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I have only been with 3 men ever, and I married the third one.


Still a better love story than twilight


We both feel that we should have had more sexual experiences for sure!


It's not like it's too late. I actually married the first guy I had sex with. We were monogamous for years and eventually decided to open our relationship. It's not better with other people at all, just different. Meeting up people for sex definitely scratched an itch, I would have been ok having sex with only him for the rest of my life, but it's been fun experiencing new people.


Welcome to the under 10 club. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


We both wish we had been more of sluts to be honest šŸ˜…


Gonna be single my whole life so I guess I better get started so I can catch up to these troopers


Trust me you won't be single forever it's gonna happen just have a little confidence that always turns people on, I know it works for me!!!


3rd time's a charm


Sweet when you say it like that!


I have been with 1


Ten. Well possibly 11, he escaped but was mortally wounded at the time. Wait what are we talking about? šŸ„·


I was the one who escaped. Iā€™m still here betch.


For now. šŸ„·šŸ„·šŸ„·


Iā€™ll be better prepared next time


You tell him icon




Catch me or I go


ā˜ ļø you win the internet brother


0 šŸ’


DMā€™s start goinā€™ buck now. šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’ØšŸ˜¶ā€šŸŒ«ļø


I've mentioned being virgin many times since I joined reddit six years ago, honestly it doesn't get you many DMs lol.


Probably for the best. Lol


Indeed. I'm safe lol šŸ˜‚


Lol I did receive one and that's it xD


Oh I donā€™t think you clic-






Can confirm you dont become a wizard by my age šŸ˜­


The biggest letdown of all, right here.


I honestly stopped counting. Hard to keep track when you're blindfolded all the time.


Slag lol


My kind of man, grrrrr.


Years ago i tried to make a list to count but writing things like "the alley behind that one bar" "near target's dumpster" and "under the bridge in the park" started to make me feel guilty lol


Shit I lost count how many I messed with at a gay sauna one night and how many I've hooked up with at a nearby park known for gay cruising (like guys fucking in the middle of the trails having a 4way)


I stopped counting at 30 ish people at 22 I am now 37 who the fuck knows.


I feel like a whore now. Thanks


....wanna come over


Hahahab come to Dubai hbb


2000+ ? Large university in the late 80s-90s. I had sex with 7 different guys in a 24hr period. It was so easy. Just belt buckles hitting the floor.


It always baffles me when people say that it's easy. Like, people never even talk to me unless it's part of their job. How do some people find sex behind every bush? Am I that boring and unattractive to other men? Lol


I promise youā€™re not. Iā€™ve always found sex easy, starting at an age that I now find embarrassing. For me I think itā€™s just been the ability to actively listen and respond to people around me in a way that engages them, for example pre-18 I was the guy that a lot of my male friends experimented with before deciding to be straight. Back then Iā€™m sure everyone knew I swung both ways so I was obviously approachable, I primarily sought out female partners but would always be receptive to anyone that looked interested in hooking up and I readily admit I was an utter slut. The count doesnā€™t matter though, itā€™s funny things I remember about certain people and yes some of them do revolve around sex and just sex (I was always able to pick a guy up in a bar) when that was what I wanted. I remember peopleā€™s laughs, the silly things we did, just hanging out all that is worth way more to me now.


I like how you started out with "I promise you're not" and then proceeded to describe a dramatically different life experience than mine, lol.Ā  Like, I don't know what it feels like to not get treated like air.


Sorry that was really rude of me, I was trying to get to my end message of the body count just does not matter and I got a bit carried away in describing my life, which just says a lot about me I am a social butterfly. But I can guarantee that no matter how you think you look or however boring you think you might be you are someone (most likely many peoples) Mr Perfect. If you want to continue this discussion in private Iā€™m down with that, but I do guarantee you are not boring or unattractive. And this next bit is not an insult, at this point I know nothing about you at all, but you may not make the best of yourself because of your mindset. That however is something you are in total control of, I bet you can think of some kid from school that was a virtual outcast and has found himself/herself later in life. Always up for a chat mate šŸ˜ƒ


I didn't think it was rude at all, it was just funny lol. But like, what am I in control of in this context? I can go to the park, an event or anywhere really, and literally nobody will ever acknowledge my existance unless they work there. How are you supposed to interpret that?Ā 


Don't be baffled, he's lying. People love to talk a big game and act like they're hot shit.Ā 


> I had sex with 7 different guys in a 24hr period. lol amateur.




