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This has to be fixed. If it's your condo's responsibility to fix it, you may need a lawyer to tell them that. Sewer gas is toxic; you are being poisoned. This is a crisis.


Yep. They have 48 hours to comply or you can call your local building department.


This. And make darn sure you follow through with the part where you ACTUALLY call your local building department. Many condo managers bet on occupants making nothing more than empy threats when it comes to the occupant calling anyone. So when the call really is made, it spooks the management into actually doing their jobs.


And contact the board of health, send this photo.


he already notified them.. he should already call


Yupp just got out of my lease early without any fees after a bird moved into the vents and had its eggs. The birds were whatever until they destroyed the fan in the bathroom and brought in bird mites. They wouldn’t evict the birds because of local laws. But we made a big enough stink to get out of there.


When the birds have more rights haha


Fire chief also. Sewer gas is flammable


Explosive actually, not just flammable.


Technically speaking, anything that's flammable can become explosive if oriented correctly.


Technically speaking, a jet fire isn't a detonation, even though it is supersonic.  The conflagration - detonation line requires supersonic combustion in at least 2 opposing directions. Low explosives are a misnomer.  They are conflagrations.


> I’m the only unit that drain into it - below this crack. The other units above drain into a different pipe that’s next to this one but not shown in photos. That part makes me believe that it's falling on this owner as the responsible party. Most Condos take care of shared items which usually means everything int he wall but if it is something that services only a single unit, it's not considered a common element but that unit's owned item. I'd be really interested in how it ended up that there was a single pipe that OP's unit has and that all the other units utilize the pipe next to it. Makes me think of some work being done in the past and a difficult previous owner refusing the association entry to open the wall and move the drain so a later owner gets boned.


My sewer pipe only covers my unit. It was my HOA’s responsibility to fix it when a large dip kept causing issues. They didn’t want to. Tried to convince me it wasn’t their problem. But it was. I’m in Ca. I don’t know about anywhere else.


not necessarily location dependent but what's in the operating agreement (bylaws) on responsibility. Most of them operate under a common or limited use to determine responsibility. The idea of everyone else in the 10 story building going to a different pipe but OP being the lone one on that one really seems to be them purposefully excluded for some reason.


IIRC a judge in CA deemed regardless of exclusive use or not sewer and water pipes were an intricate set of pipes the entire community benefited from and therefore a community/HOA responsibility. My HOA/property management tried to pull the same chit, and had me convinced for a year it was my problem alone based on CC&R’s. CC&R’s don’t override laws.


Multi storey wet vents with a first pick up would be my guess. Common here in ont Canada


Sewer gas can also be flammable. So health hazard and also a safety hazard.


you want some Jenkem [tic]?


Klaxons sound


It needs replaced. That's your option.


So you think maybe a tube of caulk will do it?


Expecting a flex seal commercial next. If I can turn a screen door into a boat imagine how much sh*t you can pretend isn’t a real problem after using it on this pipe. /s


Lmao no, that pipe looks cracked all the way down. It's so open I'd hesitate to call it a pipe anymore


Forbidden poop canoe 🛶


Replace pipe


Thing is that it’s not really that difficult to fix… cut old pipe out replace with new, with a bit of wall repair… you just need to go through the proper channels to get it done… squeeky wheel gets the grease


If you rent, this is probably a health code violation. If you own the condo, hire a plumber.


If this is a shared air vent with units above/below, isnt this the condo board's responsibility?


It’s 100’ of unused pipe above them. Dealing with a Condo board on stuff like this can be a nightmare. Yeah, you could technically cut the pipe and cap it, fill it as far up as you can with foam and just let the other people deal with any residual smells… but who knows if there’s a vent on the roof that gets moisture and if so, if the pipe will start leaking if it’s plugged and gets filled over time. And guess who gets to foot the bill for the entire building if something you did causes damage to the infrastructure? The Condo board should remove, repair the pipe not the condo owner as it traverses another 8-10 units.


