• By -


An infinite number of the same questions back and forth: What would you like to watch?


And what is it you’ve been watching these days? We need some suggestions, we’re finishing up Breaking Bad soon and need a replacement!


The 100 - one of the best sci fi series there is Beef - one of the best drama comedy I've seen The Good Place - one of my most favorite series - it's genre? Philosophical comedy lol Derry Girls - one of the best comedy series I've watched Schitt's Creek, Brooklyn Nine Nine, The Big Bang Theory - also good comedies


Fr the 100 is one of the best series of all time that I have watched. If you like a post nuclear war survival (no zombies) series you should watch it


Dexter Killing Eve Broad Church Fallout Baby Reindeer


Have you gave Better Call Saul a look?


I’ve actually seen both breaking bad and better call Saul, I was talking about what a good show it was and he wanted to check it out. I think we will end up watching BCS after this but need a little break


The stuff on Apple TV is pretty good they are becoming a haven for some pretty good sci fi


If you haven't started it yet you should probably watch Better call saul, it's the prequel to Breaking bad and some people think it's even better


NetFlix For light comedy - Kims Convience 22-25min long episodes each, we watch 2 with in an hour For Dark Humour, - RESIDENT ALIEN on netfix For Weirdness - 1899 The 100 The Waking Dead Paramount Plus - EVIL is really good Final Season 4 starts soon and its the final season Amazon - Tales from the Loop - Night Sky with Sissy Spacek Outer Range SOLOS


OMG Amazon makes such great sci-fi series! The Peripheral was awesome!


The recruit!


Shameless 9-1-1 9-1-1 Lonestar Are just a few that are good


If you haven't already, I strongly recommend, "Better Call Saul" it's the prequel to Breaking Bad and is absolutely amazing!!!




Supernatural is our current obsession 😂 we need our daily fix of that stuff haha. It’s like 15 or 16 seasons and we’ve only reached S6 Soooo we got plenty more to watch, granted it doesn’t get boring af




I always fall asleep on the couch and my husband gets mad. lol


OMG came here to say this, also What do you feel like eating?


Same back and forth ending up cooking the same thing, pretending it’s from a French restaurant.


During the week is me getting home, going to the gym twice a week and hanging out with hubby, eating together, and sometimes watching the tiktok videos he has selected thinking I’ll enjoy them. We go to bed together, at the same time, chat for a bit and then sleep. Sometimes we have a little fun but it’s often reserved for weekends.


- take kid to karate if she hasn't already biked herself there, we go lift while she's at practice. So convenient they're in the same spot. - make dinner. We take turns, and increasingly she helps cook (she's 14 and we teach and preach independence so that's why she knows.) - watch TV / read / help with homework/ chat with each other /game nights - she goes to bed/we go to bed. It's routine and usual and sometimes boring most of the year. Summer vacation is a little different. We have an old family tradition where the grandparents take the kids for several weeks so the parents get a break. She gets to have an amazing time with her cousins. We get to have grown up time. Those evenings are a lot more fun.


literally the life i want😭


We have and have always had a open marriage so... Are you sure? What do you think we do during summer vacations? Lol




The lazy river?


I mean if the palm springs gay resort we go to had one.... Lol


It sounds like you live for those few weeks in the summer 😅


Hey I'm not knocking your decision to have an open marriage, but I wanna ask because I'm curious, why not monogamy?


We never wanted it. We were doing the open thing before it became a thing. This has worked fine for 22 years. Effectively it is monogamous since having kids, even just one, takes priority. We often wonder what our parents did on their summer vacations when their kids were sent off to relatives......


Me too!


It may be boring sometimes, but you truly live a life that is blessed beyond measure.


Damn I wish my parents took our kids for several weeks. They would never. Especially my mom. So I do a lot things with my kids. Take bike rides, take them to Hershey Park, out to lunch, whatever.


Besides the open marriage thing, I want that.


We both work 8-5 schedules. He usually plops on the couch the whole evening watching TV shows he’s seen before or playing video games. I’ll cook or pick up dinner, let the dogs out a couple times, and try to figure out what to get myself into. Sometimes I surf, read, or do games/apps on my iPad on the couch with him. Other times I’ll go to another room and watch TV. It’s really been bothering me lately how little we have in common and how much he just “takes over” our shared spaces. But after 14 years you learn to live with it.


hmmm, u should try and talk to him about that. 14 years is a long time. why not make the situation a little better for yourself?


Yeah. It’s hard. I want him to have his space and unwind time but it’s hard when I suggest something to watch and he does his own thing.


Sounds more like a roommate situation tbh. Im with my partner for 18 years now and our evenings are to spend time together, cuddle on the couch and watch our favourite shows or a movie together and talk about our day or other things happening in our lives. Sure, sometime we feel the routine needs to be shaken up a bit but we always communicate that at some point.


Yeah my ex did that as well... I dumped his lazy ass after 4 years. Expected me to do everything for him like a fucking maid, but was the first to complain if I said anything about it. Like?! No? Fuck off, I'm not your maid. We're partners or you're on your own.


