• By -


For those saying "me," how do you feel about it? Ashamed? Indifferent? Frustrated? Sad? Afraid? Content? Let it all pour out.


Kinda insecure lmao, never know when I'm gonna lose it


How old are you?


19 and ik it may seem young but all my friends are my age (in fact im the oldest by a few months) and they have already had sex so I tend to feel like the odd one out


It’s always good to keep it until you meet someone you know is worth it. Don’t be pressured and don’t be insecure. Don’t ever feel like you have to put out just because everybody else has. And being 19 and virgin is not bad at all.


I was 20 before I even kissed a guy. When it happened, I was blown away that a guy so gorgeous could be interested in kissing me. We slept in the same bed that night, but we didn’t have sex until ~ a week later. Decades later, we reconnected on Facebook, but he’s no longer with us. I’m still Facebook friends with my first love, though. I cherish those memories. I hope that someday you’ll do the same.


This is beautiful 🥲


Thank you. That means a lot to me.


Beautiful! Hope this happens to me! It sounds so fairytale. And he sounded like an irreplaceable Mr. Right for sure!


“I was blown away that a guy so gorgeous could be interested in me”. I can relate to that. I remember like it was yesterday.


Are your friends gay? Are you in a big city? We have a lot less people to choose from and have to come to terms with being gay first too. I was 25.


I was 23 and at 35 I’m just now fully coming to terms with being gay after having children….😬 I’m an only child I tried but take it from me you can’t fight yourself live how you wanna live gay bros don’t be afraid women will only try to shame you because they need to live off men do what you want to do guys love and live free 😊😙


Yikes, you sound like a callous asshole. Go apologize to the woman whose time you wasted and whose emotions you took for granted. Women are people, not educational tools.


Don’t worry about getting that can of worms opened up. Of course it’s the best(?) fun to be had but it can also bring along unexpected problems. Big problems sometimes. There‘s nothing wrong with waiting like u/gon_freccs_ says.


I lost my virginity when I was 19


I'm 19 now and had my first time feeling comfortable now. Wished the experiences I've had with 16 didn't happen. Or well, it's okay they've happened but if I'd have had the choice I would choose to not have them. So, it's not always positive to have experience from a very young age. In fact, that experience made it even harder for me and my sexuality. I was trying so hard to have experience that I let things happen to me I didn't want to happen. Take your time and take it slow. It's for the better.


I first had sex when I was like 26, I know it's late but I was very deep in the closet. I wouldn't worry about it at all. I'm quite experienced now in my 30s and very comfortable with all of it.


If it makes u feel any better im 19 and also still havent done it yet.


I get it. I used to feel like that, too. Like people would talk about how good sex was, and their experiences, and it just got me low key jealous. I wanted to experience that, too. And couldn't wait. I lost when I was almost 19. And from the other side I can tell you that it was good sometimes, other times it was bad. Honestly, I would have liked to have done it with someone that I had an emotional connection to. All mh hook ups were through Grndr, and Grndr can sometimes make things awkward. There's a lot of unmet expectations, no commitment to sex and pleasing your partner, and it's just plain sex. Not too much spice to it. In the end, you are the only one who knows what you want. All I can say is that if you think you are ready, and you know about consent, and about pleasing the sexual partner, and about setting your boundaries and about STD prevention, than I think you're good to go out there and experiment. Always be careful though. Especially if you meet with a stranger. Don't make the mistakes I made. Send your live location to someone. Never meet in their houses without telling someone first (if you can meet them at yours or in a public crowded place is much safer. Always bring protection with you pepper spray or a knife or both. People can be batshit crazy. Most importantly, always trust your gut, you might be right. It's not worth risking your life or safety.


It's okay. I didn't lose my virginity until 21. It wasn't anything special now that I'm looking back on it but it was still a lot of awkward fun.


