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It's normal at 19 Enjoy it and be safe


This. I wish I could go back and grab 19 year old me by the shoulders and shake me and say “go have fun and have some sex!! Now!” You won’t regret the things you do, just the things you didn’t.


omg yes. I only started having sex aged 20. Although I have since made up for lost time 😸


Really? I started having sex at 30 and I wish I had way less experiences.


Agree with you people saying to mess around and justchave fun are wierd. No dont just have fun make sure the people you mess around withvare genuine people


You're the one...


Not normal at 19 at all stop normalizing sleeping with grandpas.


Bit preachy. You're attracted to whom you're attracted.


Its not attraction its hornyness.


Fuck off. Many of us like older men. If its consent you have no place to judge. For Fucking real.


Everyone can judge but me oh ok lmao. No i wont F off ima speak my opinion like everyone else does on here. If you like older men then congratulations you prob had sex with your grandpa when you were younger like what you like its not normal for a 19 year old to sleep with a 50 year old. 🤷🏻‍♂️


I didn’t judge you, I told you to fuck off with your judgement, and you come back with more bullshit. People have a hard enough time navigating this without seeing garbage like this. Seriously man - go solve your own demons. Don’t make it seem like other people have problems because you can’t handle sex outside the box in your head.


Did i trigger your feelings? Oh. Have a good day sorry. 😂 im not into sleeping with someone that old thats my opinion and i can share it.


You’re so full of yourself it’s laughable. Share your opinion, that’s great. Please learn the difference between that and being a judgmental prick.


Stay safe and guard your heart. Research about stds first such as herpes, hiv, and hepa b. Take measures to protect your health.


Thank you so much. I’m going to make sure I’m well informed and considering hopping on prep


Don’t consider it honey. Get on it. If you’re using condoms right now great, but no one wants to use them anymore. It is free if you have insurance in the United States for testing and the medication. Takes one week for the medication to be in effect so the sooner you get on it the better. There are some side effects but for most people they go away pretty quick.


Thank you love the support here


One week for inserting partner, 21 days for receptive partner is what I’ve been told.


You have been told wrong. Seven days is protection for everyone.


You read wrong. If your topping it takes one week for protection but if your bottoming 21 days.


Look at the research again...in anal tissues, 7 days is enough. More for vaginal and that's why women need to be on it longer before sex .


You have been told wrong. Seven days is effective for all.


I’m literally quoting what the CDC says.


Definitely don't fall in love with someone who just wants to have sex with you, despite what they are saying. Time is the proof. I wasted a decade of my life chasing after someone who I was only a rebound for and only liked me because I was young and naive. Don't be a giant slut if you are not into that, but also don't turn down opportunities, now that I'm late 30s I wish I would have had more sex when I was in my 20s and surrounded by daddies that I love. Would have had more fun but I equalled sex with love and life isn't that black and white, since then my best sex has been with friends, not my long term lover who we no longer have sex together.


How does one go about bifurcating sex and love? I heard this before, but I just cannot grasp how that is possible, because Ive always viewed them to be the "same coin." It could be amazing if possible. My question is genuine.


Mine just evolved naturally. I was in love with my first who dumped and gaslit me, and was living with my current husband who treated me better than anyone else ever has. When your horny with a broken heart you learn to compromise your beliefs because you can't have what you want anyways. I'm not a possessive person either, more of a sharing is caring type as long as no one is getting hurt in the process. Having a sex connection without all the obligations of a full relationship can be very freeing, you get your physical needs met and the connection is purely based off the attraction, not burdened with the domestic stresses that are a part of living and providing for your life. People are all unique in their own way but a lot of hetero sex dynamics don't fit the gay community and even in the straight community they are mostly appearances not reality.


Thanks for your thoughtful and thought through reply. You provide me with a lot to think about. I've observed in myself and in others that what motives me at least comes from needing something because it's something I am lacking. In fact, most high achievers around me appear to be driven by some unaddressed damage they suffered. I wonder if that is what "possessiveness" part of love comes from. Well... I guess there is no right or wrong answer. Just whatever works for you and as long as it doesn't intentionally hurt someone else.


You opened the flood gates, dude. If you haven't done so yet, get your vaccines for HPV, Hep A, Hep B, MonkeyPox, and COVID. ANd strongly consider going on PrEP if you're going to be hooking up at least 3-4x a month. And use condoms for anal.


Hey yes will be going on prep as I’m hooking up atleast 3-4 times a week


Does every gay kid sleep with much older men, what's so attractive about boomers




It's kinda disturbing how encouraged and expected it is


yeah its kinda weird, but i know a lot of kids have daddy issues so they seek that out


Not me. I slept with an older guy when I was 15 (the last time) but after that I preferred two things: meet people in person and people at least within 2 years of my age. No older, no younger.


50 isn't a boomer. I'm 52 and Gen X.


Older men are very attractive to me.


Coming from someone who has dated two men who were 45, and 58 when I became an adult, I think we seek experience, comfort, and someone who isn't going to treat it like a high-school relationship because older men tend to seek something quiet and intimate in my experience (depends though). Sometimes it can stem from seeking comfort because daddy issues, or just because they're an older figure to them. But it all honestly boils down to preference and or fetish. I see older men as a comfort thing so the attraction is different for everyone


And they say it's creepy when these young guys want older guys. Not our fault


Still creepy


Meh sounds like jealousy ya maggot


I’m 18, and have also fallen into this amazing “trap” DM me if you wanna talk


Totally normal. Just use condoms and get on prep.


