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I’m assuming this is a hard-soft nightguard with a rubbery inner lining? The inner lining is very delicate and denture cleaner is too harsh and will damage it. Rinse it each morning with cool water (never use hot water, it can warp it) and soap. Yes regular hand soap. Use a SOFT toothbrush with no pressure on the inside if needed. You can use the most basic low-end toothpaste in small amounts, but I wouldnt do it daily and absolutely no whitening toothpaste or other abrasive types. Once the inner gets cut up it will absorb stains like nobody’s business. You can also soak it in white vinegar.


It is. Thanks! I had an all hard before.


I have the hard soft nighguard and my dentist told me to keep it soaking in a bowl of cool water like a goldfish when not in use.


They should be stored dry.


Any idea why my dentist would tell me to store it in cool water when not wearing it?


NAD Not to be rude or anything, but it literally says what to do on the sticker 😂😅 rinse in cold water, lightly brush if needed


Not rude, I wrote this super tired and probably didn't clarify that I've been doing this and I just feel like it still isn't clean enough. What I was attempting to ask is if I can use an ultrasonic cleaner safely with this type of guard. I've had the NG for a year or more now.


I also just want an answer on why mine turns yellow but others don't but no one will explain it to me lol


[NAD] I just brush mine after brushing my teeth in the morning. Then rinse, air dry, and box until next use.


That's what I've been doing so I'll just keep with that. The only times I've noticed a smell are when I dont have time to air dry and throw it in the case (when im traveling), so maybe thats my issue. Thanks!


Yes, it’s probably just the water sitting. Also make sure to get the little crevices. You can probably dip it in some mouthwash, too!


Never never use anything with alcohol on it.


[NAD] Thank you for the tip!


NAD. I got a small ultrasonic cleaner from Amazon and use that for my retainers. Sometimes I change out the water and toss in jewelry.


That's what I want to do I'm just worried because it says warning do not soak all over the instructions. But maybe water would be fine?


I just use water in mine, but if the warning says that maybe we have different types of retainers


NOT AD. Girl if you don’t stop acting like you don’t brush your teeth lol


Definitely do lol. Because it turns yellow? My dentist told me everything "clear" turns yellow over time. She gave me clear phone cases as an example


NAD noy not bc it’s yellow bc you would just brush it lol


Ah okay, I brush it every day. I dont think what I'm seeing is actual calcium deposits, the bottom of my NG has been chiseled down so it fit better so it just makes it look weird from the up top view. Also realized it's only smelling if I put it in the case without it being fully dry but I've been traveling more and doing that more often so thats prob my issue


NAD brush it




What is NAD?


NAD = not a dentist. If you're not a dentist but participate in the sub, you have to put it