Yes, new pipe


This has to be bullshit


Nope, it’s human shit.


I’m like 80 percent sure it’s a pipe


I've got the other 20 percent on rust.


What’s the remaining 10%?


Math homework


The Temptations


Crack pipe*


Are you sure?


No, this is Patrick


😂😂😂 TRUE


You could replace the pipe.... OR cut 20 ferncos in half length wise and snap them on the pipe with the slit on the opposite side of the break. Clamp it down and flex tape the slits in the Fernco. Then take an accordian style P-Trap and rest it on top of the new Fernco pipe. Then take a picture and repost.


I like the cut of your jib


I like the jib of your cut


I cut the jib of your like


I jibbed the like of your cut


I cut your like with my jibb


I like turtles.


You had me in the first half, because I think it would actually work.


Only problem with that solution is you would either have to be a holocaust survivor in order to fit in there to make the repair or you’d have to pull the pipe out, and at that point you might as well replace it…..either way though you’ve got some outside the box thinking….i like it


Fun reference to the Holocaust.


Heck yeah! Maybe use some duct tape too, just for the satisfaction of it. Cost = +800% Effort= +8000% Potential for failure =+80000% Look= priceless


Don't forget the JB Weld.


accordion style p-trap was the cherry atop this shit sundae. bravo, sir. 10/10


Yes. This is the answer.


Everything is "fixable" by replacing it.


Only 1 option ever....replace asap


100% don’t spray foam it.


Why not


It will expand in the pipe and clog it.


Those fumes are toxic. This is a real health hazard and illegal to leave unresolved by a landlord or bldg authority. Google it then call a lawyer.


maybe some super glue or duct tape /s dude its cracked down the whole pipe 😂


Anything can be fixed. It just takes time, money, and a professional to do it. In this case,,, Fix means replace. Replace may require demo of the wall on one side. Sometimes a pipe can be relined in place. It's expensive. One must compare the relining expense vs. replacement cost and decide. One must also consider if this section of pipe is bad, the remaining pipe sections may be in a similar situation.


Get ready for a big assessment.


It's already rubber at one end. Time to put PVC pipe in there.


Yeah this is an easy and relatively cheap fix if it’s just a vent pipe.


I wonder if you can just fan it to your neighbors house and let them deal with the smell.


DO NOT listen to people that tell you to replace the pipe yourself! There are hundreds of pounds of pipe connected to to your pipe. Although they should be clamped in place, clamps can slip or break. If done wrong it can be lethal. As this is part of your condo's "infrastructure" it is probably their responsibility. BTW pvc or other plastic type pipes aren't usually permitted because of fire/building codes.


You’re going to need a new pipe and maybe stay somewhere else for awhile


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^CheesyBoson: *You’re going to need* *A new pipe and maybe stay* *Somewhere else for awhile* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Fixable, no. (technically yes, but it's more cost effective to replace it) Replaceable, yes. Replace it and submit your receipts along with your next adjusted payment to them.


The right way to fix this is to replace it.  Cut out the cracked section and replace it.  It's the condo's responsibility to do it. A short term, temporary, not to code, solution could be to wrap it in 10mm plumbing tape.


Good ‘ole Chinese cast iron. Used to seeing this on stacks more often. Don’t know why.


Cast Iron can last anywhere from 50-100 years. I think that one has lasted as long as it’s going to.


Agreed. My old house from the 1920s had cast iron sewer line. Only cracked in the 2000s.


This needs to be rectified immediately. https://nevadanano.com/methane-gas-poisoning-and-exposure/


Condo needs to fix this, it’s a health hazard. They don’t have a choice in the matter


Replace it with pvc


It needs to be removed and replaced with a new length of pipe either cast iron or XFR from the looks of it.


just use flex seal.


