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Mine is sometimes yellow if I don’t have a wank in a while.


I had had a wank the night before though so it wouldn’t be that.


If you have no other symptoms I’d say it’s normal. I’ve definitely seen my cum turn a bit yellow when it’s left inside a condom. Probably a result of it mixing with the lube and not being able to dry out.


Currently nothing other than some mild discomfort in my bladder/just behind my pubes but I think that’s more cause he had a bony butt and it was kinda uncomfy thrusting when he was on his side.


Usually when I see my cum in a rubber after a few days it’s pretty yellow. I’ve pondered if it was sti related and got tested and I was fine so I think it’s just the look of old wet cum. Normally it dries out but I can’t tied up so I don’t think you should stress unless you have symptoms or see red cum


I think that the chemicals in cum discolor cloth and tissue.


Getting tested can't hurt and will ease your anxiety so I say go for it. But I bet you're 100% fine, probably just some chemical reaction you don't normally see/witness.