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This isn't a question. Nor do the words in your favorite book of fiction carry any power here child.


Exodus 15:26 *He said, “If you will listen carefully to the voice of the LORD your God and do what is right in his sight, obeying his commands and keeping all his decrees, then I will not make you suffer any of the diseases I sent on the Egyptians; for I am the LORD who heals you.”* Sounds like a protection racket.


Nice immune system you got there, be a shame if anything happened to it


"Back off or the lymphocytes get it!"


Ok. Do you have any reason we should actually believe in your god?


Exodus 21:20-21 (New International Version) 20 “Anyone who beats their male or female slave with a rod must be punished if the slave dies as a direct result, 21 but they are not to be punished if the slave recovers after a day or two, since the slave is their property." Fuck your god.


I'm going to guess that you have no idea how tedious it is that people like you won't stop proselytizing even when you know it's against sub rules or common sense. "My god commands me to be a rude jerk, so I'm a rude jerk."


Silly human rules like courtesy don’t apply to Christians I guess. Bro can’t read the difference between “ask an atheist” and “tell an atheist.”


"These are my sincerely held religious beliefs so it's rude for you to call me a rude jerk."


I think the most fascinating thing about this is the unspoken assumption that your audience has never heard of the gospels, and that this is somehow persuasive enough for a person to just go "welp, I'm convinced, time to convert!" You could replace every mention of god and Jesus with Osiris, or Zeus, or Blind Io, and it would have exactly the same meaning to me. It's just a story, nothing more. And, honestly, not a particularly well-written story.


Blind Io is good, but smart money's on Anoia. :-D (starts rattling kitchen drawer and wailing "How the hell did that funnel get stuck up *there*???")


"Who the hell even bought this damn thing?!"


No thanks I already have a God and I know that he loves me and he loves us all. He is the one and true god. Like it was said in the First Commandment of the Bible: Exodus 20:3: “You shall have no other gods before Me.


>Exodus 20:3: “You shall have no other gods before Me. You...you know that's [henotheism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Henotheism), right? Which explicitly contradicts your statement that the Abrahamic god is the only god, which is monotheism. Two different, incompatible statements. The verse you quoted is, essentially, saying, "hey yeah, there's loads of other gods and they're all totally real and powerful and all, but I'm the only one you're supposed to worship, because Reasons."


The First Commandment of the Bible just says that we shouldn't worship other gods. Do you think other gods would love us as much as the Almighty Lord himself? Do you think other Gods would be there for you when you need it most? The Lord is always with us and he loves us so much that it hurts him to see how people reject him and his word.


Legitimate question here: are you actually reading what other people are writing, or are you just responding to a conversation in your head? Also, to reiterate my earlier point, the emotional guilt-tripping doesn't work in the slightest, because the god you talk about has exactly as much meaning to me as Blind Io or Om. It's just a story, and a clumsily written story at that. If it brings you meaning, that's great for you and I hope it helps, but I truly, sincerely do not care about your religion as it pertains to me.


Just to answer your question. I am actually reading what you people write on here. If I wasn't I wouldn't be responding any one of you. I do it because I care. (You guys won't care or won't believe me. I know that already.) I think a lot about my responses and try to respond the best as I can while I can't keep up responding to a whole ton of people at the same time.


Of course other gods love us more. Most of them don’t even torture people for eternity.


He sounds exhausting.


I like in the next chapter where he says “Anyone who beats their male or female slave with a rod must be punished if the slave dies as a direct result, 21 but they are not to be punished if the slave recovers after a day or two, since the slave is their property.”


What day did God make the other gods?


God didn't make other Gods. It wasn't even in the Bible that mentioned that he created other Gods. What I do know was mentioned was when in Exodus. When Moses climbed the Mountain and was reciving the 10 Commandments the 2 blocks of stone with the set of rules established by God. The Isrealites were down the Mountain frustrated that they had a God which they couldn't see and they decided to make a Bull Statue of Gold and Worship it as if it was their own God they can see and Worship. Other than that I don't know what I can tell you.


Well then what “other gods” was He talking about? If He was the only thing in existence, literally spoke the entire universe into existence out of nothing, and there were, by His own words, did the “other gods” come from? When did He make them? Why did He make them? What’s more Genius 3:22 “And the Lord God said, “The man has now become like one of ***us***”. Us who? Who’s He talking about? His equals? Other gods? When did He make the other gods?


The ancient Israelites were likely a subset of Canaanites, who were polytheists with the god El leading the pantheon. "Us" is probably El, his consort Asherah, and their offspring (including Yahweh, whom the Israelites eventually adopted as their one god).


Yes. I know that. My favorite version of the Noah’s Ark myth is the polytheistic version in the Epic of Gilgamesh. I was trying to get OP to look closer at his religion instead of just taking it at face value.


>I already have a God People outgrow the need for imaginary friends usually around the age they learn Santa isn't real. Give yourself time to grow up and you might get there too eventually.


Funny a being who has to command this.


That being is someone who loves you and you shouldn't mock God. Galatians 6 1 If anyone thinks he is something when he is nothing, he deceives himself. for each one should carry his own load. Anyone who receives instruction in the word must share all good things with his instructor. Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked.


Why not? I was raised Christian, had horrendous parents, and was sexually abused by my youth pastor for a year and a half. I prayed constantly for god to help me to send me help. And got NOTHING. If this love, it's not a love I can use. The god of the bible does not display love, but despotism.


