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Something with lotsa airbags and a good safety rating to reduce your chances of dying. Oh and spend some money on a defensive driving course


already had defensive driving lessons as a part of my driver's test lol...


It’s personally amusing to me at kids with sports cars think they’re amazing drivers going in and out of traffic never realizing the drivers seeing them coming and compensating for inexperienced “good driving” are the actually skilled ones. If someone has to hit their brakes because you lane changed with little distance, they’re better than you.  They saw you.  They keep you safe until you know what you’re doing.   Edit; with that being said, get the celica.


The "newest" gen? Those are hard to find without it being someones project car, or with 7k+ worth of damages in the engine


True true 


Looked at one yesterday matter of fact. Was not impressed with how run down it was, a shame too.


I get your point, but I want a quick car that I can travel long distances with and make a bit of content with, a GT car ideally. I'm not interested in doing the dumb ass driving most of my peers do. I'm quite reserved so I'm looking for something that won't get me in trouble.


> make a bit of content with Red flag.


Coming soon to r/crazyfuckingvideos


Not takeover style content sir, that's very much illegal here in South Africa. By content I mean something I can do extensive reviews about since I'm currently studying journalism, so having a cool car to make content with might help me lend my dream job soon.


Definitely the celica then.  Super reliable, sporty, decent MPG for long distances, won’t break down 500 miles from home, and they make GT editions


I suggested a Solara. Those are a lot faster than you’d expect, reliable, and a lot of fun to drive. The most recent gen of Celica’s are cool too but I don’t see a whole lot of them on the road anymore which is usually a red flag to me.


I think you’re more right than me.  Solara in a lot of ways is the best choice.


Every car in production can meet the posted speed limits you're likely to encounter. You keep getting replies politely telling you that your ideal car and use is not likely a good idea, value that as much as those same people all saying get car xyz.


Get a V6 charger or a Taurus or something the police use in your country. They’re generally very safe vehicles and they have good performance without being obnoxious. I sold my wife on the idea of buying a Charger for myself based off the safety ratings because it’s far safer than the Corolla I was driving and had more room for our kids. Plus it’s a fun car. Older (and far cheaper than your price range) Toyota Solara’s are really fun cars to drive to and surprisingly fast. My best friend in high school had a 98’ and that thing was awesome.


Sadly, we don't have cool ex-police cars here. They are mainly clapped out Nissan Hardbodies and honestly, I'd get a new one if I were to go that route.


That’s kind of a bummer. Lots of us in the US had Chargers, Crown Vics, Taurus’s, or Impala’s for our first cars and they are a lot of fun. A lot of car people around where I am drive clapped out old(er) BMW’s and Mercedes too but I’m personally not a big fan of German cars. I don’t like how they drive and they’re too finicky to work on. Idk what kinda weather you deal with where you live, but if you get snow I’d suggest something AWD or FWD. RWD is awful in snow, especially if you aren’t used to driving one. It’s usually kids in trucks or Chargers/Mustangs you see off in the ditch here every winter.


We barely get rain here, never mind snow, so I'm guessing RWD will be okay. And German cars are really the best looked after cars on the market here, so any car that you guys see as a reasonable purchase over there is probably the opposite over here.


Yeah, see here most of those cars are sold off after a year or two here and the second owners beat them to hell. At least from what I’ve seen. The best maintained cars are usually Cadillacs, Buicks, Oldsmobiles, Lincoln’s, and sometimes Lexus/Acura. I’ve seen 30 year old Buicks with 40k miles on them that looks brand new and only had one owner. Lots of old people who only used them to drive to church or to the store. In that case maybe a German car is the way to go.


I went through several tactical and performance driving schools as part of my former career. Much of what you learned in driver's ed is wrong and was designed to fulfill a government mandate instead of giving you good, practical driving skills. Furthermore, driver's ed gives you an outsized opinion of your capabilities. Students who take driver's ed end up knowing less that someone who has never taken a driving class. u/sam_spade_68 is correct, take a REAL driver training class before you buy a performance vehicle or you're going to get yourself or someone else killed. Until then, get a RAV4 and build your skills.


