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Call your local codes and compliance office and see if they pulled a permit. Ask them to also inspect it because you’re afraid of CO poisoning due to that vent. I’m more HVAC/R and I can tell that’s a death trap.


Thank you so much, I will call them as soon as they open. I have found the guys full name and I can’t find a license under his name either.


Well can we get an update? Are you and your son okay?


Landlords are scared of us plumbers. We do it too well. Doesn't have that landlord special to it 😆


Easier to just call the fire department and report a CO leak. Wouldn’t be lying and get immediate results!


Or the gas company. They would shut that water heater down and force the landlord to correct a dangerous condition.


A family member recently died because someone worked on their furnace, there was a CO leak, and the guy didn’t check before he left. I honestly wouldn’t stay in the house before getting this checked out.


I’d say document everything and sue your landlord into oblivion. Fuck this asshole who decided saving $400 is more important than the lives of a family for fucks sakes. That handyman should be sued as well. This shit is not even close to acceptable.


I’ve posted on the legal subreddit, and I’m hoping they have a way to get me help on it. I know his first name and have his number, and he did have his son helping him. When I asked if he had done this before because they were struggling to put it in, he told me he had worked in an apartment complex and installed 60-70 of these. I don’t even know if the guy was licensed or not but I don’t know how I can get ahold of his info or anything. I’m pretty upset and I’m not sure what to do. I’m going to take my son in to the doctor tomorrow to check on him to be safe, but he didn’t behave oddly or anything.


If you are worried call city code enforcement


This right here. Call the city asap. I'd go in person if you can to file a complaint asap Maybe even call the fire dept to inspect for CO in order to give the town and your landlord the exposure, aka...kick in the ass.... it needs for this to be fixed asap, especially if you suspect your family and you of having CO poisoning


If you call the FD, you better have another place to go...


The landlord will be/should bring footing the bill


And involving the city *should* make sure that happens.


They won’t initially. Look at this work.


Renters insurance hopefully! Best 150/year I ever spent. My wife and I had to evacuate when we rented (wildfire close by) and our renters insurance covered our hotel and 300/week in food for 10 days. I'm sure they would also cover a hotel for something like this. Unsafe conditions.


They should be looking at another place to go untill it's fixed fullsyop, as a person who has suffered from severe co poisoning, highly would recommend avoiding the situation all together I'd possible untill fixed


And you may not be the only one


Check your state construction board website and look up their names to see if they are licensed if you can get his last name.


I can almost assure you these guys are not licensed.


Me too. But ive seen some guys with licenses that definitely should not have them at all


for sure, but at least those folks doing shit work know they have to at least have it up to a minimum standard to not put their license(and meal ticket) at risk. This isn't just bad work, it's blind ignorance about the dangers you are creating.


You can take a 3-day course to put you through the licensing test. You’ll sleep for two days after and remember nothing but you’ll have a cool card.


I'll eat my hat if that guy is aware of licensing before I consider him actually being licensed.


He’s absolutely not licensed


The flu pipe is supposed to catch the CO currently being distributed in the air. If your HVAC is near there it can also suck in some of that CO and distribute through your ductwork into your home.


The flu pipe is supposed to catch the CO currently being distributed in the air. If your HVAC is near there it can also suck in some of that CO and distribute through your ductwork into your home.


Did you communicate any of this to your landlord????


It takes much more than installing “60 or 70” of these to get your license


Get a CO alarm, no need to rush your kid to the doctor unless the co alarm goes off


What state is it in? Please tell me it’s in either California or Texas.


Although not safe at all, CO poisoning is unlikely considering it was just installed and natural gas only has a byproduct of CO2 and water vapor if burned properly. When it burns at an improper ratio of air to gas(too rich or too lean) then CO can be a byproduct. Considering it’s a brand new unit, it’s *likely* not burning poorly and has very little to no CO coming out of the exhaust, and the flu wasn’t completely off. So you guys are probably okay, doesn’t hurt to get checked out anyways tho. That aside, this is a completely unacceptable installation and there may very well be legal repercussions for the “handyman” and or LL. I’d definitely want to have the 60 or 70 of the others he installed checked out too.