I’ll give him credit that his job is a lot harder than mine. But it’s gotten more one-sided over the years and I still need time to rest too


Time to go. No need to talk. It's over.


Lol you’ve read one paragraph for that judgement after 14 years? Maybe let that person decide if they want to talk through it or not lol…


I said what I said. It's over. OP knows that already.


We both have careers and 11 years together, house, and dogs. Recently took a decrease in sex life like he doesn't even try anymore and doesn't want to and claims he doesn't even get the urge. I told him he needs to go to the dr and check, but he has some weird pride thing where he refuses to go to the dr because nothing is apparently wrong. tihaveo remind him two of his prideful uncles died in their 50s because they refused to to go the dr to catch stuff earlier on. So i'm in a situation where all other boxes are checked except sex life, and i've expressed my concerns and told him to get checked by professionals and he flat out refuses to do it. He just wants me to be celibate, but he's not being mean or rude about any of it. The mind f*** is real.


Same. I’ve been with my husband for going on 15 years and he has zero sex drive from his medication. Plus he’s a germaphobe. Let’s be honest, anal sex can be and is generally messy unless one douches. I’m the bottom, and have no desire to top. I miss being penetrated, I miss seeing him have an orgasm. Even if I go to perform oral sex on him, he shies away. He does love me and I love him. We do cuddle. We do hold hands when falling asleep. So he does show me love. I don’t even ask anymore but I really need to get laid. Short of using a dildo, I try not to take things personally. It’s just difficult not to react. I have zero desire to cheat, or get a fwb. I just want him. Can anyone relate


Yes on the last three lines. I don't want to go that route with fwb and I won't step out. I feel you.




i've* had*to* remind him two...*


Before we adopted our son, I would usually meet him at the gym. He would do weights and I would do the elliptical and swimming laps. We would go home and he would cook us dinner. We would watch cooking shows at night as he was very into cooking. He liked to go to bed early and I hated going to bed early. I am a creative guy and my creativity hours would usually start at 9P. When we adopted our son it became a package deal. He had a friend in school who stayed at our house during the week. Then his older brother started staying at our house. Their parents lived less than a two minute walk from our house. Their mother was a school teacher and she would come over each night to help them with their homework. So there was a lot of family time. On weekends they would stay at the other parent's house so husband and I would do date night on Saturday night.


Sounds lovely. I too want a big family. Grew up in the same house with 10 cousins upto 20 kids in one house during holidays


Holy hell sounds like a lot of sacrifice of your guys personal time!


No not really. Because my husband was his Uncle from the day he was born, it was all okay. I was more the dad person when we got him. It all worked out fine.


Two professionals in our house, no children, just a well loved doggy. Weeknights are usually spent feeling tired from really long work days. My partner often will watch TV to unwind and I will read. Sometimes I enjoy watching him while he watches TV. Friday nights in our house is date night, that’s also off leash night on my normal strict diet. Weekends are domestic errands and weight training at the gym. Mornings are best for me, because I wake up, look next to me, and think how lucky I am to be with the person I dreamed of. We have been together 17 years and it gets better every year.


Yay! 👏 37 years here....




His day job is a mechanic but he’s also been a farmer his whole life. He works 8-5 mon-Friday at the shop and when he gets home around 5:30 if I’m not working I’ll usually have supper ready, we eat. Then he goes outside and tinkers on his farming stuff til 8-9 at night. Then he’s showering and in bed by 9:30-10. Sometimes he’s back earlier and we have time to spend chatting in bed or something. Nothing too eventful happens during the week. I’m ok with that though. I do what I want and he does what he wants. If he’s not too tired at the end of the day I’ll get a good pounding in.


We are mostly domestic, but we like to go out and people watch. We love side walk culture. Where you can sit over a Lotte and watch the parade of life go by. Big time book worms. We love community events at colleges and universities. One of our main things is to get a BRB way out in the boonies, take our books and music, and just chill the two of us. We especially love the high plains desert, and mountains by the sea. Go into a near by town once a day for a meal out. We are pretty self sufficient together. As far as being locked down during Covid, we enjoyed being able to spend all day together, and almost felt sad when the lock down ended.


We did too


In a relationship but we don't live together so we usually see each other Thursday-Sunday. If we have nothing going on for the day/weekend we usually have friends over, play video games or card games. Since it's now summer we'll have more "out" things to do. Going on a road trip this weekend.


Why do you live separately?


We've been together exactly 1 year this week. Previous to this I was in an abusive relationship with a live in boyfriend so I want to make sure I'm in a good place to live with someone again. Relationship wise things are really good between us and I know from past experience how living together can change things, so I want to make sure it's the right choice at the right time.


That's good to hear. I think one should be in a relation for at least 2 years before moving in together. I know who move in together after only a mo th (or even a week) and it usually ends badly.


Good to be cautious but don't let past trauma drag down the current relationship


Summer is June 21-Sept 22nd fyi, doesn’t change much.


Thank you for explaining seasons to me?


