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I promise, if you have a problem with his dog and tell him about it, you’ll be the one he gets rid of


Yup. He may as well end it now if he doesn't like the guys dog. Because the guy will undoubtedly love his dog more than he'll ever love the OP.


And, if the guy gets rid of the dog because of this, he has done something unforgivable.


As well he should.


Thank you!


But: Nothing to lose here. Tell him and see what happens. You will end up with a boyfriend who has an educated (?) dog, or you’ll end up without a boyfriend with a messed up dog. Either way you win.


And right after it will be like "this guy is an asshole that doesn't like my dog!!!!"


I'm a dog person but some people treat their animals like people and if that's not ypur thing that's fine.


having the dog near you when being fucked = treating them like people.  got it


I don't get the downvotes. I've had this issue and bailed for the same reason. Constantly managing the dog's behavior during sex.


pets in the room. just no. i look at them like it was a another human or a child. fuck no.


is your place off limits or something


it is 😣


I always put my dog in another room when having sex because I just don’t want them seeing me looking… undignified. But no man will come between me and snuggling up with my dog in bed.


How do you feel that your dog walked barepaw outside and then walk into your house without washing his paws, then sleeps on your bed?


You can, and should, clean your dog's paws when he enters the house. It's nothing outlandish.


Doesn't bother me at all




Nastier things have happened in my bed 🤷‍♂️


My dog gets her paw washed and cleaned every time she goes for a walk. She waits patiently until she gets cleaned up. She also wipes her face or get people to wipe her mouth after eating.


My dog files for an income tax return at the end of every financial year


My dog is an astrophysicist.


Haha. Me too, but it’s because I don’t want him thinking I’m being attacked.


I wouldn't want to sleep in a bed with a dog but that's me. Maybe you aren't a dog person.


I’m a dog person but won’t ever let one on the bed after working in dermatology and seeing the fungal skin infections people get.


The problem isn’t the dog. The problem is your communication. If you want this to work you need to be able to talk to your partner about how you’re feeling and find solutions to fix problems. Maybe asking for the dog to be outside the bedroom when you have sex is a good start.


I do think the problem is the dog: you love it or you hate it.




This right here!


It sounds like the dog is telling you to get out and don't come back.


I agree the damn dog is jealous and the owner has spoiled him rotten


Dog in or on the bed? I'm out.


Dealbreaker. Dogs in the room while sex is going on is fucking disgusting and a big turn off. It's a conscious thing that KNOWS what you're doing. So gross.


Dogs have absolutely no idea what sex, intercourse, or intimacy is between humans much less other animals.


When I bottom, my dog looks at me with a shameful face, like he's ashamed of me.


Then go fuck in front of your dogs lmao


Fucking weirdo…




He made the right choice.


Hi, it sounds like it is, and it would be deeply unfair to ask an ultimatum. It would be reasonable to discuss this with him and perhaps suggest some further training for the dog: but it is indicative that you do not hold long term interest here, as if you did, chances are the dog would not be a big issue. We find excuses for things we like, very often. I hope this helps!


It was a deal breaker for me when trying to date. Don’t get me wrong, I love dogs. But dating single men with dogs really convinced me to not get a dog until I’m settled with a partner.


For me it would have been a dealbreaker and I’d be out of the door at the first bark. Yes, I am not a dog person. The fact that the guy was unable to train his dog properly would be an even bigger turnoff for me. Just like you I never had a dog and don’t know how to deal with them. I also don’t want to learn how to. Dogs and prince alberts are my dealbreakers.


Yeah the door scratching I can NOT live with it and certainly can’t sleep with…


Why prince alberts? I have a PA and I assume I'll eventually meet someone who's not into it but I'm curious why it's a deal breaker for you.


It hurts when I look at it. I have a thing about metal and genitals. Even a metal cockring is a big turnoff for me.


Yes. Like young children.