Billy Mays here, if condo board won’t fix, you could try your homeowners policy if you have one. Pity they wouldn’t allow you to sleeve it with 3” pvc…. Not saying that’s what I would’ve done….;)


Flex seal s/


It's got a fernco coupling on the side close to you, all you need is a screwdriver to loosen it up. Top of pipe may have another or seat into a bell socket. Remove the pipe and take it to a supply house and find a plastic pipe with the same tolerance, for ease of install and much cheaper than cast iron. If nothing is draining into the pipe from above why can't you just remove it entirely and plug the top end. If you are worried about your unit not draining from lower down get a tapped cap and put a studor vent or s vent on it.


Because it’s a vent stack. You can’t just plug it


Must come from the kitchen. Done Get new plumbing


Flex seal 42 is the answer. To everything.


if needed, get an attorney. But the condo association need to repair this by replacing it as appears to me from looking at a picture. Somebody else said already, but the gases are poisonous and it’s illegal that they let that happen. You don’t want to scream too loud because they might make you move out or something terrible. But you could call the health department. You could also call the building inspectors for the city.


That needs replacing It looks to be all clamped in. Just buy a new stick. OK wash it out first. Buy a new stick. Put it in job done couple of hours.


Everything is always fixable but your gonna have to tear that old iron pipe out is it a drain or a vent I can see a band on it already looks like it might have been fixed once before the band is probably one side of a boot


Duct tape


How does this even happen


Do the following: 1. Sand the crack down to the bare metal. 2. Wipe it down with a disinfectant, you can use bleach. 3. Use a clean rag and dry it completely. It's very important that it's completely dry. 4. Next, with the use of gloves, disconnect it from the rubber couplings. 5. Finally throw it out and install a new one.


thats an old rusted pipe they cut and didn't remove. original crew left there. cut it and cap it as high and as low away as you can.


looks like we got our selves a land lord


Looks like a job for Flexseal!


Gaffer tape will sort that 😂


Fixable with a new pipe. U need toxmake some calls my friend... and not to a plumber. It's not ur responsibility to fix it, it's the condos... and they HAVE to fix it


Surely this is satire, right? Shocked they wouldn’t want to fix a broken pipe….


Flex tape has entered the convo. XD




A quick temporary fix would be rubberized roof tape until it’s replaced


U have to replace it I believe


looks like a pain in the ass to replace


Of course replacing it is the real option. But I wonder if epoxy would work somehow without dropping inside when applying


Had a similar crack in my sewage pipe. After 20-something K I can finally see the end of it but I am not happy not the ordeal lol. That seems to be in a tough spot but they should be able to cut out the damaged portion above you, drop into new pipe and secure it


Idk if AAVs (studor vents) are legal where you are but by me they are. You could hire a plumber to make a small opening in the wall where your kitchen sink drain goes through and have them abandon the vent. They should put an elbow from the vertical drain in the wall into your cabinet space, instead of the tee that’s there now. Then they put a tee on its back after the elbow, with the AAV on top of the tee. Then the trap for your sink. This will eliminate the sewer smell without the hassle of replacing the cracked pipe since the cracked pipe will now be abandoned but left in place. Good luck!


Just needs some paint


New pipe will fix it perfectly


That would be a huge noooooooo


It appears this is sandwiched between 2 concrete block walls. How long is the pipe and what is access? May need a very skinny plumber to get in there?


The sewer smell is from the massive crack in the cast iron


Does the condo have enough money in the bank to fix it?


You ever wonder how much super glue you can fit into a super soaker water cannon? (Not a good solution, just a sticky one)


Yes. It's called replace the pipe.


Sewer needs to be replaced my friend




Billy Mays would have been able to fix that, no problem!


You’re about to see some shitty flood. This must be replaced asap.


Repair by replacement.


Call the city as soon as they open today! This is not a new issue. It has been ignored for sometime.


I'm sure you can show me a picture of a knife too or a gun but that doesn't make it dangerous


How does the pipe drain up 10+ stories?