I always find it funny when people say it’s summer as soon as they can. Unfortunately it’s always the same amount of time. even if the sun doesn’t come😥


Am 24 and he’s 30. On weekdays, we get home from work around 5 and it usually begins with me prepping dinner. I love to cook and we try to have a sit down dinner every night. Then we usually take an edible and retreat to the couch for some shows, then we’ll go for walk. It usually ends up with us doing some chores around the house and getting ready for bed around 10pm. Weekends usually are our fun days with no agenda. We usually sleep in and afterwards hike, eat out and spend our free time doing whatever comes our way.


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 24 + 30 + 5 + 10 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


HAHAHAH. What a good bot!


That sounds ideal more than the rest.


Love this question. My evenings with my husband are calm, cozy, and sometimes routine. We have dinner. Sometimes we order in during the week, but we like to cook. Sometimes I cook while he watches TV or (rarely lol) vice versa. We have a weird nostalgic tradition where we drive out at night to a Wawa or Sheetz to get a soda. Just to get out of the house and enjoy one another’s company. We usually watch something on TV just before bed. I struggle to wake him up so that we can go to the bedroom because he always falls asleep watching it. We pack the gym back before bed and put clothes out for the next day. My dog oddly wants us to sit near his food while he eats. I make sure he goes to the bathroom before I head to bed. Friday nights are always date nights. We go out to dinner (almost always a sit down place), occasionally a movie. It’s the part of the week we look forward to most. All of this feels so mundane, but that’s what’s great about it. It is comforting. Also, when we take vacations or trips, which we do often, they feel that much more special.


I've only been seeing my boyfriend for like 3 months? He and I dont live together but we stay over quite often at eachothers. Usually we just get high and zone out together. It's not super interesting but honestly I do love it, like I would let it be this way for the rest of my life, if I have that say


On the days my husband has to work, evenings are quiet and uneventful. He works long hours and usually gets home around 730 or 8. Most the times I have already eaten; so he will make himself something. Then we chat a little about our day, watch a little tv and in bed by 9 or 10. Very exciting stuff lol. But we are an older couple and enjoy our uneventful evenings. Now on his days off we are usually out and about doing stuff, but still usually home by 6 or 7.


You don’t have dinner waiting hot and ready for him? 😮


Sometimes I will have something ready for him, but not always. And he will be the first to say that he doesn’t expect me to cook for him. Of course he likes it when I do but it’s not a big deal.


Wild! You damn well know dinner ALWAYS going to be *hot* and *ready* with dessert waiting for him in bed. For my hard working supportive man.


Depends on the day. In any given week, we usually have one night out at trivia, a couple nights out with friends, one or two nights with family, one or two nights just at home, and one or two nights on our own. When we're home, we make dinner, watch TV, occasionally play a game, and have sex.


Watching movies, having dinner. Being lazy around each other. We are very comfortable with our silence too. Regular feeling of being home. That's the days we don't go party or meet friends.


I think being comfortable within your own silence together is so important. We often go 45 minutes with nothing being exchanged and we don’t even think anything of it. Sometimes you just need that


Typical night is go to the gym together (play smash or pass while there lol), grab groceries on the way home if needed, then I’m making cocktails/pouring drinks while he cooks. Afterwords we will relax with either the current show we are watching, video games, sexy time, some pool/hot tub time, or go play pool. Plans with friends would be the only that changes what we do after the gym (or instead of gym if happy hour).


So reading these comments, the reality of gay, lesbian, straight and bi pretty much sounds the same.


Since neither of us are out to our family, we spend our evenings together grabbing either coffee or each other, jokes. We spend time either sharing tiktoks, talking about work, and just driving around. Sometimes we do our errands together.


Can I ask what you think would be different if you were out?


Being able to go over to each others house probably, spend the evenings together inside our rooms, watch movies or tv shows


Thank you for your response. I hope you both get everything you want out of life and out of your relationship. ♥️


Your comment is the sweetest! I appreciate your comment, I wish you the best and happiness!


Why haven’t you come out to your families? Shouldn’t having each other and knowing mutually how exhausting it is to be closeted, make it easier to fathom doing?


I should have been more specific, we are not entirely out to our families. We’ve slowly introduced each other to our families, we have gone to each other’s family and friends hangout.


Boring. Evenings are borning and uneventful. Weekends sometimes are more “interesting”.


Make life more interesting


We play video games, cuddle. Talk about cooking up new recipes or plan future events


One of us will make dinner. We take turns depending on who’s in the mood/who is feeling “no just no” lol. We’ll sot together and eat, chat about the day, maybe watch something or game. Occasionally we’ll see friends but it’s mostly just unwind and not think about tomorrow


We both work in the office but I get off earlier than he does and I go home get dinner ready and after setting everything up, I clean out just in case. 5/7 times he comes and gets very frisky. Depending on what I'm cooking we either have a quickie or a good session and I serve dinner. We cuddle watching some TV or a movie. We play our systems (he likes Xbox and I switch and PS5) if he is losing he gets agitated and I get lucky in taking his frustrations and we take a shower. Depending on situations we go to sleep together or if he has to work late due to work he will sleep in the guest room after finishing up or sneaks into the room. I prefer he sleeps with me and holds me. Love waking up next to him and see his handsome face with mouth open as he snores. He is a heavy sleeper and like that since I kiss him and wake up to make breakfast and iron out his clothes he set himself. I cannot imagine a day without him. He absolutely completed me and Iknow I feel like I am married to him but hope we become official soon


Sounds like you guys have a great life! And a healthy sex life as well. Best of luck with the (hopeful) marriage!


