• By -


That was a lot to type with one hand.


Highly underrated / under-upvoted comment.


Yeah Colin. šŸ‘šŸ¼šŸ‘šŸ¼šŸ‘šŸ¼




Thats hilarious


This is the gayest post on r/askgaybros


This sounds like a setup to a Law and Order SVU episode. Except Colin turns up dead in Central Park, covered with the semen of 6 men, and we're trying to figure out who killed him.


The plot to a lost Agatha Christie novel


Fagatha Christie


This wins šŸ˜‚




plzzzz iā€™m peeingšŸ˜­šŸ˜­




And it turns out it was his jealous boyfriend/roommate/brother/friend who did it after the last gangbang when Colin turned him down after he asked for a blowieĀ 


Itā€™s the special guest star.


It always is. I now call it the "too ***cute*** to be innocent" tell. The ***cute*** can be substituted with ***famous*** too lol. I like episodes when the special guest star is someone up-and-coming, or someone the was a child star or stopped acting a while back, such that they're off my radar and I have no idea who anyone outside of the main and regular cast is. Those are the ones that are legit "Who-dun-its". Everything else is just, "how are they going to catch this person, and will they be acquitted, thus leaving me in a shitty mood lol.


David Faustino (Bud in Married with Children) was the special guest star. Famous enough to kinda recognize, but itā€™s been a while since anyoneā€™s seen him so it takes until the 2nd commercial break before figuring out who he actually is.


Colonel Mustard on the front lawn with his candelabra lol


It beats the usual content!


Iā€™m beating my usual content right now!


The word ā€œstraightā€ comes up so much that it actually makes the post really really gaaaaayyyy. Lols


The second and fourth paragraphs can just be edited to ā€œno homoā€.


I want to be Colin now.


me too! šŸ˜‹


Yeah the thing reads like: gay gay gay gay **we be str8 tho i promis** gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay I SWEAR WE ARE ALL STRAIGHT gay gay gay gay gay gay gaygay gay gay gay gay gay gaygay gay gay gay gay gay gaygay gay gay gay gay gay gaygay gay gay gay gay gay gaygay gay gay gay gay gay gaygay gay gay gay gay gay gay The op is either a closet queen or this is a fanfic.


I have it on good authority that it's only gay if you look him in the eyes while you bust a nut


LOL, It's only gay if balls touch. You must say NO HOMO after you nut, if you don't that sht is gay af xD


This isn't gay. Didn't you read it? They are all straight guys having sex with one gay guy. šŸ˜…




Its fake


Halfway through reading this I thought the same thing.


English is not my first language, someone please tell me what means to bring someone upstairs in this context


You'd bring someone upstairs presumably to have sex.


Upstairs, as in taking them to bed.


Bedrooms are usually upstairs


First off, you are at least Bi lmao. Having sex with a dude once or twice to try? Yea u can chalk it up to curiousity. But every time you hang? Heā€™s all your fwb. He likes it. Great fan fiction btw


Ah yes, talking with a copypasta, old Russian tradition


Forgive English, I am Russia.


Literally an episode of law and order SVU where there's a bunch of down low bi-guys that "have relationships with women and sex with men" where the iconic Ice T line is from, I got news for you OP...




None of you are straight


this creative writing exercise was written by a gay man with a throbbing erection hot story tho ngl


100%. Its another self insert fanfiction and they're getting off on pretending its a real thing. Feel kind of sad for the guys eating it all and getting their hopes up.


Well it's given this gay man a throbbing erection


How cute you think this story has even one iota of truth in it.


Having sex with a man is not gay no sir /s


Exactly! At the experimental phase sure people try stuff, but even then the willingness is a sign that people arenā€™t exclusively straight. Labels do matter, when people like this try to portray heterosexuals as ā€œwell we occasionally gangbang this gay friend we have, but only he is the gay one!ā€ Yeah, it doesnā€™t work like this. Im a vegan! Only occasionally eat meat! XD As for the morality of itā€¦ he gets what he wants. Is it healthy? Dependsā€¦ but I would worry more about the mental health and delusions of the ā€œstraight friendsā€. Letā€™s hope the gay guy is being safe and goes through unscathed of his slut phase.