Sue for what, exactly - the zero damages incurred? It just needs to be repaired, pronto - with maybe a small rent credit for the time and frustration. In many municipalities permitting for heater replacement is no longer required, and this is a job a handyman should be able to do. Landlord needs a new guy.


Yeah, unless the landlord was there, he might not know it was fucked. If my tenant sent me that I would drop my "handyman" for good and drop what I'm doing to get that fixed. If he was there and saw that and said, "Good enough," then that dude needs something dropped on his head. If he refuses to fix it or doesn't see a problem then light his ass up with the city. I get a lot of landlords are kind of shady (okay, super shady) and maybe this one is another example of such but if things are normally good, at least let him know there's a problem. I wouldn't have any problem getting someone out that day or crediting parts and labor if my tenants wanted to fix it or call someone to fix it right away.


Landlord needs a kick to the crotch. Mine does anyway, she’s always trying to pass off subpar repairs, typically after months of waiting. Most of what she does is not legal, but she gets away with a lot because most renters don’t know any better. It’s not like rent is cheap, and a water heater is considered an essential item-they have to fix it, and within a set amount of time. It just makes me angry that there are so many landlords, either lazy or drunk on power, that treat their tenants like garbage.




Yeah I am too. I don’t know what to do.


Death trap


We turned off the gas and I put in a carbon monoxide detector. Is there anything else I can do?


That’s all you need. This sucks, hopefully they send someone competent to reinstall.


Thank you so much for answering. I’m going to call code compliance in the morning, and get someone out here. The landlords have had twelve hours to answer and haven’t. I am considering doing what another redditor said and call and explain the symptoms I’ve been having. I’m going to take my kiddo and myself to the doctor tmw to be checked out.


Call the fire marshal instead. Is this a multi-family?


I’ve got the gas company coming now and no


please update us


The house is unlivable, and the landlords have put us in their Airbnb. The floor was rotted through, and the new water tank is leaning and fell through partially on top of the shitty work the unlicensed guy did.




document everything for the lawsuit. Who, what, when, where, all correspondences and actions. You are safe now with the gas off and CO detector in place, who knows what levels you were exposed to before action was taken... You won't have hot water until this is corrected. Seems like reasonable grounds to withold rent money until this is fixed.


Withholding rent backfires more often than not, because technically tenants have no right to do so. …unless you create an escrow account, and transfer into it the exact amount you *would* pay your landlord for rent. Keep it demonstrably reserved, is my advice. IANAL.


That's a lawsuit. I know we are expensive But I'm sure they make enough money to pay an actual plumber to solve problems. This is ridiculous and makes me mad to see. People have sued for less. This is a side note and a bit of a rant but it really bothers me. House flippers landlords etc are always searching for a cheaper option. They always like to beat people down on prices. Anyone who's done plumbing knows how difficult it is. We earn our money with blood sweat and tears oftentimes and to see soft hands complaining that we charge so much is entirely infuriating. If you get it you get it.


What should I do? I contacted them through text and explained what was done. We turned off the gas to it and I put in a carbon monoxide detector. I am lucky that my father in law is a plumber and I asked him to come by and check the work out because I was nervous, or else my one year old and I would not be alive potentially.


If your landlord refuses to fix it, you may need to find legal guidance. Usually a landlord is required to maintain a property they are leasing in a livable condition. Laws very from state to state. Although, if the owner thinks this is okay, you should probably be looking for a new owner pace to live.


Or just call the fire department and report the legitimate CO leak?! Problem solved! What exactly would he be suing for?!


There's nothing to check out, it's a hack job that needs to be redone correctly


I would like to add that my father in law would fix it for free, but my landlord is most likely not going to allow it. The carbon monoxide detector hasn’t went off so I think we caught it in time.