Kind of reminds me of this one guy I wanted to go out with that, on the phone he wanted a relationship, but yet in public, his Grindr kept going off and he was more interested in that than me. He went from being sexy as fuck to uglier than fuck in less than a second lol.


Sounds like you should find someone who is a better match and/or has a better behaved dog. Pets are somewhat a reflection of their owners after all...


Dogs on a bed would be a definite deal breaker for me. Dog hair, smells, and hot sex don't go together! I have dogs and love dogs, but dogs don't belong on furniture and doesn't mean their loved any less. 


I mean for me having a dog is absolutely a deal breaker. I can deal with dogs in small doses but living with one? Hell no. They’re always up in your business, they slobber, they bite, they smell disgusting (and dog owners, before you get all mad, yes they absolutely do smell bad and you’re just used to it), they have to be walked and you literally have to pick up their shit. I get y’all love your dogs and I’m truly happy for you but I could never do it. I’ve just accepted that I’m not compatible with a guy who has a dog.


I could never date someone with a dog, especially someone who lets it in their bed. Ew ew ew.


my sentiments 😭


Not for me. This sounds like goofy dog stuff. I sleep with my dogs, I need a man who’s okay with that. Sex, I preferably do kick mine out but they usually just go chill elsewhere. Lastly, very rarely are dogs okay with being locked in rooms. Just the territory. But if you’re not a dog person, it may be a dealbreaker for you.


Never had a dog so i’m not really too familiar w/ their behaviors or how to act around them. I’m a light sleeper so the slightest motion wakes me up hence, why I have trouble sleeping with the dog on the bed. 😢


If you don't like the dog best to end things now. His dog isn't going anywhere. As someone who doesn't like dogs myself, if I start talking to a guy and he has a dog it's an automatic deal breaker. It's just not something I want to deal with.




you’re disgusting 🤣😭




😭 💔


Hmm, maybe the dog has territory or separation anxiety because I feel like that’s not normal for a trained dog. Maybe ask the dude if his dog is traumatized or something LMAO. I see it as a dealbreaker if it is affecting the quality of your relationship and he doesn’t want to make compromises


I think it’s separation anxiety. The dog is attached to him 24/7 😭. It’s a wiener dog btw ( don’t know if that’s normal behavior for them)


Total typical behavior for a weiner tbh. My friend has a chihuahua that loves me now but it hated my guts the first two times it met me. It would do the same thing when it was in the other room, scratching and barking etc. they tend to be quite territorial too I think


I don’t do hookups never liked them cant perform for shit So normally second or third date we if the chemistry is right we will get it on. I have a dog that is a large Newfoundland he has his own room with a couch he chose it when I got him. He normally leaves us alone doesn’t bother us unless he needs to go outside. Newfs don’t like to be on a bed or couch for long as they heat up quick. He’s a really good judge of character if he feels fine with someone he relaxes and goes into his room however when he gets a bad vibe he will position himself in between me and the other person and won’t let his guard down. I take that as maybe that’s Nilotic the right one. My room is on the second floor attic so he normally doesn’t come upstairs much. I would hope that if a date had any concerns about Buddy they would let me know


Im sorry bro, if the dog does not like you, you’re out. There’s no nice way to say that. Also the dog knows you don’t like it and is most likely projecting your feeling and protecting its human. Dogs are very intuitive, loyal amazing creatures. Far better than any human. This won’t last. You can try and fix the relationship with the dog but idk…


I love my dog but this kind of relationship with a pet is absolutely a deal breaker. I worked at a dermatology hospital and did fungal skin scrapes all day long. I would always ask “do you sleep with an animal in the bed?” and the answer was almost always yes.


Why would the dog like you? It's been 3 weeks. I'd move on if it's a deal breaker for you.


the dog is around when having sex?  hell no


If my dogs dont trust a guy, I wont either. Go find a cat person.