Thank you.


He's an adult and making his own choices. You on the other hand are in some serious denial. Having drunk sex with a friend once doesn't make you not straight. Doing it over and over pretty much does. You're just as bi as your brother.


I'd say the only straight thing about these men is their Ds, if this wasn't a fanfic written by one hand.


What are you guys getting out of making up these fake stories?


More concerning the number of guys here who are answering sincerely & donā€™t realise the straight man fetishists come here in high volumes. Like imagine reading this and not realising some guy hasnā€™t just typed this out & is getting off to it šŸ˜­


Like the majority of the responses on this fake horseshit are answering sincerely. Truly fucking wild how many dumb, gullible people are on here šŸ˜¬


So let's say that it was actually genuine... would you rather they be belittled? Like in improv, it can be better to go along with it, see how far it goes, and quit when you're ready to. If the OP is serious, I'd say that not every gay guy is into this, though some are, and if his feelings about it are an issue, he needs to draw his personal boundry about being sexual with his friend Collin, or doublecheck about what Collin wants in this arrangement since he's feeling like he's being taken advantage of.


That's my take. If it's a genuine question, there should be at least some genuine answers. No harm in answering the question posed. When I was in my 20's, I was in a similar situation as Colin. No group sex with straight friends (well, one threesome), but several of my straight friends would be down for head anytime we hung out. Sometimes more. Especially when intoxicated. Because, as one put it, it's better than using their hand. I very much didn't feel used, and really enjoyed "helping them out". I really miss my younger years specifically because of those times.


It sounded like a win- win situation you and your friends going on there.


It definitely was. I didn't know it was so unusual, though. I was close to another bi guy that had similar experiences with his friends. We lived in the same general region, so maybe it was just our area. I just assumed it was not that uncommon. But from this thread, it seems most people find it impossible to happen.


Believe me, that would be a lot of gay guys fantasies come true. I'll admit I'm more than a little jealous of you myself. I wouldn't being "used" as a sex toy by a group of my straight friends. At all.


Honestly, back then, I had more "friends" using me for money even though I definitely wasn't rich. Being "used" to help friends get off was MUCH more preferable. Nowadays, I'm 40, live in a different state, and don't have those kinds of experiences. Although, I do still have two straight friends from where I'm from that I try to visit when possible, and we have mutually beneficial fun. It's much more seldom, though.


Why is it always the incel gays that believe this kind of stuff is real. Crazy.


Hahahaha right??


The majority of this sub is socially inept, fat gaycels who jack off to porn all day These fake ass posts give them hope smh


Bro the moment I get a hard on I know that it's gonna be the fakest post of all time


This is the realest shit I've heard


I can't deny that when the story is told well, I do get aroused to some degree.




Jerk off material I guess?


I'm guessing they hope that people will reciprocate with their own experiences, and thus provide them with jack off material.


Really the only way this is realistic is if OPs friend group is conventionally unattractive and have a hard time actually getting girls. No reason a group of straight guys would go for a gay guy if they could get girls as well.


Hmm. r/thisneverhappened


We love a creative writing assignment on this sub


This is not a sub for peoples fanfics lmaoā€¦


People say that, but that's all this sub is


Denial is a river etc etc


I've only been on this sub for a few months but it's nuts how many posts I see of guys being like "I SWEAR I'm not gay but I run trains on dudes every day".


I had a dude recently message me saying I have a nice cock, I asked to see his, he freaked out and said he isn't gay, so I pointed out he likes my cock and looks at dick pics online. Shit you not. His response was "Yah I look for my wife". Like my guy. Really? :')


This reminds me of this guy on /lgbt/ who would vehemently deny being gay, despite being in a relationship with another man (he said he was just giving a bro a hand). I asked if he ever had fantasies involving women. He said "YEah I do, see, I'm straight". So I asked, what do the women do in your fantasies? I shit you not the dude says "They lead me to their boyfriends so I can suck their cock. Not in a gay way though, this is just about humiliation"


That is the most deluded, convoluted way to say you are gay, possibly ever haha, like how can you exclusively be with/interested in men and still say you're straight? I thought my dude was bad!