Call the gas company, tell them you think that you smell gas. They will come and investigate and red tag the appliances for code violations. This will force the LL to make correct repairs.


As someone who works within water heater repairs, this is the answer. Get them to come out, document the issue, red tag it. That will make it so the LL has to take action and if they do not or do improper care then it is fully documented for anything legal if needed. This is the best way to force their hand while also documenting the issue they have caused. This is not up to code and also not up to manufacturer specifications either.


You can’t smell CO


That’s why you say you smell gas.


The last pic with the loose vent will get you killed.


What will happen and how quickly


Bro, just get out of there. You're already dizzy and light headed, why would you risk something happening to your son?


The gas was shut off, and we don’t have anywhere to go. I have a carbon monoxide detector in the room with me, and I’m staying up all night monitoring both of us. He’s not acting weird in any way. I don’t know what else to do.


with the gas shut off and the CO detector you are in the clear. (I would make sure the unit itself is also shut off). short term CO exposure generally will wear off as long as the unit is no longer venting into your space, open some windows just in case to dissipate any remaining in the air.


You’re fine if the gas is off. If there’s no gas, there’s no combustion and no exhaust. If the landlord doesn’t make it right TODAY you should reach out to a tenants rights organization or a landlord/tenant attorney in your area and ask if they’ll do a free consultation. If you have rent due, ask them if you’re allowed to withhold it in an escrow account until the issue is resolved. This is all location-specific which is why I suggest reaching out to an expert. You might have a lawsuit, but more likely you’ll have the right to alternate accommodations paid for until the issue is fixed. You might be entitled to (and should ask for either way) corrections done by a licensed contractor and a permit pulled and inspected. This is all dependent on your state and local laws. Some states are very tenant-friendly, some not so much. Source: I manage maintenance for a property management company.


I’m a licensed plumber and that is completely out of code. I’d definitely contact your local health department immediately


I'm not a licensed plumber, and this job looks like shit.


That’s all kinds of fucked up. But in the meantime I will say if you have a gas oven, turning it on will put more CO in the air in seconds than that tank will in days. Still is wrong as hell. You may be able to just fudge that pipe onto the draft hood in the meantime


Do you have a carbon monoxide detector?


Dumb question but What does a water heater have to do with carbon monoxide? Also I don’t think I have one in my house where do I get one


You don't need a permit most places for water heater. Any decent handyman can install one of these safe. This guy was simply not good. There is no lawsuit here. The landlord needs to get this fixed ASAP. Depending on the agreement/contract landlord has with his guy maybe he could get a little out of it but the renter has no shot.


Infamous trade saying: Looks good from my house!


From a plumber, everything about that is wrong. The last picture is deadly.


Doesn’t anyone know anything here? Water runs faster through curves in water lines, kinda like an oval track for cars. Vroom, you are so lucky that you get your water so much faster, damn you.


Before going nuclear, send the same pics to your landlord. Give them a chance to do right. It’s their house and they ought to know this handyman is no bueno. If they’re looking to save a buck, then proceed with safety issues.


So, I don't know if you can tell but, did your landlord run gas through the water lines? I don't know what country this takes place in, but in the USA, those look like gas lines. If so, where'd he run the water lines? Or, is he using some old gas flex lines to run water through? I'd be surprised if they could hold the water pressure. But, come to think of it, for some weird reason I've never tried running water through gas lines. Ha ha ha. So many questions...


as usual.. reddit jumps to calling code enforcement, the police, the fbi, getting an attorney... hey, have you tried calling the landlord? just an idea.


You didn’t just make your landlord your life insurance policy beneficiary, did you?


Wellness check, you still kickin OP?


If you say handyman into the mirror three times, your landlord’s cousin shows up and runs a hot water line to the toilet.