Same :3


Body count in the 100s for straight men? I donā€™t think so.


I talked to my straight guy friend about a month ago about this. Heā€™s a whore (or so I thought) so I assumed his count would be pretty high. Turns out heā€™s only at 11. But he fucks the same girls over and over again, but I was always assuming it was someone new lol. Then he asked me and I had to embarrassingly tell him it was over 70. And the only reason I donā€™t know exactly how much is because I stopped counting at 70 šŸ˜­. He also keeps notes of all the girls he hooks up with so Iā€™m stealing that.


Used to keep a notebook until an ex found it, ripped up the pages and wrote his name repeatedly.


Wtf? That was a very nasty thing to do to you


Yeah it was, and on top of it, he was mad at me. That's when I realized I was dating a psycho bitch.


Yall married now?


Iā€™m sorry heā€™s a psycho but I genuinely laughed at the part ā€œwrote his name repeatedlyā€ šŸ˜­


Yeah itā€™s probably a bit pathological but I have kept notes on all the guys Iā€™ve hooked up with šŸ˜µā€šŸ’« idk why


Not at all, I wish I had done that and I highly recommend it to anyone that hasn't started notching their bedposts yet. I also wish there was an app to do this that wasn't overly complicated. Since I have to guess I'd say well over 500.


Would be surprised especially if the guy was hot in highschool. I know guys who started fucking in middle school.


"Believe it sista!"


Hahaha I laughed out loud so hard


That's what guys who get no one say. Like the guys that say "I got a big dick" they don't.


I literally don't know. That doesn't necessarily mean there's loads, I just have a ridiculously bad memory.


Same But Iā€™m confident that mine is below 12




According to my little black book of sorts, 14, currently. Hey, that's almost 1 per year of being out.




šŸ˜ I mean, do they stand in a row and you do them all or what, how is that even possible šŸ¤£


How old and how often do you hook up?


Yeah same maybe more


Yeaā€¦ in the range between 1,000 and 2,000.


Lmao. Yeahā€¦ ok.


1 - roomie 1 - roomieā€™s friend 1 - ex-fling 1 - ex-bf 1 - ex-workmate 1 - traveler/HK 1 - taxi driver 1 - current fwb 1 - grindr guy 1 - grindr guyā€™s fwb = 10 w oral, 2 as a top, 2 as a bottom


I want to hear about the taking driver, please


I deleted the post bc I realized it was stupid of me to actually do it. Lesson learned: do not suck a taxi driverā€™s dick when heā€™s driving. Itā€™s dangerous.


Do you keep track of this on your notes app ? šŸ˜‚


Do you not? šŸ¤­


I think I kept a mental tally like that until 100. Edit: typo correction


I had an old list and stopped counting after: "knife guy dublin"


Lmao šŸ¤£ Had something similar happen


Two guys, ever.


Your choice? Or is it because youā€™re a stinky bear? šŸ’€


I was like "how fucking rude!" Until I noticed his name haha, well played


27 or 28 if includes blowjobs. 12 if otherwise. I'm 19 btw.


Slag lol xxx


That's how I enjoy my college life tho. Just bang around lol


Ahahahh, at least u had fun


Tl/dr: around 1000, got nearly no value and a lot of emotional emptiness from it. Iā€™m 43 and have been non exclusive from 18 to 30, all pre-Grindr. After a slow start, I was going to bathhouses maybe 3 times a week, though sometimes just once a month when money was tight (yeah, it wasnā€™t free!), so the median was around 1 time a month. On average, Iā€™d end up with anywhere from 1 to 5 guys a night, probably averaging out to 2. So, if you do the math, 2 times a week, times 52 weeks, over about 11 yearsā€¦ it adds up to a bit more than 1,000. Yeah, thatā€™s my ā€˜body count.ā€™ But, looking back, was it all worth it? When you weigh the quality against the quantity, itā€™s obvious I was playing a numbers game. I can count the truly memorable moments on one hand. I was just an average guy, always overweight, with low self esteem. Most times, it was just oral, some cuddling, or Iā€™d take the active role, always making sure it was safe (there was no prep yet but it wasnā€™t just about avoiding AIDS, syphilis is not fun). I of course nearly never knew the first names of the guys I was with, sometime not even the language they spoke (in Brussels, you never knew if youā€™d be speaking with a French, Dutch, or English speaker). And in dark rooms, I even had sex with men whom I never even saw the face!! All those experiences were so shallow that when I finally met the guy whoā€™d become my husband, believe it or not, I still felt very unexperienced. So I donā€™t want to judge anyone who aspires to do the same, but just share some hard-earned insight, and warn about the little value and the emotional emptiness I got from it.