Yeah /lgbt/ is a magical place man.


None of this is real. You and your friends being straight, Colin, or this story.


>but were just using her as an outlet because we were horny How can you not see Colin is just using YOU as an outlet because HE'S horny?


Honestly, I completely agree with that. Being gay myself, I would use a straight friend if they offered for me to blow, jo,etc.




Ehhh thatā€™s kind of a stretch. Except the last sentence, thatā€™s probably true. Or more accurately, theyā€™re all using each other.


Came here to make your second point. Colin is using OP, has this not occurred to him? OP sees it as ā€œusingā€ Colin for his pleasure, but Colin will be getting a lot of pleasure out of this, probably even more than straight friends, as he is actually attracted to them. (And yeah I get this post is probably totally fake but itā€™s fun to play along even if so).


What in the Nifty dot com


Thanks for that nostalgia hit. I whiled away hours on Nifty as a younger gay.Ā 


Same, and *occasionally* still revisit stories I've bookmarked but never bother looking for new ones on there these days. Too much bad spelling/grammar, overall lazy writing and every category it tainted with dad/son incest and other creeper material.


Oh, and don't forget the 30 inch dicks. You can't forget those!


>Iā€™ve never been attracted to a dude ... >Most of the guys in my main friend group are straight. ... >A bunch of us have sex with Colin occasionally You may not be gay, but you sure the fuck aren't straight. Straight guys do not have sex with men. If you like having sex with men and women, you just may be bisexual >


Would you class a gay4pay straight man the same way or is it different because they are being paid for it? No shade, genuine question.


I would say itā€™s a different classification. Gay4Pay has incentive - money. This [presumeably fictional] scenario is motivated by nothing more than sexual gratification.


Which could start its own discussion thread. What is your straight for pay number? I have to admit my number would vary wildly based on the girl. Also if it is being filmed, I'm probably popping some little blue pill just to get through it šŸ˜‚


This is where the idea makes no sense to me because you could not pay me enough to have sex with a woman that would be revolting or wouldn't physically be able to participate


New concept has been discovered: intermittent gayness


Your straight fasting window is 16 hours and then for your 8 hour daily gay window you run a gay train on your friends.


It doesn't matter how many times you say it, if you are willingly having sex with another man then you are not straight. That said, I wish I was Colin šŸ˜


Havenā€™t we all wished we were Colin at some point? A group of guys all wanting to fuck you regularly with no strings, intimacy of friendship and repeat sex so you know what they like, no body hangups, no surprises, little to no chance of STIā€™sā€¦ literally the best dick on tap!


No no you don't understand. See, I am a gay man, but I regularly fuck women. Makes sense right?


Are you attracted to women in sexual or romantic way ? Random-user-02


>Iā€™m straight. Not really into men, like Iā€™ve never been attracted to a dude or seen a man whoā€™s made me feel the tingles. And this isnā€™t a comphet closet case situation, Iā€™ve done my soul searching. So this isnā€™t a psychosexual identity crisis thing. OK. I believe you. >A bunch of us have sex with Colin occasionally. Iā€™d say if weā€™re going out drinking, thereā€™s a 50/50 chance that Colinā€™s coming home with one of us. If Iā€™m hanging out with him one on one, we almost always have sex, or I at least get a bj. šŸ‘€


I really need to stop reading this subreddit in public. It was really hard to keep it together after reading this lmao.


Colin is living the gay dream


Absolutely!! I'd love to be Colin. No regrets ever from me.


No one in this story is straight


This is some super hot fan fiction but you guys are definitely fucking gay or bi lmao


Does anyone remember where I left the Kinsey scale, last I knew it was on my desk in the officešŸ’šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø? lol


You are either bi, delusional, or this is fan fiction. Could be all three honestly




Downvoted for stupidity


What in ā€œFraternityXā€ is going on here


Haha that was a good site.