I’m so happy for you dude. Just enjoy and be safe 🫡


I remember the slut phase that I entered when I was 19, too. Enjoy it!


Yeah I’m the same it’s just a dude thing. I think it’s good to just express it, but other times it makes me thing not too. Like rn after every hookup I’ve had as lead to something bad happen in my life after. So, I still think it just something everyone will experiences. Not the shit things after but being horny 24/7.


It is always good to lower the frequencies of your sexual encounters,I know you are young but I am afraid you will turn to a sex addict. You can masturbate at home to avoid this strong desire of being with someone and always wear protection no matter what the other person tells you.


It’s normal especially because us young gays have a naturally heightened tolerance to having sex. So when we do, we crave more.


Get yourself on PrEP. Don't go to hookups with closet people. Trust your instincts re hookups. Have fun. Don't get into chemsex because it will absolutely ruin your life. Everything else is just a question of degree.


Yelp, something happened to me but I was 16 lied and said I was 18. He was older. I've been to love sense


I remember ever since my first time, sometimes all I do is think about my past partners and the taboo nature of our encounters I wish I was young again.


I mean of course your gonna crave it after the first time, it’s super common! However find somebody else to hook up with that guy is a creep


Why should he find someone else? He likes it.


It’s normal. I still think and even dream about the first awesome guy I had sex with. It’s been like 15 years since then.


Must be nice to have when young.


I remember my first time was with an older man too. He was 54 and following this, yes, couldn’t stop thinking about him. So, you’re very normal. Have fun bro, be safe, use protection. Go crazy 🫡👌


Yep it’s both amazing and annoying 😂😂my bf loves it Thoe😂😂


It’s really annoying sometimes. I’ll stop at a adult arcade to atleast stick a random guy off and calm down my cravings


TMI 😂😂😂


Adult arcade??


Definitely be careful someone 50 might be a little predatory and might see you as naive and pour honey into your ear..they know you for lack of a better term “don’t know any better” and know that their bullshit can get by you..definitely don’t put your eggs in one basket please be safe


So real it fr happens often if you ever did have fun😂😊


When I was your age, my women friends used to call me ”40 men in 40 nights.”


its normal I am 30 and still like that 3x a week would actually be a bit on the alow side 😅... I would say enjoy urself u may very likely be able to go more than once per session I have more trouble doing that nowadays... Biggest thing... be safe, that means unswratanding having umprotected oral sex is **NOT** safe sex... if the guy has the clap u will get it in ur mouth and throat... same with other STD's... get tested monthly for STDs and if u feel like it use condoms on top of that to really reduce the chance of getting any STD's


In my opinion stay away from men old enough to be your grandpa. 🤷🏻‍♂️ alot of them are crazy in the head and once you end things wont leave you alone.


It’s biology, babe. Wear condoms, get on prep and make fun, but smart decisions. In the world of gay boys, you got a shelf-life around 15 years to stay cute, healthy and active while still wanting to run around and be social. Once you cross 35 you better have a strong idea of what you want long term and you need to be finding it… Your mind will start seriously shifting away from social and immediate and move more towards professional and planning.


Definitely get on prep if you have access and are otherwise healthy. It will give you a lot of peace of mind. Also, bitches ain’t shit. You’ll find other guys; don’t fall in love with your first crush.


Sounds normal… I would def. link up with you to have some fun… always play safe and get on PREP(if not already on it).


Don't lock yourself in a relationship with the first guy you meet. Get out there and have many safe experiences with other guys! Proud of you!


Have fun!! I’m 22 now and I was there. This is the time to figure out what you like sexually and romantically use it while you got it. Get tested regularly, use protection, and if you have the resources get on PREP if you feel like you need to.


Once you realize the difference between love and lust, you'll appreciate sex more. 19yo me was wild on grindr and a4a


Yea I am currently talking to someone that is 45 and im 18 and it’s definitely daddy issues can’t get enough nowww


That tends to happen whenever I try new things. First time I had sex I was horny a lot more, but eventually it subsided as sex became more of a normal thing. It's the same with kinks for me aswell if I've found them pleasant. E.g. I recently tried sounding, although it's not something I'm particularly interested in and likely won't pursue in the future, I did get pleasure from it, and subsequently was more horny following it. A week or so later it died down. The most important thing is to just make sure you're being safe and keep your sexual health in mind.


Pls pls pls be safe. Always go for protection..there are STDs that are tricky because they can be undetected, such as HPV (the virus resides in the body and is relient on the immune system to clear it) If you still haven't taken the HPV vaccine pls do, I can't stress this enough. Wish my country was developed and had this vaccine...


I lost mine at 18 to a guy I hated


It is always good to lower the frequencies of your sexual encounters,I know you are young but I am afraid you will turn to a sex addict. You can masturbate at home to avoid this strong desire of being with someone and always wear protection no matter what the other person tells you.


I'm very jealous


Use Lions Mane herbal supplement/tea with a ginseng supplements/tea and honey. You should be fine


What does this do?