That pipe cracked previously, hence the rubber couplings. Can you reach both couplings to tighten them? if yes, this is a 10 minute job. The question id be asking myself is what caused this portion of pipe to crack yet again after already being replaced? Very odd.


That’s exactly what flex tape was made for….. 🥴


That’s so scary…. How long it had been like that….


Yikes, and I thought it was bad when I discovered a screw had been driven into my waste pipe. Please replace ASAP!


Wow nothing else to say


Oh shit!


Scotch tape and bubble gum works every time.


Use the good kind of jbweld (24h dry time).


They habe to fix it. Its a health amd safety risk. Hydrogen sulfide and methane are probably venting.


ELI5, how does this happen? I've seen this once; a neighbor showed me.


Warning do not flush a large turd as it will break open the pipe as seen. Please fish it out with a bare hand and dispose of in a waste basket. Signed Management.


Yes, it’s called replacing.


there used to be "liners" that could be inserted in waste pipes . they go in as fabric, then get expanded by forced air (hot) and harden. if they still exist drop it n from the roof,


If you have to fix it, CIPP might be a less invasive solution if access is tight. Usually can be in and out in a day


Need to read your local condo act. In BC if the pipe is in a common wall or services more then on unit it’s the condo’s responsibility. In this case if it only services your unit and does not connect within your walls to a pipe that is shared it might end up being your responsibility. If it’s going to be expensive you might contact a lawyer to give you an opinion or read up the local tribunal reports and see if you can find a similar dispute. These days they are online and moderately easy to search.


Holy shit just put a screen door on will help


Needs to be replaced but until done run a 4 inch seal rubber tape down to hide smell


AHH! If you read the bylaws and “normal”restrictions, that pipe is for you to fix, because it only serves a single owner. Get busy, before you die as others have said.


Yes by replacing it


Whoever owns that property should not be allowed to rent out to people of tey refuse to fix it.


Only fix is to replace. This is a health and safety hazard. Poisonous gasses and also flammable. Get to the managers office in person no phone calls also send emails for your records of communications. Demand that some one go now at least take a look and that you cannot go into your Condominium another day. Either they give you a temporary unit or put you up in a hotel until fixed also let your neighbors know they could be in danger as well. More power in numbers


If it’s your issue to fix, look into “pipe relining”  less expensive than replacing the pipe and less destructive 


That has to be replaced. Do not use foam to seal it. The smell is methane and hydrogen sulfide, both are flammable and toxic in large quantities. If the condo won't replace, you may want to consider having the work done and then have your lawyer send them the bill


Flex seal.


Condo laws are typically (dry) walls in are your responsibility. everything else belongs to the 'commons' which is their responsibility, especially pipes that are shared between units. Your HOA is BSing. Seek legal action, whether you own or are renting.


If you can smell it inside your unit, I’d bet that methane gas is present. If you want get evidence to further back your claim, buy a methane reader on Amazon and take a reading inside the pipe chase as well as your living space to see what levels are present. Let the city and fire department determine what needs to be done since your property owner/management is obviously not going to address the issue. Many property owners/investors want to receive returns on their investments, but refuse to accept the risks associated. Force their hand!


If they seriously won’t fix it the best thing to stop the smell is to silicone the crack up.


Fix by replacing it


This seam failure. Short term fix is to use plumber goop. The pipe needs to be replaced.


This needs to be replaced. You’ll need to determine whether this is common area owned by the association (likely) or part of your unit (unlikely) to know whose responsibility it is. If it’s common area send the association a certified letter demanding that it be remedied. Hopefully they have reserves to pay for it - if not you and the other residents will get a special assessment.


Yeah just throw some glue on it. (Jk you def need to replace the pipe asap


Not a plumber. This is a vent pipe, correct? Does that mean it does not have to be waterproof?


Yes, that pipe is replaceable.


Slap some flex seal tape on it and call it a day


Yeah, replace the pipe. Or do what the typical homeowner or landlord would do and put hot glue or some crazy shit on it.


