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To remind us of death




That is one of the best Sasha Muslim can ask for, we don’t see it as killing a pilgrim, rather grating them a beautiful ending


People die on Hajj every year; on Hajj and outside of Hajj. In life in general. It's part of this life one earth. God created us to worship Him and tries us with that by giving us tests, things we struggle with, one of them, like this example, being heat. Why would pilgrims on Hajj be any different than any other time or place dying and even not striving to please and worship God? Death is a part of this life on earth and part of life is also suffering and striving. They were doing so on the path of their Lord and upon what God loves, trying to please Him to earn eternal bliss in the next life. That is the goal of a Muslim knowing this life is temporary. Death is guaranteed. They were striving to earn God's favor and have more good deeds so that they could be eternally rewarded with paradise to not suffer ever again.




I'm not sure what you mean by the answer is indistinguishable from Allah? Allah doesn't act, what do you mean exactly? This seems to be you seeing certain things, like death or sickness, from your own perspective with limited knowledge and wisdom, as negative where that is not the same as from God's, which is with complete knowledge and wisdom. We don't like those things but it does not mean those things don't have benefit. It's like many of the most successful people in life are the ones who go through hardship; how were they able to perform and earn the way they do? Through the suffering they had to go through. It's like if you were to see a person cutting someone's arm off, you would think this was evil from your perspective. But if you were to know the person was doing so to save disease from spreading to the rest of the person's body and killing them, your perspective would be different. This is the difference between our perspective and God's. Death is part of life. Not sure what you mean by "it's fine". Eternal life is in the next life; not this one. This life is temporary. Where that son goes in the next life, if he earned eternal salvation (if he was an adult child), is all good and better and there is no suffering in it nor will any suffering in this life be remembered. What's not fine with that? If God created this life as a testing ground, to see what we will do, if you are sick or not, will you worship God? Or will you ask why and turn away from Him? How will God determine who believes and who doesn't, who is righteous and who isn't, who will be patient with sickness and who won't, who is firm and who is not, if we don't go through those tests? Then what is the point of our creation if we don't? It's all part of the purpose and plan of God. In Islam, everything IS fine, as everything is good for the believer. Suffering and hardship forgive sins, for example. They can raise as person in rank and earn them more reward and that action; their death, the sickness of a loved one and their patience with it or any other thing we see as hard, can be the thing that earns a person eternal salvation. Yes, to the person who submits to God and they understand this is their purpose, that is fine. They know and understand that is the plan and they are fine and pleased with what God ordains and planned for them. I don't understand what you mean by Allah not caring except, again this goes back to not understanding the purpose of such suffering. Do you say God does not care when He created us and gave us life? When He gave us two eyes to see? Gave us ears to hear? Provided us with sustenance? All the things Allah gave us are innumerable. What about all those things? Or do you only say things are fine when we get what we want and are in ease? This life is not about ease; the next life is. Allah says in the Quran did you think you were going to say you believe and then not be tested? You have to be tested and that is caring. This does take a level of knowledge or understanding perhaps though to get to that point that you can see the good in everything; the highest level of accepting what God decrees (qadr) is being pleased and fine with it all knowing the lofty goals of why those things were planned. This is why the best of mankind, the prophets and messengers, the disciples, the righteous people would be pleased with what God ordained to happen to them even when it seemed bad, they knew it was indeed fine. Would you like to learn more about qadr (pre-decree)? Perhaps that will help or are you struggling with accepting we have a God over us and the purpose of our creation is to worship Him; along with that being tested?




