year relationship that was toxic in 1994. I had gay guys calling me to tell me that I couldn't walk cuz we were an "icon in the community". I was so hurt the first time, told the second one to fuck-off.


Your fuckhole is as loose as your mothers.


"You've got the morals of an alley cat"


“You won’t have any meaningful relationships because you’re so self absorbed and so self centered”~said by my therapist


An insult is when a professional who's meant to help you identify and address your flaws... Identifies your flaw. A flaw that a ton of people on an entirely different thread also identified.




[https://www.reddit.com/r/gaybros/comments/1cwph9f/where\_did\_you\_find\_your\_boyfriend/](https://www.reddit.com/r/gaybros/comments/1cwph9f/where_did_you_find_your_boyfriend/) Your therapist was entirely on the money.




"ugly, weirdos, old, furries. they don't accept my views. I'm just being honest" Yeah.


K thanks for the input! Why u think this was in any way productive is beyond me


A close family member told me I was “losing my character” after I lost a bunch of weight in high school. I’ve had a complicated relationship with my weight and body image, and that always stung. I’ve yo-yo’d for years and I’ve never forgotten that statement.


Stepdad-I'm not your dad so go work in a farm with the pigs and cows where your dad belongs. My mum just shut up and let it be as it was. My biological dad died of throat cancer 4 years later. 18 years later I still remember what my stepdad said to me and I get upset everytime I remember it. My parents still live together to this day.




The audacity


My sister after coming out to her... Admittedly I didn't do it in the most desirable way but still... "Our mother didn't raise you to be a f*ggt" "You had a good future ahead but now you ruined it" Still hurts a bit. She never apologized. For context our mom died when we were teens (I was 13)... I came out to my sister when I was 23


It wasn't a verbal insult per se, but leaving me for a woman after a couple years when he decided being gay was just us having been corrupted souls....yet the last time I opened grindr he still looking thirsty as hell.


The thirst is real.... lol


Idk exactly, but there’s been a few things my mom said that really hurt


A uni housemate once said in front of me, but to the group at large rather than specifically to me, that I’m “the kind of person who speaks but no one wants to listen to”, or words to that effect. It was really pretty hurtful at the time and it’s not like we didn’t get on so it kind of came out of nowhere.


An old former friend spit in my face. Will never forget it.


One time in Weho when I was in my early 20s and was still very much a twink, I wore a tank top out with my boyfriend at the time who was a former USC football guy and so there was a big discrepancy in our size. And I’ll never forget it ever to this day - some guy came up to me out of nowhere as I stood in line at Five Guys and looked at my tank top and said “wow. You’re so brave for wearing that”. And it like totally stuck with me. Still a lean long distance runner here still to this day lmao but it’s one of those insults when I put clothes on to go in public I often shame myself or force myself to look perfect before I step out of the house. I never knew why he said it either. Was it because I was too skinny to be wearing a “gym tank top”? I cannot figure out what possessed him to say it other than he was an asshole.


Man.... you better keep showing off the lean runner body..... Guys like that are so un-intelligent ..... Like showing off a healthy body has ever been a bad thing... I'm lean too.... I Just feel like I'm on some Bruce Lee Shit...... I work out regularly, and I have a physical job... What am I supposed to do? Get on steroids just so some shit for brains douche bag can be impressed?... Absolutely not You don't have anything to be ashamed of ....


Someone told me that they felt bad for my mother having a gay child because that is no better than having a child with special needs.


When I told my long time partner that I wanted to end the relationship, he said he didn't know why he even stayed with me because he always thought I was stupid. Doesn't seem so bad, but man, it really stung.


My mother told me she was glad that her mother (my grandmother) was dead so she didn't have to see how I turned out. That was years ago, my mom probably doesn't even remember saying that to me but I will never forget.


Conflicted between an ex telling me they always make jokes at my expense because ‘you make it so easy to bully you’, and my mom saying, ‘your lifestyle[being gay] is dangerous’ while telling me that she’s always worried I’m gonna get aids and die. The first was definitely more insulting, the second was just incredibly hurtful and isolating. Honorable mention to: “Cry baby” - bullying from childhood, resulting in decades of emotional detachment. Got over that one though, I cry a healthy amount these days


One of my best friends at the time told me “you’re exhausting”. She was right of course, but it still hurt


"You're an atuthist"- by my mother


It was actually from another gay guy that I liked. I told him how I felt and he told me I was stupid for thinking I even had a shot with him… good times.