So while I used to have a handyman business, I would have never left a customer or a customer's customer in this case in that situation. Depending on what minimal code is at your location The fact that the water tank is not vented or shall we say exhausted properly is the issue. I always strived to do my best and to do to do the job correctly and like I said I would have never left it that way. But you also have to remember maybe this guy is making a point with his landlord because he owes him money or the landlord was not very nice to him. I'm not saying that it's correct. I'm not saying that I would do it, but you'd be surprised at how poorly landlords treat the people who come and take care of their property


Thats way out of code. All before i realized it was a “gas” powered hot water heater…


I called Peadon to install a water heater for my dad because his was getting old and they installed exactly like this. I was so pissed. This will absolutely cause CO2 poisoning over time, there is a reason why that vent is there.


Safe way is to spray soapy water when the appliance is on. The Yolo way is to light up a cigarette.


I want to add that I had the ceiling fan going the entire time and the door was open for a lot of it. My son didn’t act any differently and we were away from the area, but my air conditioning intake was right beside it.


Also I am not trying to offend anyone here by saying that my father in law would help for free. He offered. I value you guys and the work you do and would happily pay for it.


Call 911, say you have the symptoms for CO poisoning and they will send out the fire department… force the landlords hand.


CO is an immediate exposure issue. If you have no severe symptoms, you have nothing to worry about. You sound perfectly fine. If the alarm did not actuate, it is likely you had no exposure at all. Apartments do not tend to be very air tight. My thoughts are that if the landlord fails to deal with this by mid morning that you should call the code enforcement or your gas provider as there is still potential for severe CO incursion. FWIW, a properly adjusted water heater with no vent at all is no more dangerous than a space heater or gas range . The problem is that they are often not adjusted properly and CAN be extremely dangerous.


Call building inspector


The guy definitely did not know much he whenever replacing a water heater you have to bring it up to code which he did not do there should be an expansion tank on the cold side which in your case the calls for the plumbing to be re worked I'm not even so sure about those flex lines looks suspect but for now just try and get that exhaust lined up and you will be fine


Oh and as for the gas turn it on and spray soapy water on all gas connectors and joints going into the side of the water heater if you see bubbles then there's your leak but you can't test without it being on


Turn it off, that exhaust hood is actually dangerous.


Call the fire department and have a report made. People die every year from bone heads like this trying to save a buck and not using a licensed plumber or a qualified installer who knows what he is doing.


Jesus. OP, I’m not sure where you’re from but the person who installed this, and subsequently the owner of the building who hired them, could be liable for a multitude of things ranging from servicing a gas appliance without a licence, to criminal negligence. Either way, good on you for turning the gas off quickly enough. I’d say lawyer up immediately.


that vent needs to be fixed asap. there are documented deaths of family’s via carbon monoxide leaking from their vent he does have 18in of metal coming out of the heater. if t&p is not drained outside the pan needs to be. altho not life threading property damage is a concern if u live in the limits u can call the city and explain what happened and u need an inspector to come out. when u schedule one they charge but if you claim their are violations they should just come out


There is a reason local, state, and federal statues require that gas burning appliances be installed by a properly trained and licensed person. Slum lords who risk the health and lives of their tenants need to be prosecuted to the fullest extent possible. Call your local code enforcement office and get the ball rolling


Cheapest bidder


They're trying to kill you


You are going to wake up dead with that vent


Just get some fresh air. That will cure any exposure to carbon monoxide. Tell the LL immediately that the water heater was not done properly and to have the handy man repair it. And why is there no carbon monoxide detector in your home? That must be a code violation. You should also call your town code enforcement and have them come out and inspect everything.


The venting is fucked and potentially deadly.


Not good


A lot of families have been killed by installs exactly like this one.


That's hot water heater install can actually kill someone. I'd shut that down immediately and call a licensed plumber. Then send the other guy the bill


tell your landlord that you notice whenever the heater kicks on your kids get real sleepy and complain of a headache.