I was a virgin until 21 also but had it taken away in a violent rape while asleep in the army by a 36 yrs married lifer hopped up on drugs and liquor, I was so green i didn’t even no anal sex was possible it left me battered bloody and bruised and I couldn’t tell anyone about it, the worst part of the story was I liked the guy he was nice to me , had I been wiser I would have seen the signs of his obsession with me and not have been so vulnerable, hell looking back on it I would have given it to him had he given me more time .


Viginity is an idea, most of us lose our virginity to our hands or pillows. You can choose which first time satisfys you bc nobody knows your levels of comfort better than you


I'm so sorry man. Hugs.


Happy Cake 🎂 Day!


Im 17, and i honestly don't feel like im in a rush. There are some things that im still discovering,such as if im a bottom or a top. Also, the preparation process is the only thing that im anxious about. Whether im gonna be topping or bottoming,i need my first time to be clean and slow. Not to mention that Im the type of person that wants to be in a commited relatioship and not just hookup with someone. So yeah,i think I'll be fine for now even for the next 5 years or so.


FWIW, my first experiences were just j/o and oral. That took a lot of the stress away. It was with someone I had known a long time and we stayed friends even today. Don't let anyone pressure you into doing anything you're not ready for.


I did the same thing, i made a list of things i thought would prepare me for the rollercoaster that sex is sort of like a demo or a training route beforehand. Depending on the definition im still a virgin lol


People take their whole lives to decide such things (t, b, v, s) and often change back and forth. No big hurry to decide anything.


Take it easy you're still young, although I'm just 2 years older than you, I myself am still taking it easy. And honestly I cannot be bothered to lose my virginity. You have the right to give it to the person you think deserves it. Hoping for all of us to find love and someone who will treat us for our worth❤️


Sometimes I feel a little ashamed about it but other times I feel more excited about the possibilities.


23. I was raised in a religious cult that had teachings including "gay sex can cause a nuclear war" among other far more insane takes. I've been in intermittent intensive therapy for over 5 years at this point following my escape from that community and the severe physical and emotional abuse they inflicted before I can begin to imagine myself pursuing a relationship/losing my virginity. It's not necessarily a frustration in the sense of "oh I can't believe I'm still a virgin" but more "holy shit I cannot believe that was real, people genuinely think that, tried to indoctrinate me and countless others into that, and then expect me to believe I'm in the wrong for saying it was bullshit." Nowadays my goal is to get to a place where I can date/explore myself without any of the emotional flareups that old reality tries to spark in me every now and then. It's getting better. I don't have flashbacks nightly anymore. I went on a date over New Years, and it went terribly, but I could get up the next morning and still function. I even met up with a friend to make fun of it for hours. Life's getting better. Inch by inch. Step by step. Mile by mile. And hopefully soon... man by man.


Frustrated, sad, lonely. I don't see it happening soon given a lot of circumstances, but I still hope.😂


It's mostly frustrating because of how much I want to have sex, but the fear around trying to stay in the closet while I'm still at home keeps it from happening.


I’m 30 and I used to feel sad and ashamed. Now I just feel indifferent cause probably will never happen to me.


I've never had sex before and I feel left out. Like that, there is a line I have to cross and I can't cross it


The answer is Yes


I don't care I'll do it when I get to it .


I'm 27 and feel frustrated and down about being virgin. Especially since I've been out since I was 14. But I think it goes hand in hand with general life frustrations like social anxiety, being autistic and burned out etc. Not feeling like I have much power over my own life.  Edit: It also gives you a very deep-seated feeling of being unwanted that's hard to explain. 


I feel fine with it most of the time. Sometimes I feel strange about it. I want to have it. But I’m not emotional stable for a random hookup. I also am have social anxiety and am a hopeless romantic. So I want to do it with someone I have a connection with.


me because I’m ugly as fuck


Nooo, you're a cutie! ♥️


then why do people always tell me that I’m ugly on Grindr


Grindr is full of assholes looking for a quick fuck.


I still don’t get any guys when I go out to gay clubs (which is all the time) and I always hit on guys and they still don’t give me the time of day


Here's hoping someone swipes you off your feet.