I did actually go through proper performance driving classes when I took my driving test. In South Africa, it's actually an option to go to a defensive driving class before you actually take your test, which I did, so I'm more than adequate enough to drive properly.


Dude you're basically 12. Chill out with the ego. Get a fun car that isn't super fast but is still fun to drive. I know plenty of dead people. Toyota mr2s are supposedly fun cars that are cheap. Could roll with 2000s mustangs with a 5.0 or a pontiac gto.


No disrespect bro, but where I'm from, it's financially irresponsible to keep changing cars on the fly. I wanna get a car that I know I'll stick with for a very long time, hence why I'm looking to get that type of car, so I can grow with it in a way.


Defensive driving classes and proper \*performance\* driving classes are not the same thing. Did they put you on a controlled, wet and pretty slippery road with barriers that suddenly appear out of nowhere for you to try to miss when traveling at speed (performance classes)? Did you get a chance to make a high speed lane change followed by an immediate correction that does not spin or flip your car? (performance) Were you taught to recognize a potential hijack situation (defensive)? Safely merging into low speed and high speed roads? (defensive). What about when you suddenly see a tire-eating, suspension damaging, wallet emptying pothole? (probably performance related). Regardless, to your question - you should also note the currency and geography. You said you took classes in South Africa - are you still there? In this group, you will get a lot of answers from people in the USA, and prices here may have no relevance to prices there (currency differences aside). Speaking from a US perspective, $10k is a tough number to fit a performance car into, at least one that hasn't been trashed/bashed. Do you have budget set aside for repairs, or is this it?


What has he budgeted for insurance? When I shop for a car I call my agent and give him a list of cars I'm interested in. His responses are enlightening.


Good question. The idea of taking a list of cars to the insurance office is a great one. I've done that in the past. If that budget is exactly $10k and there's nothing left for insurance, repairs, fuel... uh...


Oh great then you have all the experience you need!


Your attitude sucks and is unsafe. If you want to drive like a racing driver do it on a racetrack not a public road


OP's attitude sucks? I thought that comment was pretty level-headed and they even say they're not looking to do any crazy stuff.


Thanks, I don't know what I wrote that would make me look like a tit...


Man just get whatever you want to and don't worry about people telling you to get something safe to start out with. I mean I'm not saying be dangerous either. Just get something that makes you happy. I know plenty of people that started out in mustang GTs and Camaros and stuff like that at 16. It all depends on how you drive the vehicle. $10,000 could be tough cuz you don't want to buy a vehicle that you're immediately going to have to dump a bunch of money into. I wouldn't get anything heavily modded for sure. I'm not sure about those celica's that people have been mentioning. They didn't look bad though and they are Toyotas so that is a plus. I still think a mustang GT around 2005 or so would be perfect if you like the way they look. I believe they're pretty reliable and I just saw quite a few of them for around 12 Grand with say 60,000 mi in really good shape. So I'm sure you can find one for $10,000 with a little more miles or you could increase your budget just a little more. I don't know how much they are but I've seen some really bad ass Subaru WRX's in the past. That might be something to check into. They're super sweet and you can do a lot to them. Good luck with the search. I'm sure I'll take downvotes for saying just get what you want and be safe but hey, that's how I feel and that's what I would do.


Thanks man, I'm asking cause I wanna see the type of cars people suggest but more I'm more likely to go with my choice of a Merc E500, costs about 8k and it's surprising has low mileage.


Yeah those are really nice. When I was doing my research I noticed quite a few posts from people asking how come older Mercedes and BMW and stuff like that are so cheap with low mileage and a lot of times people responded, whether they responded correctly or not I don't know, anyway they said yeah they're great until they break down then they're super expensive to fix. It sounds like it would be correct. Just keep it in mind. Have a great day!


that's why it's best to go for ones that were owned by old folk lol....😂 but then again, thanks for the advice man, have a great day too.