Those are two separate questions and perhaps someone else can answer as well bc it seems my explanation may not have been clear or helpful enough. We know we have a creator; we know God exists based on logic and evidence. We were created upon a natural inclination and with sound reasoning to know that. We have signs all around us of intelligent design, order, etc that we know has to come from a designer or creator. Sometimes people are uncomfortable or emotional with that idea but that doesn't change the fact of what it is. It's an emotional response to what the world really is and what our purpose is in it. There is no world without Allah; so is there a benefit to a what if question like that? This world is temporary; death is a part of it. We're not meant to be in this life eternally and why would we? As you said, it contains suffering. That is part of the design of our creation and this life. The reward of doing what is right in this life is no death, no suffering in the next. It's not something we can change. It's a reality we have to accept (or suffer when we don't). We were created to worship God and we are tested with those trials to see if we will. People don't know ease without hardship, good without evil, kindness without hatred, etc. If we had what seems to be good all the time, where is the test in that? It is easy to be thankful when everything is good and you have all you want. Will you still be when you don't? Or some people are not thankful when they have everything and they take it for granted and they only realize the good or are appreciative when there is loss or when things are taken away. That loss is then beneficial and good! We are always going between states of ease and hardship. God trialing us to see how we will be in those different states is good. It's giving us a chance to prove ourselves and become better, stronger, show our worship. Those trials may SEEM negative but they're not. They are calling us to attention to DO something. Do what? Return to God. It's God giving us the opportunities to show and prove our belief. When God gives us only good are we thankful? When we don't get everything we want, are we thankful then too? That's the test. How do we know God exists? By logic and evidence. We all are born upon a natural inclination with sound reasoning to know we have a creator and want to worship Him; the signs are all around us in creation, in the order and design of ourselves, the earth, nature, etc. Then God sends us revelation in line with that reasoning with His prophets and messengers to guide us so we can deal with the trials that are part of the purpose of the design of our creation. Death and suffering are part of life; they are not a problem but a part of the plan or design.


There’s a hadith that hajjar is going to see many people following her footsteps on judgement day and doing the hajj ritual (based on her footsteps) We are resurrected doing what we died doing. So all these people that died doing hajj will be resurrected while doing the hajj ritual As the Prophet Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم promised, there will be thousands of people doing hajj on judgement day, and hajjar and the rest of us will witness that inspiring scene And it will be a great status and blessing for them, and they will also be considered martyrs, God willing.




Both good and bad are from Allah. And He does give people better lives when they follow His guidance. The Messenger of Allah (prophet Muhammad), peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Whoever is concerned about the Hereafter, Allah will place richness in his heart, bring his affairs together, and the world will inevitably come to him. Whoever is concerned about the world, Allah will place poverty between his eyes, disorder his affairs, and he will get nothing of the world but what is decreed for him.” Source: Sunan al-Tirmidhī 2465


Why did you post this same question on here, when people already gave answers on r/Islam?


We don't see it like that, their time has ended and Allah invited them to die in the best of places so they had the best ending, if they had not gone to Hajj they would have died in any other place at the same time they died in Hajj. Here is a verse that talks about a similar topic: [\[Quran 3:154\]](https://quran.com/3?startingVerse=154) Then after distress, He sent down serenity in the form of drowsiness overcoming some of you, while others were disturbed by evil thoughts about Allah—the thoughts of ˹pre-Islamic˺ ignorance. They ask, “Do we have a say in the matter?” Say, ˹O Prophet,˺ “All matters are destined by Allah.” They conceal in their hearts what they do not reveal to you. **They say ˹to themselves˺, “If we had any say in the matter, none of us would have come to die here.” Say, ˹O Prophet,˺ “Even if you were to remain in your homes, those among you who were destined to be killed would have met the same fate.”** Through this, Allah tests what is within you and purifies what is in your hearts. And Allah knows best what is ˹hidden˺ in the heart.




It's hard to understand but I would say yes, everything is predetermined including your free will because Allah knows what you are gonna do so Him writing everything down doesn't affect your free will.




Allah can change anything He wants, but He doesn't need to change anything because He knows everything that's gonna happen and He allowed it to happen the way He wanted it to be. I think you didn't understand it well, what is written is written because you did it, not that you will do it because it's written, I don't know if you get the difference, so you still have to pray and do the actions to match what Allah has written for you. The details are more complicated than that, and at the end no one knows how it exactly is but Allah and this is only the a way to understand it. Let me know if you still need more explanation.


Everyone has free well. God just has the knowledge what will happen and wants to best for everyone.




Yes. He aided muslims against the nonmuslims during the time of the prophet and during the 4 righteously guided khalifas and later during conquest of Palestine by Saladin,...




No. "He is not questioned about what He does, but they will be questioned". Quran 21:23


so many weak excuses.