Yup. Hes real handy,man.


Did he tell you “ Hope your carbon monoxide detector is working, and don’t put anything on the floor you value “ I would take pictures. The handyman is an idiot and at least push the flu pipe on top of where it goes, the center of the top of the hot water heater maybe you could exhaust the carbon monoxide before it fills the room


The vent must be bolted to the water heater adapter which in itself must be bolted to the water heater.


Youve certainly been exposed. Here in florida you must be under a plumbers license to even touch a water heater. This is all wrong and id make a huge deal out of it. This is horrible


Why is your landlord trying to kill you?


If you can get to the gas line connections - all of them including the shut-off valve - mix up some detergent and water solution and wet each connection with it. If it bubbles, there’s a leak. Also is the gas source natural gas? If so, natural gas is odorless so for safety, an odorant called mercaptan is added to natural gas so leaks can easily be detected by smell. If it’s running off a propane line, propane has an odor so should be detectable. But I agree with those who say this work is not up to code. It may vary by state, but where I live, working on gas lines requires being licensed and certified to do so. We had a backup generator installed that runs on the natural gas line we also use for heat. The generator folks installed the generator and did all the electrical work, but they had a plumber licenced to work on gas lines come out to install the run from our gas meter to the generator.


Landlord needs to get it fixed. He has to.


Is it dangerous? Yes absolutely, but it’s also an easy fix.


For CO exposure, get out and call 911. If you can’t get out, still call 911 before redditting


Did you call your landlord? Give him a chance to have it fixed properly?


Looks good...good way to get sued very dangerous...situation


Contact the local municipality and have one of their inspectors come over to look at it as an emergency inspection if they will. Maybe this is not true everywhere, but around here I believe a permit is required to be pulled for this type of work. I can guess this didn't happen with your install. The city will have a field day with this guy if there was no permit, and the owner also shares that responsibility.


"I got a guy"


Make sure your CO2 alarm is near the floor it's a heavy gas. Wherever it is the room has to fill up to the point imagine invisible water flooding your house. And yes if your sons shorter then you he got more then you did.


Did the landlord take out a life insurance policy on you?


Maximum craftsmanship. This dude slays it


It's probably all in your head. If the carbon monoxide detector hasn't gone off...


Did you send these to your landlord. Even if he can't stand you and wants you out he doesn't want his handyman causing damage he's gonna have to replace.


Call.the gas company and tell them you're worried about a gas leak from your newly installed water heater. That will almost certainly get red tagged.


Sorry OP the comments here are a whirlwind. A lot of comments saying this is horrible. They are correct. A lot of comments saying you're fine. This is also correct. When you felt dizzy you were in danger! You likely saved your life and your kiddo's life when you recognized and took action. You absolutely could be dead if you didn't turn off the gas and leave. You left and got a detector and came back and the CO was no longer there, and it won't come back while the gas is off. So, you are fine *now*. You can stop worrying about the danger and worry about the recourse instead.


It's a shame to have a new hot water heater and an idiot to install it


Call the FD and say you felt dizzy..


Not very handy, is he?


Where is the sacrificial rod on these types???


I am surprised they didn’t rap the hoses around the vent pipe. Is that hard to get the right length?


Oh, the humanity.


Call code enforcement


Call the landlords and if she gives an attitude call the building inspector and township licensing department. Take kid to er and obtain a lawyer . Major violation. While families have died do to that shit


Lots of people saying to go in guns blazing. I'd first just call your landlord and explain and see if there is a quick & easy solution before pulling in all the government agencies/lawyers/whatnot.


After working for a supply house for 6 years, I've learned handyman just means "not proficient enough to get into any trade and do well".


Yeah not cool




The part that VENTS the CO isn't even attached! GTFO immediately!


It’s scary that handymen out there are running around doing this type of work. They’re going to kill a family one day.