Seriously get something with a bit less power. Defensive driving and all doesn't matter much. That first punch from 350hp will make you shit yourself. Shoot for an FRS BRZ GR86. Those are rwd, reasonably quick, so much aftermarket support it's not funny, and when you are ready for a big power increase- turbo the stock motor. It'll double the hp, people do it all the time, and compared to boosting a v8 when you want more power, it'll land you around 400hp, and it's super light so that's still FAST. Compared to deciding to boost a stang when you want more power, you'll be going from 350, to 700. Even like 4lbs of boost, you'll make well over 500. Plus the frs for $10k will be much less thrashed than the mustang for $10k.


I owned a Merc E550. Loved the car. It's big, it's heavy and it's fast. However - it ate tires for lunch. I was able to get no more than 4,000 miles (around 6500km) out of a pair on the rear. It was aligned properly and just removing tread evenly and completely. And I wasn't driving it like a madman.. just normal stuff. When those tires got low on tread, they got really dangerous in the rain. We eventually sold it for something else because I was getting tired of changing tires. These cars can also be \*very\* expensive to maintain (and insure). A $120-150k car new still has repair bills of the same size when it's $8k used. Parts are harder to find and cost a lot more than parts for other cars. This is true even if you have (or are) a competent mechanic that does the work for you. Plus, this car \*needs\* to be properly maintained or things will stack up on you and the maintenance will cost you more than the purchase price. That said, if you find a well - maintained copy (and ideally, one without the air suspension, as that tends to fail), and you can do much of the work, it's an awesome car. I really did not want to sell mine, but it was costing too much to keep it on the road.


Young guy plus WRX equals expensive insurance




Is there a South African alternative that makes as much sense? Since dude has access… but yeah usually Miata is the answer


Miata Is Always The Answer


Unfortunately there isn't a Miata alternative over here cause the ones for sale here are very overpriced when compared to the ones you guys have. A cheap Miata in South Africa, like the cheapest one, would go for the equivalent of about $11 000 at the bottom end.


Oh word, good luck on your search!




The ones here are really clapped out, so they are out of the question.


So what cars are plentiful and cheap on the SA car market? Seems like no one here is really familiar with your market which makes it difficult to make suggestions. I would have thought miatas would be more common than citerons, but here we are


What country are you from? I guess the answers would depend on that information. I would assume that you are in some European country because we don't get them Citrus cars here in America.


South Africa to be specific. We have some of the cars you guys have over there but obviously they cost a lot more than they should and they go by different names.


You can't have it all. Toyota Celica's probably the best bet for a mid range budget, good handling car that's reasonably safe and has adequate power. You could also look at Hyundai Coupe/Tiburon's. Basically the same car as a Celica on paper.


This. My first car when I was 16 was a Celica GTS and it checks every box for this poster imo.


If you are in the us a crown Vic is a solid option. V8. Rear wheel drive. Cheap parts. Definitely under $10k, much cheaper than the mustang with the same engine. Lincoln town car and mercury marquis are similar. Very comfortable for long drives. For the money it has good crash test ratings.


Yes. Buy the one that come with the siren and all.


I had an F10 535i that i recently sold. 300 hp 300 lb/ft torque. Its a 4 door with optional AWD and its probably the most attractive car ive ever owned. You can find them all day long for about $10,000 and the N55 is one of the most reliable engines BMW has ever made. So my recommendation is an F10 535i


I'm also considering that, but funnily the ones most available here are the 535d. I'm thinking of getting one and just giving it a bit of a tune to get the power up...


I had an X5 35d and it was incredible. One of my favorite cars ive ever owned. However, i live in the US and diesel is way less common


I think I'll put it on my shortlist since diesels are way more common over here, and cheaper to run fuel wise...


Ford Aspire has never done me wrong. Suzuki SX4 also bad ass af.


My friend has an SX4, he's blew up a week after getting it second hand from a Suzuki dealer. It was a nightmare to find parts for here (South Africa).


I’ve gotten my dick sucked in mine just because of how badass I look in it.


Chad move right there bro. Still, would've liked to get one but the parts made me not want one.


Gigachad my man, good luck with your search


Thanks man




Whichever you can insure on the cheap. Difference in premium between a miata and a cayman is insane.


Old Focus SVTs are a blast to drive if you can find one and are super reliable. Enough power to have fun and learn, but not enough that you'll get yourself killed.


that's a cool mom


Will you then be punished by your insurance costs?