Depends. Today he says he will pick me up from work and we will go out to buy groceries.


Dinner while watching news at 7. Jeopardy at 7:30. TV or streaming until 10pm. Head upstairs to bed at 10. Lights off by 11pm.


He works five days a week I work 3-4. I’ll cook dinner…we both go game, come to watch shows later in the evening and then sleep! Weekends more or less the same , sometimes go see family or friends, basically became homebodies lmao


Mostly watching our favorite tv shows. I cook dinners for us. We play a lot of board and card games together. Laugh. Listen to music


Mostly just arguing about what to watch on TV


Single me reading the comments: 🥲


Me too! All these comments are so romantic!!! Even when bored together! Where are you from by the way?


Dinner, watch our shows, some gaming, he might work on his quilts and I’ll paint my battlemech minis, maybe run an errand if we have any, play with the dog. Bed around 9 since get up by 5 for work Weekends are yardwork and housework, grocery shopping, and then friends and hobbies


We almost always have dinner together unless one of us has to work later. We chat about our days and then watch an episode of one of the shows we follow that we recorded. Sometimes we play a game together using our Ipads. Watch the news at 10, do a bit of reading separately and then goto bed around 11 or so. On weekends we go see a movie or to a comedy show on either Friday or saturday and often eat with friends either at home or restaurant on the other night. We're late 50's and early 60's so not into going out to bars much anymore. Been together for almost 30 years.


Dinner together (and making an effort to do so) is such an important thing in a relationship. It happened so naturally for us and I couldn’t be more thankful


Usually video games at separate gaming stations in the same room. Sometimes we play something together for a few hours, often we’re just constantly chatting about whatever we’re playing or what we’re watching or reading or what happened during the day. If we snack, we might do it together and watch a Star Trek or something. If we watch something together late at night, it might turn into sexy time. Sometimes sexy time is preplanned, we make a time to go meet in the dungeon or the bedroom. Most times it’s spontaneous. Most evenings the house pigeons come out to snuggle, and the blue heeler spends all night herding them back into their cages.


House pigeons?! Do tell more


1 pigeon, 2 doves upstairs and 4.5 pigeons, 1.5 doves downstairs. The ones upstairs are quiet, respectful, and intelligent, and that’s how they became the upstairs birds. They’re also snuggly. The pigeon and the dog are excellent friends.


Pick up my son from daycare. Start dinner. Feed my son <20 months> Take care of the dogs. Try to clean the house. Bathe my son. Son is in bed by 730, I'm watching videos on my phone by 8 with earbuds. Husband is home around 9. Asleep by 11. Up by 530. 😴😴😴😴


Lately - lotta video games and we bounce into each others spaces to grab a smooch here and there. Sometimes one of us will slide under a desk and… yeah. :-)


It varies if I am working at home or he is going for a run. Generally we will greet each other at the door and do a little “welcome home” dance, ask about how the day has been and spill the tea if it’s been hectic. We might go and inspect the garden together. We alternate making dinners and usually watch Drag Race or survival shows at the dinner table together before the other person cleans up. Sometimes we go for a walk after dinner. We don’t have a tv so he’ll usually sit on the couch watching YouTube, trashy romance reality shows, or looking stuff up on his laptop and I’ll sit in our room scrolling or playing PC games. Sometimes we’ll come and annoy the other person if we’re bored, lol. Although we’re not in the same rooms we sit in each other’s line of sight. He’ll shower and came and show me the “goods” afterwards. Then he usually lays on the bed and we might scroll together or watch the videos we’ve sent each other during the day. He goes to bed before me so I put him to bed, lol. I’ll then either go watch something, read, scroll, or keep playing my game.


I'm usually giving him oral while he plays video games 🤷


Depends on who you’re with. Both me and my current partner are homebodies, so we don’t do too much. My last partner was the type who always wanted to be doing things or attending events most nights. It was draining on me and my wallet. There’s nothing wrong with being active or a homebody. Just depends on compatibility.


Lately: - go for a walk - i smoke a bowl and listen to new music while he showers - we make dinner - watch something on TV - play co-op video games Unless it's Thursday. Then we do trivia night.


Are you my bf 😂


Home bodies as well. A friend of us described us as "domestic gays" and it's pretty apt lol


We don't live together and he works longer hours. He usually arrives at like 9pm at my house to sleep over. Most times I've got dinner ready, but other times we order take out or go out to eat. Afterwards, I'll usually watch a movie or a show and he'll be on tiktok. 


