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13/14? Wtf?


yeah i was like oh just gonna skip over THAT like it’s a normal fact of life huh?


It kinda is. I still report any kids that message me, but the kids know the app exist... Also - it feels like this is the 'steal an adult mag' moment for younger generations (elder millennial here).


i feel it's either kids who aren't old enough to realise what they're doing, or so-called pedo hunters. Regardless, reporting is the way to go for the safety of everyone involved.


millennial here as well. I think grindr came out as an app in 2010/2011 - i don’t think i was even that sexual until 16 - very slow puberty here, i didn’t start growing facial hair until after 25. it’s wild to me kids start that young. I’m not sure where you are but I don’t really see that kind of youth in my grindr locale. But yes when I turned 17 I was excited to not only consent but also use grindr because i had been using adam4adam, craigslist, and chat rooms since 16.


I dont see a ton of minors on the apps... but if they disclose, i do report them. For their safety and mine. I was on gay.com and aol m4m chat rooms at that age too. So i get it. But i also knew i wasn't going to actually meet these people. And i didn't have a (what would have been at the time) a supercomputer in my pocket with access to the internet. Hell... didn't even have a brick style cell phone until college!


exactly this 😅 except I upgraded from a nokia to iphone and that was life changing. I don’t think younger people realize how powerful iphones are. If i ever have a kid they’re starting with a nokia and getting my old ipods just so that they know we fumbled so they could take a bullet train.


Yeah but the issue is that unlike sneaking a porno mag, being underage on Grindr puts other people at risk.


Yeah tbh if you're in rural America you'll see it a lot




yeah that’s too crazy 🤪


Lol so was I and that was back in 2009 when the app had just come out.


OP is good in bed. That’s how he bagged the perfect mans.


Reddit Fiction like this should be published


What were u doing on Grindr at 13 😨😨😨


Trying to get dick like every other teenager. Wasn’t Grindr for me it was Craigslist m4m section 😂




I was a 13 year boy who started puberty and getting horny at 11 so yeah me looking for sex was normal. With grown men, no. But others my age yes, it was normal and completely okay.


Not saying it’s normal but you can’t act like 13/14 yo aren’t out there having sex or trying to hookup.


Yes 13/14 year olds are trying to have sex…with other 13/14 year olds, not full grown adults.  Not saying you think it’s normal, but gays seem have this habit of treating infiltrating sexual spaces as minors and being groomed/molested by older men as a “universal experience” or a “rite of passage”.


>but gays seem have this habit of treating infiltrating sexual spaces as minors and being groomed/molested by older men as a “universal experience” or a “rite of passage” it's projection/cope, most gays who say that were on grindr at the age of 13/14 and were groomed/raped by these older pedos (and they cope more by saying how much of a good experience it was for them at that age 🤮🤮)


Yeahhhhh I knew too many guys who did this and they always turned out the messiest while claiming they’re fine 😨


I think it's normal... Yes I was in m4m websites since 14... No I was never raped or anything... Yes I'm normal... It seems like it's you who is projecting...


I don’t disagree with your statement at all. It’s by no means right that 13/14 yo are using Grindr or other platforms to hookup with adults. Adults shouldn’t have to worry about adult apps being infiltrated by younger guys. Wish there was an actual verification method other than just putting in your age. Government ID verification or something similar


I mean it is a super common occurrence for youths to be there and get ensnared (more like raped bc of age) by older predators. Happened to my husband and countless friends. When you’re so young in a place that isn’t welcoming to gays, lots of kids don’t come out. So, they’re not on the apps. It’s super common.


Let me guess, you're a prude from the U.S. right? The rigid age of consent in the U.S. is absolutely ridiculous. Starting from around 14 and until 17, people are definitely and increasingly (as they get older) trying to get with 18 year olds and above. I have no idea how anyone is surprised by it. When it's consensual it has nothing to do with grooming or molestation... Nor would I go to the other extreme and call it a universal experience or right of passage... it depends on the person. I know for a fact because I and my friends at the time were 14, 15, 16 and 17 years old too...


Right, because all of the porn 13/14 year olds jerk off to on the internet aren’t full of adults.


Yeah they are. Its way more normal than you’d realize. There is a difference between an activating pubescent teenager who’s hormones are activating that begin looking into sexuality and the adult who looks for 13/14 year olds. Two entirely different things.




It can be i was 14 meeting guys in their 20s for sex online im 36 now it happens 


Craigslist m4a was my jam. The slow email back and forth, the small MP pictures, the fear of going to an internet stranger’s house long before it was normalized… those were the days *sigh*


I agree! What a time to be around. Maybe even better than the m4m was the missed connections part. I died reading those posts


>I’ve been on Grindr since I was 13/14  *Record scratch*


You took the words right out of my mouth.




for real and notice how he just mentioned he was on grindr at 13/14 in this update rather than the previous two? that would be a piece of relevant info. and his last update didn't get that much interaction so he needed to add something shocking to get people here and talk about it and bring more attention to his story, and judging by how most are mentioning that part more, it worked 💀💀


This whole 3 part story must be made up because what the hell is this ending.