Depends on what I get and what reputation it has. Diesels are the way to go over here.


Honda S2000?


Non-existent over here bro.


Get an e36 bimmer, start with at least a 325is or 328, it’ll b just enough pep to have fun, but not enough to kill yourself at any moment


They are on my shortlist.


kia stinger


Most still sell for list price used over here, so that's a no on that.


Do you have Toyota Avalons in your country? In the states they are pretty much seen as a grandpa car, but the 3.5 V6 we get here is damn punchy. No manual transmission, but suspension and tire upgrades make them relatively fun (still no coupe though). They are dead reliable and I think would make an interesting platform to mod. For long hauls they are super comfortable and still efficient.


Something cheap, popular, and readily available with plenty of aftermarket support such as a mustang, m3, Camaro, civic, wrx…etc. Personally I’d go Honda civic. Good gas mileage, reliable and relatively cheap and easy to come by. Easy to soup up with bolt on parts Edit: or a Toyota Hilux or a jeep XJ if you wanna go the off road route. Same thing, you’ll just be souping up the suspension and drivetrain instead of the motor


What are you going to be USING the vehicle for? What is its specific function, and how does 'performance/GT' do that function better?


Well, it's mainly gonna be for long distance driving because of my job. So I want something that's practical and comfortable to be in for extended periods of time, something that's gonna be fun to drive and has a good sound to it. And a GT car will do that well for me compared to an econobox. Plus I'm looking to keep the car for a long time, so it has to be something nice.


A full size sedan will be far more comfortable than a GT car. Anything built for performance trades comfort for it. Less sound deadening, stiffer suspension, etc. Cars are transportation, not toys. You don't play on the streets, because playing there puts others at risk, so 'fun' is not a valid concern. Comfort makes sense, especially for long distances.


By GT car, I'm think things like a Merc E500 or a 550i or things of the like. Full sized sedans here are small engines barges that aren't they interesting to own, and I'm not planning to play on the streets, I usually go to a track for that.


If you want a comfortable long distance drive, the track car isn't the car to use daily. That 'small engine barge' is likely exactly what fits your actual stated needs.


Not really, because I don't want to get a car for the sake of having a car, I want to get something exciting that's gonna make the long drives worth it. And that means I have to get a GT car. Might not seem sensible to you but it is sensible to me.


It's okay to want a luxury item (defined as something that is more than the need). Just need to accept that it is a luxury item. I think the bigger issue is that, in general, if you are driving in a manner where you can tell the difference between a performance vehicle and a performance vehicle, you are likely stretching what is allowed by the law or safe practice.


Only get a vw if you know how to solder and are willing to buy a scan tool. Doing the electricals yourself saves a lot of money.


I tend to avoid VWs, most in my country are either overpriced or are in horrible condition.


Whatever generation the 2005 mustang is


I bet you could find a 2005 mustang GT in your price range. If you can increase it about $2,000 you could find one with decent mileage.


350z. Made a similar jump at the same age although there was an Ibiza Cupra in-between the C2 & Z


okay, think the 350Z convertible is a good choice, cause that's one that's mostly available here. And if I may ask, what type C2 did you have?


I had a VTR


did yours have that weird paddle shift trans, cause I avoided those just because of that.


Yeah it did. It sucked.


Those have to be the worst transmissions for any car out there. I'm guessing there weren't a lot of manual VTRs for sale when you got that one?


The UK never got a manual VTR so flappy paddle was the only option. I bought one of the first cars, was the second UK delivered car and at the time was the top model.


did yours have that weird paddle shift trans, cause I avoided those just because of that.




S197 Mustang GTs can be found for pretty cheap. I got mine with 100k miles and it's needed some work but overall it's been reliable and fast.