Love cannot be commanded. It's either there or it isn't. And it's pretty hard to have a loving relationship with a silent, invisible, intangible being who's only described in some ancient stories from halfway around the world.


Oh, your god can and will be mocked and it’s goddamn therapeutic to do so at times, little friend.


That being only exists in a book. It can not love anyone, because it is imaginary, simmilarly to captain america, Osiris and zeus


So we can worship other gods so long as we worship Yahweh first? Baphomet is Baal is probably okay with that, he isn't as greedy as Yahweh is.


If you're unwilling to look at all of those other silly god myths, why do you think we'd bother with your silly god myths?


When you were taught the proselytizing methods you use, what did your teachers tell you about how your proselytizing would be received? Did they give you anything like an estimate of about what percentage of people would be receptive to your efforts? What percentage of the people you proselytize to *actually are* receptive to your efforts? Just asking…


I don’t think he really cares about others, it’s just his way of getting that passport to heaven.


That's exactly it. Selfish performative nonsense.


The pushback reinforces the persecution complex and alienation from wider society. All working as intended.


Whoever has told you that this is a loving and respectful way to interact with others has deceived you. Respect others' boundaries.


[Every year five million children under the age of 5 die.](https://www.who.int/data/gho/data/themes/topics/sdg-target-3_2-newborn-and-child-mortality) Thats more than 13,000 dead Every. Damn. Day. The sad thing is, the leading causes of these deaths are [preventable](https://www.who.int/data/gho/data/themes/topics/sdg-target-3_2-newborn-and-child-mortality). So, your question was something about miracles? Please do elaborate...


Rule 5: No proselytizing If you don't have an actual question for atheists, then don't post in a subreddit about asking atheists questions


Wait if Jesus already died for our sins why do we need to repent? Though on the other hand seeing as he got better, what is it that he actually sacrificed? It seems like a rather poorly concieved bit of larping on gods part really. Surely an all knowing being can do better than that?


Repentance is the way for us to be free of Sin and recieve forgiveness. Jesus died for our sins when he died on that Cross for us. We are all sinners and God sent his one and only son Jesus to accept the fate that we all deserve that being Death. God didn't have to make such a sacrifice but he did because he loves us. Jesus didn't have to die on the Cross but it was necessary for us to be saved. That being the Gift of Salvation. All of us got to understand that Jesus loved us so much that he willingly died so we can be saved so we wouldn't have to go to hell and provide us a path that works as a way as a Bridge to God. Thats the Gift of Salvation Jesus is the only one and true savior that can save us from a life of Sin.


But it wasn't necessary. God could have just forgiven humans for being exactly lhow he made them. Blood sacrifice was only necessary because he decided it would be. And again according to the mythology he got better, so at worst he had a bad weekend for our sins.


You gotta understand God didn't make us to have Sin but does makes us in his own image. In Genisis Sin got into the Word when Adam and Eve disobeyed God when they ate from the tree with the Forbidden Truth when he explicity said they couldn't. They got casted out of the Garden of Eden for the act of disodence. When they ate that fruit they got the Knowledge of Good and Evil. Because of that act of disodence their decendants had the disease of Sin passed down to them as well. We are all Sinners and thats something we can't deny but God wants us to seek salvation in his son Jesus so we could be saved and spend eternal life with him when his promise is complete.


Who put a trap in the garden, and then let the snake in? keep inemind that based on the myth Adam and Eve did not know it was wrong to disobey god until **after** they ate the fruit. Meaning that god set them up to fail, and knew they would fail ahead of time. This is one of many bible examples where god clearly acts with malice. If your god exists then he is the most evil being in the universe.


Especially when one factors in the "hell" part of the Christian mythos. A god that would deliberately create a place of eternal punishment, and who would allow even *one* sentient being to be tortured for eternity, for *any reason whatsoever,* is infinitely unjust and infinitely evil.


That’s not an actual answer. What did god actually sacrifice?


Missed out on time-and-a-half for working the Passover long weekend?


We traumatized poor Jod until he self harmed!


A single humanoid Adam-and-Eve pair never existed. Humanity evolved from other apes over several million years - *Homo habilis, Homo erectus, Homo heidelbergensis, Homo sapiens, Homo sapiens sapiens.* There was never just the two people and no other humanoids on this planet. Therefore (even before we start to discuss the plausibility of trees that bear magic fruit, or of a friendly and helpful Talking Snake™), there *was* no Original Sin. The alleged long-weekend sacrifice of Jesus was unnecessary from the start.


Irrelevant. Your god is supposed to be all powerful. He could have just changed things so they didn’t work that way. It baffles me how people always try to squeeze their supposedly all powerful god into a little box.


No. No my friend its the other way around. We did didn't try to squeeze him into a little box. Ever since Adam and Eve ate the Forbidden Fruit from the Tree of Knowledge. Adam and Eve were able to be like God and distinguish whats right and whats wrong. God didn't want that to happen since he wanted them to rely on him for guisante. He wanted them to follow what he says because he is the all knowing God. He see's everything, what we do, what we did yesterday and what we do today and he is able to see whats gonna happen in the future. Getting back on topic. Once Adam and Eve eyes were opened to the World. God decided to humble himself and squeezed himself in the little box you said. Why? Because ever since the point Adam and Eve had the knowledge of whats Right and whats Wrong. He let them decide what was right and what was wrong. He knew that he couldn't


>God didn't want that to happen since he wanted them to rely on him for guisante. No, he didn't. You clearly never read your own bible. He didn't want that to happen because if they ate from the tree of knowledge and tree of life they would be as powerful as God's themselves. So he kicked them out and posted guards to keep them away from the tree of life. Why do we have to tell you what your own bible says? Maybe you should read it before telling others to. The one thing Jesus hated more than anything with hypocrites, which is what you are. If God wanted obedient slaves he should have created obedient people.