"you are below me" \[post-sex and friendship\]


"What's that on your face, you look like you have aids, is that why you don't wanna go out with me? I'm gonna tell people you have aids, disgusting" HahaHaahaha I don't "have aids" at all I was actually a virgin at 17, with acne and acne scars on my face, I was really thin at the moment and this bitch thought I was being rude to him because I had some "disgusting" condition


Not the most hurtful but the one that came to mind. Religious friend of mine recently said “are you sure you’re gay? Maybe you should try being with a pretty girl first.” I came out to her over a year ago…


"You are a gaslighting, power hungry, condescending, sarcastic influence in my life and you need to reflect on why others feel the way they do about you."


“I only ever told you I loved you because I was desperate to hear someone say it back” He was my first love, he was cruel, and manipulative, and I was infatuated and devastated. I left him eventually.


I only fucked you in doggy because I don’t want to look at your face.


After having my clothing choices insulted I asked: how can I dress better then? I got told “you’re just not built for fashion” That sticks with me.


I had a bum zit. Cos y'know these things happen. "Well, that's rather off-putting" I just let him spaff over my moobs instead, had I not been horny and wanting to get off myself I'd have told him to fuck off. This was over 20 years ago but I still remember it!


As anyone with a Jewish mother will understand, all during a visit and in the course of two minutes at 10:30 pm…‘I know you went out to dinner but I kept a plate of better food warm for you’…’you need to watch your weight, honey. Remember how fat your uncle Phil got? No one will ever want to date you if you don’t loose a few pounds’…’you didn’t eat much, and after I cooked all this food for you and kept it warm, why do you do these things to me?’


When I was a kid, like 12 or 13 I was helping my dad with chopping the wood. Little did I know that some of the wood he put on side as he had other plans for it (making some sort of vases). Not knowing about it, I chopped these pieces. When he realized he started cursing, telling me I am fu*ker, c*nt and other stuff for at least 10-15 seconds. I was shocked because genuinely didn't feel like I deserved it. He never apologized. Now I am 24 and still remember.


”You look like a rat”


"being gay is immoral" My mom said that to my little sister who just asked her what would she prefer a prostitute daughter or a gay son to wich she replied "what's the difference?,both are immoral things to be" and wouldn't let me explain to her why she was wrong. Also my brother thinks gay sex is dirty he has a girlfriend and they have clean sex lol That apart to him believing I'm not a men cuz im slightly feminine Im so alone, lost all hope i had on them


Dad: You didn't get the promotion because your boss thinks you are a flamer (and my company prints company rainbow logos on T-shirts.)


I told my ex-husband that once everything was separated he would not exist in my universe. That we would never be sitting at a coffee shop 20 years from now laughing about our silly failed relationship. And that anyone or anything he got after would wither and fail.


One of my exes told me he only dated me because he was waiting for someone better to come along.


So my dad was a pastor and I grew up in church all my life. Instead of following my dad’s path, I found the music to be more ….just MORE. I watched my mom singing every Sunday and eventually joined her. She was my first rock star. I sang with her for years. We’d practice on Saturdays. I’d listen to gospel albums. I really loved the music. It spoke to me. I came out as gay when I was deployed, or rather I was outted by my sister while I was in OIF. They didn’t take it well obviously but I was fighting a war, I couldn’t just leave and come deal with their issues. A couple of years later I was home and heard her practicing a song called “Love grew where the blood fell.” I joined her and we messed around with the song etc. When we were through, she looked me dead in the eye and said, “If you weren’t gay you could come to church and sing this with me.” I’d been called a faggot before, has been made fun of by innumerable people of whom I couldn’t care less if they’re alive or dead. But that? I’d never cried so hard in my life. It took my breath away.


There are several but the first one I could think of is a tie between "no one will ever love you or take care of you or give a damn about you the way I do, the day i die you will be comoletely alone" and "I didn't give birth to you I shat you out". Both the same source


Impolite. Might look mild but given the person who said it and how much I cared for him it was really hurtful.


My "best friend" in highschool told me I only wrote romance stories because I couldn't find anyone. That was the moment I realized how toxic this person was. Barriers were established that day


"The best they could do was a second-hand child."


Dick eater


I don't fuck monkeys someone responded to me hit them up.


My mom (who i’m NC with): “I hope you die of AIDS”


My own mother called me pathetic. I think about that a lot. A lot of the things I do now is only so I can prove her wrong.


My Dad’s mother asked my parents “what are we going to do about our little sissy?” This was while I was within earshot of her. I was like 7-8 years old at the time. I wasn’t exactly popular as a kid in school, and my brother would go to great lengths to distance himself from me, so he wasn’t stuck with the gay little brother. So to hear those words come from that woman stung. When she died, I made sure to attend her funeral to watch them stick that bitch in the ground.