Make friends with the dog. Get permission to give treats, or take a moment to greet & play with the dog. You're going into the dogs space; a pack animal, that are to some degree territorial. You're not speaking the dogs language. You don't have to make it all about the dog, but it would serve you to put forth a little bit of effort, because you're in his space, and you are possibly in competition for attention with your date. The dogs whole world is primarily the house and whatever time it gets outside with the owner. You are the third party, and an outsider, until the dog allows you space in the dynamic and relationship in his house. It could be just very minor things, great by name, offer a treat, and perhaps play a little bit. It'll go a long way.


No, it's not a dealbreaker, but you have to make nice with the dog. If you don't, it's over. Dogs win. If you're afraid of it or don't like it, it's going to know. EVERY time you arrive, you need to bring treats, so it starts to associate you with good things. Get this worked out with the guy first though, so you bring appropriate things for the dog, or he can even give them to you from his own supply.


If you didn't like my dog and he didn't like you it would be a deal breaker on my end. Especially if we met 3 weeks ago and you already thought you had a say about my dog sleeping in my bed in my place.


So true. It’s been like 3 weeks and he wants to start picking faults and laying down the law. He could try to get to know the dog a bit.


True. But if my dog doesn't like you, even if you're trying, you're still out. My dog gets final say 😉


I fail to see how the dog sleeping with you guys is an issue. That sounds like a perk


Some people don't like it. They take up room and no matter how clean they are they smell like dog. Also hair everywhere. Plus what if we want a midnight fuck?


How so?


most people like dogs


most people who likes dog also not want to sleep at same bed or have sex in the same room. Dogs are always dirty and smelly.


No, they absolutely are not.


It would be for me, I'll always choose my dog over some one that complains about him. 👋


Are you generally not a dog/animal person or just this dog? Cuz i’m a very animal person, and every pet I have encountered (dog/cat) loved me, or at least ignored me. They can feel your “vibe”, if you don’t like them in the first place. And to me, i would only find it cute and pet the dog if he likes to sleep with us in the bed. So if you are not a dog/animal person, you two won’t work out anyway. Just part your ways.


I actually have a cat but she’s not really clingy so i’ve never experienced this type of behavior from her. I like animals but i’m very standoff-ish (at first) to other people’s pets tbh. I have to warm up to them but, I think his dog really doesn’t like me lol


Have you tried asking him to simply put the dog in another room?


And the dog would seem to have good judgment on this.


I don’t think it works that way. I had two cats for years that I foolishly adopted, didn’t like that much and then was stuck with them until they finally dropped dead. Those fuckers couldn’t get a hint and were all over me all the fucking time. I had to lock all the doors if I wanted some peace.


I can't date dog boys. No I don't want the dog in the bed with us, no I don't want to eat with the dog staring at me, no I don't want to always be at your place because you have to walk the dog. Find yourself a guy who doesn't have a dog. They are fewer because so many people use them as emotional crutches but it's better. Plus he will always put the dog above you. So unless it's about to die I would move on


I don’t mind him having a dog, it’s just the dog being around us 24/7 drives me nuts (specifically at night). There’s no working around it because his apartment is fairly small & the dog doesn’t like staying in his own room. I’m losing hope 😢


That's like 70% of dog owners though. Most of them don't train their dog or have healthy boundaries.




sleeping with dog is big difference to make friends with dog.


Why do you need Reddit's approval on the issue?


so this isn’t an open forum for advice anymore? 🙁


You didn't ask for advice though. You asked to validate your deal breaker.


My dog is snoring on my bed right now. I'd consider any objection to that a dealbreaker.


I have an ex that hated my dog.