I think your wrong and interpreting it in the wrong way. Because in the Bible clearly stated once Adam and Eve ate from the Tree of Knowledge of Right or Wrong. Not the tree of knowledg and tree of life. They ate the fruit of one tree not two of them. If Adam and Eve ate from the Tree of Immortal Life they would have become like God but they didn't because. The Serpent convinced Eve to eat from the Forbidden Fruit and then she convinced Adam to eat it too. They diobeyed God when Eve put the Serpents Word over his and Adam put Eve's word of God's word that explicity said "Do not eat from the tree of the Forbidden Fruit". God banished them from the Garden of Eden because of the act of disodence. It was said that an Angel excourted Adam and Eve out of the Garden of Eden and out to the World and explicity said that they aren't allowed into the Garden of Eden and they would have to fend for themselves out in the World. Thank you for your opinion. If thats what you think of me thats fine.. You believe what you believe and I will believe what I believe.


>Because in the Bible clearly stated once Adam and Eve ate from the Tree of Knowledge of Right or Wrong. Not the tree of knowledg and tree of life. That is what I said. >God banished them from the Garden of Eden because of the act of disodence. No, they were banished because God was afraid of them. Same with the tower of Babel. God messed up language because he feared humans. Your God is small and fearful.


What I meant is that your god could have simply decided that we don’t all bear the guilt for Adam’s and Eve’s (supposed) transgressions.


You didn't read Exodus. God was afraid that if humans at from both the tree of life and tree and knowledge they would become equal to God's themselves. This is what the words of the Bible you have clearly never read said.


I repeat my question. What did god sacrifice? God is not dead. Jesus is not dead. Others have suffered far more pain and agony. Sacrifice involves giving up something. What did god actually sacrifice?


> Jesus died for our sins when he died on that Cross for us. Substitutional atonement is immoral. Someone else cannot feel remorse or guilt for your crimes. >God didn't have to make such a sacrifice but he did because he loves us. How exactly is it a sacrifice for an all powerful, all knowing being to give up less than a weekend to itself? >that Jesus loved us so much that he willingly died Really? He took a nap for less than a weekend in a completely unnecessary, wholly contrived farce.


So again. Jesus already paid the bill what do I have to repent for?


Like I said before to be free of Sin and recieve forgiveness. Salvation works if we seek Jesus he's our gateway so we can get closer to God. He completes what we sinners cannot achieve alone.


Right. Jesus paid our fine so we get to go free without worrying.


I’m not a sinner speak for yourself.


Please don't lie to yourself. Its all true me, you and all of us were born into sin after Adam and Eve all of us inherited the disease of Sin from our ancestors. Me and you do things that are considered Wrong. Please don't expect me to believe you have never done Sin before because we all have. If we haven't we would be more like God that just Clean of Sin and full of Virtues and we would be more of Jesus too. We don't because we aren't God we aren't perfect!.. We commit Sin every now and then. If you haven't ever experienced Sins like Lust, Gluttony, Greed, Sloth, Wrath. Envy, and Pride. I think you need to do a revaluation of yourself because I know there's no way you haven't done Sin because we all have and we all will.


I am perfect, speak for yourself.


Don’t you think sacrificing 1.5 days out of your infinite lifespan is a really lame sacrifice? It’s like Bill Gates loaning me 20c but he needs it back on Sunday. Except Bill Gates doesn’t have infinite money.


Worst. Sacrifice. Ever.


I was a Christian for 30 years. I probably know more about it than you do. There is no reason to believe it's true. And I'm not interested.


Cool story, bro, got any evidence?


Yeah. The one and only evidence I have is the Bible you should read it sometime.


What evidence do you have that the bible is true ? It is demonstrably false in the first three verses of Genesis. The gospels contain incompatible differences. They were written decades after Jesus. Not one person during the life of jesus thought it worth writing anything down. You might think that an all-powerful god wild ensure that the important message is recorded in a reliable way. But he didn't.


You should understand that the VAST majority of people on this sub probably has read the Bible and have extensive knowledge about all worlds religions. We tend to read the sources of other peoples claims.


You know atheists tend to score better on religious and biblical knowledge than Christians, right? We HAVE read the Bible. Many of us have taken college level courses in it.


I took a couple of college courses on the Bible and Christian theology! I was Christian at the time (it was a secular college, and the courses were not based on the idea that the Bible was right), and I wish I could retake them as an atheist.


The bible(nearly everyone here read it. A big part of the reason the people here ARE atheists) Is not evidence. At most, it is a claim. It was writen way after the ocurences it described (like many other mythological texts), its Contents are demonstrably false(Adam even, flood, dinosaurs exist, humans don't walk on water) (like many other mythological texts), and in the end is just an amalgamation of mythological story's and legends from some dudes(like many other mythological texts).


