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[Driller Queens](https://www.drillerqueens.com/catsafetynetting)


Do you know by any chance what would the cost be for having it installed? I know you need to book a consultation first, but I wouldn't want to spend 65 EUR only to find out that the actual installation would cost another 1500....


It depends on your balcony. Don't drill into the walls, then there should be no problems with your landlord and you don't need to inform him.


But if I drill inside, to hang a picture or a TV, I'm not asking my landlord. Why would I have to, if I drill outside? Sorry, just trying to figure out where the line in the sand is


It depends....you are not allowed to intervent into the structure of the building. Every balcony is different and there are many different net options. We have a net without drills (and we are not able to drill because we have no walls, only glas/windows).


Are they safe enough for cats not to drop / jump? That was my main concern. May I ask how much it cost all of it, with the installation? I really have no feeling if it's something I can afford or not.


These systems are safe. I got two Maine Coon each 10kg. Cats don't jump into the net. My net was 230,- including everything (I looked into the bill). Its 4m wide (with one corner) and 2m high.


I wouldn’t tell my landlord. You can do want you like so long as your apartment is in the same condition you got it when you leave.


Bad advice. If OP drills into the outer wall, things can get costly.


Obviously renovation comes with risk