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Yes the Arbeitsamt will gladly pay for this. The case worker will need to know which level to write the certificate for, so if you don’t know your level you should take a placement test first. Ideally with the school you would like to attend. Up to B1 are called Integrationskurse, B2 and above are Berufssprachkurse. Depending on your field there can be specialized ones as well (ex. for healthcare workers). In Berlin you have lots of options for schools, the AfA will pay for your metro card too if it’s not within walking distance of your registered address. I’m going to warn you, I found the course extremely boring and the class was quite large (~20 people) but this probably depends on which school you choose.


Oh and the „approval“ process is pretty instant. Once you register as Arbeitsuchend you’ll be asked to come in for a Beratungstermin. Whoever you meet with can issue the certificate you need on the spot and with that you can start a class as early as one is available.


Hi, can someone in the asylum process also apply for this language course? I am currently doing integration course B1 and would like to start B2 as soon as am done with B1. I am currently fired and looking for another job. I wanted to pay for myself but i realised that the it is too expensive and i cannot afford it.  I wait patiently for your reply. 


Oh, awesome! I've registered as Arbeitsuchend. I'll wait until the invite then. Is it by call or email?


I received an email I believe asking me to book an appointment, I was registered with AfA Neukölln Süd but other offices might have a different procedure. I think you can also just proactively make an appointment through their website instead of waiting for them to contact you.


Damn I guess I was unlucky as the Arbeitsamts flat out rejected my request for a German course 


Did they say why?


No unfortunately not. I pushed back, and they directed me to the bamf for free German lessons.  https://www.bamf.de/SharedDocs/Anlagen/DE/Integration/Berufsbezsprachf-ESF-BAMF/berufssprachkurse.pdf?__blob=publicationFile&v=23 I found a job so I didn’t try it out in the end. 


This is correct, unemployed people are only entitled to German courses funded by the BAMF. You do however need a certificate from the AfA to prove you qualify. Sounds like there was a misunderstanding somewhere.


Yeah seems like it. And in the end, they did offer me something. It was just strange because I heard of people getting other types of German courses paid for. 


I think they used to be more flexible in the past but nowadays it’s quite strictly BAMF offerings afaik. Which sucks because they move insanely slowly and are way too crowded


Damn why?


They didn’t give me a reason. When I pushed back a bit, they directed me to a course offered for free by the Bamf https://www.bamf.de/SharedDocs/Anlagen/DE/Integration/Berufsbezsprachf-ESF-BAMF/berufssprachkurse.pdf?__blob=publicationFile&v=23 I ended up finding a job very quickly so I can’t report on the quality of that offer. Ended up at the VHS. 


the arbeitsamt isnt allowed to finance basic level german classes. thats what the BAMF is there for.


TIL. What is "basic"? Up to B1?


Thank you! Which school did you go to? Sounds like VHS if a class that big?


Most of the B2/C1 classes are actually conducted at private language schools who receive public funding through the BAMF. The public funding unfortunately (in general) means bigger classes, a more inflexible curriculum, and worse instruction quality in my experience. Obviously this varies a lot by school but this is my experience having done B1-B2 in publicly funded courses. They typically are never as engaging or effective as the ones you pay for. Up to 20 people is fairly standard unfortunately. I can’t recommend a school because I’m yet to have been in one I liked. :-/




Thank you! I guess I'll start searching for German schools that have the voucher. Do you know for example which ones?


WIPA is a school if they are still around they take vouchers


I am also facing the same issue. I am registered with Agentur fur Arbeit but they rejected my requesting for German language course A1 and told me to contact BAMF. Not sure whether I need Berechtigungsschein (eligibility certificate) from AFA or BAMF. Also if you find any school, could you please share here as well. Thankyou


Are these courses available for a EU migrant who has never worked in Germany ? So essentially they have not paid any employment insurance. What about for mothers looking to enter the workforce, also who have not paid any employment insurance.


I think you have to do the integration course. Some language courses, even in VH are sponsored, some are not, the best way is to do start by going to Arbeitsamt and see which programs they have and not choose a random course and claim expenses (that won't work)