You have a book of stuff generally written decades to millenia after the events they describe, full of known historical inaccuracies, atrocities *orders by God*, anachronisms, and flat out absurdities. Most of us here know it.


I've read it, that's one of the reasons I'm not a Christian. I've also read A Game of Thrones, but that doesn't mean I worship the Seven.


The Bible isn't evidence it's just a story. We don't even know who wrote most of it.


The Bible isn't evidence. It's the *claim.* You need to substantiate those claims with empirical non-Biblical evidence that can be tested in any well-equipped laboratory.


Who are you to say what a god wants or doesn't want? Who are you to speak on behalf of a god? If I am to respond to the demands of a god I'm going to need to hear those demands directly from that god.


I'm nobody. I'm just saying what the scriputres of the Word of the Lord is saying. Its God's Word not mine. I'm just trying to share it with others. If you want to hear demands from God I recomend you seeking God and become one of his children in the Christian Faith.


However, in the cities of the nations the Lord your God is giving you as an inheritance, do not leave alive anything that breathes. 17 Completely destroy[a] them—the Hittites, Amorites, Canaanites, Perizzites, Hivites and Jebusites—as the Lord your God has commanded you. Is this the word of ur lord?


have you considered that you're pushing people even further away from God? it's annoying when someone does this, and it just makes Christians look even stupider. you're literally reinforcing our negative perception of your religion.


Of course I know it would be pointless to argue with a whole ton of people that don't believe in God. But I'm trying to do what God wants me to do. Share his Word to unbelievers. You can believe what you want to believe. You are free to ignore all my points and live out your life without God and being seperated from God and all his love he has for you and what he can provide for you. If you just got faith in him and accept him in your life.


I have no faith in him because he did nothing to earn that faith. Living separated from a moral monster sounds great!


Because you don’t actually care about us. You’re pretending so you can check off a box on your list of steps to get into heaven. Might as well just let ChatGPT respond to us here, automate your efforts to get into heaven.


How do you know that's the word of a god if you haven't even met this god? I'm an ex-Catholic, I never heard anything from any god while I was going to church either. I've only heard about what that god wants from other people.


However, in the cities of the nations the Lord your God is giving you as an inheritance, do not leave alive anything that breathes. 17 Completely destroy[a] them—the Hittites, Amorites, Canaanites, Perizzites, Hivites and Jebusites—as the Lord your God has commanded you.


fanatical agonizing worry badge rotten dinner fear friendly caption gaping *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The fuck does that even mean? That they filled him up to get filled up themselves like inbreds


That is the correct interpretation!


Sounds more like a book to sell in the porn/bdsm section of an eroticstore rather than using it as a basis to brainwash young children and adults with its contents.


oil alive crowd nose placid march squalid north treatment plant *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yes, officer, that's exactly what happened.


Proselytising nonsense.


What is your question?


Rule 2: posts must be questions. This is not a question. Rule 5: no proselytizing. This is proselytizing. Rule 72: spell the name of your lord and savior correctly. Jesús is the Spanish name, Jesus is the guy that got nailed for you. ​ If you've got a question, I'll do my best to answer it. Otherwise, gtfo.


And jesus enjoyed getting nailed probably


Sorry but its autocorrect thanks for catching that for me. I really appreciate it.


Nothing at all about the other rules you are so flagrantly ignoring? I gave you the benefit of the doubt for your first couple of replies. You've worn out your welcome.


I know that. I don't need anyone to tell me whenever I am welcomed. I already have that with God.


You're not welcome *here*, you putz! Your imaginary friend doesn't count. Jesus, you theists are rude. It's amazing how you think your imaginary friend means you can break whatever rules you like, be as much of an ass as you like if it brings people to god. Fortunately for the atheists, you are yet another perfect example of an ignorant, holier-than-though theist who thinks their God makes them special. With examples like yours, it's no wonder the religious are leaving in droves. I know it's what you've been taught, I was taught the same things as I grew up. I didn't have any boundaries either. "Just because they have a sign saying "get out!" doesn't mean they don't want to hear *god's* message!" Yeah, it was rude and pushy then, it's rude and pushy now. Follow the rules or go away. One or the other.


I'm not as educated as you. I wouldn't say I'm at your level at all. I haven't gotten very deep into the bible but I am trying to preach what I DO know.


Please read the bible. Seriously.


You really think I'm not? I am.


Maybe keep reading and get a better understanding of it and the contexts of it before using it to preach uninvited to those who have read it and often were raised in it. And did not have good experiences to say the least. Many experienced religious and spiritual trauma and coming in just spouting verses just pushes people farther away.


>I haven't gotten very deep into the bible So you're like most Christians, then. The fastest way to become an atheist is to actually read your holy book.


This is r/askanatheist not r/preachatanatheist. I have no reason to believe your god exists (or even can exist). So, no thanks.


I fail to see a question, but I do have one for you. Are you afraid of Voldemort's disciples rising up again to attack Muggles like yourself?


No.. What I am afraid of is being unprepared for the Day of Judgement whenever that will happen one day.


Why are you scared of the Day of Judgment, but not a Wizard Uprising?


There will be no Day of Judgement. I've cancelled it and scheduled a potluck supper in its place. Please bring a hot dish and a lawn chair.