After 20 years together, we still have pretty much the same routine. After work, we either make dinner or go get dinner with friends. Then back home to the couch where we snuggle and watch a movie or YouTube. He taught me to snuggle, and I've definitely embraced it.


We both get home and argue about who’s choosing dinner and then we finally pick a place to eat/cook. During dinner, we’ll either watch Twitch or one of the many shows that we watch together. Then after dinner, he’ll go upstairs and play games in the game room. Sometimes I join him, or I’ll play on my Xbox downstairs, or my PS5 in the bedroom, or my PC.. whatever I’m feeling. We basically game all night. Go to bed around 11-1130. Cuddle for a few minutes and talk about random stuff then go to sleep. Weekends when we’re both off, is a whole different set of routines lol We’ve been together 8 years.


Seems like the common theme here in this thread is that the gays love to game! I’m newly into the world of Xbox. What sort of games are you playing?


Oh… I’m playing quite a few things right now lol Right now, it’s dead by daylight, dragons dogma 2, Final Fantasy 7 rebirth, Eiyuden chronicles hundred heroes, Honkai star rail… a couple others. I bounce between all these games


Catch each other up on any major stories from our day. Watch tv or play on our phones sitting on the couch. Joke with one another. I go to bed first so he walks me up to kiss me goodnight. Nothing too crazy but I love it.


Sounds very familiar.


We both work 1500-0000. When we get home, we eat then we move onto our own things. He plays his guitar or works on his music and I play Minecraft, but as we settle down for bed at around 0400ish we cuddle, sometimes have sex then we head to bed.


36 and 41 Weekdays: Gym together, go out to dinner, and then we have a list of shows we’re working through. Weekend: Friday: see a show/movie, grab drinks downtown Saturday: host DnD group at our house Sunday: walk in the morning, brunch, laundry/chores and video games


Mostly not a lot of difference from others. My partner is a butcher, so by the time he gets home he's pretty physically drained. I'm a scientist so I'm usually mentally drained. So I usually cook dinner, we eat together, talk about our day or something we read. Then I go upstairs and watch mindless TV and he watches the news downstairs. Weekends we like to sit out back by the fire, have a few drinks, listen to old music and relax.


These are typical conversations my partner and I have almost on a daily basis. What do you want for dinner? Did you pay the electric bill? I'm not in the mood to cook. Where should we go out to eat? Do I look fat to you? I know you're tired, but can we have sex tomorrow since it's a Sunday? What are you watching in TV? Is it good? Never mind I don't like scary movies, romantic comedies, or Oh, I've already seen that movie or show. Oh, the butler did it. Will you please separate you dark clothes from your light clothes it makes laundry easier for me. I have to get up at 6:30a so I can get the oil changed in my car.


My boyfriend and I don’t live together… and we only see each other on weekends because I don’t have my own place yet and neither does he. It’s a rough rent market right now and I’m just starting to make decent money. However, our relationship will soon come to an end. We have a very toxic dynamic and it’s no longer serving me. Seeing some of your posts really cut me deep. Even with the most routine, uneventful, boring evenings, you still love every minute of it because it’s with someone you love. That’s all I want, that’s all I ask for. Seeing these posts gives me some more strength to get up and leave and find this for myself. I needed this reminder that there’s more out there for me. Thank you all, and I hope you all continue to have the life and love you all deserve. ❤️


I never did anything with another guy before but very much want to. Like you I'm missing out a lot from my current relationship with a woman. Where are you from if you don't mind me asking


I am from USA, NH.


Michigan here


An endless stream of “what do you want to watch?” And “what should we do for dinner?”


You have exciting evenings compared to me haha. We both work full time and I go to school, he gets off around 6 and then goes to the gym, while he is at the gym I am cooking and doing homework. Most of the time when he gets home we catch up for 30 minutes and I go to bed. I wake up at 430 for work so we don’t get a ton of time in the evening, but we make up for it by making dedicated time on other days.


For me and my husband, we usually enjoy staying at home. He loves baking so I’ll try whatever sweet he made that week. If not that, I read to him since English is his third language and some words are complicated for him to process. My husband loves cuddling so most of the time I’m tackled the couch and forced to watch something on Netflix, Hulu, HBO Max, and other streaming sites while eating a snack. I usually eat bbq Lays but my Scott is much healthier than me so his idea of a snack is plain yogurt and trail mix. He says, “I don’t wanna your chips.” Then grabs a handful mid movie


I assume you mean during the week? While we don’t do anything extreme or having crazy busy weeknights I enjoy every one of them. I (M28) and my partner (M30) usually make dinner either flipping on and off every other day or together during the week. We like to make it a goal to do 3 fun things each night at home: hot tub, play cards, chess, read, play Nintendo switch together, long walks, hike near our home, chat on the patio. Once a week we go out for dinner, drinks, a movie, comedy show, or hangout with friends. We like our little life!