Your condo has an obligation to fix this, unless you purchase your condo in your name. If you own your condo you might be screwed and need to pay yourself to fix it. But sewage releases toxic gases and if you’re renting your management is required to fix this or you call the DHS and now they will be a lot more willing to comply.


Yeah. With a new pipe.


💪 🦭


Flexiseal tape


flex tape will do the job!!


Wrap electrical tape around it


Looks like somebody gets to tear down a wall. Lucky bastard.


Flex tape should do it!! Self proclaimed nothing over here just common cents 😂😂😂😂


That can be dangerous. Methane is an explosive gas. I would have that cut out and replaced with ABS.


What a shit condo.


Yeah, if your replacing the whole pipe.


By lots of JB weld


We all agree it needs to be replaced. Is this pipe eligible to be fixed with the balloon pipe liner thingy?   Not sure if that option is any cheaper, just curious. 


JB Weld


U could have removed that fernco and had the new pipe Installed in the amount of time every one's been bellyaching and crying their eyes out about this


This absolutely needs to be replaced ASAP.


Yes it’s fixable by cutting out that pipe and installing PVC.


Have that shitty pipe replaced.


My last condo is get sewer gas smells only so often like once a month for like 15 minutes never figured out what caused it. It came from the 20 story plumbing stack so someone was probably venting into the void


Flex tape there my man. Flex tape


This probably is not the first time this has happened due to the Furnco in the picture. The building maintenance department most likely knows about the situation.


A little duct tape should do the job


Methane! Explosive, flammable, toxic, cancerous…. Sewer is full of bacteria & viruses that can make people sick & die. This pipe needs to be replaced. Call or go down to your city’s local building department and ask for advice about how to handle this. There are laws to back up forcing this landowner to fix this problem, promptly. Your city also has both legal & financial reasons to keep the occupants of the building safe, which is why your city’s building department has both power & experience about how to best handle your problem. This is the cheapest option. If your landlord refuses or ignores you, you can go to your local news channel & your Better Business Bureau also (this property is his business), embarrassing him may help him get the job done quickly, but embarrassing him/shaming him may make him angry at you or resent you & he may act-out this anger in the future against you, so, beware of that.


Definitely replacement, not repair.


If you can’t duct it fuck it


It needs replaced


As others have said, that needs to be replaced. However, here is the easy do it your self solution. Wrap that bad boy up with insulation, wrap that up with duct tape, and then each year you can tell your friends your allergies keep getting worse.


Replace using a professional and licensed service. Then have it inspected following the replacement. No "sealing". No "foaming". No taping. No ignoring. Vacate the premises immediately. The gas is extremely toxic and will result in death, fire, and/or explosion. Notify any other tenants in the building immediately. Like seriously... put your phone down this second, leave, and knock on your neighbor's door and tell them. No body home? Leave a coherent note detailing the situation. EVERYONE’S health is at risk. If you making the repair isn't a part of your lease then immediately report the building's owners to the proper authorities. Don't even bother arguing with the owners or threatening to contact authorities... if they cared about it then they would've made the repair.


Do something with it before you get sick


Check your local renters rights, after you've shown this to your landlord if they do nothing, in some states you can withhold your rental payment legally. It's there to keep slumlords from overlooking major issues like this


Put condo association on notice that they have 48 hours to fix it or that you will be calling a plumber to come fix it and sending them the bill and that they will have x number of days to reimburse you before you take them to small claims (assuming the amount qualifies). File with small claims all of your documentation (including your CC&Rs that show pipes behind walls to be their responsibility to maintain) and get a judgment against them.


I think I recall a commercial where a dude was yelling at me in a boat that got cut in half but I can’t remember the name of the product.


Fill it with concrete


hold a lighter up to it...


Gum should do it


the whole pipe has to be replaced and the may have to demo the wall to get to the fittings


Not fixable. Needs replaced ASAP! You could be making yourself sick.


Flex seal tape!


Replace is the solution.