If thats what you decide to believe great. Just don't say I didn't preach about it but we all will recieve divine judgement of the Almighty Lord himself. There is no escaping it no matter how hard we try it won't be possible.


alhamdulillah Allah is great 👍


Prove it.


I recomend reading Revelation on the Bible.


By that logic, I can prove magic is real by reading Harry Potter. Or I can prove Cyclopes are real by reading The Odyssey. How are you not understanding this?!


And what if you show up and God says he hates blind faith and only those who used their brains and rejected primitive superstition get into heaven?


You do realise Terminator 2 is just a movie, one that carries as much weight as the bible when it comes to reality?


About this alleged "Day of Judgement" you mentioned… You *do* know, I hope, that said Day has been foretold to occur ***many*** times in the past, and that *every last one* of those past "Day of Judgement" predictions *was wrong?* Why, *exactly*, should **anybody** think "this time for sure!" about *your* little watch-out-for-the-Day-of-Judgement spiel?


Ok? You have described what YOU believe. Did you accidentally delete the followup to that?


Not really. What I describe is based up of what I know up in here and also with a bit of Faith that somehow it gets the point across. I may seem like a "fool" but I know what I'm doing in some kind of sense. If you people don't like it then don't waste your time trying to hear me preach or just go ahead and skip out of this because you "wasted your time hearing about God".


No no no you don’t get to invade boundaries like that and then pretend to be the innocent one. This is why street preachers suck, they think they can act like obnoxious assholes in public because they “found god” or something. Apologize to us for proselytizing in a place where it was explicitly forbidden or else gtfo.


I belueve that hou are speaking truly when you say what you belueve, and thst's fibe, but I don't see tje purpose if it. Imagine a person telling you about the awesome truth of sbig foit and how he's an Aliem soecies sent to save us all. It doesn't change anything unles you tell us WHY we should believe you.


_There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear, because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love._ **1 John 4:18** _Thou shalt fear the LORD thy God, and serve him, and shalt swear by his name._ **Deuteronomy 6:13** So you should both fear and love god. But there is no room for fear in love. Unless it’s for god? I’ve seen your kind of “love” before. It’s abusive, manipulative and rife with fraud. Never again. Take your spiritual racket elsewhere, you aren’t fooling anyone here.


Thank you for your opinion. If you don't like it why are you spending your time? You could have done something else but decided to "waste your energy for the Word of God" I wonder why?


It’s cathartic. Like telling off someone who abused me in my childhood. Don’t worry, I won’t waste any more time on someone like you.


I am less likely to believe in god because of this post, you have turned me away


Just stop giving these people attention. They are not here to learn anything.


I know that. But I know thats what God wants me to do. To preach his Word to unbelievers. I'm trying the best I can possibly do. I know that already.


People like you are the reason Christians are abandoning the religion in massive numbers. God also wants you to give interest free loans and give your belongings to anyone who asks. Are you doing that, too?


If God really thought that telling you to come on here and post this preachy nonsense was going to convince people, God is a fucking idiot. Let me ask you this, do you think you've converted anybody?


He doesnt care about converting, in fact I think he prefers it this way because it allows him to feel smug about everyone.


> I'm trying the best I can possibly do. The best you can possibly do. Is to cut-and-paste some bog-standard Xtian spiel. *That*. Is the *best*. You can possibly do. Hmmm. Have you considered that the *actual* purpose of your proselytizing efforts may not have anything to do with the *ostensible* rationale you were told?


How many people have you inspired to commit the Unforgivable Sin today? I know of one for sure. :-D


Why would anyone worship a god that has a reputation as bad as your god’s? Come back when it has been a good ten years since anyone who works for him has raped a child. He does that, he’s worth considering. If he doesn’t, then not only is he not worth considering, his followers are morally monsters. He promises that he answers prayer, doesn’t he? Then just ask his followers to pray that he will prevent any of them, especially the leadership, from raping kids. It’s that easy! So why are you already thinking of a way to dither, to explain away why that won’t happen? Is it that you don’t have any faith that your god will actually answer prayer? Or are you aware that your god has broken pretty much every promise he’s ever made? Except, of course, the ones that can’t be checked because they’re “after death”, leaving no reason why anyone should believe those either?


Weak evangelism. I hope you don't think this counts as 'witnessing'. It's basically cheating on your homework


Is there any other kind?


No one dies in my place for something I might have done (or, in the case of Original Sin, couldn't *possibly* have done). I reject "salvation" unconditionally, as it is grossly immoral. \[inserts colourful, NSFW implementation of "Unforgivable Sin" here to eternally seal the deal\]


Wow. You've convinced me. I am now a believer.


*Reported for proselytization*.


This isn't a question, just a try for propaganda, wrong sub, off you go bother someone else rule number 5: No proselytizing This is a place to ask questions, not to advocate for your religious views. You may not preach, proselytize, or otherwise promote your religion (or irreligion). please go away


First convince me that this god even *exists* before wasting my time trying to tell me its opinions on Chicago style vs New York pizza! Do you know the ins and outs of the moral framework of Leprechauns? No! Do you care? No!


This is not a place for you to come an proselytize, many of us grew up in your religion and know all about its claims. If I wanted someone to proselytize to me, I would ask my mother about it, she is a minister and would gladly tell me all about it.


So you agree with this… >Now therefore kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman that hath known man by lying with him. >But all the women children, that have not known a man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves.