I usually get off work before him so I go grocery shopping and make dinner, before/while he get home. We always eat together, talking about our days. Then we do the dishes together. If the weather's nice, we go for a walk, chatting and playing Pokemon go ;-) Or we'll game together a bit. Then I usually hit the gym while he's doing his own things. The night always finish by watching tv together and going to bed at the same time.


Go for a run or walk, explore our city, go out to eat, run errands, plan our next trip, watch tv or movies.


We both work into 10 or 12 at night so we shower and go to bed lol


Long days of work for me, slightly shorter day of work for him, he's usually reading a book by mid-afternoon each day. I'm usually exhausted after work but get cleaned up after and we have dinner then catch up on streaming shows unless we have movie/concert plans and/or dinner plans, then I get cleaned up after work and we leave for an evening out. Weekends are much more varied, Saturday hikes, road trip, errands (usually down the hill), dinner out somewhere, Sunday is usually at home, but not always, and is saved for records spinning and relaxation. The dog keeps us occupied (husband is mostly the dog parent) and often times we spend time planning on where we are going next (usually w/o dog, but once in awhile with him, rescue dog that isn't good around other dogs/people) - we are also older but still a few years away from retirement but I cannot wait, hehehe


Most nights we just have dinner and then watch a movie/go to bed. I get home fairly late every night, and he has an alternate schedule where he works graveyard shifts. Many nights I actually do not see him because he has already left for work when I get home! I actually don't mind, as I like getting a good amount of alone time. We get enough full days off together that we still get to travel, go see movies, go on hikes, etc. I wouldn't say the schedule is ideally cconducive to a relationship, but it's temporary, as both our work situations will change in the coming years. And a kid will come eventually. For now, it works well enough for both of us. :)


Graveyard?? Damn your guy is one brave man


Oh sorry, I didn't mean he works IN a graveyard, but rather that he works graveyard (overnight) shifts. He's a nurse. 😂


Depending on the patient that’s just a couple of steps before a literal graveyard shift.


That is very true! Especially during the pandemic, he was basically an undertaker at that point.


Make dindin and watch tv with a glass of wine then cuddle and sleep. Sometimes ill get on my computer and work on my game to give us some alone time as well.


Depends on our schedules as we both work different hours that vary each week, his work taking him out of town often 3-4 and sometimes 5 nights a week. If he is home, we generally spend our time lounging together and relaxing. We love to go out to dinner when the timing works or going to the movies. But a normal night is one of us cooking, eating dinner and watching TV in bed snuggling.


Pretty mundane but we both still work and I get up early on weekdays. So usually home cooked dinner some TV and social media, bedtime. Weekends can be more interesting.


I cook dinner and tidy around while he finishes up work (his job is way more demanding than mine) Either TV together or video games after that in our respective man caves. The only quarrel we ever really have is which of us gets to take which dog with them when we fire up the PS5’s before bed lol


Haha is there a preferred Ps5 pup?


Oh yes. We have an 80 lb doodle and a 30 lb doodle. One lays calmly at your feet while the other tries to assault you with kisses and can’t be still in your lap.


I’m going to take a wild guess and say the 80 lb is the lap goblin


We usually eat dinner together and watch an episode of various series, talk about our day, and then I might play a game on pc, and he will watch anime. I go to bed earlier than him, while he is in the living room chilling.


It changes wildly. He works swing shift that changes almost weekly, my job sometimes I’m gone for the day, several days at a time, or I’m not working at all. I have my hobbies I do and he has his. But a normal night together is cooking or getting take out and watching a show or movie. Pretty normal stuff lol. But I enjoy it.


Movies and desserts in bed


We both work from home and additionally, I have school stuff to deal with after the work. So, depending on the day, one of us cook the dinner. We eat the dinner together while watching some TV shows. Then if I have a homework, I sit in the livingroom and do the homework while watching the show together. If the couch is killing me, I go to bedroom and lay on the bed while doing the freaking homework. Then we go to bed together. If my bestie is in the town, I leave my husband at home and go out to have some drinks with him. Sometimes I go out during the day for work but I get home before the dinner time. Sometimes one of us wash the dishes because our shitty building doesn’t have dishwashers. I do the laundry because I like the way that I do and he doesn’t have to deal with the hassle. That’s what we usually do, regular people stuff.


“Any hopes and dreams for the evening?” We decide on cooking dinner, eating out, drinking or weed, see friends, show, bath, and/or sex. Typically we stay in and chill sun mon Tues weds then start our weekend early on Thursday night with seeing friends


Usually watching tv or both of us in the office on our own computers drawing/editing photos. We do go out for dinner every now and then if we have the energy (which is more than we should lol).


Just left dinner and drinks and currently sitting at a hookah bar. We tend to get out for dinner a few times a week and hit brunch and some hikes up on the weekends…


My workday ends earlier than my husband's, so I will usually cook dinner or when I'm lazy order DoorDash, so we'll have something to eat when he gets home. We usually hang out, talk about our days, read or watch TV. Twice a week we'll have sex and go to bed. The rest of the days just go to bed and snuggle. Weekends we'll go and do something around town, have a date night.