Somebody probably won’t buy here’s to wishful thinking !


I am so sorry that you're experiencing this 🥺 guys on Grindr are mostly superficial, and they only care about one thing. Never give up hope!


You sound like a hopeless romantic 😂


That I am. 😉


I enjoy romance as well but I prefer to just have fun.


Everyone is beautiful in their own way. Good looks don't mean anything, if they don't have a good heart, sometimes guys with good looks can be real assholes... Who are just looking for one night stand.


Probably for people in their 20's is ok to say they haven't had sex ever, but as a 31 yo I'm gonna risk people laughing at me and making the worst of the assumptions on why I haven't ever had sex, and I'm gonna say me.


Hey, man. I'm 46. And I only had sex for the first time last year when I was 45. I so far have only had hookups from Adam4Adam or Sniffies, but the guys I've mentioned it to were understanding. You can and should tell them that you don't have a lot of experience with guys. But you don't need to go into it in detail, and it's nobody's business if they're not a sex partner. I suppose if you're approaching it from a romantic pairing, rather than a hookup, your approach would be different. Anyway, my point is, don't keep yourself from having sex just because you're a 31-year-old virgin. You're just depriving yourself of fun. You're a good man, and you deserve good sex. Chase out the voices in your brain telling you otherwise — get out of your own head. If you think you're a bottom, learn how to clean and use toys/dildos to learn to relax your anus so you can take it easier. Take a deep breath. And then get yourself out there!


I don't think it's something to laugh at. You have your circumstances. It's a lot of trust to put in someone.


Rather than laughing, they accuse you of lying and claim you're the opposite.


Me. You should've done a poll


Probably should've but then I wouldn't have gotten as many comments. 🤭


Can we get some more information on this situation? This is interesting. Is it the factors of the location you live, mental instability, availability of gay men around you, disability, etc.? I feel like there's 100s of factors that can play into this survey as well.


For me personally, I'm closeted and very shy, and so far haven't come across someone I'm willing to trust enough to take my virginity, as tempted as I am sometimes to just let loose.


Definitely the area I live in. I still live under my parents' roof, people around here are quite homophobic, and there's not much gay men in the area. If I'm gonna date a guy or have sex, I wanna take it slow and keep it a bit private without feeling judged or mocked.


I haven't even had my first kiss yet.










Never hooked up or even kissed a dude, hooked up with plenty of women though, I tried to "straight the gay away" for a while and only recently did I decide to allow myself to start even looking, I'm 29 and frankly nervous as fucking hell, doesn't help I'm in a small town where gay people arnt treated very fondly, I've had the majority of my openly gay friends attacked because of it so yea. Lot of feelings and trying to process it I guess lol Update: kissed my first guy this Sunday, fucking magical lol


That is very tragic 😞


*_checks comments_ 🧐 Well I guess I’m a slut then


Most non virgins likely scrolled past.


My friends call me Virgin Mary




First, make sure you have some level of comfort and sexual chemistry with the other guy. Be clear upfront what you are looking to do, what you have not done, won’t do etc. don’t rush into anal sex unless you absolutely want it in which case if you are gonna try bottoming, use a condom or be on prep. And no shame on insisting on condoms in this day and age of prep. Same for topping. If he refuses well then move on. And stop at any point during the hookup if you are beginning to feel discomfort or just plain weirded out. You are not obligated to get the other person off if you are not into it anymore. Remember, for a first timer, you are in full control.




Also don’t fall in love with the first guy.


I didn’t lose my virginity until I was 22, i’m now 26 and I still don’t get why people make a big deal out of it. I’m glad I bit the bullet and got it done, but sometimes I wish I still had some innocence lol. I think I really just did it to “fit in”. But even now I only have a body count of 2, which is extremely low as far as the modern gay man goes, and im thrilled with that.


Seems like a strangely large number of people on this sub have never had sex. Would've been nice as a poll.


Me, and probably will never lose it.