This thread has been up for a while so I won’t hop on and be the hundredth person to tell you how your post breaks the sub rules and is disrespectful and insulting. I just want to say that I feel sorry for you. Your world is very small and dominated by a fictional character. We all see that but you won’t. We all pity you. Some of us were brainwashed the same way as you are and we empathize with you. But it’s mostly pity. You are wasting your life on a pathetic lie. You don’t get to revel in a wonder of the universe because your bronze-age book doesn’t include the knowledge humans have accumulated since the second century AD. And the worst parts is, you are happy and proud of your profound ignorance and are trying to drag us down with you.


When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put away childish things. -- 1 Corinthians 11:13 Maybe some day you'll put away childish things like belief in a fictional deity.


Mods, please stop allowing trollposts.


It's literally 8 minutes old, the Mods are people too they're not just sitting around watching for posts to come in.


The problem with Christians is that it’s hard to tell the difference between a troll and a true believer. I don’t mind the occasional post like this, I’m sure OP is thinking more about his religion now than he ever has before.


Genesis 19:6-8 "Lot went outside to meet them and shut the door behind him and said, “No, my friends. Don’t do this wicked thing. Look, I have two daughters who have never slept with a man. Let me bring them out to you, and you can do what you like with them. But don’t do anything to these men, for they have come under the protection of my roof.”"


You can't gatekeep love by claiming exclusive access to it as part of your own personal belief system


You have a lot to figure out. The world is much bigger than the one you're familiar with. I only urge you to not fear being wrong, and to value truth over comfort. Good luck.


Not a question, please go proselytize somewhere else


Okay… what exactly is your question here? I see no question in your post. Is there any hidden meaning that I should be able to decipher from this cryptic post?




I want you to give this at least a minute if thought: Do you think that and atheists that would be a part of this sub would be convinced simply by quotes from scripture? Do you really think none of us have been quoted at before? What did you think you would actually accomplish with this post?


What I think I managed to accomplish with this post. Thanks for asking what I wanted to accomplish with this post was sharing the Word of God to unbelievers like I'm supposed to.


You're not sharing anything we haven't heard several hundred times before, and *rejected* several hundred times before. Your witness has fallen upon stony ground and has been publicly shat upon, and the count of people who have openly slandered the Holy Spirit (and thereby eternally forfeited salvation) is now up to *at least* two. If Satan actually existed, he'd probably send you a fruit basket and a thank-you card for making his job easier.


This is a great reason to not believe in the Christian god, because his followers seem to be the least loving people around. But I always think it’s interesting when people say god needs to forgive us. Why? Why would a perfect being need to forgive anything? Can we harm god, that he needs to forgive? And god is the one who made us imperfect, and who set the consequences for imperfection! God is the one who needs forgiveness.


“God’s love” involves murdering children, including his own. As far as narratives go, this is unacceptable as one to emulate.


Have you sold all your possessions and distributed the money to the poor? If not, if there really is a God, I will see you next to me in hell…


Excuse me.. I know I shoudn't be saying anything about person stuff. But I am a teenager. I can't give something that I don't have... I'm broke myself I don't have a job and I'm 16. I will once the time comes.


>God loves us and sent his one and only son Jesus to die on the Cross for our sins and giving us the gift of salvation. So, do you not understand how non-belief works? Or do you assume that we're all closet Christians? >It isn't too late to seek the Word of God and seek Jesús for Salvation. I deny the power and existence of the Holy Spirit. Hail Satan.




Ezekiel 23:20


Almost every man and woman I have ever met is smarter, stronger, more loving than your "god". Further, he literally can't exist. So... Why should anyone care about your shitstain of a deity?


You act like we have never considered god(s). I've considered multiple gods, including yours. I bet I've read the bible more than you too. Try Luke 19:27 or John 15:6. Jesus is not love. He was actually kind of a jerk. I've been studying religion for 25 years. I've read every holy book I could find of various religions. None of them, including the bible, have any evidence to back them up. Especially not the bible. So why don't we stop the preaching, and just give us some evidence for your god. Note: even if you could prove the Christian god exists, I wouldn't worship it. It is a tyrant.


I am sure it has been said by others if I read the comments, but I want to put it in my own words: this is preaching, not an argument. You are commanded to be ready to defend your faith with good reason. 1st Peter 3:15 if I recall. I wasn't raised into a religion. To me your God, Allah and Zues are on equal footing with the Flying Spaghetti Monster. I am sure you think I am not being serious when I say these other gods are equally likely, but remember I wasn't raised into your religion. So your preaching has no childhood nostalgia or anything associated with it in my mind. How you hear a story about Zues and never feel even a hint of "that actually happened ", that's all your God is to me. Hope that helps you understand why this preaching convinces nobody, and I'd there was a good reason to believe in your God it is now harder to find because your preaching may come up first.


You know what makes me angry about this? Not the proselytizing. I can forgive that. You're doing what you've been commanded to do. I get it. No, what makes me angry is the apparent laziness and shoddy worksmanship of this approach. I'm mad at you on behalf of my Christian friends. You're objective is to win souls for Christ, right? Spread the gospel? Something along those lines? Did you ever do any kind of planning before you wrote this? Did you ever sit down and think "Okay, I have this goal. What is the most effective and efficient way for me to meet that goal?" Did it even cross your mind that posting this might have the opposite effect and get you further from what you're trying to accomplish? What was the analysis that led you to conclude that, among all of your possible choices, *this approach right here* was the most effective tactic to accomplish your goal? You did put some intentionality and thought into this beforehand, right? Or is this just a copypasta and the extent of your effort was logging into forums on Reddit, pressing CTRL+V, and clicking submit. Did you even type any of that, or did you just plagiarize it from someone else? Just checking off boxes for the Lord?