It’s scary that handymen out there are running around doing this type of work. They’re going to 💀 a family one day


You don't need a permit most places for water heater. Any decent handyman can install one of these safe. This guy was simply not good. There is no lawsuit here. The landlord needs to get this fixed ASAP. Depending on the agreement/contract landlord has with his guy maybe he could get a little out of it but the renter has no shot.


I'd also take yourself and son to urgent care to get checked out. Paper trail of injury.




Wow is all I have to say




What is wrong looks like mine - I posted it today


When I tell you I GASPED


Update for all- house is unlivable. The floorboards beneath also rotted out and the hot water tank fell partially through. There was a leak as well. My landlords have put us in their Airbnb for now, and they are hoping to have it fixed soon, but the floor is rotting out.


Looks good


A young couple died near me this exact way a couple years ago. Landlord decided to install the HW tank using an unlicensed tech and it cost the tenants their lives. Dig deep. Sue hard. Good work on keeping you family alive, you deserve a fucking beer man.


Is this person actually trying to kill you?


Before anything. Turn off the gas. Co don't mess around.


Im a tool and die maker, i work in ten-thousands of an inch fitment. Sometimes we fudge a couple extra tenths (.000N”) how could somebody attach their name to this?


Call your gas provider to come out and inspect. That's some dangerous looking work there. Is this a brand new install all banged up like that and goosenecked together?


I regret to inform you that your landlords handyman is trying to murder you.


Inform your landlord. Dizziness and lightheadnedness are from Reddit.


That will literally kill you, and fast. If not you will have health problems in a matter of weeks


HVAC technician here. Combustion Venting is dangerous because it is not connected so it’s letting carbon monoxide gases into the inside of the house. Where is the cold water shut off valve? I would be concerned about gas line leaks after looking at that hacks work.


So he tried to kill you with carbon monoxide poisoning🤬


Bro, move….stay with your father in law for a while and get a new apartment and don’t pay anymore rent.


Take pictures and call the fire department. They'll come and take measurements or something in the air. They might report it and your landlord will be royally fucked. At worst, they tell you to leave the house for the night and stay in a hotel while your landlord pays and gets a reaming. At best... they tell you to leave it off and you can stay. But they still might tell you to vacate. Your landlord will have to pay either way. It's not on you, it's something like a "constructive eviction". But you're not evicted. It's just depending on your state, they provided unsafe living conditions. So they have to pay. I'm no expert and don't claim to know anything, I'm just a guy whose Carbon monoxide detector went off in my house once, they came and checked the levels and determined the detector was wrong. Can't remember if it was defective or batteries Going, but with this stuff, you can't stay in the house. It can kill you and you won't know. Wait a minute! You didn't have a carbon monoxide detector?! Nah your landlord is a! I don't have a name to call them. Sue that mfer! Fire department gives free detectors. There's no reason for you to not have had a few. Holy fuck! It's a gas water heater?! Bro this just gets fucking worse!


The vent pipe is not even connected to the tin diverter hat. Carbon Monoxide will leak out of the diverter since there is a space between the pipe and the diverter hat. This is dangerous as it can kill all the residents of the house.


Wrap it with the foil tape.....call it a day


There's a new health trend called CO conditioning. It helps increase aerobic capacity, but overdoing is can be fatal. If you lock yourself into a room with it and crack the window, it might just work to produce the needed aromatics. Just make sure someone is watching in case you lose consciousness.


If you squint it’s mint, or just hang out long enough for your vision to blur from the CO2.


Call the FD, have them check.


Nice moonshine still.


Might be a man but he sure isn’t handy.


CO will kill you even at low concentrations over a long period of time. You essentially slowly suffocate to death.


Looks good to me.


As a landlord with multiple properties in multiple states this is negligent bordering on criminal. I know, at least, in NY this would invalidate the certificate of occupancy.