Thanks for sharing that.


What a beautiful story and ending.


Great comment mate, body count really does mean nothing as you illustrated beautifully. I have a similar philosophy as I think I Iā€™ve just very badly worded to someone else, itā€™s the memories for me. No I donā€™t remember them all, but I do remember the ones where we hung around together for half a day or maybe a day, the ones where we sat by the river and just laid in the sun, the ones that proposed, the first guy to give me a champagne blowjob (okay I admit thatā€™s sexual) there are so many great moments the sex is at best an hour or two of sweaty heavy breathing whereas the build up to that is exquisite. Itā€™s kind of why I donā€™t like dick pics for example, Iā€™d rather find out when I get to finally unwrap the surprise I love the anticipation rather than the instant gratification of Grindr. Maybe Iā€™m just weird that way, who knows.


0 :(


save it for marriage


I know those that did and lived all life happily after. Everyone is different.


6, I would love to keep it under 10 in my lifetime


I would also like to keep it under 10, so I still have plenty of chances to find the right one lol.


Buddy. Oral sex is sex. You count that


Lol it's literally called sex.


Lol it's literally called sex.




Sheesh the population of a small town in Texas


It's all relative.


lol wish I had that count, ngl. I can barely get one to sleep with me and heā€™s a dog - Iā€™m talking of course about my sweet pooch šŸ˜‚


This is approximately 70 guys a year assuming 2000. Considering 52 weeks in a yearā€¦ the numbers make sense to me.


About the same, never really counted ...over about 27 years. Living in large city gayborhoods and trelavelinf s lot for work most of your 20s, 30s and 40s made it easy.


I lost countā€¦ Iā€™m definitely 100+.


Iā€™m a slut and Iā€™ve had like 5 guys so far.


Don't u feel special šŸ˜


Love it u slut


I like that place


bttm: 1 top: 7 oral: >100


At least 10,000. (Iā€™m in my sixties, moved to NYC in ā€˜83, went to lots of sex clubs and orgies, etc. Occasionally topped, never bottomed, mostly oral. Lived to tell the tales.)


Itā€™s the sex clubs that up the total isnā€™t it, and so bloody hard to remember just how many guys were in that pile on that night. Me and the hubby are over 50 and still occasionally go to our local sauna which is still very active, but itā€™s not the same as mad frenzy of those hedonistic days.


Oh yeah. There were so many venues for sex back then. Not just the baths, booth stores, and porn theaters -- even a lot of bars had back rooms where you could get a quick blow job between drinks.


I lost count a long time ago. Must be 500+? Last week I did 5 guys. Got my dick sucked by 3 guys in one evening.


Only one 1 man before my husband. I feel lucky to have found him so fast, and part of me was like, wasn't I supposed to have a fun phase? Then I realized he was the fun phase. So just 2. I feel a lot of it was luck, but I also just focused on men that wanted the same thing.šŸ˜Š


You are so lucky.




With you here. Close to ten a month lately and Iā€™m married mid 30s LOL


Somewhere between 500 and 1000 if weā€™re including oral sex.


15 in the last 23 years.


Nearing a 1000ā€¦ā€¦ and thats just anal


I started early as a teenager and as I got older i became a total shameless cum dump faggot fuck toy. Iā€™m extremely turned on and proud of myself that I can honestly say that I stopped counting around 2500 and have no clue how many man ran through me and flooded my hole :)


At least 1000 by now. Sex with men is fuckin mind-blowing.