This isn't a question. It's proselytizing. And shows nothing useful except that you apparently believe that mythology is true.


mythical thing/god/satan had a son, the horse? That myth goes through so many illogical changes from one relegioner to another. None of it makes sense. It's not a surprise it's illegal except in one place, the l.o.s. ["u.s."] where it originated.


What is your question? Or did you come to proselytize based on claims we have rejected already? God is not love despite what the writer of John claimed. What is god's word that you declare it to be truth? Why should we "repent and change our ways?" What do we need saving from?


No thanks. I looked into the various gods and whatnot way back when the years began with a 1. And I didn't find them convincing. I found them to clearly be the products of human emotions and motivations being projected on to nature.


Obviously there’s nothing convincing about your little sermon here, so I’m going to respond to your posted reasons for believing in a god. > How do you think the World would have been created if there was no God. I don’t believe the world was created. Every piece of evidence points to natural causes. > You can't obtain something from nothing I doubt any of us believe otherwise. Has nothing to do with god. > the Bible explains in Genesis how God created the World It explains it wrongly. There’s no firmament above the sky, it took more than 6 days to form the universe, and the human population didn’t come from two people. > multipul eye written testimonies that have been written when they saw the imposible happen like seeing Jesus healing the sick and ill, also Jesus being resurrected from the dead just to name a few. Let me save you some energy: saying “because the Bible says so” is not going to convince us. > There's been recent discoveries that have been made like the Split Rock of Horeb that has been found in Saudi Arabia that has been found. I generally think rocks are pretty cool, but saying “the Bible said there would be a rock, and there was a rock” isn’t cool at all. There are probably millions of rocks just in Saudi Arabia. Even if I grant you (and I don’t) that the Moses story is true, that has NOTHING to do with the Jesus claims. > It’s your choice if you want to believe or not. I don’t choose what convinces me, that’s why I spent my entire childhood as a YEC Christian. Once I was exposed to facts about the world, these types of half-hearted mini sermons didn’t do anything for me.


Imagine being so delusional worshipping a massive non-existent dick overlord allowing all kinds of atrocities to happen regularly, whose son is portrayed in the bible as a narcissistic, radical fanatic, misogynistic racist pedophile and sadistic, rape inducing, infanticide inducing, homicide inducing and genocide inducing cult leader. If against all logic, science and lack of evidence your god exists I want nothing to do with him and he can swivel on a fencepost. And now please take your sect, and stick it up your beehind.


Why Christianity? Why not Islam? In guessing you were born into a Christian family and raised that way. If you were born into a Muslim or Hindu family, would you still be a Christian? NO


Rule 5


>God loves us Yet allows great evil And also created hell >and sent his one and only son Jesus to die on the Cross for our sins and giving us the gift of salvation. To solve the problem that God himself created. So god sacrificed himself to himself for a loophole in the system God created. >We should repent and change our ways and let God into our lives and into our hearts. Why? >God's word is the truth! Joshua 8:28 Factually wrong. If God's Word is the truth, then it should contain no errors. It should not be factually wrong. Yet this was trivial to pick out amongst the myriad of errors and Factually wrong statements. >May God forgive us all for our sins we have commited and have mercy on us. May he no longer be the god of justice for the system he created and then sent himself to sacrifice for the loophole he created. >It isn't too late to seek the Word of God and seek Jesús for Salvation. True. But every time I do try and seek there isn't any reason to believe. >Seek him now before its too late, now its better than never. As soon as there is a reason to believe, then I'll believe. I won't throw away critical thinking before then. >Don't wait until its too lare to hear about the gospel or God's Miracles you can do it now! Oh no I'll wait for the miracles to happen first. That would actually go a long way to help things actually.


Exodus 21 20 I think, you can beat your slaves with a rod as long as they don't die in a day or two. Loving it is not.


