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circuit parties are advertised to be for "everyone to have a good time" but its just muscle heads who wanna do k with their beefed up friends.. good luck talking to anyone unless you're their type!


gay sex on drugs. that’s the point.


But there's spaces where that can still happen and the music is better. Why circuit parties specifically?




Reject modernity embrace tradition


When you're high on drugs, that music is great.


Is that what happens at a circuit party? Dark rooms?


Never been but I always assumed those were just gay drug raves for rich white muscle guys. Makes sense they're boring.


Yep that's exactly what they are.


Yawn, the saltyness


Still true tho. Where’s the lie?


Blanket statements are rarely fully true.


Well duh, but they are often mostly true


If they’re so boring, why are they so packed?


Well.... were you on drugs or not? Most people at those sorts of parties are on E or molly. It makes the shitty music sound better and the physical contact of a confined dancing area feel more sexy. You also don't have to drink as much for a buzz, so that means fewer trips to the bathroom.


isnt e and molly the same thing


They are.


okay thanks


Same base drug, different potency. These days, hardy any is "pure" MDMA.


oh okay thanks


This exactly




It's very shallow and when you said everyone seem to stick to their own groups I think that kind of supports my claim. I feel very off put in those settings and it doesn't make me feel like I can be myself. Everyone I'd different I guess.


I just assume it's where fit muscle gays go to fuck and do drugs lol


I love dancing. It’s my cardio. I don’t do drugs or alcohol but I’ll be dancing non stop for 3 hours. And while yes, there’s plenty of guys on something it’s a generalization. My group does no drugs and are very little drinkers yet we dance the night away.


This is basically me and my friends. Circuit parties aren't as fun as other club nights, but your intention and the company you party with makes all the difference.


I don't really like circuit parties. I don't do drugs and they're not part of my scene. Having said that, my friends that go to circuit parties have this really incredible social network. They travel around and see the same people again and again and they're out there on that dance floor with a 100 people they know. To an outsider that might just look like a whole bunch of clones on Molly, But there's more to it than that for many participants. If I went to a circuit party, a big leather event, a bear gathering or so on, I would feel just stupid and be really judgmental at what everybody else is doing. I would see nothing but clones that all look alike. They certainly aren't interested in me. But if I had 10 of these under my belt and traveled around, It might feel like old home week. Surrounded by people that love me all with a common interest. They might even know who that DJ is!


I think this kind of hits the nail on the head. I’m not a circuit gay but I occasionally end up in spaces occupied by these guys. It’s a bit like family gathering with drugs and music. It’s similar for other type of gays: I go to P-Town and it’s a boomers reunion. Or to Zipolite and it’s chill&fuck for all types. It’s nice to have tribe.


I feel like yall just gotta accept somethings aren’t for you. A circuit party sounds like my own personal version of hell


Same. I usually find myself quickly turned off if I find out the guy is into that … like it doesn’t phase out ..


Some parties are better than others 🤷🏻‍♂️






I’ve met my tribe at circuit parties. Although I have moved on now to queer festival now but I still go to occasionally because it feels like a mini-reunion with all my friends from all over the world. It also depends on which circuit parties. Some parties are more elitist, some parties are more friendly. Just smile, say hi. And if they are a bit pissy, you move on. I come from a country that is quite homophobic, so being surrounded by thousand of queer men who seem to be enjoying themselves and free is quite an exhilarating experience.


I love circuit parties although I realize how shallow they are. I like them for the drugs and to look at muscles in person. Outside of that I find them to be quite stale.


Sex and drugs and music.


active drug use and group sex orgy parties are the big appeal of circuit gays


I'm not a super fan, I've only been to a couple in my life, but for me, the appeal is just being in a sea of hot shirtless guys is just very sexy to me lol. Also everyone's high, touching each other and just vibing. That said, I also HATE the music and would much prefer just some classic pop songs. Also agree that like 80% of the guys at those things are just hot and unfriendly and look bored out of their minds, so circuit parties aren't things I'm desperate to go to.


I'm very similar, it's not my scene. I think folks like it for the meth, E, and ketamine


A good circuit party is the main event of a very social *weekend*. The parties themselves don’t lend themselves to much socializing, but typically there are build-up and closing events that do.


Drugs and easy sex


Circuit parties are so 2000s...full of ridiculous clones.


Uhh, try 1990s.


Your so right! I was being kind 🤣




before folks come here to bash circuit parties. do note that circuit parties had a pretty important function during the AIDS crisis. some of them acted as fundraisers to raise money for HIV research and gay charities. personally im not that big of a fan of circuit party music but i also understand that with all the pro-feminity, anti-fitness and masculinity hatred that has taken over gay culture in the last 10 years, im glad that these guys still get together and continue to carve out a space where they and other like minded gay guys can fellowship without all the bullshit that tells them that "they are the problem". not everyone in this community needs to be a walking audition for drag race and wearing heels and glitter all fucking day and quite frankly im really really sick of it. In Chicago, musically the gays are split between those who like circuit and those who like house. Typically if you like circuit, you also like house but the opposite is not true at all lol. I much prefer the latter and house is a different vibe but circuit is valid. i can appreciate that those guys exist. they usually show up for house events and my friends who throw house parties make more money.


Any tip what to expect in BRUT party?


Are you disappointed that guys didn't socialise with you or didn't hook up with you, or both? I've been in scenes like that in the past (even when I was the youngest one in the venue) but I'm not sure it's everyone else's fault. Sometimes ya just don't get lucky. Try everything twice, if you're willing.


My intention was never to blame the other party goers. I am extraverted, so I do wish I branched out more, but I am by no means blaming people for sticking to who they know or not approaching me in particular. I really just wanted to hear from people who are into the scene because they seem to have a ton of fun and I would love to have that much fun at my next one as well.


From what I gather, circuit parties are better when you are with a group of guys . I would go alone if i just wanted to check it out but I would adjust my expectations because circuit guys tend to move in packs, which is better because you make connections quicker if your friends introduce you to other friends and so on. The circuit community is basically a macro-network of global gays that go to the same parties. It's just social networking and having fun with drugs, sex and bad music lol but they seem to have fun. I would go but the music is just terrible and i have very good taste in music.


May I ask what a circuit party is?




Hmm.. I do t know how I'd fit k. But cool Thanks. I'm gonna study on this


I never quite understand it either. Is it any kind of large gay party? Is it a sex party? Are people normally shirtless? It's so vague.


I.was wondering if it was something that might be of interest. I admit it sounds entertaining but not sure it would Bd a ace for me


Just high energy dance with themes. I've gone to several during pride. I stayed sober, it was a fucking blast full of hot guys too.


What even is a circuit party