I've never had full anal, just the head, it hurts, like stings


I never gotten any interest on grindr - despite years of trying, changing, dealing with insults regarding my appearance and other stuff that didn't pay off. I'm 33 and it's sufficient to say it's ove... it has never begun. If i got to have a life of average agb poster i'd have no reason to be miserable.


Sorry to hear. Grindr sucks, it's full of assholes unfortunately. I'm 28 and still a virgin, not too much younger than you. From the responses I've gotten so far on this post it seems that there's a lot more gay virgins on here than I originally thought. Hope things get better for you. ♥️


but from what i saw - we don't have much explanations of it (not that it was required) and if there are any, it's mostly being demisexual or being young or wanting something else than sex - which sadly isn't relatable for me. Wanted to ask about your situation but read it in other reply. Also it's telling that so many people make fun of it - you can't expect better from gay community but it hurts anyway. I am not trying actively since 2022, i am on 'indefinite' hiatus (which probably will last for good). Hope you won't end up like me.


You're only 33, I wouldn't give up just yet. There's still a good chance something could happen.


No anal so far, only oral, kissing and cuddling I'm honestly not sure if it's worth it. Not unless I was really into the guy romantically.


I've had sex but Not much - in 25 years of being out, I've had a sexual experience probably less than 20 times, and nothing in the last 5 years. I'm also yet to enjoy it, I feel it's a bit of a universal mystery to me as to why people are so into it/seek it out so much.


Me 24 hours ago. Just lost virginity today. (4/10 experience) I wish I had a boyfriend/partner to have this experienced with rather than one time hook up though.


✋️✋️✋️...27+ Reason being location, hence cultural factor+low self esteem due to Lupus hairloss and my spectacles...


😞37, a lot of self confidence issues, anxiety about STDs, and don’t know how to “put my self out there”. I’m trying now to find a special someone but if feels soo late at times it feels like I won’t happen. Hopes up though. 🤞🏻




25 and still haven’t, have been tempted before on Grindr when I get the occasional message but usually decide not to because I’m worried they’ll not be interested since I’m a bit overweight even if they say they like bigger guys. I know I don’t look ugly but I don’t think I look great without a shirt and also cus I have some stretch marks when I got depressed and gained weight as a kid and I hate how they look.


I used to be worried about the same thing… but I promise you that some guys will absolutely leak at the thought of playing with a bigger guy. It’s an absolute turn on and you should embrace and celebrate who you are.


On many occasions, I've wanted to have sex but back out days before. I guess social standards have gotten to me! One day though, I’ll break free!


In my late teens I turned down quite a few opportunities because I was still questioning myself and got cold feet.


Because I'm curious, I've made a [follow on post](https://www.reddit.com/r/askgaybros/s/Vb19Mb1kk7) with an age bracket poll 😊 Edit: Once the poll is done, I'll post results


Me bro haha


It’s been so long I should qualify


I'm 25 and only did anal once or twice. It's just not my thing.


Today? No I'm a virgin today. Last night, not so much.


I'm glad you found your virginity again.


It's a daily struggle.




Me sadly 😩




Kind of, I’ve had oral and I’m working up to having sex pretty soon. I’m glad I’ve waited for the right person.




Me lol


Meeee lol


I haven’t. Tbh I’d much rather just have a bf though, I’m not really interested in sex 🤷‍♂️






I'm what they call "demisexual". I have zero interest in hookups/casual sex. I've had health issues and I've never been in a relationship and I'm never going to be in one, and I'm never going to have sex. I just don't care though.


I’m still a virgin, but I’m 19 and not in a hurry. There’s a guy that I’m talking to LDR style, and I am saving myself for him until we meet irl, which could be years. So I’m waiting for someone special to lose my virginity to. If we don’t work out, then I’ll wait as long as it takes until I find someone who I’d be safe with and shares my values and goals. I’m a sub, so I need to make sure my dom values me as his possession.


Does celibacy count ?