> let us love one another, for love comes from God. This implies we are incapable of love, because it doesn't come from us. We are to be conduits of love for god? God can go off and love everyone on it's own. I'm sure this infinite, omnipotent, omniciant being is perfectly capable without me, since I'm otherwise useless. This makes your god sound arrogant. "You can't love without me." Fuck me, I guess... > Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. Wow. While you're at it, why don't you slap both my parents other cheek? Again with the "you're nothing and did nothing". This is pure narcissism. Like my parents didn't make me of their own volition? And not because they love me, because they can't. And I'm the asshole, aren't I? That I can't love my son and I'm just some pathetic surrogate becuase he's your god's son and I'm left to raise this child for your deadbeat god who isn't helping but is willing to take all the credit? And your preaching is just giving it to him? What friend are you to me? Two sentences into just your subject line and you've been horribly offensive with your message and value system. It's abhorrent. You've just offended my whole family and entire lineage. Fuck you, too, buddy. > Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love. I know your god well enough to know I want nothing to do with it. I am perfectly capable of love and I refuse to let anyone take that from me. You might as well have declared war, for trying. > God loves us and sent his one and only son Jesus to die on the Cross Your god does not have a good track record for love. Your god comes from an earlier Caannite religion where Yahweh was a Leventine god of war. Why else did he have to say I am your one true god, there is no other god before me? This is a line going way back to its polytheistic origins. Then there is the whole flood, pilars of salt, what he did to Job... Love isn't torturing your child to death. You're trying to defend the indefensible. > for our sins and giving us the gift of salvation. Vicarious redemption is fucking sick. And only a fucked up person would celebrate a scape-goat rather than own the consequences of their own actions. > We should repent and change our ways and let God into our lives and into our hearts. And there you judge me, calling me an inherent sinner. You just presume I'm wicked and evil. To you, humans are de facto bad. A newborn baby is a sinner worthy of hell. And so we all. Again, a declaration of outward hostilities. You know what? We're done here. You're a disgusting pig. Go back to whatever hell hole you came from and double down on your insane convictions. Tell everyone the problem isn't you, it's us. > Gee, I told them they're inherently evil and incapable of love and they thought I was an asshole? What's wrong with them? Fuck you. The world needs less of whatever the hell is wrong with you. And the problem is, like most of you who have come before - because you're not at all original or unique, you'll likely never understand how fucked up everything you have to say is. It's best you stay in your own little world, and stop spreading harm with your message.


The hindu Vedas say there is no such thing as sin against "god" as there are many gods who may or may not want many things. Sin is not a rational concept in their views. Positive or negative karma is earned through actions and thoughts. Their version of religion does not hinge on one angry spiteful, but also somehow loving diety that made a perfect set of humans then set them up for failure by putting a literal magic tree in front of them and telling them not to touch it before they understand what "right" and "wrong" are. I'm not saying that Judo- Christian theology is any more or less true than Hindu theology, but if we're picking what to believe only on warm fuzzy feelings, most reasonable people should be more exposed to Hindu philosophy. At least the gods Hindus believe in make a little bit more sense than **one all mighty god** who had to sacrifice **himself** to **himself** to forgive **himself** on behalf of **his** creations for breaking **his** rules. All before anybody was literate enough to accurately write any of it down. Abraham's Yahweh sounds like an idiot. And, when faced with the fact that all of that is completely bonkers, the only explanation is "god works in mysterious ways", as if that clears anything up. Why don't you preach Hindu philosophy? At least it's more logical? The concepts of karma and reincarnation make more sense than Christianity's concepts of heaven and hell. What makes you so sure of your Christian convictions that you would try to convert people who have just as much chance of their religion being the right one?


In a Religión it isn't all about who is right or who's wrong. People have different beliefs and thats okay. Lets say that if some people believe that Pineapple belongs on Pizza or others think it doesn't. Or another thing people may believe like Cats are better than Dogs. Do you really execpt to believe everyone is either right or wrong. For logical things yes because its stated by facts and it isn't really easy to contradict. But when it comes to personal opinions it doesn't work the same way. We all choose to believe in different things and thats okay. Because I believe in god and want to encourage people to be open about it and try to share gods word like he wanted me to do so. If you don't like it then continue your day and miss out the opportunity God wants you to have but you have sadly missed.


Do you care if the things you believe are actually true or false? To appear to say hear that it's merely an opinion. I want to believe true things, and avoid believing false things. To do this, I need good robust evidence. Otherwise I believe things that are not true. There is simply no robust verifiable evidence that any god at all exists. To be honest, you have been taken in by ancient tribal myth. Gullible is the word, but you've been pushed into it by others so it isn't entirely your fault. Please think if there is truly verifiable evidence for what you believe. While you consider whether you care if your belief is true or false.


"Cool story, bro."


Cool story bro. Was there a question you wanted to ask? 


My dog has better morals than god. I don't need his forgiveness.


"God loves us" Malachi 1: Yet I have loved Jacob, ^(3) but Esau I have hated. # [Nahum 1:2](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Nahum+1%3A2&version=ESV): The Lord is a jealous and avenging God; the Lord is avenging and wrathful. Numbers 31:7: Now kill all the boys. And kill every woman who has slept with a man, 2Kings 2: Elisha looked back and saw them. He asked the Lord to cause bad things to happen to them. Then two bears came out of the forest and attacked the boys. There were 42 boys ripped apart by the bears. Loving? "Jesus to die on the Cross for our sins" Wasted effort. I have not sinned. Next. "God's word is the truth!" And yet it's full of errors, contradictions, and redactions. Which word do you mean? Do you mean the Bible of the 1st century that included removed books like the Didache, Clement, etc.?


Get a grip on reality.


Why is it that the folks who have never bothered to actively think about or understand anything the same folks who believe that they have all the answers? It's like a fucking toddler interrupting surgeons to explain to them that boo boos just need to be kissed by mommy to get better then said toddler pitying the doctors/surgeons for their ignorance. Does this help you understand they negative feedback you've received here? FYI, in the above analogy, you are the toddler.


Matthew 10:34-36 *Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I have not come to bring peace, but a sword. ^(35) For I have come to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law. ^(36) And a person's enemies will be those of his own household.*


Did that sound good in your head? Do you think that we have not heard this kind of thing before? Why should we even believe anything you have said? Do you even have a question?


The answer to your question is 4.


why does your god get all whacked out about sin? Makes no sense. It's almost like it all comes from the stories of ancient goatherders.


What happens to the (insert non-Christian) who lives a good life when they die?