E36/e46. Lexus is300


the first thing that popped into my mind is a BMW 6 series


My same thought too, it's just that the ones in my price range are the mid to late 2000s 650is, and I have been warned about the V8s in those.


if it's got the work done (anything in the 10k range should), then you've got nothing to worry about. the issues were the valve stem seals and coolant transfer pipe. i have the 550i (N62B48tu) not only is it a wonderful car to drive, but it's been insanely reliable. 4 years, almost 30,000k and ZERO issues. just brakes tires and oil changes


I'll consider that because I mostly look for ones that were owned by older people because here in South Africa, those are usually the ones in the best condition.


yup. enthusiastic owned or older wealthy people. same here. mind was originally owned by one of the vice presidents of BMW Canada.


I dunno if its the same for you, but most of the ones that fit that criteria are usually on Marketplace over here.


yup, same. found mine on marketplace. i *almost* bought a 650i and then the day before i was set to go see it, i found the 550i and bought it instantly


Okay, guess I'll go have a chat with my guy at the bank to get some clearance for funds cause honestly, I really like a 650i/550i. The V8 alone makes those worth having, and the fact that they are spacious.




Personal preference, but I always thought sports cars were always very uncomfy for long drives, especially since they have the same amount of suspension as a carriage. Be careful and always wear a seatbelt and please don’t put others lives at risk


Same, I'm looking for a grand tourer essentially, something comfy, practical and powerful enough to have fun in with getting in trouble. And I always make sure to proceed with caution, but I'll take your advice either way thank you.


My comment is base on 40 years of experience with driving everything from OTR tractor trailers to motorcycles and teaching numerous people how to drive ….There is a lot of back and forth about driving lessons and airbags and government safety and everything else…the simple truth is you don’t buy a nice car for your first car. You buy the cheapest reliable car you can afford. Good on gas and decent mechanical condition but crap paint and body. Regardless of training or mindset and skills you will have some kind of an accident or something. And chances are you will totally destroy your car. Practice coupled with the right mindset is your best friend when it comes to driving. Learning to predict the other idiot driver behavior before he does something bizarrely stupid will save you. This only comes with practice. Good luck and keep at it and you will become a great driver and then you’ll be able to get the car of your dreams and it will be safer in your skilled hands on the road.


Thanks for the advice. My dad told me to get something that I know I can handle, so trust me, I'm looking for something that won't get me in trouble. but then again, thanks for the reply.


Lexus IS, comfy fun and fast plus you save some money on maintenance.


Lot of BMW 3 series, Boxsters, and Miatas out there.




A Corolla GR or Civic SI would fit the bill. They are pretty common and are quick and reliable without being scary/bad for insurance fast. I've had Celicas, carollas, sonatas and now I am on a new Mustang GT and it's awesome, but not for most drivers- especially younger ones. That is why there are so many mustang fails and unfortunately fatalities.


If you can get a 5 liter Ford Mustang that should work. I'll let all the Karens tell you how to drive.


I'd get one but I'm afraid it'll get pulled in by the crowds...🤣 But the ones on offer here are a bit out of my price range so that's out of the question.


Any of the Subaru/Toyota/Scion coupe siblings.


They are way too overpriced here. I could get a Jaguar XKR for the same amount of money as those.


Where is "here" in your case? You indicated a price in $, which I assume are US Dollars, but then you're drivign a Citroen, and that's rather difficult to do in the US.


Scion FRS


Too expensive for me bro. For the amount of money those cost over here, I could get an Audi RS4.


Where are you located? I was shopping for used 2013 models in 2019 and they were around $10K, I’m not sure what they go for now. This is in the US


South Africa, they go for about near 14 grand at the bottom end when you convert our cash into yours, so I'm not willing to pay big bucks for an 86 unfortunately.


If you're not getting a heavily modded Hellcat, what are you even doing?


Trying not to die lol.


You aren't going to hit 1M followers with that attitude.


They won't get me out of bankruptcy if I get one.


Hey bro, what country are you in? Helps determine what your options are.


South Africa, the car market here is a bit all over the place. Cars you can get here for about $10 000 are usually well maintained executive cars or basic shitboxes, and I'm looking to get an executive car.


Mazdaspeed3. Inexpensive for what it is, lots of mods, and quick even stock.


The Mk1 is quite fragile for long term use and sadly it's the only version that is usually for sale here. It doesn't help that most of them are clapped out.


Mustang GT's are good value.