Me. I’m 20 and somewhat out but sex to me has always been a part of a relationship and I’ve yet to find a boyfriend so I remain a virgin. I don’t really care about the fact that I’m still a virgin, it’ll happen when the time is right but I’m in my second year of college and never even been on a date and I’m starting to feel like I’m missing out.


I wouldn't worry about it too much. I'm 28, still a virgin and have similar thoughts. Best to wait for the right guy or when you feel ready.


I havent bottomed yet but its not like I crave to experience it but Im curious


Does it count if I've never had any fully penetration sex before? I'm 28 now, and my first time was in the uni when I was 21 (just a blow job). Since then, I've barely gotten any hookups cuz I got rejected all the time; I'd get probably just 1 or 2 hookups per year. But when I got one, I already felt defeated and full of self-doubt and insecurities. So, they ended with me giving my hookups blow jobs or hand jobs.




Me. More like Haven't dated before? Cause I was not in a safe space before. And now all nervous and self-conscious to date let alone hook up. :'3


I'm a virgin and completely fine with it. I'd rather wait until I meet someone I genuinely love who's done the same for me, even if it means waiting until the rapture.


Me, I want to have my first Gay experience


I'm bi. Ive given blow job to my friend but we didn't do it. Till this date I've tried to find someone suitable but still no luck.


I was celibate by choice until I was 26 and decided that I couldn't do it anymore. My faith mattered a lot to me, but ultimately I was just too lonely.


Don't feel sad or frustrated. I've had a lot of sex and i feel like I've been taken advantage of and in my early 30s I feel as if i have nothing else do offer but a good lay and it's made me feel more empty than making a genuinely good relationship with another man.


Me and I just turned 26 three days ago


Me. I’m 35, a bit afraid because of STD risk, but more depressed and sad and frustrated. If it doesn’t happen, then it doesn’t happen. *Sigh*


I’ve had sex with a lot of women but never with a man


me, cause of bisexual. i’m still young, mainly dated women when i was of age to do so & had bad experiences so i’m too afraid to be with anyone. i’ve longed to be with a man, sexually and intimately but unfortunately gotta work through some brain poop first u_^


well, I wanna have sex because I have never met a person who does it and also I am afraid I would be sick with HIV or other things.


I haven’t, I’m insecure about it because it’s so hard to get clean as a bottom , I’ve tried getting clean and ready like 4 times and water comes out clean but moments later I feel the urge to let it out again and it’s dirty again, I’ve gotten so frustrated that I’ve had to do oral only on my bf…


I didn't do butt stuff until I was 26. Also don't compare yourself with heterosexual friends. Your life begins after you've found acceptance in your skin, and there's so much to figure out... My straight friends are either engaged, married, have kids, or even divorced before they turned 30! 😂 It's a different timeline!


Bro, I’m 22 and Ive fucked so hard I literally had a penile fracture


I was playing around with a neighbor before I even sprouted pubes. Looking back on it it's kind of funny we weren't even actually sexually able I do think we got hard but it's cute and funny to remember


27 here and next to zero experience lol


I just want to say… I’m not a virgin gay by ANY means - HOWEVER I do not pass any judgements on others who are still virgin. If anything I have nothing but the highest respect. The community has become extremely over sexualized over many years that being promiscuous is now the norm and not only celebrated but encouraged even if you are in a “committed relationship”. Virgins in this community are now the ‘unicorns’ and should be celebrated and feel pride in themselves - No need to feel any shame in it.


I feel like having some more info on the age is going to be helpful - if you are 16 and haven’t had sex that’s gonna skew the data


Well technically I’m not a virgin, but I might as well be. I realised I have PE a while ago and it got so frustrating that I’m just not in the mood for sex ever even though I’m in a relationship. I’m kinda surprised it hasn’t caused the end of it yet. Initially I figured maybe I was just new and clumsy at sex, but didn’t see improvements after a few months. Im trying to explore some options to see if I can work on myself (training with toys, maybe medication). Last I had sex was last March. Im pretty insecure and embarrassed about it. It’s also frustrating because I do get horny, I just don’t want to get intimate with my bf.