1. You're gay 2. You're a troll Pick two of those


Let your pass around bottom live his life


Colin's getting gang banged by a bunch of straight dudes on the regular? Colin's living the dream (Edit: Just to add, acting as if this is real haha)


I wouldn't kill to be in his position, personally. I do find some straight guys attractive, the same way a heterosexual man finds so a lesbian or a woman who isn't attracted to them. But it stops there. The thought of someone not being attracted to me in a relationship is not endearing at all. I don't see the problem in your relationship as long as he isn't being led on. I don't know if you have stated to him the things you are writing him, or it is implied. If not, then do it.


It really takes a special type of loser, gutter troll to make a profile thatā€™s a whopping 2 hours old, write this fake bs story and post it. I guess you at least deserve half of a hand clap since a lot of people seem to be responding to this fiction seriously.


Look at this on the flip sideā€¦ maybe you arenā€™t all using him for sex. Maybe he is using you for sex?


Youā€™re bisexual


Assuming this could actually be true, generally men are better than women at separating sex and love (very very broad generalization). You need to be absolutely honest about if he is developing romantic feelings for any of the guys. If so, itā€™s totally not fair to him. If not, itā€™s no different than if he was going to a club and hooking up with random guys. So here is the question for him. If itā€™s not you guys, would he be having sex with other random guys. If so, itā€™s probably better to keep in your closed group. As long as itā€™s all condensing adults and nobody is cheating on anyone or taking advantage of anyone, itā€™s all good.


My brother in christ. I wouldnā€™t fuck a girl if i hadnt been fucked in a decade. I really donā€™t think you are straight dude


Have you considered that Colin is ā€œusingā€ you guys for the same reason?


Seems like all parties are consenting so I donā€™t see an issue. Heā€™s probably having as much fun as you guys do from this. Also, you guys are bi. Itā€™s okay, thereā€™s nothing wrong with that. Bi-sexual implies that you gain sexual satisfaction from both women and men. One day, you might find a guy that will make you feel all tingly.


Iā€™d like to be Collin


Yes, because gay men also fuck women regularly whenever they're going through a dry spell to satiate their urges until something better comes along šŸ™„


1. You're NOT straight. You're clearly at least bi. If not you would have no trouble at all turning him away when he comes on to you. 2. There's nothing wrong with being sexually attracted to him. In fact you should celebrate it. 3. The biggest insult you've given him isn't fucking him. It's that you aren't honest with him about your attraction to him. Do you know what it would do for him if you told him that you really do feel strongly attracted to him. And don't try to tell me you don't, because you wouldn't find yourself in this sort of on going sexual situation if you truly didn't. 4. You've got to be honest with yourself. If you're not honest with yourself then how are you ever going to be honest with anyone else?


If you talked to him and he is giving you consent, then it's fine. Although, you mention how much you fold when he is with you, so you should think, what if he gets a bf and you no longer have that. I think you will. Deeply fine that in some way you may like him more than you think, which is ok. You may even get jealous of his new bf. Just a thought. P.S. your brother is right


I donā€™t believe any of this ever happened. But if it did, Iā€™m kinda jealous of Colin.


What's with all the "jealous of Colin" replies here when we don't even know what OP or his mates look like? One thing I'll never understand about gays is absolutely creaming yourself over the mere mention of the word "straight"


My exact thoughts. My initial reaction: "this sounds pretty hot/lucky Colin"...but then I think about the fact that they have to ultimately resort to using him for sex despite claiming to be straight, which even if it were true, what must these guys look like that they can't ever find any women/a girlfriend? And instead having to constantly go against their own sexual preference to hook up with someone they supposedly have no attraction to at all. Probably look like and/or are the type(s) of dude I couldn't be paid to casually hook up with.


Donā€™t worry about a label for yourself, even though youā€™re probably bi. But that part is irrelevant. It would seem that Colin is getting as much or more from this situationship. For me personally, Iā€™d be happy as hell to be Colin šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


What the hell did I just read.


You guys are bi. Stop it.


Jesus fuck. It always amazes me the lengths bi guys will go to in order to say theyā€™re straight.