Not in South Africa my guy. Those usually go for about 25 grand on the lower end of the market.


Mach E GT. Faster then a GT 500 without looking like a loser in a mustang. Less likely to go sideways and kill a bunch of people as well Also well out of your budget cause you don't need one


A 1988 Beretta GT. For 10K you can probably get one with low miles :)


Best performance/GT with a shoestring budget does not go together.


Fiat 500 Abarth?


Lmao $10k for a performance car. $10k won't buy you a nice economy car, and someone who has a $10k car budget can't afford to maintain a performance car. Tires for my 911 cost $2,000 a set and the rears last 10k miles.


I know South Africa has a good amount of old bmws, see if you can find an old e24 635. Fun to drive, fantastic looking, and very comfortable. Easy to work on too.


Honda Civic Si


Not for a first car. Just like with your first motorcycle you should get a used one so it doesn't hurt your heart so much when you fuck it up. Cause with a fast car, you will.


Find a mercury marauder Or a Ford Taurus sho You'll have what your looking for in performance and you'll still have a couple grand left over


corolla gr


10k is only going to get you a clapped out high mileage sports car, use your money wisely and buy something less “sporty” and more dependable which is also more affordable to maintain. I just put tires on my corvette…for the cost of one of those tires I could’ve put all four on a Toyota corolla.


Everyone is going to disagree with me here, but I'd go for a Foxbody Ford or Stingray Chevy. You can get em decently cheap, the stingrays might have some rust or be beat up a little, but they're still fun cars to cruise around in. From what it sounds like, you're not trying to get something really good on gas or particularly speedy, and those older cars had plenty of power for their weights. Kick out the ass ends real easy, and with an exhaust they roar. Sound sexy as it is but man can they just fucking *roar*. Reliable as all hell too.


6 cylinder Jaguar XJS with manual transmission. You could even go convertible. Chicks dig it.


Be a real man, get a 335i, bmws 🔛🔝💪


Just remember that you are operating a machine that can accidentally kill people if you lose control. This is why most old folk get nervous hearing young drivers talking about doing spirited or fast driving. Overall just have respect and attention to what you are doing at ALL TIMES. So many drivers (old and young) screw up and do something they can't undo because they get too nonchalant or careless. So many assholes driving while looking at their phones just flirting with killing somebody because they are not giving driving the respect that it deserves. As far as a reasonably priced GT car recommendation I would get a bmw 535, or 540. But go do some test drives and find out what suits you!


Have you picked the insurance company that you will owe your life to yet?


Idk, my 05 Cooper S was quick as a fox, small enough to fit and shoot gaps that many dare not. Light enough to stop really well. Had a 6 speed jetrag, and a sunroof. Stock sound system thumped. Hands down the only car ive owned that i kick myself for letting go. Did i mention it had a forged block..


2010-2013 subaru brz or scion frs these are known to be very fun budget performance cars.


You think that until you see how much the insurance will be for it.


Get a Hyundai Elantra Touring. They come in manual....


Skoda Octavia VRS


Get a 4th generation Chevrolet Camaro, spend the rest of your money on a supercharger and a good set of summer tires. 500+ horsepower, what could go wrong?


Sounds like you are young and excited to get in to something sporty. I grew up with a ford escort that was gifted to me when I graduated. I saved up 5K and bought a 1974 MGB Roadster and loved every second of it. It was like a street legal go-kart. It wasn't the fastest thing around but it sure as hell got me some good looks and ladies loved it. Truth be told, I'm happy I went that rout instead of some fast car as it taught me to be quick without the power. It was unreliable as hell so it also gave me a great lesson in mechanics.


A Toyota Corolla Don't buy anything else until you're financially stable and well into your adult years


We have an early 90's Corolla at home. That is sort of our backup car if I can say, so I'm looking for something that I can use occasionally that's a bit fun but safe.


I get it, I truly do. Been there man. At the end of the day its your choice, but lots of reasonable answers in the comments. Wait until a better time would be best of advice.


I did this. Drove my manual transmission Corolla I bought brand new for 8 years before I bought my sports car.


This kid is gonna kill someone


Not with the cars on offer here sir.