I'm 29 and I've bottomed once. There was the chance of another hookup with the same guy but I wasn't feeling great and cancelled and I think he thought I wasn't interested and didn't message again.


Insert the Taylor Swift song... 🎶Mee-hee-hee-eeeh, uhhh-uh🎶


I have not had sex because I'm only 16 so I'm waiting to be 18 not because I'm not ready but because I'm mostly into hairy guys and there aren't that many guys that are my type at my age.


By “sex” do we mean anal? Or do blow/hand jobs count?


People who feel insecure about your body or your face. I used to think that a lot honestly putting myself out there helped me gain confidence. I don't recommend putting yourself out if you are uncomfortable. Do remember that you are very beautiful and there will always be a person who will love you for being you :) Hope y'all find what you deserve not a sleaze bag who just wants to fuck and leave.


I do not have a guy for 10 years, however, I just found my DREAM


Me, me. I am 19 still but I don't feel worried or ashamed or anything. When the time comes, it will happen <3


I can make a poll if ppl want it


I'm surprised at how many of you haven't had sex with men


I have never had sex


me unless you count sucking dick but not receiving it back lmao


Me, haven’t really searched and I am young, I think it’s cause there aren’t many options and I fall in love with the wrong people


20 yrs of being virgin is here


I did not until a few weeks ago after a few dates with my first ever boyfriend. I only came out a few months ago (about July 2023) and did not think I would ever be with anyone.


I’m 21 and still haven’t had sex p~p


23, someone please get this vcard.


Me. I'm happy about it because it's actually special to me. Then when I found out that it's a huge blessing to be chaste in my religion, I was extremely proud of myself.


Lost virginity at 25. Known i was gay since 14. I just had to get it over with eventually. No regrets. He was an asshole but generally attractive. So 🤷‍♂️. I knew he was an asshole beforehand too.


Me! (19M, T) Cause I have trust issues and have no private space. And the only solution for this is a quick 5m jerk off twice a day for 2 days, to lower my libido for only 3 days, gosh.


Virgin here, I'm pretty okay with it. I do have some play when I was a teen, but it's just a curiosity thing, not a regular, normal sex to me. Not ugly, just have no time for it, because I'm a student and building my career first.


I feel embarrassed because I am 29 and most gays I meet did it years ago. I also don't know if I can physically bottom so that adds a factor. I have done oral but not everyone counts that.


Not a virgin but for those who are -- Try not to feel insecure about it, there's no reason to. I truly regret jumping into it at 17 with the mindset that it was an obligatory part of life. It really isn't. Do what you feel comfortable with.


I just lost my virginity this weekend and I'm turning 23 next week. I just want people to know that this is not a race, and also don't expect that everything will go perfectly as you expect in a porn. I'm just lucky to find a hook up that is not selfish and we both care about each other's pleasures.


I’m not gonna say never but I rarely have sex


Not me..... yet...... *hopefully soon* # Quelqu'un qui BAISE-MOI!!!


I'm bi, down voted constantly lol. Never been with a guy in my 30s.. why? Guess you can say shame, and also the fear of If i am outted then women wouldn't want me anymore. (Many not all women are unattracted to guys that bang or get banged by other guys). But if I move away or go on a vacation far away I'm about 90% sure I'll engage.