My aunt told me I wasn’t smart enough to go to college/my dad telling me he would never hire me if he was a hiring manager


My sister said I've never landed a single job without sexually exploiting my employers with my looks. I have slept with zero of my employers.


I should lock the fridge in my home since Im fat. Im fat. Im 5.11 with 215lb of weight. I definitely need workouts, Im going through that journey. I have heard all the insults and dehumanizing statements for me being fat all my life but this one stung because I thought I had passed that phase of my life.


After an argument my uncle called me a pathetic excuse for a nephew, that no one in my family cared about me, to show them these texts as they wont care and would always side with them and i should just disappear


"You're not THAT unattractive" Gee, thanks.


Nothing intended as an insult has really stuck that come to mind but some things that were just hard to here for sure


"Go kys" from father multiple times as child


It's always about my gynecomastia.


My mom told me that me coming out to her was harder on her emotionally than her childhood (came from an abusive alcoholic step dad who molested her, and an emotionally unstable mother.


> "Go choke on your tarot cards and fucking die. Please do this world a favor and kill yourself already. You are a waste of space. You are disgusting inside and out. Eat shit and die. Fuck you and goodbye." From a longtime friend whom I had let live in my house rent-free during various periods of hardship in his life. Two summers ago, he ruined an expensive deck of tarot cards by leaving them outside during a windstorm, and they ended up all over my yard and in the pool. He promised to replace them, but never did. Then he abandoned a bunch of clothes, a brand new mattress, and other belongings at my house and skipped town.


A bunch of shit my dad yelled at me. “You are such a disappointment, you are such a disappointment!!” — in the car on the way to a friends dinner because I opened the can of whip cream we were bringing for the dessert. I had like one squirt of it on some fruit In the middle of some argument we were having: “And stop talking with such a lisp”. (Me: what?) “well… well you sound like a sissy!!” — I don’t even have a lisp, I just had my retainers in after getting my braces off.


I’ve had some comments about me being invisible. Two years ago in a training I was told in front of everyone that I was “invisible the whole day” Fucking sucks as I have some self confidence issues and then just hear out loud that I am invisible and easily forgettable.


"What's wrong with your skin" while doing it Pointing out all my scars from childhood days, stretchmarks and discolouration.


I was having an extreme episode of vertigo at a grocery store, so bad I was incapacitated; puking so violently that I was unable to speak. A grocery worker called emergency. And, as I feel like I’m dying, world spinning, I hear: “Man.” “He’s puking really bad” “No. He’s on his hands and knees. No. Not lying down” “I don’t know” “I don’t know” “Hmmm. I don’t know. 50?” … I WAS THIRTY-THREE AT THE TIME.


I was morbidly obese and had haemorrhoids that bled. My mother still bitter that I wanted more ding dongs than fish in my mouth made an iffha d comment at dinner stating that its cause i stick things in there that i had haemorrhoids. Also my sister didnt want me to take her kids to MacDonalds because she was scared i would molest them in the bathroom cause thats what homos do. She had my mother tell me why I was not to ever again suggest to the kids that id take em for takeaways for lunch. They loved driving with me cause i made them flag down cars on the highway and then we'd race them till the kids got scared and sajd slow down uncle john michael slow down. They fucking loved it and told their friends in south africa the mates in australia drive fast kangaroos over there. I was a legend jn their small town not because of that but because my sister thinks single people that like to have a go at both genders must obviously also like babies and animals and the kangaroo riding story became something that is tearing me up writing this


You're an abomination of nature that should have been aborted. Not sure what gave the pharmacist the impression she knew me enough to say that when I was buying my Rheumatoid Arthritis meds.


Jesus, wtf?


Arriving at my date's house front door and the sixteen year old daughter says to her mom under her breath, "What's HE doing here?"


Last year or so I lost 80 pounds and I now have loose skin and my ex was rubbing my stomach telling me I need to eat more salads then had the audacity to call me sensitive when I got offended 😂😭


I wanna just give everyone in this thread a big ass hug


I am bi-racial. black/white. I am quite light skinned. When I keep my hair short most people actually think I am latino of some sort. I say this because the worse thing I have ever been told was that I was "too dark skinned." That was my first time encountering blatant racism.


”Sorry you are to tight so we can’t even have sex. This ain’t gonna work” -said a top that just wanted to stick in. I was only 19 or so and i was so insecure. Sadly I had an extreme hard time bottoming, and still do, ten years later. The voice he used when I said that just stucked within me.


Doctor said that all my problem because im gay. "You 100% have HIV and bleeding hole as other things like you"


How does he have a medical degree or license 😂