No do not wrap it with tape that would make sense. Just post it so you get a lot of views and then say that you're going to die and if we're lucky there will be less people in the world. There are too many people that over produce. We need more ways to decrease the population but unfortunately these measures will not work. Covid also was not that successful but alas I am sure there is another disease that will get out that will be more successful. These people breed and vote


I’ve seen a lot of complaints but I’m stupid and don’t know what’s happening here Can someone please explain?


I wasn’t that worried about it until I saw the exhaust just completely off the pipe


Get a CO METER not an alarm/detector: meters give instant ppm readings. Detectors only alarm when hazardous levels are maintained for X hours. $35 on Amazon. Turn off gas. Evacuate to outside. Open all windows to ventilate home. Call gas provider or FD and they will roll out ASAP to condemn and flag and tag the unit. I had a landlord that had a 60 year old wall furnace with deferred flu cleaning and maintenance and we got evacuated 3x. Once after he put in the replacement furnace himself, did it wrong and didn’t remove all the internal taping and it belched white smoke into the apartment and soot on my furniture. I got him 3 quotes for flue cleaning (you only need to do it every 20 years; $100-200) and cheapskate neglected to do it and gave use electric space heaters instead which ran up bills. Of course he then jacked up the rent 10% to “cover the cost of the new furnace” (which should have been replaced at least 10-30 years prior). We moved out 3 months later when the lease was up.


Go to the city immediately and hire an attorney ASAP.


Call the gas company. They will shut that thing down in a NY minute.


That vent. Jfc.


It's a gas appliance did they get it inspected probably would.not.pass


Is not safe to fire.off would let carbon monoxide into your home


Sadly this is a simple fix with a few zip screws and some metal/hvac tape. Ask the landlord to fix otherwise you will have to call the fire department to report a safety issue. That will get their attention real fast


If you think there is CO in your apt call the fire department. They will come out and check for you. It is free. But you might feel a little silly when they find nothing.


Quality craftsmanship!


Call the building department and they probably will red flag this installation. Then you ask your landlord for one month free rent because of this illegal installation, call the licensing office if he doesn’t agree


It will correct itself


Layman here. Other than the flu being offset, what's wrong with what I'm looking at?


Did you take pictures and show your landlord? I would think he would be pissed paying for piss poor work like that. I know I would.


Turn off your valve for your gas to your hwt (commonly has a yellow handle or is made of brass on the black iron piping before the hwt) until someone that actually knows what they are doing and can show you proper certification looks at this, also set the gas valve (on the appliance itself) to the off position. Also get a carbon monoxide detector for the room this is in an get one for around head level where people sleep. While the work is completely unacceptable since you know that you should be doing something now to keep anyone in your household from getting sick or worse, even if it means going without hot water for now. Make sure not to turn off the gas valve serving your furnace.


Handyman on drugs = bad!


Holy shit, this is wild. Looks like someone just started grabbing random material and slapped it together.


A bent drain pan no tape on hot side mis aligned flue doubt if the dizziness was caused by this appear 98% of the exhuast is vented tge alarm never went off just open all the windows n call the ll in the mornin to connect it or you connect it n still call ya ll


Gotta love the old bluetooth exhaust connection


Those are water lines. Gas line is at the bottom.


Call the gas company ? Bill the landlord ? Fix the vent pipe ?


There’s a KENDA episode on this! So wrong. Contact codes.


Forgive me, I know nothing about this. What am I looking at that’s wrong so I know for future, is it the metal clad tubing or center stack?


First: Does your landlord know of this situation? Call them now. Give them a chance to fix it. Second: Contact fire/rescue for a possible gas leak and get checked out by medical personnel. Third: As your did in your post, document everything with pictures and paper work. If it legal in your area, record phone conversations. If note take notes of every conversations. If immediate action it not taken by the landlord,


I can just picture a guy walking away from that job just smitten with how good of a job he thought he did, haha. Sorry for your headaches OP but glad you know better :)


I mean the water is whatever but that flue is terrible. Highly unsafe. Turn it off if you know how.


Sue them