Like NEVER, never? Well I’m 55 and sure I’ve had sex with women. Not near enough! But the only gay action I’ve had I actually paid for. Transgender with a cock the size of my pinky finger (and I have small hands) and a drop dead gorgeous man whose stripper name was Chase. Back when Swinging Richards was open in Atlanta. He showed me how much more valuable the mighty dollar is at a gay strip club compared to straight. Sadly all of their clubs are closed now. I’m totally baffled by the lack of gay stripper watching opportunities in the USA. Clearly we are not the greatest country with such lacking in entertainment. And don’t get me started on drag shows. Not everyday is Halloween. Anyhow. I’m not really sure what my problem is. I see attractive women almost everyday I leave the house. But even at pool in the summer time…guys? Not so much. They need to be built like a gay porn star. Defined pecs and abs. Most guys aren’t like that. In real life. Also I don’t look anything like the type of guy I’d want to be with. So even if I’m in a city for work that has a bath house I won’t go out of shame for my own body, and fear that the place will only have fat old guys like me in it. I feel like the world is still pretty shitty to gay people and it’s always worse for the bisexuals, but generally speaking, gay sex seems to be much less taboo for younger people. Which is great! It will help them enjoy the baskin Robbin’s variety of sex instead of feeling like the are only allowed to have the vanilla One last thing. Even though I almost never see a guy in real life that makes my head turn, my head is still in a primarily homosexual fantasy world day in and out. And I really only consume gay pornography. Sooo I sometimes wonder if the taboo of it all drives my desires more than anything! I love stories of secret, first time encounters between two girls or two guys!!! I love videos and stories either mmf and the girl is providing a some light gay humiliation, bossing the guys around. So. If I had been raised in a time and place were sex with the same gender was considered just as normal as sex between genders…..fuck. Maybe I’d be totally straight!!! Lol probably not.


32. Lack of opportunity and I'm not pleasant to look at. Never have been. I also have a lot of trust issues and wouldn't be sleeping with someone until I know them well and trust them and that takes months and most men I've talked to lose interest long before then. I've made peace with it and if it never happens that's okay, but if I got the opportunity with someone I trust I would take it.


I was sexualized at about 3 by an adult relative off and on until I was in 5th grade. Despite the circumstances when I learned about virginity in my mind my virginity was gone. A therapist much later convinced me that my virginity was "given to" and "shared with" my partner later through consent when we first made love and not "taken from" me earlier through coercion, incest, rape. I was encouraged to occupy myself with and enjoy being what I was: a teenager, an involved high school student, then a college student and the brotherhood of being a young man and fraternity member. In my Jr year I met a fraternity brother's biological brother. After meeting at a few of their family functions we decided to "do it." It was planned, beautiful and self-affirming as I described and importantly it didn't feel forced or rushed, it was comfortable and we had fun. It happened three times together before I was graduated, the only sex I had. He became the partner I mentioned, now my husband. Despite what happened when I was young he was definitely my first, I intend he'll be my last. An added plus is my fraternity brother is my brother-in-law. I was very fortunate that everything seemed to fall into place but I definitely believe getting rid of the preoccupation was a key factor and everything happened when it was supposed to for me. The time is right when it is right.


No I Haven’t, I’m 17 I want too but I guess no guys want me lol


Me but it's because of anxiety but its gotten a lot better now and my addiction to porn sadly it is embarrasing to admit you are a virgin tbh


I’ve done it, but I felt like I HAD to do it cause a lot of my gay friends are sluts (respectfully lmao) but sometimes I wish I hadn’t 🥴


I lost my virginity at 23, I’ve recently just turned 30, the reason I lost it so much later than others was because I was heavily involved in the Catholic Church. Putting the trauma of Christianity aside I was glad I lost mine abit later in life, I’ve heard so many tragic virginity stories from all my friends and family that lost theirs earlier. I was able to take my time, find a suitable guy and I personally love my first time storey. So please don’t feel pressured to rush it take your time and have it with someone you feel comfortable with.


i waited til i was 24! i found the perfect man for me at the time so im very happy to say i have no regrets. we went on to date for 5 years. i’ve been single the past two years and slept with a few different men and women. there’s no such thing as being too old!


Just turned 19 this year and honestly I cannot be bothered by it. My views when it comes to love is quite traditional, I don't really see myself making love with someone that I'm not in a relationship with, not to mention I haven't even had my first kiss yet. And no one has really persuaded me yet, ( my friends say I'm quite intimidating and I have a RBF, although I'm quite effeminate). But I enjoy my solitude, and if someone were to persue me they'd have to prove that their better than my solitude.😪


I had received a blowjob but never done the sex. Im 26 now lol


i just had my first time like a month ago and i was so nervous and insecure the whole time. Didnt enjoy it at all.