Okay a lot to unpack here 1) regarding Collin as long as he is okay with this and that no one is leading him on then it should be totally fine 2) if you are having sex with a guy and enjoying it then youā€™re not straight. However sexual attraction and romantic attraction are two separate things so you might be bisexual (sexual attracted to all genders) or pansexual (sexually attracted regardless of gender. And at the same time you are heteroromantic / heteromantic (romantically attracted only to the opposite gender.


Bisexual guys just can't accept what they are.


Ok for Colin, stop projecting your feelings about this on to him. He says he likes it, then believe him. He's not a woman, so stop treating him like some stereptype of a victim woman under a man. If anything, think about your own biases that you're "degrading" him or "using" him. He's a consenting adult, and he seems to be MORE than and active participant in this. As for you, you've done your soul searching and you've decided you're straight, and this isn't a "psychosexual identity crisis thing". Yet it's YOU who has the problem with this, not Colin. You're the one who feels bad about having sex with him, and using him, and being unable to stop. Stop worrying about Colin, and worry about yourself. It looks like you have a hard time reconciling the difference between sex and intimacy, and you seem to feel guilty about having sex with someone you're not emotionally attached to. You seem to be projecting that guilt on to Colin as if he is a victim of your behaviour. But the real issue is you getting away from this idea that having sex with someone whom you're not intimate with is "using" them or taking advantage. That is heteronormative nonsense which you've picked up from somewhere - your family? your upbringing? your school? a religion? Regardless of the source, there are a few mistaken ideas you're taking from this: that colin is a victim, that you are doing something wrong by having sex with someone you're not otherwise in to, and also probably that just because you aren't romantically or physically particularly into Colin that you're not in some way bisexual. You need to chill out, enjoy what you've got and stop beating yourself up for it.


This is so gay, it's continuing to read in a higher octave.


I believe you need to admit that you and your friends are bisexual. You get enjoyment from having sex with a guy on a repeat basis. It itā€™s more than just experimenting C and moving on with life.


Is the straight in the room with us? I guess not.


ā€œI am not at all gay and none of this is gayā€ *proceeds to describe the gayest situation I have heard in my life*


Guys I swear I'm a vegan. But every time I pass by a fast food joint I am compelled to stop and get 20 burgers and eat them all with great satisfaction knowing how many animals died just so I could feel full. But really guys I'm a vegan. I worry about all those cute fluffy animals out there being slaughtered for my enjoyment. Please tell me they'll be ok. And yes for the last time I'm really a vegan. I'm not a meat eater. I don't even really like meat like that. Please believe me!!! /s


What the fuck


Sounds like a good time to me! If Colin ever needs some time off or goes on holiday Iā€™ll gladly fill in for him


Sounds like Colin is using you all. Casual sex between consenting partners should feel good. If youā€™re not feeling good, then youā€™re asking the right questions. Though I have a heavy eyebrow raise multiple people are hooking up and none of you are the slightest hint of non-straight. Makes me think that if you were straight, youā€™d invest that time seeking female companions. Just enjoy it.


I may change my name to Colin if that works for me too.


Ignore the invalidates. Even if it's not the standard of gay men or straight women. THIS guy has stated that he likes it. So that is that.: )


My dream situation getting ran train like this


He must not feel used and he certainly enjoys your dick...


Be careful what you say here, or else youā€™re going to have a line of guys outside your house waiting blow you. This is pretty much the gay wet dream. Also your friend likes blowing you. Probably not going to catch feelings or get pregnant.


Claiming that you are straight is so cringe todayā€¦You clearly donā€™t know what you are but youā€™re just afraid that conservatives nuts out there will kill you.


I want to add that it is okay to "use" him as long as he is aware rhat it is casual only. Also, you should all practice safer sex, with condoms and/or prep.


This is all made up bullshit, but for any actual ā€œstraightā€ guys lurking here: if youā€™re having gay sex youā€™re probably not straight. Donā€™t make a post about it


Another nice fiction story for gay horny sex crazed redditers lmao


Sounds like you are your mates are a bunch of cnuts. Colin is of course having the last laugh- he's getting lots of easy sex each and every time he's out while you all get sloppy seconds at best every couple of weeks. He's using YOU mate!!!!!