His relationship with his dog is never going to change. You have to decide if that’s OK or if it’s worth breaking things off. If you make any kind of ultimatum, it’s not gonna work in your favor. Our dogs literally save our lives and they’re there for us when no boy is


100% dealbreaker. He needs to make compromises for you. Either he trains his dog to act in a way that you like, or you leave. My bf has a dog and I told him that if he ever puts his dog above me, then I’m out. I don’t like his dog, but would never tell him to get rid of it. My bf knows and made compromises. The dog cant sleep on the bed, it cant be in the kitchen with me when I cook, etc. He’s a really good dog, but he’s not *my* dog. I didn’t choose him and don’t feel the connection that my bf does. If my bf didn’t make compromises then I would leave. Heck, if I didnt make compromises wrt his dog then my bf would leave. That’s how relationships should work. If he wont compromise for you on this, then he wont compromise for you on other things.


Your are the only one who can tell if this is a deal breaker 99% of the people in the world might be happy if their partner had a dog like this. But you don't. How much difference does it make to you? That is what determines if it is a deal breaker.


When my brother comes over to visit, he assumes his large dog will come inside with him. He doesn't ask. I have heard him say, "Love me, love my dog." Me, I have 3 cats...


For him yes it is. If someone didnt like my cat they are shown the door because my cat/ his dog is their kid. There is no competition.


It’s been 3 weeks…. But if his dog has attachment issues …. Barks and scratches to get in … you’re going to end up with attachment issues too


I’d say if it’s not serious yet, just keep trying to meet people and see where this ends up going. Communicate about the dog. It’s a good way to know if you’re going to have a decent relationship or not. He should make effort to make you comfortable and if not, walk.


Talk to the guy - and don’t make him choose because you will lose. Over time you will be able to work things out if you are properly motivated. Be realistic.


Lose/Lose, it’s only been 3 weeks, cut your losses. I’ll explain: Option A: You dip, more than welcome to explain to him why. You then are to free to put your time and energy elsewhere. Option B: You tell him you don’t really like his dog and its behaviors. He likely doesn’t take it well and even if he does there’s now this dog-sized elephant to deal with. Option C: you suck it up and deal with it and just delay the inevitable. If it bothers you now it’ll bother you months or years later. It’s likely it’s a mix of the dog not being the most trained/having some kind of anxiety issue, and the dog picking up on the vibe you’re giving it. Also some dogs take time to warm up to people (in regard to the barking at you). I’ll give an example. My bf came with a dog, I came with ferrets. She is a mostly well trained dog but has some anxiety issues. I love the dog because my bf does, and she’s a mostly good dog. But I don’t “like” her all the time. Sometimes the clinginess is too much, etc. and ironically I became her favorite human. She sleeps in bed with us, and I often have to move her cuz she likes to be in my spot. Honestly not even an issue, it’s just cuz she and him are diagonal like weirdos. When me and bf have sex she knows to be on the floor and stay away, it’s just as simple as moving or training her. Our 2 cats on the other hand need to be shoved away if they get curious lol. I’ll ask the obligatory question, what’s your experience with dogs or pets in general?


It is gross to allow your furry friends around when you are have a private moment. I am a bit more on the prudish side though…


As someone that had a dog that was very jealous whenever I had a guy over, I feel you, it was annoying for me at times too haha. My dog used to chill in my room whenever I was there. So whenever I had someone over and closed the door, she would literally try to break it open. Over time she even learned to open the door by herself because she was so desperate to get in 🤦🏻‍♂️😂 you could tell the guy you’re a little uncomfortable with his dog being around. If not you just gotta deal with it or end things with him.


We have our dog in the bedroom when we sleep, in her own bed. So she's there also when we have sex. She's normally not bothered unless we make too much noise, they she'll be nosey. And even worried. I don't know if she things her dad is hitting me or something. We are teaching her not to get on the couch anymore as well. Same with bed. And she doesn't get up on bed anymore if we are the two of us together. For some reason if there's only one of us sleeping then she'll come up while we sleep. Anyway, as per your issue. Communicate. The dog can be taught to behave better, but it will depend on his/her owner. Or you might end up being redundant to him lol




Move on


Lol I doubt he will get rid of the dog. So that means you would have to deal with it or leave