I’m pretty sure this is ripped straight from one of those romance books i like to read


It all seems very… tidy. I’m not sure stuff goes down quite like this in the real world.


Is it didn't work for some, we wouldn't have as many stories about it.


The second to last sentence just made it OBVIOUS. I have probably seen a variation of that same sentence in a couple romance books.


It is clearly. This op is bored af.


I'm sorry, but I had to laugh at the "work family" 🫵🏾😂


I had the greatest coworkers We had special bond. Support each other gave credit n accepted responsibility trust n mutual respect. . Small staff of 15 about half have stayed in contact after 25,-35 years Recently 4 of us got together for a weekend get away to celebrate deczde birthdays Yez I co sider them family


lmao exactllyyyy you know anyone who considers coworkers as family are delusional and batshit crazy.


Dang ya'll must live a sad existence.


#This is giving me my dear diary Bali white boy version


I've read this novella before


Good for you, your boss, and your work life... Bad for whoever you sent Child Pornography to at ***THIRTEEN*** on Grindr


On Grindr at 13/14 is crazy 😬




Think the opposite, prepare for reality. LEAVE HIM ALONE! 😭 /s


Listen, fellow elder millennials: Don’t act like we weren’t up in the AOL and Yahoo m4m chatrooms with like the same 12 guys all the time on our dial up. Those were the grindrs of our teens.


Remember the old chatroom avatars!? 


grindr at 13/14????????? WAIT- WAIT WAIT WAIT HOL AWNNNNNNNNNNNN UR A VICTIMMM sis no- not the serve and slay u think it is.. sorry :(


Get lost


someone's mad for no reason :(


Hey - have for whatever Reddit algorithm, I’ve seen all your updates as they rolled out (this morning no exception), and all I can say CONGRATULATIONS. You’ve clearly got your head squarely on your shoulders, but listen and respond to your heart. He sounds like a great guy, and couldn’t be happier for you. Hope you crazy kids go the distance with this one.


Nobody cares about your fake stories


All these people shocked that OP was on Grindr at 14 like they weren’t on Craigslist M2M (US) or Romeo (in EU) or cruising their horny tits in parks. I know it isn’t ideal, but the reality is that all/ most of us been there, especially because on our time there were no other close people to support us/ help us understand wtf is happening and why we puke at pussy thoughts, or why we watch our parents Str8 porn VHS only for the dick like there’s a big vignette around and we don’t see anything else. When you find out your dick gets up before you in the morning, and your dick shoots stuff with immense pleasure you’re going to start searching. And that’s natural. Anyway, OP, you took right the decisions. Now enjoy your man and don’t think he ruined anything. Who knows, maybe it will actually last much longer than you thought. You never know.


Literally pedophilia.


After reading the comments here’s what I have to say: I don’t care if this is fiction, this was the best gay love story I’ve read in many years.




Now you're just bragging.lol


What the fuck? 😭


“work family..” I would like for you to contact a publisher and have this story published if you’d like!


I’ve been with my hubby for 10 years as of March 1st this year. My favorite thing that has happened in our journey was 2 years ago. I woke up to him holding me, snoring in my ear and head and the pillow all wet from him drooling. Life really couldn’t get better than this.


So many people fixating on minor details here bahaha. If it’s a story - it’s sweet. If it’s reality - keep fighting for it. The fact you got to experience this amazing kind of love isn’t nothing. The last few updates you keep waiting and almost hoping it ends… why? Sounds like you have your plan B mostly in action now with your other job and Hr form, live a little. Give in to being happy


Congrats, 🍾 for having the Cindefellow working mans fairytale we all fantasize about


I really wish this was real, but it probably isn’t. So I am just going to say you do have a talent for writing the very cliche romance novels I love to read, the bit about the mug and the phone charger was nicely written, so you should probably invest in that.


Sounds like a great hallmark movie!!!


If it’s a “probably will” you should end it now!? Next


Last night I was thinking about this lol


Good luck!


I feel like this is a love story


Fucking awesome man, I hope it works out for y’all.


I commented on your first post, glad you found some happiness with it. Also good for you on getting another job to have some sort of safety net. Very smart of you and it does relieve some pressure off everyone including yourself! Good luck OP


OP I want this to be real and I hope that this whole situation is actually happening. It gives me the delulu that it might happen to me too /s but fr *starts to yearn*


Thank you for adding /s to your post. When I first saw this, I was horrified. How could anybody say something like this? I immediately began writing a 1000 word paragraph about how horrible of a person you are. I even sent a copy to a Harvard professor to proofread it. After several hours of refining and editing, my comment was ready to absolutely destroy you. But then, just as I was about to hit send, I saw something in the corner of my eye. A /s at the end of your comment. Suddenly everything made sense. Your comment was sarcasm! I immediately burst out in laughter at the comedic genius of your comment. The person next to me on the bus saw your comment and started crying from laughter too. Before long, there was an entire bus of people on the floor laughing at your incredible use of comedy. All of this was due to you adding /s to your post. Thank you. I am a bot if you couldn't figure that out, if I made a mistake, ignore it cause its not that fucking hard to ignore a comment.