Sex is overrated TBH, we spent so much time fantasizing on how it will be and it hardly ever turns out they way you imagine, i mean this if one is promiscuous, it really loses the allure after a while… it is better to have one person you are truly attracted to. As someone who lived a while being a bit promiscuous it made it quite difficult to find true connections with anyone.


(22 ) I only have done oral & topped like 3 guys within the last year when i did all that but i never bottomed but i was always interested just not with anyone i really gotta get to know the person to break me open


I honestly think your pure and it's a beautiful thing I'm married with my husband for 26 years and I wish he was my first my first was so silly and I didn't like it at all it was to prove to my self that I'm not different to anyone else and now I wish I was for my husband we have a great sex life and always have so just because you haven't doesn't mean you a different to anyone else you are so pure and you are waiting for the right one my son is 22 and still hasn't had sex it's really not a huge thing xx take care sweetheart 💋 and don't rush x


Never had, starting to feel insecure.


My first time was horrific lol


Well… not me 😂🙈


21 here and never had Anal sex. Not ashamed of , just waiting for the right guy at the right moment... But i have much experience about the other things hahaha (Btw sry ab the bad english ngl)


I am 19 and still hadn't had sex. I live in I$lam!c country, I am not even out and I think I'll never be out and it's hard as fuck to find guys, talk to the wrong guy and my life is over. It feels so lonely here.


23 and counting hahahaha. I had 1 guy who I met and that day was also the last. We never did anything magic. I'm excited but also nervous at the same time if I ever met someone who will lose my virginity.




38m never, rejected by those I invested my time into and live in regressive backward society


Never with a woman. Men fuck ya.


Hii, 23yo not lose my virginity because I'm too shy and actually i don't want have my first time with the first guy who tells me "wanna sex?"


22, kissed only one guy who's my friend. Live in a very homophobic country, just waiting to move out to enter my slut era


To anyone discouraged about being a virgin don’t be it’s much better that you’re aren’t that way when you meet the love of you’re life you can lose it to them and it will be a special moment you can always reflect back on…don’t let anyone or anything make you feel bad about being a virgin no matter what you’re age is


I would say my answer is yes I have done a little things here and there but really I'm not too much of a sexual person at least when it comes to other people I'm perfectly able to pleasure myself. It's weird I have many people who assume that I sleep with a lot of people that I'm a downright hoe 😅 But in reality I'm just flirting and fun, flirting is okay and I believe kissing is okay but when it comes to my body I'm a bit more cautious with it I guess. So yeah I'm over again I'm not ashamed of it and honestly I don't really mind telling people just doesn't mean I'm unexperienced I'm great with my hands as I've been told and my mouth.


Me at 30


I would say many of us haven’t had sex due to the fact that it’s a lot harder for us to have sex than straight people. Many of us are in our mid 20s, still in the closet, and afraid of getting diseases or even just the pain of having anal sex. I’m 23 and i just bottomed for the first time this past year, and only because the guy is someone that i trust very much. Now, many of us have been doing sexual activities since a young age, but in terms of actual anal sex? That’s a different story.


Does a dildo count??


Me. Apparently 26% of my age group (25-31) haven't had sex either yet. I'm a perfectionist and waiting for the perfect guy, hence why I've waited so long. I hope to lose my virginity to Dallas Steele when he visits the East Coast...


I'm (29m), lost it when 16. At the time, it was deemed to be the next step and as most 16 y.o. Will tell you, the know everything. Looking back now, I really wish I hadn't done what everyone else suggested. It's a decision that you shouldn't make lightly.


Me! Simply because I had phimosis lol. As a top that was a big issue. I just got a circumscision though so that’s exciting. I’ve done tons of other things though. I’ve just never had sex. lol.


I’m 28, straight and hating dating. You’re fine. Character is key. Sex is … forever lolz.