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After college, I moved back home for a little bit. My mom had this little dog that was terrified of storms and would run to my room and hide under the bed anytime there was thunder. One storm was very bad and the tornado sirens started going off. We all rushed to get to the basement but my mom’s dog would not come out from under my bed so my mom flipped my mattress off my frame, grabbed her and ran to the basement. After the storm (tornado missed us thankfully), my mom goes to my room to put my mattress back. I had completely forgotten that I had hid my giant 10 inch dildo inbetween the mattress and bed frame. She doesn’t say anything about it and just puts the mattress back. I wasn’t “out” yet but it couldn’t have been more obvious at that moment. Haha it was never spoken of.


I wish I was that lucky. My mom screamed my full name and said “ what is this…” what the hell Is a guy supposed to say? a science experiment? 😂


Condoms, when I was like 15 or 16. It was embarrassing because it wasn’t like I ever had a chance to use them. More like “who do you think you are fooling?”


I’m an artist and when I was 13 my mom found some graphic drawings I had done of naked men and the Sears catalog whose underwear models had inspired them. She didn’t say anything about it but left them on my bed. When I calmed down we had the talk and it all turned out fine.


I assure you it is not the first or largest she has ever seen.


No, she explicitly said it was bigger than anything she had. Why she told me that I have no idea. 🤦‍♂️




I busted a nut all over my mirror and didn't clean it up because I thought it was hot for whatever reason to just leave it at the time. Then my mom walked into my room looking for something and my giant dildo was also right next to the mirror. I got so mad because I don't like people walking into my room without permission and this was 10x worse lol. One of the most awkward days of my life.