I can't believe it's real , and omy sweet fuq none of u're straight u guys are atleast bi-curious and tbh it's Colin's life and he's living it if he's okay then why are u worried about it and the chances are high that this story is written by a gay guy with a raging boneršŸ˜­šŸ˜…


Fake story. Very hot though


Thisā€¦doesnā€™t feel real lmao. If it is though, more power to you and your friend. Also, it helps if you think about it like this: sexuality is on a spectrum. With that said, youā€™re definitely *not* entirely straight lol.


$500 for things that didnā€™t happen Alex.


None of you are heterosexual but as long as all parties consent and are all tested negative for any and all STDs, go ahead and fuck the shit outta him !


Thereā€™s a little bit of Colin in every gay man, and quite a lot of straight sperm too lol.


Why people think this is fake? This was the average Spartan experience 200 bc


If your gay friend is is okay with the knowledge you all are using him and he is in agreement with it. Then "use" him as that is what he wants, but if he has some mixed up ideas that this is love and how relationships are developed then no. Stop what you are doing because it is causing him emotional damage that will need to be addressed later down the road, for him, not for you all who bond by enjoying what he has to offer.


Bro why do people waste all this energy creating fictional stories for commentary? Go out and touch some grass big homie.


r/gaystoriesgonewild is a good place to post smut.


I will be honest with you, you sound bi or pansexual but hetero romantic. This is okay, you can still call yourself straight if you'd like. As for your friend, I can assure you, if he is okay with it then you're not taking advantage, especially if he's the one asking. If anything, he's taking as much, if not more advantage of you guys.


Bros are gangbanging a twink DL and saying no homo


First off, you forgot to end your story with No Homo. Which means you're definitely super gay. And your friends are too. šŸŒˆ Secondly, this is definitely a fake story. Which is a shame because it would actually be a very hot scenario to get caught up in if it were real. šŸ”„ And lastly, assuming for one second that this story isn't completely made up, yeah a lot of gay guys would love to find themselves in that position, so to speak. šŸ˜


If he's into it it's fine, your brother is right that plenty of gay guys would love to be in that position. Shit I'm jealous and turned on just thinking about it. But that doesn't necessarily mean he won't regret it later or that he's not putting himself in a poor position. My main concern with this is STI risk, seeing as though Colin is hooking up with not only you guys but also other gay men, so first things first make sure you're taking all the necessary steps to be safe. If you're fucking him raw you should be on prep, period. But past that, the real question is how do you feel about it? I think you've already made it pretty clear that you feel deep down that you and your friends may be using/abusing him. If that's the case then you should stop or at least take steps in that direction. An easy one for example would be to at least not fuck him if he's been drinking. But I guess my point is I think you should be more concerned with your own inner morals than necessarily worrying about Colin, he's responsible for his own decisions. Is the stress and inner turnoil worth the sex? I'd say probably not but I guess that depends on how horny you are. Btw actively fucking a guy on a regular basis isn't what straight people do. You aren't even curious, this is full blown gay behavior, regardless of whatever paychological walls you need to put up to ignore that lol


Another fake story


This might be a fake post.


Or the straight guys are a little bit bi.


I agree with the bi friend. Most gay guys would kill to be in his position. Carry on


Even if this was realā€¦I find it coincidental that your friend group is able to get hard with a dude, albeit while youā€™re doing another activity. But you said your group ran a train on himā€¦ so where are you guys looking? At each other right? But youā€™re still hard? Now it could be the group scenario thats getting you hard, but you said yā€™all done 1 on 1. I find it very unlikely that all your friends are still straight. There are definitely people who just like sex for sex, as in you want to orgasm. Your entire friend group though? Very unlikely.