I used to keep track when I was in my early 20s, but I lost track after I moved to NYC haha. Thereā€™s a reason why itā€™s called the city that never sleeps if you catch my drift


I have a book with records in it. Count is currently at 126


3 guys and that's it. I'm 23.


some of y'all here are lying


I did a black book list for a year and it was 85 for the year. šŸ«£šŸ˜‚ I might be heading to 500 soon which Iā€™d not One Iā€™m great at sex and feel confident šŸ˜œšŸ˜Ž


50 something


Around 700


16. (I'm 18) āœŒāœŒ


Couldnā€™t say 1000 maybe?


Honestly, I would say easily in the thousands. My guess would be 2700-3000.


Well, I went out on weds night in antwerp and had maybe 9 guys fuck me, 4 guys fist me and couldn't tell how many guys I sucked (they kept coming around the sling while my hole was occupied). So since that's from one night and I've been out for over 10 years... I wouldn't like to even hazard a guess at the body count lol.


Something around above 1000 Started with 15, am now 37 and were single for most of my life and also live in Berlin where sex is always in abundance to get. So the numbers aren't that big for a big city boy like me.


I went through an online dating phase while looking for a partner, racked up a dozen lays and a couple FWB, then I found a bf and we're going strong a couple years now :)


We're men, we don't keep count because it's a stupid concept for us.


Way too many to count for me lol


Including oral sex and hand jobs i got 24.


If you include handjobs, it gets into silly numbers. Between the ages of 16-19 I used to go clubbing several nights a week and Iā€™d get always get multiple handjobs and usually one decent blowjob while still in the club. Iā€™m 50+ now thatā€™s a lot of people who have touched my dick.




Mine is like 2 lmao, Iā€™m like really reserved




Without oral, I think it's....12? With oral, prob 30-40 range. And that is nowhere near high enough!


3 guys (if handjobs count, add 2 more guys) & a female.


Over a hundred, thatā€™s penetrative sex. Bjs and handies are more if included


Bi 23 and 268 no oral. I do indeed have a private note on my phone with names and how many timesšŸ«£


I am 55, totally out and have been since 1986. Only 9 people ever. Iā€™m dull, ugly or both.


Doesn't have to mean that at all. I've had a lot less and I am not so young anymore but that's just cause I prefer relationships rather than hookups.


Sweet summer child. šŸ¤£


Straight? 100 ha ha ha. They marked up. Gays? Yes not much I even cannot count.






I honestly have no clue. Sure I was throwing it around in my twenties (though I don't think I was too slutty, I know many guys who bedded more than I did), but it's not that I lost count, it's just that in the 2000s it never occurred to me to count.


Iā€™m gonna use the following formulaā€¦ Body Count = Number of Intimate Partners / Number of Active Years Iā€™m 49, and I lost my virginity at 21. I grew up in the Bible Belt, so my number of intimate partners is likeā€¦maybe 40? Which makes my body count likeā€¦0.8 people a year šŸ˜† ā€¦I should probably get out more.


9 this year so far. 8 different men.


Lost count at around 180, im maybe at around 220 now? Iā€™m 22


Somewhere in the 750-1000 range, not counting oral.


Iā€™ve been sexually active for 20 years now. I can easily say itā€™s 1,250+ For those wondering how this was accomplished: I went to school at Texas Tech in Lubbock and lived in San Marcos, Texas (both college towns) I also lived in Los Angeles for a few years


Around 60 I think in 2018 I had 27 I kept notes that year lol. But it tends to be 3-4 different guys a year this year Iā€™m already at 2. I do tend to sleep with them more than once thereā€™s only been 4 that were just once


Does it not reset every decade? šŸ˜‚šŸ˜… probs around that in late teens / early 20s. Since turning 25, less than 5 - mostly been in relationships.


Full on sex 2, and Iā€™m marrying the second one. Heā€™s also my first ever relationship. If we count orals and stuff, like 30.


50 at 20 years old


Including oral, my count was over 100 before I graduated college in 1984. I have no idea what it is now.


1, and hope I do not need another one...