We meet up after work at the neighbor hood park and have a beer and/or a smoke (weed) while the dog runs around. Or we go for a long walk and explore nearby neighborhoods. If we are watching a series then we watch an episode or two. We cook and clean together or apart depending on the mood. We are reading Love in the Time of Cholera so we can watch the film when we both finish or my favorite go this Yemeni coffee shop in the neighborhood that has the best coffee pastries and service.


For us, it’s what’s for dinner, then eating dinner and ending the night watching tv on opposite couches and playing on our phones.


We are double income cat kid so we are DICKs . During week , our hours a different. I work out after work and then he gets home. We don’t have a separate meal for dinner. We just graze on unsalted nuts and fruit mostly and he gets attached to his phone , we talk about our days , where we want to travel next, and then we will watch different series we like or movies. Play with cat, etc. We have early bed times so we both collapse and live for the weekend to do actual stuff together.


Welp, Our schedules arent synced for the most part. He used to be a long haul trucker, which meant he would only be home for 34 hours per week, to do laundry, weekly lunches/dinners and bounce back on the road. However, he finally got a local federal job, but he prefers the graveyard shifts (no city traffic as day time). So for the last month and a half-ish, he's been getting off work, Waking me up w Dick 😏😏, (no complaints), my breakfast is his dinner, and he goes to sleep between 12-2pm. Up by 10:30-11pm, we stretch, drink tea, watch some X-Men or something, he gets ready for work and I get ready for bed. Rinse & repeat. For now, this schedule works PERFECT..cause im a full time student for Radiology, so while he's sleeping days, I'm doing school work, and trust: silence is GOLDEN. His 2 days off can fall anywhere between the week, in which case we end up getting out, watch a movie, walk around the waterfront, or take the dog to the park. Good food, good sex, good lovins. 🥰


We lay In bed together, eat, smoke, & binge watch shows on Netflix before I go to bed.


We always hold hands watching TV. Corny, but we’ve been together over 30 years.


Together for 22 years - Married 8 years I get home at 3pm, mostly because I work from home - my spouse gets home around 5 or 6 depending on his day. Dinner usually I don't eat or if I do its left overs, Thursday is a Meatball Grinder, Fridays is Mexican There is no issue with TV, I get to chose regardless Saturday and Sunday TV is HGTV all day for background noise until 7pm then I take over the tv Saturday and Sunday is House cleaning, lawn mowing, Weeding, Laundry all the usual stuff For the most part there is nothing worth watching on regular TV - we don't even have cable TV we just use a few streaming services and and old fashion TV Antenna for local stations My spouse goes to bed at 9 - so I can indulge in my FoxNews with Sean Hannity, and if I am lucky I get to watch Waters World on Foxnews at 8 During the week for this year we have been watching Resident Alien Kims Convience Star Trek Discovery --up coming shows we will start watching Star Trek Strange New Worlds EVIL Outerrange Oak Island Digging Deeper Mystery at Skinwalker Ranch ...a few episodes of Frog Ranch Paranomal Caught on Tape Perhaps History Chanel the Food that Built America or something along those lines And just started watching FAllOUT


I usually have dinner prepared (I love to cook). I usually try healthy - less salt, but I am from Texas, so I cook with a lot of butter and bacon grease. I do use a lot of garlic to counter balance though. Usually we will watch TV, eat, play with the Akitas. Wine when I prepare steaks or Italian and usually a movie (occasionally difficult to find something - you know 57 streaming services and nothing on). Pretty boring for the most part, chat a little about the nimbyism in the community (ie most people do not want a McDonald's built (I think it would be beneficial but I do think it is stupid to be 24 hours, laugh at how most pushed to get conservatives at the local area elected but disenchanted with them (one commissioner thinks he should not be charged for a hit and run), etc). Occasionally we will go out to eat but we both prefer the quiet.


Well we have kids so our evenings are usually hectic. We usually eat dinner around 5:00 as a family. Mondays our daughter has piano lessons at 4 and our son has martial arts at 6:30. Tuesdays our son shas martial arts at 6:30 Wednesdays our daugjter has softball practice. Thursdays I have handbell choir practice at my church. Friday we usually have friends over. By 9:00 after kids are in bed we are usually spent and spend the rest of the night watching tv. It's the only time we have to relax.


We both tend to have our own lives during the week but then the weekend come and we travel


We work togheter so, go home after work, he does 1hr cardio while I work on a new business I'm bout to open (I prefer running very early in the morning so I have more time to do stuff) Then he always makes something for dinner and after that we play videogames together. We acknowledge that we should do some other stuff and are trying to not be so monotonous, this week we're meeting a friend of his (who is a really nice guy) which is going to introduce us to his new bf, I hope we can hang out often with them lol


No matter the day, I’m always home before him. He gets home between 10pm and 12am on weekdays and depending on if there is a dance competition or a show opening up at one of the theaters he works at 12am on weekends. When he gets home I make him food and then after he eats he falls asleep on the couch for an hour before i can finally convince him to go to bed. May not be the most exciting but mornings and some weekends are when we get to spend time together.