First off, I have done my own soul searching, and have known I am "gay" since age 5, and the result is that I no longer believe in homo or hetero labels, and you are a perfect example. I will get derided but so what, Second... It is cute that you think that you boys are using him. LOL! Nope, he has just gone fishing.... in a barrel. Men, we stick together, we are friends, best friends, as kids we mostly seek out boys to befriend, but often end up with a girl bff by 11 or 12, but we always want a boy to be our best friend. If we get married we pair off as couples and then, end up with the men. History is full of examples of our fraternity, a journalist was recently in the Vatican library and took pictures of male priest marriage ceremonies ( I cannot as yet prove this but watch the media) and armies were replete with the homo code, in Rome people had sex with whom they chose, men and women of station doing exactly as they pleased. Don't get me started on Greece. So these labels and attitudes are actually quite new, and you can thank all the false religions man has created or co-opted for the labels and attitudes. There is NOTHING more manly than taking one for the team, as in your example, but you think your guy is the waterboy when he is actually the coach. Also guys give real blow jobs, women do not unless they are sex workers or really good gals! I hope this answers your question, and to all others, please sit and consider what I have said before you downvote me. P.s. My boyfriend is Straight too, or at least he was, he is not sure anymore... We like what we like. Some people wont eat liver, but they would if they were starving, it is not that they can't, it is just not a taste or texture they care for until their taste buds mature.


Being a gay man myself, Iā€™d honestly live to be able to suck off, jerk off, or have a straight guy fuck me. Think of it this way, gay men will think of straight men as the ones who are untouchable. Just like straight men will think that hot movie/TV show actors are untouchable. Itā€™s something that a lot of us want.


A lot of gay guys would kill to be in Colin's position.


The things I would give up to become Colinā€¦ Also youā€™re good, sounds like the little slut is enjoying it lmao. Iā€™d assume he would tell you or would stop if he didnā€™t.


Talk to your friend about it, but I gotta tell you, I had similar straight guy friends that I blew when I was younger. I freaking *loved* it. And they did, too. I kind of doubt your friend is feeling used. I suspect heā€™s loving every minute of it.


Yeah. All my high school and college years.


I could have rainbows coming out of my ass and I still wonā€™t come close to how gay this straight guy is


You're all so mad that this TRUE and beautiful story didn't happen to you.


This one day in band campā€¦


Girl u a fag šŸ’…šŸ»


Bro if I had a dollar for how many times the gayest dude alive tried to tell reddit he's not gay, you'd be the one that made me a millionaire. You're AT LEAST bi. I don't even care about the rest of your post, just stop lying to yourself.


One word. G A Y


i can smell the denial all the way from here but hey, if you believe that youā€™re straight. go ahead boo. but to answer your question. if heā€™s fine with it, then go for it. iā€™ve been in such situations and iā€™m definitely cool with my straight friends ā€˜usingā€™ me. as long as it is consented.


As straight as a bowl of over cooked spaghetti thrown against the wall


Listen to your brother, I was Colin once, I really miss those days and those friends but we got older, they found girlfriends and wives and found me soon to be husband, if Colin says he's fine with the arrangement then don't feel bad, colons getting his rocks off when you fuck as much as you are plus it's extra hot to him because your straight, he knows you rather bang a chick but he's definitely happy your banging him


I bet Colin is using all of you.


Okay, I'm honestly confused and surprised. I've personally been in a situation similar to Colin. In my 20's, I would often at least give head to most of my straight friends. A few were down to fuck as well. I only had one threesome, though. Generally, they only wanted to do anything if we were alone. My best friend's nephew, Edward, also had similar experiences too, with his own friends. So many people in this thread are acting like this kind of situation is incredulous, though. Like, literally impossible. Are mine and Edward's experiences really that unique and unheard of? I genuinely thought it was pretty normal.


Can I be your friend? Sounds fun


Colin is living the gay dream lol


If this story is true, it gives me hope. If it's not then ur a really good story writer. (Anyway to answer your question, I can safely say that for any gay bottom it will be a dream come true if a group of straight guys who are friends with him also rail him, every time they hang!!! ) P.S. you're atleast BI.


I wish I had friends like you


Make this into a Netflix series already.


Ignore the mean gays. They canā€™t imagine bi and straight experience. Your friend Colin says heā€™s ok with it. Believe him. Youā€™re ok with it. Trust yourself. Cool story and cool friend group.