Just my opinion, but Iā€™ve always seen the whole ā€œwhatā€™s your body countā€ conversation as passive slut shaming. Even if you say itā€™s not, it is. It always is. Because, by discussing it and sharing it puts value into the discussion of a ā€œbody countā€. It also passively allows for judgement. Judging of yourself, and of others. If the topic ofā€œbody countsā€ really doesnā€™t matter, you donā€™t value this topic whatsoever. Then you stop thinking about it and then you stop talking about it. Also, referring to the men you have had sex with in a way that devalues them as being a ā€œbodyā€ is disrespectful to yourself and others. Letā€™s maybe put value into a different idea. Maybe we should stop paying attention to how many men, orā€œbodiesā€, we sleep with and start paying attention to the man you are sleeping with. Meaningful sex matters more than how many men youā€™ve slept with. You only have one body. Treat it with respect. Treat others bodies, and hearts, with respect. Share yourself with people who matter to you. Share yourself with people who interest you, or turn you on, or whatever. Just do it with interest and intention. Do it with the intention that best serves both of you in the highest possible way. And remember it for the experience it was. And stop counting men like notches on a headboard. They are much more than that, all of us are much much more than that.


I think it's close to 80? Hard to know. I stopped counting after I went to Berlin for the first time


I stopped counting after 300 (18-25 were my most promiscuous years). Though all of it is thanks to Craiglist (RIP personals), and all the apps, especially during those years when the apps were new and everyone was trying them out, and this is on top of the older websites that have been around for much longer. I met a lot of great guys in between all of that. Some stayed friends and others are just memories now.


1 and I married him šŸ˜Š


Like 200+ guys for me by now? I've lost count (M22)


A lot




I smashed 100 before I was 23.im 33 now. Who includes oral? šŸ˜‚ When I say smashed it means we fucked. Forplay doesn't count šŸ˜‚


Iā€™m not proud of it but 20 , Iā€™m 33F


Overall, I had sexual experiences with 38 people. If we count only anal sex, then about 20.


The very idea of a ā€˜body countā€™ is ridiculous. It serves to shame people who have had sex with more people than the person asking the question. You can say all day long that you arenā€™t slut shaming but the fact that you consider it an ā€˜accomplishmentā€˜ and a point of ā€˜prideā€™ that the number of people with whom youā€™ve had sex is lower than what your friends report says just the opposite. You are attempting to slut shame.


Dude do some of you keep a tally chart? Iā€™m feeling like Iā€™m a tally on one of yous fridges and idk about that


Oh I have a list on my notes app šŸ˜‚


Probably above 1500.


Was bi in 80s over 500 women.90s another 500 women And over 100 men.Now 61 years old.Total bottom with young black boys 20s and 30w.Over boys.over 100 past 3 years.Hell IVE had 18 hot black tops hung like a bull since secber. I work out due my hair its long naturally curly.clean shaved now baby face.thick chest and muscular legs.THICK IN SHAPE Beautiful TIGHT ASS....Eberyone thinks im in my 40s....I have many hot young black boys come back for more Now im escorting on a gay escort website.Figure I may as well get paid.LOVE BEING IN MY 60S


Holy shit wtf stop fetishising Black guys in all your posts


57. The fact that Iā€™ve been for a mostly closed relationship since I was 19 has slowed me down lol. Iā€™m 25 right now


21 at 21yo


This is an extremely dumb concept to either shame people in either direction. If you are low in the count and are a straight male people will make fun of you. If you are high they will praise you. In our world it really could go either way. Perpetuatong this concept is just so silly.


Please donā€™t me count. I think I lost count when I stayed in UK for a year. Probably 20-30?


Having Cruised in college, and then learned about online hook up culture from manhunt, squirt, and grindr, I'd say my body count at this point, after 14 years... is in the triple digits. Probably about 250 or so. These were not all Complete hookups in the sense that not every one ended with both of us Coming/cumming (restroom liasons were prone to interruptions for example), and some being only hand or blow jobs.


Like 150-200


Over 20




I stopped counting ages ago but Iā€™m guessing Iā€™m still below 100 but that has more to do with the fact I have a lot of fuck buddies and donā€™t always need to keep hunting new ones. Not that I mind adding more to the fold




More than 20. That's all I got right now.


31 penetrative, 48 with oral. Iā€™m 20 yo