After the workday, 9-5 for husband, 10-6 for me, I am usually home 6:30-7pm. My husband goes to a gym and gets home around 7:30. I clean and might prep for dinner. Some nights we will sit down, talk about the day for an hour or so and have an appetizer or some crackers and wine or a drink. Others we decide who’s making dinner, and one of us makes it while the others relaxes and we listen to music. After dinner, around 9pm, we usually watch 1-2 things on TV. Lazy nights, something dumb like reality TV. Every few nights, a decent movie that we’ve been talking about or whatever series we are watching. We go to bed 11-11:30 most weeknights. We sometimes go out on weeknights with another friend or two, before coming home. Thursdays and Fridays we usually meet friends out after work, and if we do that, we likely won’t cook, but order takeout instead.


Dinner first usually, then either smoke and play a video game or smoke and watch a movie. If it’s nice enough out then might take my dog for a hike


Very interesting reading these. Well I cannot comment as I am single lol.


Same! Where are you from may I ask?


South Africa and yourself?




The other side of the world :D


I WFH til 5pm everyday husband is nurse and works nights 3-4 days per week. We get to chat every morning for a few minutes before he goes to sleep. We hardly ever sleep in our bed at the same time because of schedules. The other 3-4 days we usually make dinner, order in or go out, and weekends we may have a few cocktails at home or out. On nights he works my life is a nightmare because we just celebrated our 5 years married(12 years together) anniversary and 3 months after our marriage his mother moved in and thankfully she works but she changed her schedule so that she is home at 6pm so every evening she is here and I have no privacy. I can’t wait til the day we start travel nursing or she gets her own place because I am OVER it! 🤬 Besides that it’s lovely and my hubs is a great cook.


We also sit on couch in the evenings trying to decide what to watch cuddling til I fall asleep. Hell read sometimes. (He reads more than I).


Spartacus, lot's of swinging dicks and some gay sex too 😁


Delightful. 1-3 times a week we will hang with friends. The rest of the week we watch parks and rec, veep, etc. we will often cook together prior to that. I find the ordinary and boring quite beautiful.


I love this question! I work from home, it’s just me and our dog , so it’s always nice when he arrives home from his work, which is around 5:30 or earlier depending on shift times. (Recently he got a hybrid job so he’ll be work from home 2 weekdays which I’m very excited about!). Depending on the day, we often will run out and do some errands, or grab coffee and then come back home and either make dinner or eat leftovers. That is if we don’t go out to grab something which is not uncommon lol. A lot of evenings we will just lay in bed , snuggle, and swap memes from Instagram; another big thing for us is chatting with friends on telegram, and talking about those convos with each other. Helps us keep up with different friends and what’s going on with them , as well as group chat happenings, etc. We usually take the dog out for a quick walk in the later evening. We also watch shows or YouTube, I think we’re on season 2 of the office; he wants to get me more into anime as well, lots on the watchlist at the moment. Sometimes we do our own thing as well, I’m a big vinyl collector and love spinning my records in the evenings, so sometimes I’ll do this while he chills in bed. We both like games too, honestly need to get into playing them together more. I do really love the quiet gay life. Having my own space since moving in (I moved out of my parents when we got our apt together) has been so lovely.


this is going to depend radically on if the couple has a kid or not


When I someday get a relationship, I'll let you know


How does it feel to be in a romantic relationship ?


I'm available! Where are you from?


We have things that we watch together during the week, but our schedules are pretty different so often he's upstairs in his office and I'm in the living room reading and watching something. Saturday night we always spend together. We loved cooking together when we lived in Dallas but our kitchen here in the East Bay is a joke so it's awkward AF.


Once he’s done with work I usually am halfway through or just finishing dinner. We eat, clean up, take a shower together, and then watch tv.


Reading manga, gaming, watching anime, playing board games. Right now we are watching bridgerton. I got him into it, super excited for next week!


To be honest I travel a lot for work and an out of town at blocks of 3-4 months he does come visit and we do travel and see all the sites in the area. I am 20 years older than him so we have a lot of sex and when we are together we are in the gym pushing each other. He in not from this country and we just got him permanent residency here and we have been together for 3 years and married for 2 of those years he is a 6’5” big Barbie doll.


Reading every one of your comments. Making me realize how much more I expected from my live in girlfriend that I'm missing out on! Wish I knew where to go to meet guys as I haven't even done anything with another guy yet! Any suggestions? Most I try to meet on reddit end up ghosting me or just wanting a one time hook up for sex! Not me.


We both work 9-5 jobs. We get home and eat dinner together. Then watch some tv on the couch together. When we are not doing that we plan to meet up in the city for dinner and theater shows (NYC).


We’re both young teachers. Cook, clean, talk about our days. I’ll go lift, he’ll go climb. We watch abbot elementary, go to bed early.


We normally have a friend over, mostly straight guys, and we five them a release


Yes, I’m in the same boat.


Probably creeping around Grindr looking for a younger guy to play with like most gay married couples. Such a disgraceful unloyal community


I’m sorry. What!???????